=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-CLEFIP-SalampasisEt2012 |storemode=property |title=Report on the CLEF-IP 2012 Experiments: Search of Topically Organized Patents |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-CLEFIP-SalampasisEt2012.pdf |volume=Vol-1178 }} ==Report on the CLEF-IP 2012 Experiments: Search of Topically Organized Patents== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-CLEFIP-SalampasisEt2012.pdf
Report on the CLEF-IP 2012 Experiments: Search of
            Topically Organized Patents

                               Michail Salampasis
                          Vienna University of Technology
             Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
                                   Vienna, Austria

                               Giorgos Paltoglou
                          University of Wolverhampton
                             School of Technology
                                United Kingdom

                              Anastasia Giahanou
                            University of Macedonia
                        Department of Applied Informatics
                              Thessaloniki, Greece

  Abstract. This technical report presents the work which has been carried out
  using Distributed Information Retrieval methods for federated search of patent
  documents for the passage retrieval starting from claims (patentability or nov-
  elty search) task. Patent documents produced worldwide have manually-
  assigned classification codes which in our work are used to cluster, distribute
  and index patents through hundreds or thousands of sub-collections. We tested
  different combinations of source selection (CORI, BordaFuse, Reciprocal
  Rank) and results merging algorithms (SSL, CORI). We also tested different
  combinations of the number of collections requested and documents retrieved
  from each collection. One of the aims of the experiments was to test older DIR
  methods that characterize different collections using collection statistics like
  term frequencies and how they perform in patent search. Also to experiment
  with newer DIR methods which focus on explicitly estimating the number of
  relevant documents in each collection and usually attain improvements in preci-
  sion over previous approaches, but their recall is usually lower. However, the
  most important aim was to examine how DIR methods will perform if patents
  are topically organized using their IPC and if DIR methods can approximate the
  performance of a centralized index approach. We submitted 8 runs. According
  to PRES @100 our best DIR approach ranked 7th across 31 submitted results,
  however our best DIR (not submitted) run outperforms all submitted runs.

  Keywords: Patent Search, IPC, Source Selection, Federated Search
1      Introduction

This technical report presents the participation of the Vienna University of Technol-
ogy in collaboration with the University of Wolverhampton and the University of
Macedonia in the passage retrieval starting from claims (patentability or novelty
search) task. Our experiments which are reported here aim to explore an important
issue, the thematic organization of patent documents using the subdivision of patent
data by International Patent Classification (IPC) codes, and if this organization can be
used to improve patent search effectiveness using DIR methods in comparison to
centralized index approaches.
    Patent documents produced worldwide have manually-assigned classification
codes which in our experiments are used to topically organize, distribute and index
patents through hundreds or thousands of sub-collections. Our system automatically
selects the best collections for each query submitted to the system, something which
very precisely and naturally resembles the way patents professionals do various types
of patents searches, especially patent examiners doing invalidity search. IPC is a
standard taxonomy for classifying patents, and has currently about 71,000 nodes
which are organized into a five-level hierarchical system which is also extended in
greater levels of granularity. IPC is consistently maintained by an authorized official
organization, and IPC codes are assigned to patent documents manually by technical
specialists such as patent examiners.
    In the experiments which are reported in this paper, we divided the CLEF-IP col-
lection using the Subclass (Split-3) and the main group (Split-4) level. The patents
have been allocated to sub-collections based on the IPC codes specified in them. The
average patent has three IPC codes. In the experiments we report here, we allocated a
patent to each sub-collection specified by at least one of its IPC code, i.e. a sub-
collection might overlap with others in terms of the patents it contains.
    Topics in the patentability or novelty search task are sets of claims extracted from
actual patent application documents. Participants are asked to return passages that are
relevant to the topic claims. The topics contain also a pointer to the original patent
application file. Our participation was limited only at the document level and we
didn’t perform the claims to passage task. We run two different sets of queries. One
set was based on the specific claim(s) which is listed for each topic and the other on
the full set of claims which could be extracted from the original patent application
file. We submitted 8 runs but in this technical report we report on all the runs we per-
formed and the results we obtained. According to PRES @100 our best submitted
DIR approach ranked 7th across 31 submitted results, however our best DIR (not
submitted) run outperforms all submitted runs.
    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present in detail how patents
are topically organized in our work using their IPC code. In Section 3 we describe the
DIR techniques we applied and the details of our experimental setup. In Section 4 we
report the results of our experiments. We follow with a discussion of the rationale of
our approach in Section 5 and future work and conclusions in Section 6.
2      Topically Organised Patents for DIR

Distributed Information Retrieval (DIR), also known as federated search (Luo Si &
Callan, 2003a), offers users the capability of simultaneously searching multiple online
remote information sources through a single point of search. The DIR process can be
perceived as three separate but interleaved sub-processes: Source representation, in
which surrogates of the available remote collections are created (J. Callan & Connell,
2001). Source selection, in which a subset of the available information collections is
chosen to process the query (Georgios Paltoglou, Salampasis, & Satratzemi, 2011)
and results merging, in which the separate results returned from remote collections are
combined into a single merged result list which is returned to the user for examination
(G Paltoglou, Salampasis, & Satratzemi, 2008).
   The experiments which are reported in this paper measure the effectiveness of DIR
methods when applied to topically organized patents. Another collection selection
study involving topically organized patents is reported in the literature (Larkey,
Connell, & Callan, 2000), however this study was conducted many years ago with a
different (USPTO) patent dataset. Also, our approach of dividing patents is different
and closer to the actual way of patent examiners conducting patent searches, as we
divide patents into a much larger number of sub-collections. We also use state-of-the
art algorithms which were not available in the study reported by Larkey.
   All patents have manually assigned international patent classification (IPC) codes
(Chen & Chiu, 2011). IPC is an internationally accepted standard taxonomy for sort-
ing, organizing, disseminating, and searching patents. It is officially administered by
World Intellectual Property Organization. The International Patent Classification
(IPC) provides a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classi-
fication of patents according to the different areas of technology to which they per-
tain. IPC is a standard taxonomy for classifying patents, and has currently about
71,000 nodes which are organized into a five-level hierarchical system which is also
extended in greater levels of granularity. IPC is consistently maintained by an author-
ized official organization, and IPC codes are assigned to patent documents manually
by technical specialists such as patent examiners.
   The fact that IPC are assigned by humans in a very detailed and purposeful as-
signment process, something which is very different by the creation of sub-collections
using automated clustering algorithms or the naive division method by chronological
or source order, a division method which has been extensively used in past DIR re-
search, raise the necessity to reassess existing DIR techniques in the patent domain.
Also, patents are published electronically using a strict technical form and structure
(Adams, 2010). This characteristic is another reason to reassess existing DIR tech-
niques because these have been mainly developed for structureless and short docu-
ments such as newspapers and the last years has been given to web documents. An-
other important difference is that patent search is recall oriented because very high
recall is required in most searchers (Lupu, Mayer, Tait, & Trippe, 2011), i.e. a single
missed patent in a patentability search can invalidate a newly granted patent. This
contrasts with web search where high precision of initially returned results is the re-
quirement and about which DIR algorithms were mostly concentrated and evaluated
(G Paltoglou et al., 2008).
   Before we describe our study further we should explain IPC which determines how
we created the sub-collections in our experiments. Top-level IPC nodes consist of
eight sections such as human necessities, performing operations, chemistry, textiles,
fixed constructions, mechanical engineering, physics, and electricity. A section is
divided into classes which are subdivided into subclasses. Subclass is divided into
main groups which are further subdivided into subgroups. In total, the current IPC has
8 sections, 129 classes, 632 subclasses, and 7.530 main groups and approximately
63,800 subgroups.
   Table 1 shows a part of IPC. Section symbols use uppercase letters A through H. A
class symbol consists of a section symbol followed by two-digit numbers such as F01,
F02 etc. A subclass symbol is composed of a class symbol followed by an uppercase
letter like F01B. A main group symbol consists of a subclass symbol followed by one
to three-digit numbers followed by a slash followed by 00 such as F01B7/00 and
B64C781/00. A subgroup symbol replaces the last 00 in a main group symbol with
two-digit numbers except for 00 such as F01B7/02. Each IPC node is attached with a
noun phrase description which specifies some technical fields relevant to that IPC
code. Note that a subgroup may have more refined subgroups (i.e. defining 6 th, 7th
level etc). Hierarchies among subgroups are indicated not by subgroup symbols but
by the number of dot symbols preceding the node descriptions as shown in Table 1.

               Table 1. An Example of a Section From the IPC Clasification
             Section      Mechanical engineering…                        F
             Class        Machines or engines in general                 F01
             Subclass     Machines or engines with two or more pistons   F01B7
             Main group   reciprocating within same cylinder or …        F01B7/00
             Subgroup     .with oppositely reciprocating pistons         F01B7/02
             Subgroup     ..acting on same main shaft                    F01B7/04

   The taxonomy and set of classes, subclasses, groups etc is dynamic. The patent of-
fice tries to keep membership to groups down to a maximum by making new sub-
groups etc. However, new patent applications/inventions require the continual update
of the IPC taxonomy. Periodically, the WIPO carries out a reclassification. Some-
times existing subclasses/groups/subgroups are subdivided into new subsets. Some-
times a set of subclasses of a class are merged together, then subdivided again in a
different manner. After new subclasses are formed, the patents involved may or may
not be assigned to the new subclasses.

3      Experiment

3.1    Setup
The data collection which we have used in the study presented in this paper is CLEF-
IP 2012 where patents are extracts of the MAREC dataset, containing over 2.6 million
patent documents pertaining to 1.3 million patents from the European Patent Office
with content in English, German and French, and extended by documents from the
WIPO. We indexed the collection with the Lemur toolkit. The fields which have been
indexed are: title, abstract, description (first 500 words), claims, inventor, applicant
and IPC class information. Patent documents have been pre-processed to produce a
single (virtual) document representing a patent. Our pre-processing involves also
stop-word removal and stemming using the Porter stemmer. In the experiments re-
ported here we use the Inquery algorithm implementation of Lemur. Although we
have submitted results for the French and German topics for reason of completeness,
we focused our interest to the English subset of the topics. Also, we didn’t perform
the passage retrieval task but we focused only in the document retrieval i.e. given a
topic/set of claims we tried to retrieve relevant documents in the collection.
   We have divided the CLEF-IP collection using the Subclass (Split-3), the main
group (Split-4) level and the sub-group level (Split-5). This decision is driven by the
way that patent examiners work when doing patent searches who basically try to in-
crementally focus into a narrower sub-collection of documents. The patents have been
allocated to sub-collections based on the IPC codes specified in them. The average
patent has three IPC codes. In the present system, we allocate a patent to each sub-
collection specified by at least one of its IPC code, i.e. a sub-collection might overlap
with others in terms of the patents it contains, This is the reason why the column #pa-
tents presents a number larger than the 1.3 million patents that constitute the CLEF-IP
2012 collection. We could also attempt only to place patents into their unique original
reference subgroup (the main IPC code) but this information is not always available in
all patent documents.

        Table 2. Statistics of the CLEF-IP 2012 divisions using different levels of IPC
                                    Collections          Docs per collection
               Split    # patents
                                     Number       Avg     Min     Max       Median
              split_3    3622570            632   5732      1 165434         1930
              split_4    5363045          7530     712      1     83646        144
              split_5   10393924        63806     163        1   39108         36

3.2    DIR methods used
There are a number of Source Selection approaches including CORI (J. P. Callan, Lu,
& Croft, 1995), gGlOSS (French et al., 1999), and others (L Si, Jin, Callan, &
Ogilvie, 2002), that characterize different collections using collection statistics like
term frequencies. These statistics, which are used to select or rank the available col-
lections’ relevance to a query, are usually assumed to be available from cooperative
search providers. Alternatively, statistics can be approximated by sampling uncooper-
ative providers with a set of queries (J. Callan & Connell, 2001). The main character-
istic of CORI which is probably the most widely used and tested source selection
method is that it creates a hyper-document representing all the documents-members of
a sub-collection.
    In more recent years, there has been a shift of focus in research on source selection,
from estimating the relevancy of each remote collection to explicitly estimating the
number of relevant documents in each. ReDDE (Luo Si & Callan, 2003b) focuses at
exactly that purpose. It is based on utilizing a centralized sample index, comprised of
all the documents that are sampled in the query-sampling phase and ranks the collec-
tions based on the number of documents that appear in the top ranks of the centralized
sample index. Its performance is similar to CORI at testbeds with collections of simi-
lar size and better when the sizes vary significantly. Two similar approaches named
CRCS(l) and CRCS(e) were presented by (Shokouhi, 2007), assigning different
weights to the returned documents depending on their rank, in a linear or exponential
fashion. Other methods see source selection as a voting method where the available
collections are candidates and the documents that are retrieved from the set of sam-
pled documents are voters (Georgios Paltoglou, Salampasis, & Satratzemi, 2009).
Different voting mechanism can be used (e.g. BordaFuse, ReciRank, Compsum)
mainly inspired by data fusion techniques. The methods described in this paragraph in
past DIR experiments attained improvements in precision over previous approaches,
but their recall was usually lower.
    We did an adaptation to source selection algorithms which are used in the experi-
ments. Usually the precision oriented source selection methods such as ReciRank use
few documents (e.g. 50) from the sampling collection to estimate the relevancy of
remote collections. Based on previous test runs which produced poor results we
choose to use 1000 documents from the sampling collection to decide on resources
(IPC-based sub-collections) relevancy.
    In the experiments which are reported in this paper we used both CORI and the
precision oriented methods for source selection with the voting method using Recip-
rocal Rank and BordaFuse (Aslam & Montague, 2001)
    We run the experiments with two different set of queries, one set was based on the
specific claim(s) that was listed for each topic (spClms) and the other on the full set of
claims which could be extracted from the original patent application file (AllClms).
We tested different combinations of source selection (CORI, BordaFuse, and Recip-
rocal Rank) and results merging algorithms (SSL, CORI). The CORI results merging
algorithm (J. P. Callan et al., 1995) is based on a heuristic weighted scores merging
algorithm. Semi-supervised learning (Luo Si & Callan, 2003a), makes use of a cen-
tralized index, comprised of all the sampled documents from the remote collections.
The algorithm takes advantage of the common documents between the centralized
index and the remote collections and their corresponding relevancy scores to estimate
a linear regression model between the two scores.
    We also tested different combinations of the number of collections requested and
documents retrieved from each collection. Based on observations that relevant patents
usually are located in few IPC main groups, subclasses or even subgroups we run
experiments selecting 10, 20 or 50 sub-collections (IPC codes) requesting 100, 50 or
20 documents from each sub-collection respectively. In total we tested 44 combina-
tions of DIR methods. We also performed two runs with the centralized index one
with the spClms set of topics and the other with the AllClms set of topics. All the runs
reported here are conducted with the Split-3 and Split-4 divisions. We didn’t manage
to perform any run with the Split-5 division due to increased time and other resources

4      Results
   Table 3 shows the top 30 runs ranked according to PRES @100. In each line the
experiment description encodes: the number of collections selected, number of docu-
ments requested from each selected collection, how patents were topically organized
(split-3 or split-4), method for source selection, method for merging, set of queries
(spClms, AllClms) and, finally if regular expressions were used to remove numbers
and words of less than two characters in the query (regexp).

                Table 3. Results of the top 30 submitted and not submitted runs
 Run description (runs denoted with an asterisk are         PRES        MAP       Recall
 one of the 8 submitted runs)                               @100        @100      @100
 10-100.split4.CORI-CORI.AllClms                              0,343      0,116     0,428
 20-50.split3.CORI-CORI.AllClms                               0,329      0,102      0,45
 20-50.split4.CORI-CORI.AllClms                               0,327      0,111     0,421
 10-100.split4.CORI-SSL.AllClms                               0,326      0,119     0,432
 20-50.split4.CORI-SSL.AllClms.regex                          0,325      0,127     0,439
 50-20.split3.CORI-CORI.AllClms                               0,318       0,09     0,441
 20-50.split3.CORI-SSL.AllClms.regex                          0,315      0,104     0,453
 50-20.split3.CORI-SSL.AllClms.regex                          0,311      0,105     0,444
 50-20.split4.CORI-SSL.AllClms.regex                          0,309      0,119     0,436
 Centralized.Inquery.AllClms.regex                            0,309      0,115     0,411
 50-20.split4.CORI-CORI.AllClms                               0,307      0,107     0,428
 10-100.split3.CORI-CORI.AllClms                              0,292      0,084     0,418
 Centralized.Inquery.spClms.regex (*)                         0,268      0,107     0,356
 10-100.split3.CORI-SSL.AllClms                               0,258       0,09      0,35
 50-20.split3.CORI-CORI.spClms                                0,248      0,094     0,294
 20-50.split3.CORI-SSL.spClms.regex (*)                       0,245        0,1     0,324
 10-100.split3.CORI-CORI.spClms (*)                           0,242      0,086     0,324
 10-100.split3.CORI-SSL.spClms                                0,236       0,09     0,326
 50-20.split3.CORI-SSL.spClms.regex (*)                       0,232      0,103      0,27
 50-20.split4.CORI-SSL.spClms.regex (*)                        0,23      0,103     0,275
 20-50.split4.CORI-SSL.spClms.regex                           0,213      0,904      0,27
 10-100.split3.BordaFuse-SSL.AllClms.regex                    0,211      0,042     0,311
 50-20.split3.BordaFuse-SSL.AllClms.regex                     0,211       0,04      0,32
 10-100.split3.RR-SSL.AllClms.regex                           0,202       0,04     0,311
 50-20.split3.RR-SSL.AllClms.regex                            0,202       0,04      0,32
 20-50.split3.BordaFuse-SSL.AllClms.regex                     0,199      0,036     0,289
 20-50.split3.RR-SSL.AllClms.regex                            0,199      0,035     0,289
 10-100.split4.BordaFuse-SSL.AllClms.regex                    0,195      0,037     0,237
 50-20.split4.RR-SSL.AllClms.regex                            0,195      0,037     0,237

5      Discussion
As it is shown in Table 3 the best performing combinations are those using CORI as
the source selection algorithm and CORI or secondly SSL as the merging algorithm.
The superiority of CORI as source selection method is unquestionable with the best
run without CORI appearing in rank 21 (10-100.split3.BordaFuse-
SSL.AllClms.regex). Also, it seems the best runs are those requesting fewer sub-
collections 10 or 20 and more documents from each selected sub-collection. This fact
is probably the result of the small number of relevant documents which exist for each
topic. To validate these observations we did a post-run analysis of the topics and how
their relevant documents are allocated to sub-collections in each split (Table 4). Table
4 reveals very useful information which shows that to some extend relevant IPC codes
can be effectively identified if IPC classification codes are already assigned to a topic.
This is a feature that we didn’t use in our experiments and can be used as a heuristic
that could substantially increase the performance of source selection.

       Table 4. Analysis of IPC distribution of topics and their relevant documents
                                                 # of IPC
                     # relevant     # of IPC    classes of            # of common
        IPC Level
                      docs per     classes of    relevant              IPC classes
          - Split
                        topic      each topic      docs                between (b)
                         (a)           (b)          (c)       c/b        and (c)
        Split 3
        ALL             4,49         2,41         4,51       1,87        1,99
        EN ONLY         4,77         2,66         5,40       2,03        2,40
        Split 4
        ALL             4,49         3,25         8,58       2,64        2,44
        EN ONLY         4,77         3,54         9,77       2,76        2,86
        Split 5
        ALL             4,48         8,43         24,33      2,89        4,90
        EN ONLY         4,77         7,94         21,79      2,74        5,21

    In general our approach has managed to score relatively high in the document level
for which we submitted results. For example our top scoring approach (10-
100.split4.CORI-CORI.AllClms, not included in the initially submitted 8 run files)
has scored higher than any other submitted run.
    Another interesting finding is that the queries that have been produced on the full
set of claims that can be extracted from a topic produced significantly better and con-
sistently better than the queries which have been produced from the specific claim or
list of claims for each topic. This first approach (i.e. AllClms) can be considered as an
implicit query expansion method which seems to have a positive effect on perfor-
mance. Probably the SpcClms condition would produce better results for the passage
retrieval task as the specific claim(s) probably contain more accurate information
pertinent to support the task of retrieving a specific passage within a document, but as
we focused only in the document level we couldn’t test this reasonable hypothesis.
    In addition to the comments already discussed, perhaps the most interesting and
important finding for this study is that DIR approaches managed to perform better
than the centralized index approaches, with 9 DIR combinations scoring better than
the best centralized approach. This is a very interesting finding which shows that DIR
approaches not only can be more efficient and probably more appropriate due to the
dynamic nature of creating documents in the patent domain, but also more effective.
   It seems that in patent domain the cluster-based approaches to information retrieval
(Willett, 1988)(Fuhr, Lechtenfeld, Stein, & Gollub, 2011) which utilize document
clusters (sub-collections), could be utilized so efficiency or effectiveness can be im-
proved. As for efficiency, searching and browsing on sub-collections rather than the
complete collection of documents could significantly reduce the retrieval time of the
system and more significantly the information seeking time of users. In relation to
effectiveness, the potential of DIR retrieval stems from the cluster hypothesis (Van
Rijsbergen, 1979) which states that related documents residing in the same cluster
(sub-collection) tend to satisfy same information needs. The cluster hypothesis has
been utilized in various settings for information retrieval such as for example cluster-
based retrieval, extensions of IR models with clusters, latent semantic indexing. The
expectation in the context of source selection, which is of primarily importance for
this study, is that if the correct sub-collections are selected then it will be easier for
relevant documents to be retrieved from the smaller set of available documents and
more focused searches can be performed.
   The field of DIR has been explored in the last decade mostly as a response to tech-
nical challenges such as the prohibitive size and exploding rate of growth of the web
which make it impossible to be indexed completely (Raghavan & Garcia-Molina,
2001). Also there is a large number of online sources (web sites), collectively known
as invisible web which are either not reachable by search engines because they sit
behind pay-to-use turnstiles, or for other reasons do not allow their content to be in-
dexed by web crawlers, offering their own search capabilities (Miller, 2007). As the
main focus of this paper is patent search, we should mention this is especially true in
the patent domain as nearly all authoritative online patent sources (e.g. EPO’s
espacenet) are not indexable and therefore not accessible by general purpose search

6      Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we presented the work which has been carried out using Distributed
Information Retrieval methods for federated search of patent documents for the
CLEF-IP 2012 passage retrieval starting from claims (patentability or novelty search)
task. We tested different combinations of source selection (CORI, BordaFuse, Recip-
rocal Rank) and results merging algorithms (SSL, CORI). We have divided the
CLEF-IP collection using the Subclass (Split-3) and the main group (Split-4) level to
experiment with different levels and depth of topical organization.
   We submitted 8 runs. According to PRES @100 our best DIR approach ranked 7 th
across 31 submitted results, however our best DIR (not submitted) run outperforms all
submitted runs. The best performing source selection algorithm was CORI. On the
other side the (precision oriented) methods Reciprocal Rank and BordaFuse consis-
tently produced worse results.
   We plan to explore further this line of work with exploring modifications to state-
of-the-art DIR methods which didn’t perform well enough in this set of experiments
and to make them more effective for patent search. Also, we would like to experiment
with larger distribution levels based on IPC (subgroup level). As we already explained
we produced divisions of higher granularity at level 5 of IPC but we didn’t have the
time and the resources to report results for this division (split-5). We plan to report the
runs using split-5 in a future paper.
   We believe that the discussion and the experiment presented in this paper are also
useful to the designers of patent search systems which are based on DIR methods. In
conclusion, we have illustrated that DIR methods could be more effective and effi-
cient than others which are based on centralized approaches. Of course, more and
larger experiments are required before we can reach a more general conclusion. How-
ever, our experiment has produced some indications advocating the development of
patent search systems which would be based on similar principles with the ideas that
inspired the experiments presented in this paper.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The first author is supported by a Marie Curie fellowship
from the IEF project PerFedPat (www.perfedpat.eu).

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