=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1033/EuroHCIR2013-introslides.pdf |volume=Vol-1033 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1033/EuroHCIR2013-introslides.pdf
                       EuroHCIR 2013
                        At SIGIR2013 in Dublin Ireland
                               1st August 2013

Monday, 12 August 13
                             EACH OTHER
                       Activity: Line up according to how interested in
                                humans and IR systems you are

                             Left wall - Completely IR Systems
                          Right wall - Completely Human Focused

Monday, 12 August 13
                                ABOUT US
    Tony Russell-Rose                             Kristian Norling

                   Max Wilson    Birger Larsen   Preben Hansen

Monday, 12 August 13
                           Leif Azzopardi - University of Glasgow
                              Pia Borlund - Royal School of LIS
                          Paul Brindley - University of Nottingham
                            Marc Bron - University of Amsterdam
                         George Buchanan - City University London
                             Paul Clough - University of Sheffield
                                  Arjen de Vries - CWI
                                   Anna Divoli - Pingar
                         David Elsweiler - University of Regensburg
                       Gene Golovchinsky - FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.
                        Martin Halvey - Glasgow Caledonian University
                           Morgan Harvey - University of Lugano
                                    Charlie Hull - Flax
                           Peter Ingwersen - Royal School of LIS
                           Jaap Kamps - University of Amsterdam
                         Mounia Lalmas - Yahoo Research Barcelona
                                  Joe Lamantia - Oracle
                           Ian Ruthven - University of Strathclyde
                                   Tyler Tate - TwigKit
                                  Paul Thomas - CSIRO
                            Elaine Toms - University of Sheffield
                            Robert Villa - University of Sheffield
                           Mathew Wilson - Swansea University

Monday, 12 August 13
                                               British HCI 2011
             2012                              IIiX2012
             2013                              SIGIR 2013
                           0    25   50   75             100




                       0       25    50   75             100

Monday, 12 August 13
                       OUR AIMS THIS YEAR

    • Create opportunities for HCI+IR collaboration

    • Establish natural areas of mutual interest

    • As well as normal aims of investigating HCI issues for IR

Monday, 12 August 13
                             THE PLAN

    • Facilitate lots of discussion and opportunity to collaborate

    • Key motivating talks

    • Plenty of space for discussion per talk

    • Some activities to get to know people

Monday, 12 August 13
Monday, 12 August 13
                       THE TALKS

Monday, 12 August 13
                           EACH TALK

    • 10 mins to present

    • 15 mins discuss in groups

    • 5x30s to pitch back to room

Monday, 12 August 13
                        LIGHTNING TALKS
                        Posters are by coffee. Now until lunch

                       Other workshop attendees during coffee

                              Lunch is in the dining hall

Monday, 12 August 13
                       12.30 - 1:30
Monday, 12 August 13
                       Who's for dinner?

Monday, 12 August 13
                       EDITING DOCS

    • Group 1 - http://bit.ly/hcirTg1

    • Group 2 - http://bit.ly/hcirTg2

    • Group 3 - http://bit.ly/hcirTg3

    • Group 4 - http://bit.ly/hcirTg4

    • Group 5 - http://bit.ly/hcirTg5

Monday, 12 August 13
Monday, 12 August 13
                       ACTIVITY DOCS

    • Group 1 - http://bit.ly/hcirAg1

    • Group 2 - http://bit.ly/hcirAg2

    • Group 3 - http://bit.ly/hcirAg3

    • Group 4 - http://bit.ly/hcirAg4

    • Group 5 - http://bit.ly/hcirAg5

Monday, 12 August 13
  Leif Azzopardi - University of Glasgow
  Pia Borlund - Royal School of LIS
  Paul Brindley - University of Nottingham
  Marc Bron - University of Amsterdam
  George Buchanan - City University London
  Paul Clough - University of Sheffield
  Arjen de Vries - CWI
  Anna Divoli - Pingar
                                     THANK YOU
  David Elsweiler - University of Regensburg
  Gene Golovchinsky - FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.
  Martin Halvey - Glasgow Caledonian University
  Morgan Harvey - University of Lugano       We provided the place.
  Charlie Hull - Flax                   You provided the workshop.
  Peter Ingwersen - Royal School of LIS
  Jaap Kamps - University of Amsterdam
  Mounia Lalmas - Yahoo Research Barcelona
  Joe Lamantia - Oracle
  Ian Ruthven - University of Strathclyde
  Tyler Tate - TwigKit
  Paul Thomas - CSIRO
                                  Authors,   Reviewers, SIGIR2013 & attendees
  Elaine Toms - University of Sheffield
  Robert Villa - University of Sheffield
  Mathew Wilson - Swansea University

Monday, 12 August 13
                            (to put on website)

    • Please email me PDF of posters

    • Please email me slides (PDF?)

    • Please email links to demos or data if available

    • Any photos?

Monday, 12 August 13
                       It's not over yet...


Monday, 12 August 13
                                   Nassau Street
                       (“possibly the longest bar in Dublin”)

                                (or right now)

Monday, 12 August 13
Monday, 12 August 13
Monday, 12 August 13