=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1135/paper6 |storemode=property |title=A Learning Support for the Definition of Process Flexibility |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1135/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-1135 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/quatic/JaufmanDSSK04 }} ==A Learning Support for the Definition of Process Flexibility== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1135/paper6.pdf

              A Learning Support for the Definition of
                        Process Flexibility
                              O. Jaufman, M. Stupperich, K. Schneider, A. Dold, N. Kleiner

        Abstract —At present, software development in the automotive industry is characterized by frequent changes caused by new
        innovations, fast-growing system complexity, growing software portion in cars, changing business relationships. This dynamical
        environment demands for flexible software processes. In order to improve a software development process with respect to flexibility,
        it is necessary to characterize what kind of flexibility is required. Therefore, we defined a set of requirements for desired processes
        based on our process analysis in DaimlerChrys-ler’s engineering departments and analysis of related contributions proposed in the
        literature. Based on this requirement the existed processes can be analyzed to identify its improvement potential. The application of
        the requirements is illustrated in the context of a case study.

        Index Terms — Process flexibility, requirements, case study, software development

                                            —————————— u ——————————


 N      owadays, the automotive industry is confronted with
        a highly dynamic environment which is chara cterized
        by frequent changes due to innovations, business re-
                                                                             a way as to be measurable enabling a systematic evaluation
                                                                             of the process flexibility. Consequently, a suitable support
                                                                             for the definition and evaluation of the process flexibility is
 lationships or new product structures. One of the reasons                   called for.
 for this trend is the fact that software has come to play a                    In this paper, such a support is presented. It consists of
 more and more important role in the automotive industry                     an emergent knowledge base and a flexibility definition
 and will be the major source of innovation in the future. As                process. The emergent knowledge base provides generic
 software is a relatively new science, the corresponding new                 knowledge related to the definition and evaluation of the
 effective and efficient processes for software development                  process flexibility. The flexibility definition process defines
 which consider the mechanical and electrical engineering                    the steps to be performed in order to define the process
 domains are needed. Especially important in such dynamic                    flexibility for a specific software development process.
 environments is flexibility: software engineers desire flex i-                 The benefit of our approach is support, first, through the
 ble software development processes in order to be able to                   definition and evaluation of the process flexibility and, sec-
 quickly react to the changes in the development environ-                    ond, through the identification of process weaknesses and
 ment.                                                                       improvement potentials with respect to process flexibility.
     The problem is that the processes proposed for devel-                      This paper sets out both the emergent knowledge base
 opment of large, complex, and safety-critical software are                  and the flexibility definition process and introduces a case
 not flexible enough for our ever-changing environment. For                  study for validation. It therefore targets project managers,
 example, last year our prescriptive issue tracking process                  software engineers, and process quality assurance staff who
 was changed significantly three times. The reasons for the                  are interested in defining or evaluating process flexibility.
 changes were newly gained knowledge during the applica-                        The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
 tion of the “old” process and the need for three depart-                    Chapter 2 discusses related work. Chapter 3 defines the
 ments to work together collaboratively.                                     objectives of our research work. Chapter 4 presents our
     The research question arising from the problem is basic:                approach, viz. the support for the definition and the evalua-
 What should a flexible software development process look                    tion of process flexibility. In Chapter 5 our approach is il-
 like? In order to define a flexible software development                    lustrated by means of a case study. Finally, Chapter 6
 process, the requirements as to the process flexibility are                 summarizes the most important contributions of the paper
 first needed. These requirements should be defined in such                  and addresses future work.

                                                                             2 RELATED WORK
• O. Jaufman is with the DaimlerChrysler AG, Ulm, HPC U800, E-mail:             There are two chief ways to define the quality of a proc-
• M. Stupperich is with the DaimlerChrysler AG, Ulm, HPC U800, E-mail:       ess. One is to employ a process assessment sta ndard such
  Michael.Stupperich@DaimlerChrysler.com.                                    as SPICE [5][6]. Another way is the application of a define-
• K. Schneider is with the University of Hanover, Hannover, E-mail:          your-own-model approach such as the GQM measurement
  Kurt.Schneider@Inf.Uni-Hannover.de.                                        method [9].
• Dold is with the DaimlerChrysler AG, Ulm, HPC U800, E-mail: A-
  xel.Dold @DaimlerChrysler.com.                                                The process assessment standards [5], [6], [8] character-
• N. Kleiner is with the University of Ulm, Ulm, E-mail:                     ize processes based on a reference model. This reference
2                                                                                                           QUATIC’2004 PROCEEDINGS

model typically defines the process capability levels and             We aim to achieve the second goal with our learning
the criteria that have to be fulfilled for a considered level.     support: our objective is to be able to effectively and effi-
The process assessments are then performed on the basis of         ciently define and evaluate process flexibility in a measur-
the criteria. The advantage of the standards lies in the fact      able way. “Effective” means that the measurement program
that they define the necessary criteria to be fulfilled in order   covers all the aspects that are important for process flexibil-
to develop a product of the desired quality. The weak point        ity from the project stakeholders’ point of view. “Efficient”
of the standards considered is that they provide neither an        means that the effort required for the definition of process
explicit definition for process flexibility nor the criteria or    flexibility should be as minimal as possible. We firmly be-
metrics for the evaluation of process flexibility.                 lieve that reuse of the available knowledge and experience
   To define process flexibility in a measurable way, a            would contribute to a more effective and efficient evalua-
measurement approach can be applied. As different con-             tion of process flexibility.
texts have different understandings of the process flexibil-          We aim to achieve the third goal to make it clear how the
ity, a define-your-own-model approach should be applied            knowledge provided in the emergent knowledge base can
[2]. The representative for define-your-own approaches is          be reused for the definition and evaluation of a concrete
the GQM method.                                                    project.
   The GQM method is a goal-oriented measurement                      The benefit of our approach is a support for software en-
method according to which a measurement goal should be             gineers, first, through the definition of requirements placed
refined into metrics via questions. The advantage of the           on process flexibility and, second, through the evaluation of
GQM approach is that it allows the context and the project         process flexibility.
stakeholders’ views of the process flexibility to be consid-
ered. The key drawback of the method, however, is that it
                                                                   4 LEARNING S UPPORT FOR THE EVALUATION OF
calls for comprehensive knowledge and experience from
measurement personnel. Unfortunately, a lot of companies             PROCESS FLEXIBILITY
do not have the experts with the necessary knowledge and
experience.                                                        4.1 The Informal Definition of Process Flexibility
   The missing knowledge and experience needed to define              Process flexibility is defined as the ability of a process to be
and evaluate process flexibility can be gained by learning         easily and quickly adaptable to a new situation. A new situation
from past knowledge and experience. Several approaches             can be caused through an innovation, a new business con-
for supporting the learning process have been proposed in          nection, changes in product structure, or other factors.
the area of artificial intelligence. For example, deriving a          In order to make this key definition clear, the history of a
process model based on logging of the activities of the peo-       process, called issue tracking, is considered. The issue
ple involved in the process [4] is one such method. These          tracking process targets capturing of issues such as changes
approaches address more the implementation aspect of               in the product requirements, faults in the realization of the
learning; yet before addressing the implementation aspect          requirements or a decision to realize a specific feature ear-
of process flexibility by learning, concrete requirements for      lier than planned. Figure 1 illustrates the issue tracking
process flexibility are needed. If process flexibility is to be    process with respect to its four different phases. The proc-
evaluated systematically, it needs to be measurable. There-        ess is considered to be in another phase, if any process
fore we aim at supporting a measurable definition and the          changes are occurred. In the first phase, the issue tracking
systematic evaluation of process flexibility by defining and       process is described by two statuses “issue open” (i.e., a
providing the following:                                           new issue that needs to be remedied is identified) and “is-
   • The generic knowledge related to the process flexibil-        sue closed” (i.e. the issue has been remedied).
      ity definition and evaluation.                                  During the application of the issue tracking process
   • A process for the usage of the knowledge provided.            (phase 1) for tracking the issues arising during the software
                                                                   development of an electrical device, for example, new ex-
                                                                   perience is gained. Based on this experience, the issue track-
3 T HE G OALS                                                      ing process is refined. The following steps are added: ana-
The goals of our proposed concept are threefold:                   lyse an issue, confer with an expert, evaluate an issue, re-
   • To define the term “process flexibility” informally.          fuse the correction of the issue, assign the issue to a person
   • To organize generic knowledge and experience related          responsible for it, remedy the issue, and verify the correc-
     to the definition and evaluation of the process flexibil-     tion.
     ity in the emergent knowledge base.                              During the application of the issue tracking process in
   • To define a process for the use of the emergent knowl-        accordance with phase 2, the following modifications were
     edge base.                                                    found to be needed:
We aim to achieve the first goal with our learning support,           The assign step is modified: in this step not only the as-
since the term “process flexibility” is not at all explicitly      signment of an issue to a responsible person is to be per-
defined in the process assessment standards considered;            formed. Additionally, whether the issue is a software issue,
however the industry needs such support for the definition         a mechanical issue, or a hydraulic issue should be defined.
and evaluation of process flexibility.

Fig. 1. Emergence of the Issue Tracking Process1                         In order to support the identification, the causes for the
                                                                         process modification are analysed. As an input for the iden-
   The order of the activities is changed: the assign step is            tification of change drivers, the Aalst et al. autonomy of the
performed before the analyse and evaluate steps. The con-                workflow change [1] is used. This autonomy is abstracted
fer step is omitted. A new step is added - release: during               to the autonomy of software development changes and
this p the integration is performed.                                     modified based on the experience gained in a case study.
   The process in the third phase shows the modifications.               The modification encompasses the introduction of roles
The emergence of the issue tracking process (phase 4) is                 who initiate the process modification. The case study is
caused by a need for inter-departmental collaborative                    performed in the context of the issue tracking process. Fig-
working. To achieve a consistent process, an additional                  ure 2 indicates that our autonomy of changes distinguishes
process step, confer, is first added and a transition from the           between the following change driving factors: market,
assign* step to the close step is then omitted.                          software development legislation, new knowledge, techni-
   Referring to this example, process flexibility can be in-             cal experience, errors made during software development,
formally characterized by the ease to quickly                            and system failures.
   • identify the need for a process modification.                           These drivers are introduced by the roles: marketing de-
   • understand what kind of process modification is                     partment, client, customer, project manager, researcher,
     needed.                                                             cooperation partner, development team or the system plat-
   • perform a required process modification.                            form.
                                                                             Based on the knowledge taken from Figure 2, six issue
Identification of the Need for a Process Modification                    classes are distinguished:
                                                                         Issue class 1: issues caused through availability of new
                                                                         knowledge, experience or laws (initiated by researchers or
                                                                         Issue class 2: issues caused through a change in the internal
                                                                         organizational structure (initiated by the project manager).
                                                                         Issue class 3: issues caused through a change in the external
                                                                         organizational structure (initiated by cooperation partners
                                                                         or by the project manager).
                                                                         Issue class 4: issues caused through an incorrect implemen-
                                                                         tation of the requirements from the product concept catalog
                                                                         (initiated by a product developer).
                                                                         Issue class 5: issues caused through a change in product
                                                                         requirements (initiated by a customer/client or a marketing
                                                                         Issue class 6: issues caused through system failures (initi-
                                                                         ated by the system platform).
                                                                             The issue classes identified here are not to be seen as a
                                                                         silver bullet but as an emergent shopping list for the identi-
                                                                         fication of the relevant process-specific issue classes.
Fig. 2. Drivers for a Process Modification                               “Emergent” means that this set should be updated in line
                                                                         with the newly acquired knowledge and the experience
                                                                         gained from its application. Both the autonomy of the
                                                                         change drivers and the issue classes are intended to first
  1 The purpose and the content of the figure will be explained later.
4                                                                                                        QUATIC’2004 PROCEEDINGS

help to quickly identify a need for a process modification         provement of software development processes to achieve
(e.g. by process monitoring with respect to relevant issue         enhanced product quality. Nevertheless, improvement of
classes). Second, the knowledge helps to define the issue          software development processes with respect to flexibility
classes that a given process should be especially flexible for.    is a pivotal aspect, especially in such dynamic environ-
                                                                   ments as we are faced with today. Unfortunately, such
Understanding the Type of the Process Modification                 standards do not define the criteria or metrics for the
In order to understand what kind of process modifications          evaluation of the process flexibility.
are needed, the software development process at hand               It is for this reason that the GQM method [9] is applied for
should be understandable for people involved in the proc-          this purpose. We decided to utilize the GQM method, as it
ess. This means, for example, that everybody should be able        is a widely used measurement method that allows a goal-
to evaluate which activities have been carried out, which          oriented identification of the desired criteria and metrics for
ones are to be performed next, who should do which activi-         process flexibility. To derive the desired criteria and met-
ties, when the activities to be performed should be started,       rics, the following activities are performed:
and what kinds of resources are needed to perform the ac-          The GQM goal is described with respect to its attributes
tivities.                                                          (object: process, purpose: to define and to evaluate, focus:
                                                                   process flexibility, viewpoint: researcher, developer, man-
Carrying out the Process Modification                              ager, context: software development).
Looking back at our issue tracking example (Fig. 1), we            Based on the knowledge presented in Section 4.1 and focus-
note that the modification is performed through executing          ing on the GQM goal, the process flexibility is described by
one or several of the following modification activities :          four high-level questions. Then different aspects of each of
    1. Removing an existing process step.                          the four questions are described by sub-questions. The
    2. Adding a new process step.                                  modification activities, autonomy of the drivers, and the
    3. Modifying an existing process step.                         issue classes presented in Section 4.1 are taken into account
    4. Changing the order of the process steps.                    in doing so with the focus on the GQM goal. This “decom-
    5. Removing a transition between two process steps.            position” (i.e. refinement of different aspects of the high -
    6. Adding a new transition.                                    level question through sub-questions) is performed until
Consequently, a flexible process is characterized by ease          questions that are not concrete enough from our point of
and speed of performance of modification activities.               view are derived. The defined questions are the desired
4.2 Emergence Knowledge Base                                       Finally, the metrics are assigned to the “concrete enough”
                                                                   questions. Metrics propose a scale for “answering” the
In order to define and evaluate process flexibility system-
                                                                   questions. We proposed both qualitative and quantitative
atically, it is important to understand four aspects:
    1.   The changes that can cause the process modifica-          In this way, all the criteria and the metrics were defined.
         tion.                                                     The proposed set of criteria and metric is a generic, reus-
     2. The changes to which the process should be espe-           able set. The approach for the reusage of the set will be dis-
         cially sensitive.                                         cussed later.
     3. What the relevant stakeholders understand by a             Organizing the Knowledge in the Knowledge Base
         flexible software development process (i.e. what
         are the criteria and metrics for the evaluation of the       The knowledge and experience gained during the analy-
                                                                   sis is stored in the emergent base with respect to the scheme
         process flexibility).
     4. The constraints that are to be fulfilled (e.g. quality     depicted in Figure 4. The scheme is adapted from the de-
                                                                   fine-your-own-model, the so-called SQUID model [7]. The
         assurance, documentation, product preparation).
                                                                   SQUID model is employed, since it supports top-down de-
The fourth aspect is essential as process flexibility is desired
                                                                   composition as defined by the GQM method. Figure 3
but may not negatively affect the product quality. There are
                                                                   shows that each criterion can either be decomposed in sub-
process steps that have to be performed for this. The focus
                                                                   criteria that describe different aspects of the criterion in
of the paper is, however, on the first three aspects. Conse-
                                                                   more detail or be made measurable through assignment of
quently, the emergent knowledge base should provide the
                                                                   a measurement model. Each criterion is captured in the
issue classes, the criteria and the metrics for the measurable
                                                                   emergent knowledge base as shown in Table 1.
definition and evaluation of process flexibility, and the
relevance of the criteria with respect to the issue classes. To
achieve this knowledge, the criteria and metrics for the
process flexibility are to be defined.
Defining the Criteria and Metrics
A set of criteria and metrics that might be relevant for the
definition and evaluation of the process flexibility is
needed. Before defining the desired set, existing process
assessment standards [5], [6], [8] are considered. This is
done because process assessment standards aim at the im-

                                                                  very important, important, somewhat important, and not
                                                                  important at all. Before evaluating the issue classes, the pro-
                                                                  ject stakeholders should understand which effect the repre-
                                                                  sentatives of the issue classes have and how often the
                                                                  changes occur.
                                                                     In the third step, the appropriate criteria and metrics for
                                                                  the definition of the process flexibility are to be selected and
                                                                  identified. Which criteria are relevant for a given software
                                                                  development process is to be decided contingent on the
                                                                  importance of the issue classes. The relevant criteria and
                                                                  metrics are to be selected from the emergent base. The miss-
                                                                  ing criteria can be identified in a top-down manner by ap-
                                                                  plication of the GQM method.
Fig. 3. Schema of the Emergent Knowledge Base                        In the fourth step, a process flexibility model is to be
                                                                  produced. This should be done by first deleting the criteria
                                                                  and metrics not relevant for a given software development
   TABLE 1 EXERPT FROM THE EMERGENT KNOWLEDGE BASE                process from the decomposition tree. Second, the identified
                                                                  missing criteria and metrics have to be inserted into the
                                                                  decomposition tree with respect to the decomposition
                                                                  structure. Third, by specifying the criteria in the context of a
                                                                  given process. Finally, the relevance of missing criterion
                                                                  and metrics is to be evaluated on the same scale. The
                                                                  evaluation has to take the importance of the issue classes
                                                                  into account.
The table indicates that each criterion in the emergent base
is characterized by the reference to the father question.         5. APPLICATION EXAMPLE AND EXPERIENCE
                                                                     In order to clarify our approach and its benefits, a case
4.3 Using the Emergent Knowledge Base                             study in the context of the issue tracking process was per-
   The emergent knowledge base provides the issue classes,        formed.
criteria, and metrics for the definition and evaluation of
                                                                  5.1 Application of Our Approach
process flexibility. In order to keep the contents of the
emergent base up to date, it should continually be evalu-            The following sets out the four steps taken in defining
ated and updated. Consequently, the corresponding proc-           the flexibility of the process.
esses are needed. The focus of the paper is, however, the
process flexibility definition process.                           Step 1: Identify the process-specific issue classes.
   The objective of the process is to select and identify suit-   As cited in the history of the si sue tracking process, the
able criteria and measures for a given software develop-          knowledge and experience we gain from the definition of
ment process by reusing the knowledge from the emergent           issue tracking process lets us identify the following drivers
knowledge base. An overview of the process is set out in          for a process modification:
Fig. 4.                                                                1. New experience, knowledge.
                                                                       2. A change in the internal organizational structure.
                                                                       3. A change in the external organizational structure.
                                                                  Consequently, when referring to the generic issue classes,
                                                                  the following issue classes are identified as issue tracking
                                                                  Issue class 1: issues caused through availability of new
                                                                  knowledge or experience (initiated by developers).
Fig. 4. The Flexibility Definition Process
                                                                  Issue class 2: issues caused through a change in the internal
                                                                  organizational structure (initiated by the project manager
In the first process step, the relevant issue classes from the
                                                                  or developers).
knowledge base are to be selected and the missing issue
classes identified for a given specific software development      Issue class 3: issues caused through a change in the external
process are to be identified.                                     organizational structure (initiated by cooperation partners
   The task of the second process step is to evaluate the is-     or by the project manager).
sue classes for which the process should be especially flex i-
ble. The evaluation is to be performed by all relevant proc-      Step 2: Evaluate the importance of the issue classes.
ess stakeholders (e.g. software developers, process quality       Based on the history of the issue tracking process, it is as-
assurance staff, etc.). The importance of the issue classes       sumed that the issues from the first issue class have the
should be evaluated on the basis of the four-point scale:         greatest impact and the highest likelihood of occurrence.
6                                                                                                             QUATIC’2004 PROCEEDINGS

Therefore the first issue class is evaluated as very important.
   The effects of the second and third issue classes are as-
sumed to be relatively small, because, for example, due to
the wish to cooperate with each other the cooperation part-
ners usually try to achieve a consistent process with as few
process modifications as possible. The occurrence likeli-
hood for the issues from the second and third issue classes
is low, as a rule. Therefore the second and third issue
classes are evaluated as somewhat relevant.
   Consequently, the issue tracking process should be espe-
cially flexible with respect to the newly gained knowledge
and experience.

Step 3: Define the process-specific criteria and metrics
First, the relevance of the criteria and metrics provided by
the emergent knowledge base is evaluated based on the              Fig. 5. An Excerpt from the Process Flexibility Model
scale very relevant, relevant, somewhat relevant, and not
relevant at all. Second, the missing criteria and metrics are
identified by application of the GQM approach in a manner          5.2 Benefits of the Flexibility Model
similar to that set out in Section 4.2 for the context issue       The benefits of the process flexibility model are outlined in
tracking process. The criteria and metrics provided in the         the following.
emergent knowledge base serve as a support.
                                                                   1.   We can evaluate the issue tracking process based on
Step 4: Define a process specific flexibility model                     the criteria and metrics provided in the model. For ex-
The process specific flexibility model is defined by                    ample, the issue tracking process (phase 3) presented
• omitting criteria evaluated as non -relevant from the de-             in Figure 1 can be evaluated as follows:
  composition tree. For example, the criterion “Does the                     • The process is complex, as it has nine activi-
  process have a high level of information hiding? (i.e., only                   ties and eight roles involved in the process;
  the absolutely necessary information produced during a                         but the process is part of the process hierar-
  process step should be passed on)” is removed. The crite-                      chy and the maturity of the process is quite
  rion is not relevant because, in the issue tracking process,                   high.
  the people involved in the process should be able to see                   • The process is understandable, as it has a
  the information of interest to them even if they do not                        clear responsibility concept; but it has many
  necessarily have anything to do with the information.                          dependencies (i.e. the synchronization and
• adding missing criteria and metrics in the decomp osition                      coordination points) between process steps.
  tree with respect to its relationships to other tree criteria.             • The organization intends to perform the ex-
  For example, the criterion “How easy it is to quickly iden-                    plicit process monitoring and has captureed
  tify the risk and attractiveness of the implementation of a                    the knowledge with respect to the attractive-
  considered issue?“ is identified as missing and is, there-                     ness and the risk of an implementation of the
  fore, added in the decomposition tree.                                         issue.
• specifying the criteria and metrics in the context of the        2.   The improvement potentials of the issue tracking
  issue tracking process, for example, the specification of             process are as follows:
  the criterion “How complex is the process?” (based on
                                                                           • It would be helpful if the variants of the issue
  our experience related to the issue tracking process):
                                                                               tracking process together with its context were
      • An issue tracking process is very complex if it has
                                                                               provided in the emergent knowledge base. The
        more than ten process steps, more than eight differ-
        ent roles are involved in the process, and it is not de-               reuse of the process variants would help to
                                                                               quickly modify the process.
        fined hierarchically.
      • An issue tracking process is complex if it defines                 • An efficient re-reuse process would support a
        more than five process steps and has more than five                    quick and easy identification of the kind and
        different roles involved in the process.                               extent of the requisite process modification.
      • An issue tracking process is non -complex if it has                • A tool-supported, regularly performed identifi-
        fewer than six process steps and has at most six dif-                  cation of the difference between the prescrip-
        ferent roles involved in the process, a clear responsi-                tive issue tracking process and the activities
        bility concept, and few dependencies between proc-                     performed by the developers would help to
        ess steps.                                                             quickly identify the need for a process modifi-
   Thus, a flexibility model specific for the issue tracking                   cation.
process described in Fig. 1 is provided. Fig. 5 portrays an        3.   We achieve a definition of the requirements for the
excerpt from the model.                                                 process flexibility. For example, in order to be flexible
                                                                        a process should

        •   define what artifacts need to be developed,           flexibility is needed but may not have a negative impact on
            when the development of the artifacts should          the final product quality. A further step is to analyze how
            be started, who should develop which artifact,        much flexibility is permissible and whether the flexibility
            when an artifact should be finished, etc.             alternatives proposed are sufficient.
        •   be defined hierarchically in order to be well
            understandable and traceable for the people in-
            volved in the process.                                REFERENCES
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relevant for the process flexibility of a software develop-               tors, Software Reliability and Metrics. Elsevier
ment process at hand.
    The knowledge stored in the experience base such as the
flexibility definition process is validated and illustrated by
means of a case study. The activities and the results gained
in the case study are elaborated. We therefore feel that the
work presented in the paper can be easily transferred into
other business units and organizations and enable them to
define the flexibility of their processes in a measurable way.
    Our next steps in context of this work are first to explic-
itly define the constraints to be taken into account. This is
essential as, in the automotive industry application domain,