=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-BudikovaEt2011 |storemode=property |title=MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure? |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-BudikovaEt2011.pdf |volume=Vol-1177 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BudikovaBZ11 }} ==MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-BudikovaEt2011.pdf
MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?

                Petra Budikova, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

                     Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

      Abstract. In all fields of research it is important to discuss and com-
      pare various methods that are being proposed to solve given problems.
      In image retrieval, the ImageCLEF competitions provide such compar-
      ison platform. We have participated in the Photo Annotation Task of
      the ImageCLEF 2011 competition with a system based on the MUFIN
      Annotation Tool. Our approach is, in contrast to typical classifier solu-
      tions, based on a general annotation system for web images that provides
      general keywords for arbitrary image. However, the free-text annotation
      needs to be transformed into the 99 concepts given by the competition
      task. The transformation process is described in detail in the first part
      of this paper. In the second part, we discuss the results achieved by our
      solution. Even though the free-text annotation approach was not as suc-
      cessful as the classifier-based approaches, the results are competitive es-
      pecially for the concepts involving real-world objects. On the other hand,
      our approach does not require training and is scalable to any number of

1   Introduction
In the course of the past few decades, multimedia data processing has become
an integral part of many application fields, including medicine, art, security, etc.
This poses a number of challenges to the computer science – we need techniques
for efficient data representation, storing and retrieval. In many applications, it is
also necessary to understand the semantic meaning of a multimedia object, i.e. to
know what is represented in a picture or what a video is about. Such information
is usually expressed in a textual form, e.g. as a text description that accompanies
the multimedia object. The semantic description of an object can be obtained
manually or (semi)-automatically. Since the manual annotation is an extremely
labor-intensive and time-consuming task for larger data collections, automatic
annotation or classification of multimedia objects is of high importance. Perhaps
the most intensive is the research on automatic annotation of images, which is
essential for semantic image retrieval [4].
    In all fields of research it is important to discuss and compare various meth-
ods that are being proposed to solve given problems. In image retrieval, the
ImageCLEF competitions provide such comparison platform. Each year, a set
of specific tasks is defined that reflects the most challenging problems of current
research. In 2011 as well as in the two previous years, one of the challenges was
the Photo Annotation Task.
2       Petra Budikova, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

    This paper presents the techniques used by the MUFIN group to handle the
Annotation Task. We believe that our methods will be interesting for the com-
munity since our approach is different from the solutions presented in previous
years [10]. Rather than creating a solution tailored for this specific task we em-
ployed a general purpose annotation system and used the returned keywords to
identify the relevant concepts. The results show that while this approach logically
lags behind the precision of the more finely tuned solutions, it is still capable of
solving some instances pretty well.
    The paper is organized as follows. First, we briefly review the related work on
image annotation and distinguish two important classes of annotation methods.
Next, the ImageCLEF Annotation Task is described in more detail and the
quality of the training data is discussed. Finally, we present the methods used
by the MUFIN group, analyze their performance and discuss the results.

2    Related Work

The reason why we are interested in annotation is to simplify access to the
multimedia data. Depending on a situation, different types of metadata may be
needed, both in content and form. In [6], three forms of annotation are discussed:
free text, keywords chosen from a dictionary, and concepts from some ontology.
While the free text annotation does not require any structure, the other two
options pose some restrictions on the terminology used, and in particular make
the selection of keywords smaller. On certain conditions, we then begin to call
the task classification or categorization rather than annotation.
    Even though the conditions are not strictly defined, the common understand-
ing is that classification task works with a relatively small number of concepts
and typically uses machine learning to create specialized classifiers for the given
concepts. To train the classifiers, a sufficiently large training dataset with labeled
data needs to be available. The techniques that can be engaged in the learning
are numerous, including SVMs, kNN classifiers, or probabilistic approaches [7].
Study [10] describes a number of classification setups using different types of
concept learning.
    On the contrary, annotation usually denotes a task where a very large or un-
limited number of concepts is available and typically no training data is given.
The solution to such task needs to exploit some type of data mining, in case of
image annotation it is often based on content-based image retrieval over collec-
tions of images with rich metadata. Such system is described for example in [8].
Typically, the retrieval-based annotation systems exploit tagged images from
photo-sharing sites.

3    ImageCLEF Photo Annotation Task

In the ImageCLEF Photo Annotation Task, the participants were asked to as-
sign relevant keywords to a number of test images. The full setup of the contest
                            MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?             3

is described in the Task overview [11]. From our perspective, two facts are im-
portant: (1) the keywords to be assigned were chosen from a fixed set of 99
concepts, and (2) a set of labeled training images was available. Following our
definition of terms from the previous section, the task thus qualifies as a classifi-
cation problem. As such, it is most straightforwardly solved by machine learning
approaches, using the training data to tune the parameters of the model. The
quality of the training data is then crucial for the correctness of the classification.
    As explained in [10], it is difficult to obtain a large number of labeled images
both for training and contest evaluation. It is virtually impossible to gather such
data only with the help of a few domain experts. Therefore, only a part of the
data was labeled by domain experts. The rest was annotated in a crowdsourcing
way, using workers from the Amazon Mechanical Turk portal. Even though the
organizers of the contest did their best to ensure that only sane results would be
accepted, the gathered data still contain some errors. In the following, we would
like to comment on some of them that we have noticed, so that they could be
corrected in the future. Also, we will discuss later how these errors may have
influenced the performance of the annotation methods.

3.1   Training data deficiencies
During the preparation of our solution for the Photo Annotation Task, we have
identified to following types of errors in the labeled training data:
 – Logical nonsense: Some annotations in the training dataset contradict the
   laws of the real world. The most significant nonsense we found was a num-
   ber of images with the following triplet of concepts: single person, man,
   woman. Such combination appeared for 784 images. Similarly, still life
   and active are concepts that do not match together. Though the emotional
   annotations are more subjective and cannot be so easily discarded as non-
   sense, we also believe that annotating an image by both cute and scary
   concepts is an oxymoron.
 – Annotation inconsistence: Since the contest participants were not provided
   by any explanation of the concepts, it was not always clear to us what counts
   as relevant for a given concept and what does not. One such unclear concept
   was single person. Should a part of a body be counted as a person or
   not? It seems that this question was also unclear to the trainset annotators
   as the concept bodypart sometimes co-occurred with single person and
   sometimes with no person.
 – Concept overuse: The emotional and abstract concepts are definitely diffi-
   cult to assign. Even within our research group, we could not decide what
   determines the “cuteness” of an image or what is the definition of a “nat-
   ural” image. Again, the labeled training data were not of much help as we
   could not discover any inner logic in them. We suspect that the Amazon
   Turk workers solved this problem by using the emotional and abstract terms
   as often as possible. For illustration, from among the 8000 training images
   3910 were labeled cute, 3346 were considered to be visual arts and 4594
   images were perceived as natural.
4        Petra Budikova, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

Each error type is illustrated by a few examples in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Trainset labeling errors: a) logical nonsense, b) annotation inconsistence, c)
concept overuse.

4     Our solution

The MUFIN Annotation Tool came into existence in the beginning of this year as
an extension of the MUFIN Image Search1 , a content-based search engine that
we have been developing for several years. Our aim was to provide an online
annotation system for arbitrary web images. The first prototype version of the
system is available online2 and was presented in [3]. As the first experiments with
the tool provided promising results, we decided to try our tool in the ImageCLEF
Annotation Task.
   The fundamental difference in the basic orientation of MUFIN Annotation
Tool and the Annotation Task is that our system provides annotations while the
task asks for classification. Our system provides free-text annotation of images,
                          MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?        5

using any keywords that seem relevant using the content-based searching. To be
able to use our tool for the task, we needed to transform the provided keywords
into the restricted set of concepts given by the task. Moreover, even though
the MUFIN tool is quite good at describing the image content it does not give
much information about emotions and technical-related concepts (we will discuss
the reasons later). Therefore, we also had to extend our system and add new
components for specialized processing of some concepts. The overall architecture
of the processing engaged in the Annotation Task is depicted in Figure 2. In the
following sections, we will describe the individual components in more detail.

                        Fig. 2. Concept retrieval schema.
6       Petra Budikova, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

4.1   MUFIN Annotation Tool

The MUFIN Annotation Tool is based on the MUFIN Image Search engine,
which retrieves the nearest neighbors of a given image based on visual and text
similarity. The image search system, described in full detail in [1], enables fast
retrieval of similar images from very large collections. The visual similarity is
defined by five MPEG-7 global descriptors – Scalable Color, Color Structure,
Color Layout, Edge Histogram, and Region Shape – and their respective dis-
tance functions [9]. If some text descriptions of images are available, their tf-idf
similarity score is also taken into consideration. In the ImageCLEF contest, free-
text image descriptions and EXIF tags were available for some images. Together
with the image, these were used as the input of the retrieval engine.
    To obtain an annotation of some input image, we first evaluate the near-
est neighbor query over a large collection of high-quality images with rich and
trustworthy text metadata. In particular, we are currently using the Profimedia
dataset, which contains 20M images from a microstock site [2]. When the query
is processed by the MUFIN search, we obtain a set of images with their respec-
tive keywords. In the Profimedia dataset, each image is accompanied by a set
of title words (typically 3 to 10 words) and keywords (about 20 keywords per
image in average). Both the title words and the keywords of all images in the
result set are merged together (the title words receiving a higher weight) and
the frequencies of individual lemmas are identified. A list of stopwords and the
WordNet lexical database [5] are used to remove irrelevant word types, names,
etc. The Annotation Tool then returns the list of the most frequent keywords
with the respective frequencies, which express the confidence of the annotation.

4.2   Annotation to concept transformation

To transform the free-text annotation into the ImageCLEF concepts it was nec-
essary to find the semantic relations between the individual keywords and con-
cepts. For this purpose, we used the WordNet lexical database, which provides
structured semantic information for English nouns, verbs, adjectives, and ad-
verbs. The individual words are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (called
synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. These synsets are interlinked by
different semantic relations, such as hypernym/hyponym, synonym, meronym,
etc. It is thus possible to find out whether any two synsets are related and how.
In our case, we were interested in the relationships between the synsets of our
annotation keywords and the synsets of the ImageCLEF concepts. To obtain
them, we first needed to find the relevant synsets for our keywords and the task
    The WordNet synset is defined as a set of words with the same meaning,
accompanied by a short description of the respective semantic concept. Very
often, a word has several meanings and therefore is contained in several synsets.
For instance, the word “cat” appears both in a synset describing the domestic
animal and a synset describing an attractive woman. If we have only a keyword
and no other information about the word sense or context, we need to consider
                           MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?         7

all synsets that contain this keyword. This is the case of keywords returned by
the MUFIN Annotation Tool. We do not try here to determine whether the
synsets are really relevant but rely on the majority voting of a large number of
keywords that are processed.
    The situation is however different in case of the ImageCLEF concepts where
it is much more important to know the correct synsets. Fortunately, we have
actually two possible ways of determining the relevant synsets. First, we can
sort them out manually since the number of concepts is relatively small. The
other, more systematic solution, will run the whole annotation process with all
the candidate synsets of the concepts, log the contributions of the respective
individual synsets, evaluate their performance, and rule out those with a low
success rate.
    Once the synsets are determined, we can look for the relationships. Again,
there are different types of relations and some of them are relevant for one con-
cept but irrelevant for another. Again, we have the same two possibilities of
choosing the relevant relationships as in the case of synsets. In our implemen-
tation, we have used the manual cleaning approach for synsets and automatic
selection approach for relationships.
    With the relevant synsets and relationships, we count a relevance score of
each ImageCLEF concept during the processing of each image. The score is
increased each time a keyword-synset is related to concept-synset. The increase
is proportional to the confidence score of the keyword as produced by the MUFIN
Annotation Tool.
    Finally, the concepts are checked against the OWL ontology provided within
the Annotation Task. The concepts are visited in a decreasing order of their
scores and whenever a conflict between two concepts is detected, the concept
with a lower score is discarded.

4.3   Additional image processing
The mining in keywords of similar images allows us to obtain such information
as is usually contained in the image descriptions. This is most often related to
image content, so the concepts related to nature, buildings, vehicles, etc. can be
identified quite well. However, the Annotation Task considers also concepts that
are less often described in the text. To get some more information about these,
we employed the following three additional information sources:

 – Face recognition: The face recognition algorithms are well-known in the im-
   age processing. We employ face recognition to determine the number of per-
   sons in an image.
 – EXIF tag processing: Some of the input photos are accompanied by EXIF
   tags that provide information about various image properties. When avail-
   able, we use these tags to decide the relevance of concepts related to illumi-
   nation, focus, and time of the day.
 – MUFIN visual search: Apart from the large Profimedia collection, we also
   have the training dataset that can be searched with respect to the visual
8         Petra Budikova, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

      similarity of images. However, since the trainset is rather small and some
      concepts are represented by only a few images, there is quite a high prob-
      ability that the nearest neighbors will not be relevant. Therefore, we only
      consider neighbors within a small range of distances (determined by experi-

4.4     Trainset statistics input
Definitely the most difficult concepts to assign are the ones related to user’s
emotions and also the abstract concepts such as technical, overall quality,
etc. As discussed in Section 3.1, it is not quite clear either to us or to the people
who annotated the trainset what these concepts precisely mean. Therefore, it is
very difficult to determine their relevance using the image visual content. The
text provided with the images is also not helpful in most cases.
    We finally decided to rely on the correlations between image content and
the emotions it most probably evokes. For example, images of babies or nature
are usually deemed cute. A set of such correlation rules was derived from the
trainset and used to choose the emotional and abstract concepts.

4.5     Our submissions at ImageCLEF
In our primary run, all the above-described components were integrated as de-
picted in Figure 2. In addition, we submitted three more runs where we tried
various other settings to find out whether the proposed extensions really pro-
vided some added quality to the search results. The components that were left
out in some experiments are depicted by dashed lines in Figure 2. We also ex-
perimented with the transformation of our concept scores into the confidence
values expressed as percentage, which was done either as concept-specific or
concept-independent. The individual run settings were as follows:
    – MufinSubmission100: In this run, all the available information was exploited
      including photo tags, EXIF tags, visual image descriptors, and trainset
      statistics. Concept-specific mapping of annotation scores to confidence values
      was applied.
    – MufinSubmission101: The same settings were used for this run as in the
      previous case but concept-independent mapping of annotation scores was
    – MufinSubmission110: In this run, we did not use the EXIF tags for the pro-
      cessing of concepts related to daytime and illumination as described in Sec-
      tion 4.3. The MUFIN visual search in the trainset was omitted as well. How-
      ever, the textual EXIF tags were used as a part of the input for the MUFIN
      Annotation Tool. Concept-independent mapping of annotation scores was
    – MufinSubmission120: In this run, the EXIF tags were not applied at all,
      neither as a part of the text-and-visual query in the basic annotation step nor
      in the additional processing. Again, the MUFIN visual search was skipped.
      Concept-independent mapping of annotation scores was applied.
                            MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?            9

5     Discussion of results

As detailed in [11], the following three quality metrics were evaluated to compare
the submitted results: Mean interpolated Average Precision (MAP), F-measure
(F-ex), and Semantic R-Precision (SR-Precision). As we expected, our best sub-
mission was MufinSubmission100 which achieved 0.299 MAP, 0.462 F-ex, and
0.628 SR-precision. The other submissions that we have tried received slightly
worse scores. After the task evaluation and the release of the algorithm for com-
puting the MAP metric, we also re-evaluated our system with better settings of
the MUFIN Annotation Tool that we have improved since the ImageCLEF task
submission. Using these, we were able to gain one or two percent increase of the
MAP score. With respect to the MAP measure, our solution ranked at position
13 among the 18 participating groups.
   Apart from the overall results, it is also interesting to take a closer look at the
performance of the various solutions for individual concepts. The complete list of
concept results for each group is available on the ImageCLEF web pages3 . Here
we focus on the categories and particular examples of concepts where MUFIN
annotation performed either well or poorly and discuss the possible reasons.
   First of all, we need to define what we consider a good result. Basically, there
are two ways: either we only look at the performance, e.g. following the MAP
measure, or we consider the performance in relation to the difficulty of assigning
the given concept. The assigning difficulty can be naturally derived from the
competition results – when no group was able to achieve high precision with
some concept, then the concept is problematic. Since we believe that the second
way is more suitable, we express our results as a percentage of the best MAP
achieved for the given concept. Table 1 and Figure 3 summarize the results of
MufinSubmission100 expressed in this way.

               Fig. 3. MUFIN relative MAP performance per concept.

10      Petra Budikova, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

                                Landscape elements      58.2 %
            Content element     Pictured objects        63.0 %    62.4 %
                                Urban elements          73.3 %
                                Expressed impression    49.5 %
            Impression                                            52.6 %
                                Felt impression         58.6 %
                                Aesthetics              60.0 %
            Quality                                               56.3 %
                                Blurring                54.6 %
                                Art                     58.6 %
                                Impression              55.1 %
            Representation      Macro                   54.4 %    56.4 %
                                Portrait                62.1 %
                                Still life              42.0 %
                                Abstract categories     64.0 %
                                Activity                49.4 %
                                Events                  24.7 %
            Scene description                                     60.8 %
                                Place                   72.5 %
                                Seasons                 69.4 %
                                Time of day             67.9 %

Table 1. MUFIN average relative MAP performance per category – averages over the
concepts in the respective category are shown.

    Table 1 shows the results averages in groups of semantically close categories
as specified by the ontology provided for ImageCLEF. We can observe that the
MUFIN approach is most successful in categories that are (1) related to visual
image content rather than higher semantics, and (2) probable to be reflected
in image tags. These are, in particular, the categories describing the depicted
elements, landscape, seasons, etc. Categories related to impressions, events, etc.
represent the other end of the spectrum; they are difficult to decide using only
the visual information and (especially the impressions) are rarely described via
    However, the average MAP values do not differ that much between categories.
The reason for this is revealed if we take a closer look at the results for individual
concepts, as depicted in Figure 3. Here we can notice low peaks in otherwise
well performing categories and vice versa. For instance, the clouds concept in
the landscapes category performs rather poorly. This is caused by the fact that
clouds appear in many images but only as a part of a background, which is
not important enough to appear in the annotation. On the contrary, airplanes
are more interesting and thus regularly appear in the annotations. In fact, we
again encounter the difference between the annotation and classification tasks –
in annotation we are usually interested in the most important/interesting tags
while in classification all relevant tags are wanted.
    Several more extremes are pointed out in Figure 3. For instance, the concept
cute performs well because of its high frequency in the dataset. On the other
hand, for the concept overexposed a specialized classifier is much more suitable
than the annotation mining. The detailed discussion of the best fitting methods
for individual categories is beyond the scope of this paper. However, we believe
                            MUFIN at ImageCLEF 2011: Success or Failure?             11

that it is worth further studies to sort out the different types of concepts as well
as annotation approaches and try to establish some relationships between them.

6   Conclusions
In this study, we have described the MUFIN solution of the ImageCLEF Photo
Annotation Task, which is based on free-text annotation mining, and compared
it to more specialized, classifier-based approaches. The method we presented has
its pros and cons. Mining information from annotated web collections is compli-
cated by a number of features related to the way the annotations are created.
As discussed in [12], we need to expect errors, typing mistakes, synonyms, etc.
However, there are also ways of overcoming these difficulties. In our approach,
we have exploited a well-annotated collection, the semantical information pro-
vided by WordNet, and a specialized ontology. Using these techniques, we have
been able to create an annotation system that shows precision comparable to
average classifiers, which are usually trained for specific purposes only. The main
advantage of our solution lies in the fact that it requires minimum training (and
is therefore less dependent on the availability of high-quality training data) and
is scalable to any number of concepts.

This work has been partially supported by Brno PhD Talent Financial Aid and by
the national research projects GAP 103/10/0886 and VF 20102014004. The hardware
infrastructure was provided by the METACentrum under the programme LM 2010005.

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