[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-1093⫷ Vol-1094 ⫸Vol-1095

BioASQ 2013
Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering

Proceedings of the first Workshop on Bio-Medical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering ,
a Post-Conference Workshop of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2013 ( CLEF 2013 )

Valencia, Spain, September 27th, 2013 .

Edited by

Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo *
George Paliouras **

* University of Leipzig , AKSW Research Group, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
** NCSR Demokritos , Ag. Paraskevi, Athens, Greece

Table of Contents

2013-11-27: submitted by Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
2013-11-27 : published on CEUR-WS.org | valid HTML5 |