=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1038/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-1038 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1038/preface.pdf

For many decades, NLP has suered from low software engineering standards causing a lim-
ited degree of re-usability of code and interoperability of dierent modules within larger NLP
systems. While this did not really hamper success in limited task areas (such as implement-
ing a parser), it caused serious problems for the emerging eld of language technology where
the focus is on building complex integrated software systems, e.g., for information extraction
or machine translation. This lack of integration has led to duplicated software development,
work-arounds for programs written in dierent (versions of) programming languages, and
ad-hoc tweaking of interfaces between modules developed at dierent sites.
     In recent years, the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) frame-
work has been proposed as a middleware platform which oers integration by design through
common type systems and standardized communication methods for components analysing
streams of unstructured information, such as natural language. The UIMA framework oers
a solid processing infrastructure that allows developers to concentrate on the implementation
of the actual analytics components. An increasing number of members of the NLP community
thus have adopted UIMA as a platform facilitating the creation of reusable NLP components
that can be assembled to address dierent NLP tasks depending on their order, combination
and conguration.
     This workshop aims at bringing together members of the NLP community  users, de-
velopers or providers of either UIMA components or UIMA-related tools in order to explore
and discuss the opportunities and challenges in using UIMA as a platform for modern, well-
engineered NLP.
     This volume now contains the proceedings of the 3rd UIMA workshop to be held un-
der the auspices of the German Language Technology and Computational Linguistics So-
ciety (Gesellschaft für Sprachverarbeitung und Computerlinguistik - GSCL) in Darmstadt,
September 23, 2013. From 11 submissions, the programme committee selected 7 full papers
and 2 short papers. The organizers of the workshop wish to thank all people involved in this
meeting - submitters of papers, reviewers, GSCL sta and representatives - for their great
support, rapid and reliable responses, and willingness to act on very sharp time lines. We
appreciate their enthusiasm and cooperation.

September 2013

Peter Kluegl, Richard Eckart de Castilho, Katrin Tomanek (Eds.)