In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) Towards Role-distributed Collaborative Busi- ness Process Elicitation Stefan Oppl Department of Business Information Systems – Communications Engineering, Kepler University of Linz, Austria Abstract. Elicitation of business process knowledge can be facilitated by conceptual mod- els of collaborative work. Models of collaborative business processes with actors partic- ipating in different roles are complex constructs with flows of individual activities that are coupled via acts of communication. The process of elicitation in such cases can benefit from separating the modeling process for each role and let actors focus on their own contri- bution to work and their communication with other roles. This paper identifies concepts for model elicitation and modeling support that enable a modeling process distributed across roles and identify collaboration issues while maintaining one consistent overall model rep- resentation. A modeling methodology implementing these concepts is presented and first results of exploratory tests are discussed. Introduction In the last years, business process models have become a recognized means for rep- resentation of knowledge about collaborative work in organizations (Gasson, 2005). They can be used for communication of information about work and facilitate elic- itation and alignment of business process knowledge (Rittgen, 2007). The creation of sound and fully specified business process models, in addition, allows to go be- yond communication support and enables further processing like validation, opti- mization and execution of the model (Giaglis, 2001). Business process models are a representation of organizational work with ac- tivities distributed over different actors. Elicitation of information about work thus 33 In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) has to involve all relevant stakeholders to form a comprehensive model of the work process Antunes et al. (2013). and focus on collecting information from the ac- tual workers to avoid intermediate expert modelers, who may lack tacit knowledge about the actual implementation of work (ibid.). Involving the stakeholders during modeling confronts them with different viewpoints and conceptions of how the col- laboration should be implemented (Stuit et al., 2011), which need to be aligned in the process of creating the model. The goal of the research the present work contributes to is to enable stakeholders to directly create models of business processes without intermediaries and facilitate the uncovering and eventual resolution of different conceptions of the collaborative work process. At the same time, the resulting process models should allow for for- mal validation and further processing, e.g. in workflow support systems. Similar objectives have been targeted in earlier research (e.g. Herrmann et al. (2007) or Rittgen (2010)). The approach presented here follows a different approach by let- ting stakeholders focus on solely their individual role in a process (i.e. their activi- ties and communication with others) in contrast to existing works, where an overall view on the whole business process is maintained for all stakeholders. Focusing on the individual contribution to a work process leads to more detailed and refined models that better reflect the actual perception of their work (Dann, 1992) and also enables to explicitly identify different conceptions on the need for communication during work. The objective of the present paper is to explore approaches for model elicitation that enable capturing process knowledge separately for each involved role and support the identification of conflicts in the perceived work process and facilitate the resolution of this issues. In the next section, the process elicitation approach is described. The follow- ing section outlines the requirements on methodological support during elicitation. Focussing on methodology, the subsequent section introduces the concept of role- distributed modeling and describes three different ways of creating role-distributed models. The final section briefly reports on the first in conducting role-distributed modeling and outlines the next research steps. Elicitation Approach Depicting collaborative work in business process models requires a clear under- standing of the concepts relevant for modeling. Following the approach of role- centric modeling, i.e. describing who is doing what and communicating with whom in the course of collaborative work, the relevant concepts used in the area of business process modeling are “actor”, “role”, “activity” and “communication” (Soderstrom et al., 2002). Actors are individuals who are actively participating in a work process. Activ- ities of different actors hare carried out in parallel without immediate interaction with others and are coupled via explicit acts of communication (i.e. transferring work results from one actor to another). Decisions on which activities are carried out from a number of options are made by the actor based upon the outcome of a 34 In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) prior activity or the content of incoming communication. Business processes are not only valid for one specific set of actors but are spec- ified in a more abstract way for a set of interacting roles. A role is an area of responsibility in a business process. Consequently, several actors are able to take a certain role in a business process. Communication acts are carried out among roles and interlink the activities carried out by actors acting in a certain role. When designing support for eliciting knowledge about work processes, the dif- ferent kinds of activities described above have to be considered as fundamental model elements. We distinguish the following types of activities: (a) individual ac- tivities carried out by an role (including decisions); and (b) communication acts to link individual activities of different roles: (b1) outgoing communication acts, i.e. actively sending work results or (b2) incoming communication acts, i.e. receiving work results. A modeling language used to support role-distributed business process model- ing has to provide constructs that allow for structuring the model along role bound- aries in order to allow for visualizing a model distributed along the involved roles and keep the model parts interrelated (Adamides and Karacapilidis, 2006). Mod- eling languages using the “role”-concept or equally interpretable constructs as the primary factor of structuring meet this requirement (Giaglis, 2001). UML Activity Diagrams (de Cesare and Serrano, 2006), BPMN (White, 2004), or S-BPM Fleis- chmann et al. (2012) are examples of business process modeling languages that enable this structuring approach and at the same time have existing tool support for validation or execution. Separating a process along the involved roles has implications for modeling support. Modelers need support for interlinking and aligning different contributions to a business process and ultimately deriving a commonly agreed upon model of the business process. Each role’s contribution to work is created as a separate part of the model. As noted above, one role can be taken by several actors in an organization. Different actors introduce different viewpoints about how one role’s contribution can be implemented (Herrmann et al., 2002). These different viewpoints require alignment to derive one single, commonly agreed upon view on a business process. Consequently, an elicitation instrument has to support collaborative modeling of role behavior. All participating actors in this case share the same part of the model. The role-based process parts are interconnected by communication acts, which are represented by flows of discrete messages. The following activities can occur in modeling communication (using the concept “message” to represent transmitted results of work): (a) send a message to another role; (b) get notified that a message has been sent to one’s own role; (c) request a message from another role to be able to proceed with one’s own part of the process; and (d) get notified that another role requests a message to be able to proceed with its part of the process. The first two communication acts (a and b) are sufficient to describe all com- munication situations if the business process is modeled in fully sequential manner. This, however, requires actors to wait for another role to send a message before they can proceed with modeling their own process part. Communication acts c and 35 In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) d are introduced to avoid these delays in modeling and to explicitly allow to express expectations on modeling that might require further discussion. Elicitation support has to allow the specification of these different types of messages as well as the resolution of inconsistent communication acts across roles. Support for Role-distributed Elicitation A role-distributed modeling support concept is presented here to explore method- ological options to meet the requirements described above. A simple modeling lan- guage is used for this purpose, following the minimal requirements on a modeling language supporting role-distributed modeling as specified above. Three different types of modeling elements are used: Activity modeling elements are used for representing activities carried out by a role as well as acts for sending and receiving messages. The semantics of the element (i.e. do something, send, receive) is determined during modeling time. Message elements are used to either send a message (outgoing message element) to another role or request a message from another role (incoming message element). Their respective incoming or outgoing message counterparts are added to the com- munication partner’s modeling surface to link. Incoming messages or message re- quests, however, do not necessarily need to be processed by the communication partner immediately. They are pooled in tray areas that visualize all unprocessed messages (cf. Figure 1). Figure 1. Example setting of role-distributed models in an intermediate stage during modeling. The use of the three modeling elements are visualized in Figure 1, which shows an elicitation process in an intermediate stage for illustration purposes. The depicted scenario consists of two interacting roles. The behavior of role 1 is modeled by three actors, two actors provide input for role 2. The modeling surfaces include trays for coupling to the respective other role on one of their borders. Activities (labelled with lower-case letters in Figure 1) are placed on the surface and are associated following their sequential order. Optional paths are represented 36 In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) by decision parameters placed next to the according association link (labelled with upper-case letters in Figure 1). The two model parts are interlinked using message elements (labelled with num- bers). Following the coupling concept, message elements always exist in pairs of two. The semantics of a message element changes depending on wether attached to an activity element or kept in the tray area: (a) an incoming message attached to an activity (e.g. activities a, c, or h in Figure 1) represents the act of processing a received message; (b) an outgoing attached to an activity (e.g. activities e, i, or j in Figure 1) represents the act of sending a message to a communication partner; (c) an incoming message placed in an tray area represents a message that is offered by a communication partner, but has not yet been processed; and (d) an outgoing message placed in an tray area represents a message that is expected by a commu- nication partner, but has not yet been created and sent. The messages kept in the tray areas make mutual expectations and potential communication flaws explicitly visible. Requested messages or unused incoming messages that remain in one of the trays always point at a mismatch beween the expectations and the current behavior of the communication partners. During elici- tation, this visualization of communication problems triggers negotiation and align- ment activities that allow for the specification of a sound overall model. Three different procedural approaches for distributed model elicitation can be identified following the concept of behavior and communication specification de- scribed above. They differ in the point in time when message specification happens. In ex-ante communication negotiation, all messages are specified collaboratively by the involved actors before the roles’ behaviors are described. The messages are initially placed in the tray areas for each role and a then used during behavior mod- eling. In ex-post communication negotiation, each role’s behavior including all out- going and required incoming messages are modeled separately. In a consolidation step, the communication among the roles is then aligned by mutually matching re- quested and sent messages. In ongoing communication negotiation, messages are put into the trays of communication partners immediately as they are specified dur- ing behavior modeling. Inconsistencies or different understandings are discussed immediately. All three approaches stress different aspects of the modeling process and appear to be suitable for different modeling purposes. Ex-ante communication negotia- tion creates an common overall picture of the work process to start with and leaves identification of communication problems to the subsequent distributed modeling phase. Uncovered communication problems then require an additional round of alignment. Ex-post communication negotiation by contrast forces modelers to ini- tially only focus on their own contribution to the work process. The identification of inconsistent communication acts is most likely here. The alignment of commu- nications acts could lead to the need for a subsequent revision of roles’ behavior models, if fundamental inconsistencies, e.g. conflicting communication sequences, are identified. Ongoing communication negotiation avoids the need for fundamen- tal revisions of either behavior models or communication acts, as both are specified 37 In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) simultaneously. Different viewpoints are immediately visible and can be discussed ad-hoc. This immediacy, at the same time, can be challenging for modelers, as they are continuously confronted with incoming messages or message requests while at the same time describing their own behavior. The three approaches are described here without any preference and are cur- rently subject to closer examination with regards to their practical applicability. The first experiences gained from these explorations are described in the next section. Initial Experiences and Future Work The modeling concept so far has been deployed in all three methodological varia- tions in two different practical settings. In all cases, the models were built using paper-based modeling cards without any technical modeling support. In case A, the process of assembling a pneumatic cylinder was subject of elicitation. The ac- tors were 8 students (6 male, 2 female) of business information systems, who were trained in the production process for 2.5 days as part of a practical course. All stu- dents already had extensive experiences in business process modeling. The process involved four different roles, of which each was taken be two students. All three methodological approaches were conducted using three different but equally com- plex variations of the production process. Case B was taken from healthcare sector, where 6 healthcare professionals (4 female, 2 male) modeled the admission process of an elderly client to long-term care (involving 4 roles in total). None of them had prior experiences with modeling, neither were they confronted with explicit process models in their professional life. All three methodological approaches were used in different steps of the elicitation process. Overall, all participants in either case were able to create correct models (in terms of how the modeling elements were used and linked to other model parts). Differences, however, occurred during the modeling process, which can be at- tributed to the different backgrounds and prior experiences in modeling. Modelers with no experiences in modeling (in case B) repeatedly showed problems in under- standing or correctly using the message elements. They were not able to consis- tently distinguish between the act of sending or receiving a message and the mes- sage itself and consequently had problems in assigning designators to messages. This problem was less evident in ex-ante communication negotiation, where people were not introduced to sending and receiving activities. The misconceptions could largely be overcome by providing examples of correctly designated messages. The unexperienced modelers in case B preferred ex-post communication negoti- ation over the other two variants. They were unable to handle the complexity of the ongoing message negotiation setting and did not manage to incorporate the incom- ing messages while modeling their own role’s behavior. Ex-ante communication specification was perceived to cause superficial effort, as they felt they had to go through their work process twice to first identify their communication and then to actually create the model. Two modelers also felt constrained by the already exist- ing messages in modeling their role’s behavior. The ability to uncover inconsistent 38 In: Nolte, A., Prilla, M., Rittgen, P. and Oppl, S.: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Models and their Role in Collaboration at the ECSCW 2013 (MoRoCo 2013) communication expectations in ex-post communication negotiation was repeatedly noted as the most useful aspect of the whole modeling session. Preferences were different for the experienced modelers in case A. They pre- ferred ongoing message negotiation as it was perceived most efficient and being the fastest way to reach a consistent overall model. Ex-ante message negotiation was considered a well suited approach and hardly led to the need for revisions after behavior modeling. It was generally preferred over ex-post message negotiation, which was considered to be cumbersome and hardly providing any added value. As no clear preference for any methodological approach can be identified, fu- ture research will further examine the effects of the different points in time during modeling when communication acts are made explicit. The next steps are to resolve issues in understanding the semantics of the modeling elements — in particular the message element — for inexperienced modelers. In a further step, advantages and disadvantages of the different methodological approaches for different combina- tions of modeling goals, and prior modeling experiences of the participants will be examined. A more elaborate empirical setting will be used to overcome the limita- tions of the explorations described above, which mainly suffer from limited com- parability and observably different complexity of the modeling subjects (with the production process being more accurately describable than the healthcare process). A second strain of research and development currently worked on is tool sup- port. Based upon an existing interactive tabletop modeling environment (Oppl and Stary, 2011), means to support a technically augmented distributed modeling work- flow, including the currently omitted requirements on communication support, are currently implemented. Additionally, a mapping between the the modeling lan- guage used here and S-BPM (Fleischmann et al., 2012) is currently worked on, which will allow to validate and execute the created models. This will enable to identify model errors that can remain undiscovered due to the distributed nature of model elicitation (such as dead-locks by mutually waiting for messages to be sent). Summarizing, the approach presented here is a first step towards business pro- cess model elicitation that explicitly uncovers existing or potential collaboration issues in organizational work processes. 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