[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-1031⫷ Vol-1032 ⫸Vol-1033

CS&P 2013
Concurrency, Specification and Programming

Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming

Warsaw, Poland , September 25-27, 2013 .

Edited by

Marcin Szczuka , The University of Warsaw, Poland
Ludwik Czaja , The University of Warsaw and Vistula University, Poland
Magdalena Kacprzak , Białystok University of Technology, Poland

Table of Contents

  1. DNA Tiles, Wang Tiles and Combinators 1 - 14
    Marco Bellia , Maria Eugenia Occhiuto
  2. Engineering MAS – A Device Integration Framework for Smart Home Environments 15 - 26
    Jack Betts , Berndt Müller
  3. Experiments with Simulated Humanoid Robots 27 - 38
    Hans-Dieter Burkhard , Monika Domańska
  4. Searching for Concepts in Natural Language Part of Fire Service Reports 39 - 48
    Kamil Bąk , Adam Krasuski , Marcin Szczuka
  5. A Rule Format for Rooted Branching Bisimulation 49 - 60
    Valentina Castiglioni , Ruggero Lanotte , Simone Tini
  6. A Rewriting Based Monitoring Algorithm for TPTL 61 - 72
    Ming Chai , Holger Schlingloff
  7. Sound Recoveries of Structural Workflows with Synchronization 73 - 87
    Piotr Chrząstowski-Wachtel , Paweł Gołąb , Bartosz Lewiński
  8. Floating Channels Between Communicating Nets 88 - 98
    Ludwik Czaja
  9. The Mathematical Model for Interference Simulation and Optimization in 802.11n Networks 99 - 110
    Iwona Dolińska , Antoni Masiukiewicz , Grzegorz Rządkowski
  10. A Domain View of Timed Behaviors 111 - 121
    Roman Dubtsov , Elena Oshevskaya , Irina Virbitskaite
  11. A Multi-agent Approach to Unstructured Data Analysis Based on Domain-specific Onthology 122 - 132
    Natalia Garanina , Elena Sidorova , Evgeny Bodin
  12. An Explicit Formula for Sorting and its Application to Sorting in Lattices 133 - 144
    Jens Gerlach
  13. Rough Inclusion Functions and Similarity Indices 145 - 156
    Anna Gomolińska , Marcin Wolski
  14. Efficient Rough Set Theory Merging 157 - 168
    Adam Grabowski
  15. Opacity Testing 169 - 180
    Damas Gruska
  16. Structural and Dynamic Restrictions of Elementary Object Systems 181 - 192
    Frank Heitmann , Michael Köhler-Bußmeier
  17. Causal Structures for General Concurrent Behaviours 193 - 205
    Ryszard Janicki , Jetty Kleijn , Maciej Koutny , Łukasz Mikulski
  18. Interactive Complex Granules 206 - 218
    Andrzej Jankowski , Andrzej Skowron , Roman Swiniarski
  19. Identification of Formal Fallacies in a Natural Dialogue 219 - 231
    Magdalena Kacprzak , Anna Sawicka
  20. Discovery of Cancellation Regions within Process Mining Techniques 232 - 244
    Anna Kalenkova , Irina A. Lomazova
  21. Genetic Algorithm with Path Relinking for the Orienteering Problem with Time Windows 245 - 258
    Joanna Karbowska-Chilinska , Paweł Zabielski
  22. Parameter Synthesis for Timed Kripke Structures 259 - 270
    Michał Knapik , Wojciech Penczek
  23. Voronoi Based Strategic Positioning for Robot Soccer 271 - 282
    Heinrich Mellmann , Steffen Kaden , Marcus Scheunemann , Hans-Dieter Burkhard
  24. Adaptive Grasping for a Small Humanoid Robot Utilizing Force- and Electric Current Sensors 283 - 293
    Heinrich Mellmann , Marcus Scheunemann , Oliver Stadie
  25. Towards a Jason Infrastructure for Soccer Playing Agents 294 - 295
    Dejan Mitrović , Mirjana Ivanović , Hans-Dieter Burkhard
  26. An ExpTime Tableau Method for Dealing with Nominals and Quantified Number Restrictions in Deciding the Description Logic SHOQ 296 - 308
    Linh Anh Nguyen , Joanna Golińska-Pilarek
  27. SMT vs Genetic Algorithms: Concrete Planning in PlanICS Framework 309 - 321
    Artur Niewiadomski , Wojciech Penczek , Jarosław Skaruz
  28. Granular Mereotopology:A First Sketch 322 - 331
    Lech Polkowski , Maria Semeniuk-Polkowska
  29. SMT-Based Reachability Checking for Bounded Time Petri Nets 332 - 341
    Agata Półrola , Piotr Cybula , Artur Męski
  30. A Bi-objective Optimization Framework for Heterogeneous CPU/GPU Query Plans 342 - 354
    Piotr Przymus , Krzysztof Stencel , Krzysztof Kaczmarski
  31. Analysis of Multilayer Neural Networks with Direct and Cross-Forward Connection 355 - 370
    Stanisław Płaczek , Bijaya Adhikari
  32. Fractional Genetic Programming for a More Gradual Evolution 371 - 382
    Artur Rataj
  33. From EBNF to PEG 383 - 388
    Roman Redziejowski
  34. Towards an Object-Oriented Programming Language for Physarum Polycephalum Computing 389 - 397
    Andrew Schumann , Krzysztof Pancerz
  35. About New Version of RSDS System 398 - 408
    Zbigniew Suraj , Piotr Grochowalski
  36. Generation of Labelled Transition Systems for Alvis Models using Haskell Model Representation 409 - 420
    Marcin Szpyrka , Piotr Matyasik , Michał Wypych
  37. Bisimulation-Based Concept Learning in Description Logics 421 - 433
    Thanh-Luong Tran , Quang-Thuy Ha , Thi-Lan-Giao Hoang , Linh Anh Nguyen , Hung Son Nguyen
  38. Preprocessing for Network Reconstruction: Feasibility Test and Handling Infeasibility 434 - 447
    Annegret K. Wagler , Jan-Thierry Wegener
  39. A Holistic State Equation for Timed Petri Nets 448 - 456
    Matthias Werner , Louchka Popova-Zeugmann , Mario Haustein , Elisabeth Pelz
  40. Query Rewriting Based on Meta-Granular Aggregation 457 - 468
    Piotr Wiśniewski , Krzysztof Stencel
  41. Checking MTL Properties of Discrete Timed Automata via Bounded Model Checking 469 - 477
    Bozena Woźna-Szcześniak , Andrzej Zbrzezny
  42. On Boolean Encodings of Transition Relation for Parallel Compositions of Transition Systems 478 - 489
    Andrzej Zbrzezny

The whole proceedings can also be downloaded as a single file ( PDF , including title pages, preface, and table of contents).

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2013-09-07: submitted by Marcin Szczuka
2013-09-07 : published on CEUR-WS.org