=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-DaroczyEt2011 |storemode=property |title=SZTAKI @ ImageCLEF 2011 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-DaroczyEt2011.pdf |volume=Vol-1177 }} ==SZTAKI @ ImageCLEF 2011== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-DaroczyEt2011.pdf
                       SZTAKI @ ImageCLEF 2011∗
                   Bálint Daróczy Róbert Pethes András A. Benczúr
            Data Mining and Web search Research Group, Informatics Laboratory
       Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
                        {daroczyb, rpethes, benczur}@ilab.sztaki.hu

       We participated in the ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation and Wikipedia Image Re-
       trieval Tasks. Our approach to the ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation is based on a
       kernel weighting procedure using visual Fisher kernels and a Flickr-tag based Jensen-
       Shannon divergence based kernel. We trained a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to
       define a generative model over the feature vectors extracted from the image patches.
       To represent each image with high-level descriptors we calculated Fisher vectors from
       different visual features of the images. These features were sampled at various scales
       and partitions such as Harris-Laplace detected patches, scale and spatial pyramids. We
       calculated distance matrices from the descriptors of train images to combine different
       high-level descriptors and the tag based similarity matrix. With this uniform repre-
       sentation we had the possibility to learn the natural weights for each category over
       the different type of descriptors. This re-weightning resulted 0.01838 MAP increase
       over the average kernel results. We used the weighted kernels for learning linear SVM
       models for each of the 99 concepts independently. For the Wikipedia Image Retrieval
       Task we used the search engine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as our informa-
       tion retrieval system that is based on Okapi BM25 ranking. We calculated light Fisher
       vectors to represent the content of the images and performed nearest-neighbour search
       on them.

Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: H.3.1 Content Analysis and Indexing; H.3.3 Infor-
mation Search and Retrieval; H.3.4 Systems and Software; H.3.7 Digital Libraries; H.2.3 [Database
Managment]: Languages—Query Languages

General Terms
Measurement, Performance, Experimentation

SIFT, Color moments, Gaussian mixtures, Fisher vector, kernel methods, SVM

1      Introduction
In this paper we describe our approach to the ImageCLEF 2011 Photo Annotation an Wikipedia
Image Retrieval evaluation campaigns [6, 7]. Our image classification is based on a combination
    ∗ This work was supported by the EU FP7 Projects LAWA (Large-Scale Longitudinal Web Analytics).
of visual and textual (Flickr tag) information defining uniform kernel matrices. We measured the
similarity between the set of image tags using the Jensen-Shannon divergence. We extracted nor-
malized Fisher vectors to calculate the distance kernel for the content of the images. In Wikipedia
Image Retrieval Task we used the search engine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences [2] as our
information retrieval system that is based on Okapi BM25 [8]. We extracted light Fisher vectors
for each image to measure image similarity.

2     Photo Annotation Task
To reduce the effect of noise on codebook generation and bag-of-words modeling, we smoothed the
images. Although the images are not of the same resolution, we did not rescale them. One of the
reasons was to avoid adding noise. In addition, with a properly normalized bag-of-words modeling
we did not need to calculate fixed number of samples per image. We used feature vectors to describe
the visual content of an image by approximately 13000 descriptors per image per modality. We
sampled the patches with dense multi-scale grid and Harris-Laplace point detection. We calculated
SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform[5]) and RGB color descriptors for each patch. For each
type of low-level descriptor we trained a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with 256 Gaussians.
The training of GMM models with about 3 million training points took 20 minutes per descriptor
with our open-source CUDA GMM implementation [3]. For the SIFT descriptors the training was
performed after reducing the dimension of descriptors to 80 by PCA. By the Color moments the
dimension reduction resulted performance loss so we did not adopted PCA for it. The normalized
Fisher gradient vector computed from GMM of SIFT descriptors is a well known technique to
represent an image with only one vector per pooling (we used 1x1, 1x3 and 2x2 spatial pyramids
[9] ). We also calculated Fisher vectors on the Harris-Laplacian detected corner descriptors. Our
overall procedure is shown in Fig. 1.
    Our GMM procedure is based on the standard expectation maximization (EM) algorithm
with a non-hierarchical structure. We resolved the well known vulnerability of EM algorithm
to underflow especially computing the conditional probabilities with large (50+) codebooks in
fp32/fp64 precision. This is a limitation of GPGPU cards, additionally in fp64 they are usually
more than twice as slow as in fp32. Since it is not sufficient enough to use logarithm instead
of values we implemented a magnitude summation algorithm. Read the details in our paper[3].
Our source code along with preprocessed GMM models and codes for Fisher vector calculation is
available free for research use at http://datamining.sztaki.hu/?q=en/GPU-GMM.
    The Fisher vectors can also be computed parallel in k · D independent calculations where D is
the dimension of the low-level features and k is the number of Gaussians. If neither the dimension
nor the number of clusters is more than the maximal number of threads for a GPU block, the
computational time depends only on the number of low-level features. Our implementation with
calculating all the gradients of the sampling points is seven-times faster than a well-tuned locally
optimal Fisher vector implementation on a fast CPU and 44-times faster if we calculate the same
algorithm on the CPU[3]. The calculation of Fisher vectors took about 1.5 hours per modality. We
extracted 9 Fisher vectors per image for each pooling: one Fisher vector for all the patches, one
for the Harris-Laplace detected points, three for the 1x3 and four for the 2x2 spatial partitions.
We normalized the resulted vectors with Fisher information matrix, power and L2 normalization.
Worth to mention, as our feature extraction methods eventuated high number of descriptors for
each part of the image and our Fisher calculation method is not cutting the lower probabilities,
the resulted Fisher vectors were highly non-sparse without any normalization.

2.1    Pre-Calculated kernel combination for linear SVM
Learning linear SVM models on Bag-of-Words models is a widely used technique[10, 1]. One of
the main problem is to define the kernel function between the training instances. We used pre-
computed normalized distance kernels instead of Fisher kernels because our preliminary experi-
ments showed better annotation performance with different training sets. Beside the classification
Figure 1: Feature extraction and classification procedure (Photo Annotation)
performance gain the dimension of the kernels are less than the dimension of a regular Fisher
vector (dimension of the kernel = #training images = 8k vs. dimension of F isher vector =
40k − 49k) . In addition, with pre-computed kernels we had the ability to combine textual and
visual kernels without increasing the dimension of the learning problem. We averaged the corre-
sponding basic kernels of the spatial pyramids. This resulted four kernels per low-level descriptor
per image (Harris-Laplace, full image, 1x3 and 2x2 spatial pyramid). Additionally we measured the
distance between two image according to their tags with Jensen-Shannon divergence. Our choice
was inspired by the similarity properties of Jensen-Shannon against Kullback-Leibler divergence.
    To learn the weights of the different basic kernels we splitted the training set into two parts on
account of sparse annotation. We trained SVM models per category ([4]) on the two part of the
data and evaluated it on the other half of the training set. We used the independently evaluated
predictions for the basic kernels and determined a combination between them for each category.
We used the existing Flickr tags to create probability distributions. If an image had no tag we set
its similarity to be zero if measured against itself and one if measured against the other images.
We assumed that the specified weights are linked to the ideal combination of the basic kernels.
Our final weighted kernel for each category c between images X and Y was

                                        1 X      X
                                           K      T
                         K(X, Y )c =         αck     Kk (X, It ) ∗ Kk (Y, It ).                    (1)
                                       |K|       t=1

The Kk (X, It ) denotes the basic kernels, It is the tth training image and T is the number of training
images of the collection. For the visual Fisher vectors we measured the similarity between two
vectors with Manhattan distance. For the Flickr tag based probability distributions we adopted
the Jensen-Shannon divergence as similarity measure.

                                                distM anhattan (Fk (X), Fk (It ))
                          Kkvisual (X, It ) =                                                      (2)
                                                 max ∗X arg maxt Kk (X, It )

                            Kktextual (X, It ) = distJensen−Shannon (X, It )                       (3)

   where Fk (X) denotes the Fisher vector of X for the kth pooling.
   Since the output of our classifier was a summarized values of the weighted dot-products of the
support vectors and the test instances, we used the sigmoid function to map the output of the
SVM classifier to a floating point prediction between zero and one.

                               P redictionf loat =                                                 (4)
                                                      1 + exp−1∗svmoutput

    Our method gained 1.8 % increase in MAP over the average sum of the basic kernels if we also
included a textual based kernel beside the visual kernels. As seen in Table 1 if we adopted the
kernel weighting only to the basic visual kernels we measured a 0.3 % increase.
    For the example-based evaluation we needed to define a mapping from the floating point
predictions into a binary annotation. We applied two strategies. In the first method we shifted
the borderline between the positive and the negative samples till the annotation on the training set
had the highest precision and recall. In the second method we assumed that the relative occurrence
of a category in the training and the test set were similar and shifted the borderline according to it.
The previous had much higher F-score (0.545341 vs. 0.593088) and higher Semantic R-Precision
(0.70853 vs. 0.71928). Worth to mention, from our submissions the averaged visual kernel had
the highest Semantic R-Precision (0.72902450).
                                Table 1: Photo Annotation results
                                        Kernel aggregation    MAP              EER        AUC
      visual + textual run3                 weighted        0.438744         0.243574   0.827621
      visual + textual run2 (we cssj)       weighted        0.436294         0.241691   0.827747
      visual + textual run1 (avg cssj)       average        0.420406         0.243885   0.828322
      visual run2                           weighted        0.369688         0.263449   0.806691
      visual run1 (avg cns)                  average        0.367054         0.264328   0.805142
      textual run1 (jensen)                 only one        0.345616         0.338127   0.717966

3      The Wikipedia Image Retrieval Task
We used the Hungarian Academy of Sciences search engine [2] as our information retrieval system
based on Okapi BM25 ranking [8]. We applied the English, German and French annotations and
articles independently for indexing. We made no differentiation between the title and the body of
the annotation.
    Since file names often contain relevant keywords and also often as substring, we gave score
proportional to the length of the matching substring. Since the indexing of all substrings is
infeasible, we only performed this step for those documents that already matched at least one
query term in their body.
    For the WikipediaMM task we also deployed query expansion by an online WordNet1 . We
added groups of synonyms with reduces weight so that only the score of the first few best per-
forming synonym was added to the final score to avoid overscoring long lists of synonyms.
    Nearest neighbor search was performed over light Fisher vector. We call it light Fisher vectors
because we calculated descriptors only on a dense grid (16 pixel step sampling) and we did not
extracted different poolings. We used the same Gaussian Mixture Model for the RGB color moment
descriptors as in the Photo Annotation task.
    Our Relevance Feedback method used the first 10 results of the aggregated score of the three
language query results. We calculated the Jensen-Shannon distance from the first 10 hits to the
lower ranked hits with weight according to their rank. For the documents ranked lower (i > 9)
the new score was

                                     1    X
                        scorei =        ∗    (1 − distJensen−Shannon (Di , Dj ))                   (5)
                                   i + 1 j=0

   where Di and Dj denotes the probability distribution of the ith and jth document.
   We found the text based score more accurate. Therefore we adopted our Relevance Feedback
procedure using the visual similarity of the first hundred hits to re-rank the documents. This
resulted 0.3 % increase in MAP (0.2167 vs. 0.2136).

4      Conclusions
For Photo Annotation Task, we successfully applied visual and textual kernel matrices as instance
matrices for SVM learning. We used our own implementations for Low-level feature extraction, to
train GMM models and calculate Fisher vectors. Our kernel weightning procedure resulted 1.8 %
improvement over the average combination of the textual and visual kernels. We are planning to
including new pre-computed kernels in the system and applying generative models to improving
the determination of weights for kernel aggregation.
    For image retrieval task, our Relevance Feedback method improved the baseline Okapi BM25
based textual system. We also plan to strengthen our retrieval results by using more sophisticated
methods for text and image retrieval fusion.
    1 http://wordnet.princeton.edu/
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 [4] Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin. LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines, 2001.
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