=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-GoeauEt2011b |storemode=property |title=Participation of INRIA & Pl@ntNet to ImageCLEF 2011 Plant Images Classification Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-GoeauEt2011b.pdf |volume=Vol-1177 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/GoeauJYBM11 }} ==Participation of INRIA & Pl@ntNet to ImageCLEF 2011 Plant Images Classification Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1177/CLEF2011wn-ImageCLEF-GoeauEt2011b.pdf
    Participation of INRIA & Pl@ntNet to
ImageCLEF 2011 plant images classification task

     Hervé Goëau1 , Alexis Joly1 , Itheri Yahiaoui1 , Pierre Bonnet2 , and Elise
                INRIA, IMEDIA team, France, name.surname@inria.fr,
                 CIRAD, UMR AMAP, France, pierre.bonnet@cirad.fr,
      Tela Botanica, France, elise@tela-botanica.org, http://www.tela-botanica.org/

        Abstract. This paper presents the participation of INRIA IMEDIA
        group and the Pl@ntNet project to ImageCLEF 2011 plant identifica-
        tion task. ImageCLEF’s plant identification task provides a testbed for
        the system-oriented evaluation of tree species identification based on leaf
        images. The aim is to investigate image retrieval approaches in the con-
        text of crowdsourced images of leaves collected in a collaborative manner.
        IMEDIA submitted two runs to this task and obtained the best evalu-
        ation score for two of the three image categories addressed within the
        benchmark. The paper presents the two approaches employed, and pro-
        vides an analysis of the obtained evaluation results.

        Keywords: Pl@ntNet, IMEDIA, INRIA, ImageCLEF, plant, leaves, im-
        ages, collection, identification, classification, evaluation, benchmark

1     Introduction

This paper presents the participation of INRIA IMEDIA group and the Pl@ntNet4
project to the plant identification task that was organized within ImageCLEF
20115 for the system-oriented evaluation of visual based plant identification.
This first year pilot task was more precisely focused on tree species identifi-
cation based on leaf images. The task was organized as a classification task
over 70 tree species with visual content being the main available information.
Three types of image content were considered: leaf scans, leaf photographs with
a white uniform background (referred as scan-like pictures) and unconstrained
leaf’s photographs acquired on trees with natural background. IMEDIA group,
in collaboration with the Pl@ntNet project submitted two runs, one based on
large-scale local features matching and rigid geometrical models, the other one
based on segmentation and shape boundary features.

2     Task description
The task was evaluated as a supervised classification problem with tree species
used as class labels.

2.1   Training and Test data
A part of Pl@ntLeaves dataset was provided as training data whereas the remain-
ing part was used later as test data. The training subset was built by randomly
selecting 2/3 of the individual plants of each species (and not by randomly
splitting the images themselves). So that pictures of leaves belonging to the same
individual tree cannot be split across training and test data. This prevents iden-
tifying the species of a given tree thanks to its own leaves and that makes the
task more realistic. In a real world application, it is indeed much unlikely that a
user tries to identify a tree that is already present in the training data. Detailed
statistics of the composition of the training and test data are provided in Table 1.

                         Nb of pictures Nb of individual plants Nb of contributors
           Train             2349                 151                   17
           Test               721                  55                   13
           Train              717                  51                    2
           Test               180                  13                    1
           Train              930                  72                    2
           Test               539                  33                    3
                 Train         3996                   269                       17
                 Test          1440                    99                       14
            Table 1. Statistics of the composition of the training and test data

2.2   Task objective and evaluation metric
The goal of the task was to associate the correct tree species to each test image.
Each participant was allowed to submit up to 3 runs built from different meth-
ods. As many species as possible can be associated to each test image, sorted by
decreasing confidence score. Only the most confident species was however used
in the primary evaluation metric described below. But providing an extended
ranked list of species was encouraged in order to derive complementary statistics
(e.g. recognition rate at other taxonomic levels, suggestion rate on top k species,
The primary metric used to evaluate the submitted runs was a normalized clas-
sification rate evaluated on the 1st species returned for each test image. Each
test image is attributed with a score of 1 if the 1st returned species is correct

and 0 if it is wrong. An average normalized score is then computed on all test
images. A simple mean on all test images would indeed introduce some bias
with regard to a real world identification system. Indeed, we remind that the
Pl@ntLeaves dataset was built in a collaborative manner. So that few contribu-
tors might have provided much more pictures than many other contributors who
provided few. Since we want to evaluate the ability of a system to provide correct
answers to all users, we rather measure the mean of the average classification
rate per author. Furthermore, some authors sometimes provided many pictures
of the same individual plant (to enrich training data with less efforts). Since we
want to evaluate the ability of a system to provide the correct answer based on
a single plant observation, we also decided to average the classification rate on
each individual plant. Finally, our primary metric was defined as the following
average classification score S:

                                U      Pu      Nu,p
                             1 X 1 X       1 X
                        S=                          su,p,n                       (1)
                             U u=1 Pu p=1 Nu,p n=1

U : number of users (who have at least one image in the test data)
Pu : number of individual plants observed by the u-th user
Nu,p : number of pictures taken from the p-th plant observed by the u-th user
su,p,n : classification score (1 or 0) for the n-th picture taken from the p-th plant
observed by the u-th user

    It is important to notice that while making the task more realistic, the nor-
malized classification score also makes it more difficult. Indeed, it works as if a
bias was introduced between the statistics of the training data and the one of the
test data. It highlights the fact that bias-robust machine learning and computer
vision methods should be preferred to train such real-world collaborative data.
Finally, to isolate and evaluate the impact of the image acquisition type (scan,
scan-like, photograph), a normalized classification score S was computed for each
type separately. Participants were therefore allowed to train distinct classifiers,
use different training subsets or use distinct methods for each data type.

3     Description of used methods

3.1   Large-scale local features matching and rigid geometrical
      models → inria imedia plantnet run1

State-of-the-art methods addressing leaf-based identification of leaves are mostly
based on leaf segmentation and shape boundary features [2, 12, 3, 15, 1]. Segmentation-
based approaches have however several strong limitations including the presence
of clutter and background information as well as other acquisition shortcomings
(shadows, leaflets occlusion, holes, cropping, etc.). These issues are particularly
critical in a crowdsourcing environment where we do not control accurately the
acquisition protocol. Alternatively, our first run is based on local features and

large-scale matching. Indeed, we realized that large-scale object retrieval meth-
ods [14, 10], usually aimed at retrieving rigid objects (buildings, logos, etc.), do
work surprisingly well on leaves. This can be explained by the fact that even
if only a small fraction of the leaf remains affine invariant, this is sufficient
to discriminate it from other species. Concretely, our system is based on the
following steps: (i) Local features extraction (mixed texture & shape features
computed around Harris points) (ii) Local features matching with an efficient
hashing-based indexing scheme (iii) Spatially consistent matches filtering with
a RANSAC algorithm using a rigid transform model (iv) Basic top-K decision
rule as classifier: for each species, the number of occurrences in the top-K images
returned is used as its score.
Besides clutter robustness, the method has several advantages: it does not require
any complex training phase allowing fast dynamic insertion of new crowdsourced
training data, and it is weakly affected by unbalanced class distribution thanks
to the selectivity of the spatial consistency filtering.

Mixed texture & shape local features Rather than using classical SIFT
features computed around DoG points, we employed multi-resolution color Har-
ris points ([5] and [8]). Indeed, we remarked that Harris corners were much
more representative of relevant patterns of the leaves than the DoG points. Leaf
boundary corners detected by Harris detector are notably much more stable than
the blobs detected by DoG (which are visually mainly noise). We used the color
version of Harris detector [5] that has usually a better repeatability. Finally we
extracted the points at four distinct resolutions (as in [8]) to deal with scaling
and blurring (with a scale factor equal to 0.8 between each resolution). The
number of Harris points extracted per image was limited to 500 (with a log-scale
maximum number of points per resolution).
Local features: hough 4 4, eoh 8, fourier 8 32 are extracted around each Harris
point from an image patch oriented according to the principal orientation and
scaled according to the resolution at which the Harris corner was detected.
hough 4 4 is a 16 dimensional histogram based on ideas inspired from the Hough
transform and is used to represent simple shapes in an image [4].
fourier 8 32 is a Fourier histogram used as a texture descriptor describing the
distribution of the spectral power density within the complex frequency plane.
It can differentiate between the low, middle and high frequencies and between
different angles the salient features have in a patch [4].
eoh 8 is a 8 dimensional classical Edge Orientation Histogram used for describ-
ing shapes in images and gives here the distribution of gradients on 8 directions
in a patch.
Finally, we use as local features the concatenation of these 3 local features, re-
sulting in a 280-dimensional feature vector extracted around each Harris point.

Local features compression with RMMH Random Maximum Margin Hash-
ing (RMMH) [7] is a new data dependent hashing method that we recently in-
troduced for the efficient embedding of high-dimensional feature vectors. The

main idea of RMMH is to train balanced and independent binary partitions of
the high-dimensional space by training svm’s on purely random splits of the
data, regardless the closeness of the training samples and without any form of
supervision. It allows to generate consistently more independent hash functions
than previous data dependent hashing methods while keeping a better embed-
ding than classical data independent random projections such as LSH [7]. In this
work, each local feature vector was embedded into a 256-bits hash code using
RMMH with a linear kernel (inner product) and M=32 training samples per
hash function (i.e. per bit). The distance between two local features is finally
computed as a Hamming distance between their two hash codes.

Local features indexing and matching with AMP-RMMH We also used
RMMH for indexing purposes using the multi-probe hashing method described
in [9]. The 20 first bits of the hash codes were used to create a hash table and
all binary hash codes of the full training set were mapped into it (resulting in
about 2 millions 256-bits hash codes mapped in a 220 size hash table). At query
time, each local feature of the query image is compressed with RMMH through
a 256-bit hash code and its approximate 600-nearest neighbors are searched
by probing multiple neighboring buckets in the hash table (according to the a
posteriori multi-probe algorithm described in [9]). This step returns a large set
of candidate local feature matches than can be reorganized image by image to
finally obtain a set of candidate images each with a set of candidate matches.

Reranking with rigid geometrical models A last step is finally applied
to re-rank the candidate images (retrieved from the training set) according to
their geometrical consistency with the query local features (as in [14] or [10]).
We therefore estimate a translation-scale-rotation geometric model between the
query image and each retrieved image. This is done using a RANSAC-like algo-
rithm working only on points positions, so that it uses random pairs of matches
to build candidate transform parameters. The final score for each image is com-
puted as the number of inlier matches (i.e. the ones that respect the estimated
translation-scale-rotation geometric model). All images that were returned by
the former step are finally re-ranked according to this geometrical consistency

Classification with a top-k decision rule Best species label is finally com-
puted by voting on the top-10 returned training images (ranked by geometrical
consistency score).

Training data strategy Since training and test leaf images are categorized in
three distinct image types (scans, scan-like photos and unconstrained photos),
an important question is which training images types should be used for which
test image type. Few leave-one-out experiments performed on the training set
itself did show us that using only scans as training images for all test images

might be more effective than other strategies (e.g. using all training images for
all test image types or using only the same image type for training and testing).
This can be explained by the fact that scan images do not contain any noisy
background so that all local features included in the trained index are actually
parts of the leave and not distractors as in unconstrained photographs.

3.2   Directional Fragment Histogram and geometric parameters on
      shape boundary→ inria imedia plantnet run2
The method used in the second run is very distinct from the first one and is closer
from state-of-the-art methods based on leaf segmentation and shape boundary
features. We use a shape boundary descriptor called Directional Fragment His-
togram introduced in a previous work on botanical images database [15], and to
combine it with usual geometric parameters on shapes. The method described
below focuses on scans and scan-like images. For photographs, results were pro-
duced by using classical global descriptors (Fourier histogram, Hough histogram,
HSV color histogram, Global and Local Edge Orientation Histograms) imple-
mented in the framework developed in IMEDIA team (more details of these
global descriptors can be found in [4] and [6]).
    As almost boundary-based shape description methods, the first step deals
with image segmentation. We use the classical Otsu adaptive thresholding method
[13], applied widely in the literature due to its content-independent character-
istic. Then two distinct feature extractions are applied in order to obtain a set
of two vector descriptors, one containing the boundary description with a Di-
rectional Fragment Histogram, and the other containing 8 distinct geometric

Boundary description with Directional Fragment Histogram This method
was introduced and applied successfully in a previous work on botanical data in
2006 [15]. The main idea is to consider that each element of a contour has a rel-
ative orientation with respect to its neighbors. The method consists in to slide a
segment over the contour of the shape and to identify groups of elements having
the same direction within the segment. Such groups are called Directional Frag-
ments, and then the DFH codes the frequency distribution and relative length
of groups of elements. Figure 1 gives an example of the extraction of the Direc-
tional Fragment Histogram during one position of the sliding segment (colored
in three fragments green, red and blue) along the contour. In this example the
DFH is a 32-dimensional histogram given by 8 orientations d0 to d7 combined
with 4 balanced ranges of relative lengths, (the lengths of the fragments seen as a
percentage of the segment length). In this position the sliding segment is counted
3 times at 3 distinct orientations and lengths. At the end of the procedure DFH
is finally normalized by the number of all the possible segments.

Boundary description with geometric parameters In order to improve
performances in plant identification, we chose to combine the DHF descriptor

Fig. 1. Extraction of the Directional Fragment Histogram during one position of the
sliding segment (colored in three fragments green, red and blue).

with 8 morphological features used in plant identification literature, like Aspect
Ratio, Rectangularity, Convex Area Ratio, Convex Perimeter Ratio, Sphericity,
Eccentricity and Form Factor. The table 2 gives the 8 geometric parameters
used for the task. Most of these parameters were succesfuly experimented in
[11], but on a limited numbers of 6 species related in fact to 6 very distinct
morphological categories of simple leaf shapes. The Plant Identification task was
the opportunity to experiment these shape parameters on much more species, on
much more morphological categories of leaf shapes, with simple and compound
leaves, and for certain with more visual ambiguities between species.

Classification with a top-k decision rule Finally, the boundary is described
by two vectors, one 8-dimensional vector containing the shape parameters, and
a DFH histogram. A balanced weighted sum of L1 distances on these two vec-
tors is used as similarity measure between an image test and a training image.
Best species label is finally computed by voting on the top-10 returned training
images, as in the previous first run.

4   Results

Figures 2, 3 and 4 present the normalized classification scores of the 20 submitted
runs for each of the three image types. Figure 5 presents the mean performances
averaged over the 3 image types. Table 3 finally presents the same results but
with detailed numerical values.

   The two runs submitted by IMEDIA, in spite of theirs theoretical differ-
ences, gave both good results, and obtained the best evaluation scores for two

Diameter                 Maximum length contained in the shape.

                         Ratio between the maximum length Dmax
Aspect Ratio             and the minimum lenght Dmin of the                           Dmin
                         minimum bounding box of the shape.

                         Ratio between the area As of the shape
Rectangularity           and the area Ab of the minimal bounding                       Ab

                         Ratio between the shape area As and the                       As
Convex Area Ratio                                                                      Ah
                         convex hull area Ah .

                         Ratio between the shape perimeter Ps                          Ps
Convex Perimeter Ratio                                                                 Ph
                         and the convex hull perimeter Ph .

                         The form factor can be interpreted as the
                         ”roundness” of the shape and is a ratio                      4πAs
Form Factor                                                                            Ps2
                         between the area As and the (squared)
                         perimeter Ps of the shape.

                         Ratio between the radius ri of the incircle
Sphericity               of the shape and the radius re of the                          re
                         excircle of the shape.

                         Ratio of the major principal axis λ1 over                      λ1
Eccentricity                                                                            λ2
                         the minor principal axis λ2

Table 2. The eight geometric          parameters    used   in   the    second   run   in-
ria imedia plantnet run2.

of the three image categories addressed within the benchmark, on scans for the
run inria imedia plantnet run1, and on scan-like images for the second run in-
ria imedia plantnet run2.
    Considering the first run, the approach based on large-scale local features
matching and rigid geometrical models gives surprisingly better results on scans
than state of the arts methods based on shape boundary features.

    Considering the image types and the results for all teams, performances are
degrading with the complexity of the acquisition image type. Indeed, scans are
more easy to identify than scan-like photos and unconstrained photos are much
more difficult. This is can be seen in figure 5 where the relative scores of each
image type are highlighted by distinct colors. However, if this ”rule” is true
for the first run inria imedia plantnet run1 , it is not for the second run in-
ria imedia plantnet run2 (and also for 5 other runs). It is difficult to give a
precise reason of these results, but numerous unsuccessful scan tests have a rela-
tively poor quality, coming from a low resolution original scan, noisy with a non
uniform and gradually yellow colored background with blurred content. These
unsuccessful scans maybe indicate a weakness at the very first step of automatic

            Run id               Participant    Scans Scan-like Photographs Mean
        IFSC USP run2               IFSC       0,562 0,402        0,523     0,496
  inria imedia plantnet run1       INRIA       0,685 0,464         0,197    0,449
        IFSC USP run1               IFSC        0,411 0,430       0,503     0,448
          LIRIS run3               LIRIS        0,546 0,513       0,251     0,437
          LIRIS run1               LIRIS        0,539 0,543        0,208    0,430
      Sabanci-Okan-run1      SABANCI-OKAN 0,682 0,476              0,053    0,404
          LIRIS run2               LIRIS        0,530 0,508        0,169    0,403
          LIRIS run4               LIRIS        0,537 0,538        0,121    0,399
  inria imedia plantnet run2       INRIA        0,477 0,554        0,090    0,374
        IFSC USP run3               IFSC        0,356 0,187        0,116    0,220
         kmimmis run4            KMIMMIS        0,384 0,066        0,101    0,184
         kmimmis run1            KMIMMIS        0,384 0,066        0,040    0,163
       UAIC2011 Run01               UAIC        0,199 0,059        0,209    0,156
         kmimmis run3            KMIMMIS        0,284 0,011        0,060    0,118
       UAIC2011 Run03               UAIC        0,092 0,163        0,046    0,100
         kmimmis run2            KMIMMIS        0,098 0,028        0,102    0,076
          RMIT run1                RMIT         0,071 0,000        0,098    0,056
          RMIT run2                RMIT         0,061 0,032        0,043    0,045
         daedalus run1          DAEDALUS        0,043 0,025        0,055    0,041
       UAIC2011 Run02               UAIC        0,000 0,000        0,042    0,014
Table 3. Normalized classification scores for each run and each image type. Top 3
results per image type are highlighted in bold

5   Conclusions

For IMEDIA these results are very promising considering the complementar-
ity of the two very distinct methods. Surprisingly, the matching approach gives
the best evaluation score of the task on scans than state of the arts methods

              Fig. 2. Normalized classification scores for scan images

            Fig. 3. Normalized classification scores for scan-like photos

based on shape boundary features. This is an important result that opens fur-
ther investigations in matching based approaches applied to plant identification.

              Fig. 4. Normalized classification scores for photographs

       Fig. 5. Normalized classification scores averaged over all image types

Initially aimed at retrieving rigid objects, this original approach for plant leaf
identification can be certainly improved in order to be more robust to other

kind of images as the scan-like pictures and photographs, maybe by considering
a part-based model approach. The very good results with the second method
based on shape boundary description, let us to plan improvement by combining
it with the matching approach. Indeed, by considering all test images, only 22%
of the images are successful at the same time for the two methods, which let us
to aim a significant room for improvement.

This work was funded by the Agropolis fundation through the project Pl@ntNet

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