=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-INEX-VivaldiEt2012 |storemode=property |title=INEX Tweet Contextualization Track at CLEF 2012: Query Reformulation using Terminological Patterns and Automatic Summarization |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-INEX-VivaldiEt2012.pdf |volume=Vol-1178 }} ==INEX Tweet Contextualization Track at CLEF 2012: Query Reformulation using Terminological Patterns and Automatic Summarization== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-INEX-VivaldiEt2012.pdf
         INEX Tweet Contextualization Track
          at CLEF 2012: Query Reformulation
             using Terminological Patterns
             and Automatic Summarization

                        Jorge Vivaldi and Iria da Cunha

                            Universitat Pompeu Fabra
                   Institut Universitari de Lingüı́stica Aplicada

      Abstract. The tweet contextualization INEX task at CLEF 2012 con-
      sists of the developing of a system that, given a tweet, can provide some
      context about the subject of the tweet, in order to help the reader to
      understand it. This context should take the form of a readable sum-
      mary, not exceeding 500 words, composed of passages from a provided
      Wikipedia corpus. Our general approach to get this objective is the fol-
      lowing: we perform some automatic reformulations of the initial tweets
      provided for the task (obtaining a list of terms related with the main
      topic of all them using terminological patterns). Then, using these re-
      formulated tweets, we obtain related documents with the search engine
      Indri. Finally, we use REG, an automatic extractive summarization sys-
      tem based on graphs, to summarize these documents and provide the
      summary associated to each tweet.

Key words: INEX, CLEF, Tweets, Terms, Named Entities, Wikipedia, Auto-
matic Summarization, REG.

1   Introduction

The tweet contextualization INEX (Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Re-
trieval) task at CLEF 2012 (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum)
consists of the developing of a system that, given a tweet, can provide some con-
text about the subject of the tweet, in order to help the reader to understand
it. This context should take the form of a readable summary, not exceeding
500 words, composed of passages from a provided Wikipedia corpus. Like in the
Question-Answering (QA) of INEX 2011, the task to be performed by the partic-
ipating groups is contextualizing tweets, that is answering questions of the form
“what is this tweet about?” using a recent cleaned dump of the Wikipedia. The
general process involves: tweet analysis, passage and/or XML elements retrieval
and construction of the answer. Relevant passages would be segments contain-
ing relevant information and also containing as little non-relevant information
as possible (the result is specific to the question).
    The test data are about 1000 tweets in English collected by the organizers
of the task from Twitter. They were selected among informative accounts (for
example, @CNN, @TennisTweets, @PeopleMag, @science...), in order to avoid
purely personal tweets that could not be contextualized. Information such as
the user name, tags or URLs is provided. The document collection for all the
participants, that is the corpus, has been rebuilt based on a dump of the English
Wikipedia from November 2011. Resulting documents are made of a title, an
abstract and sections with sub-titles.
    We consider that automatic extractive summarization systems could be useful
in this QA task, taking into account that a summary can be defined as “a
condensed version of a source document having a recognizable genre and a very
specific purpose: to give the reader an exact and concise idea of the contents of
the source” [1]. Summaries can be divided into “extracts”, if they contain the
most important sentences extracted from the original text (ex. [2], [3], [4], [5], [6],
[7]), and “abstracts”, if these sentences are re-written or paraphrased, generating
a new text (ex. [8], [9], [10]). Most of the current automatic summarization
systems are extractive.
    Our general approach is the following: we perform some automatic reformula-
tions of the initial queries provided for the task (obtaining a list of terms related
with the main topic of all the tweets using terminological patterns). Then, using
these reformulated queries, we obtain related documents with the search engine
Indri1 . Finally, we use REG ([11], [12]), an automatic extractive summarization
system based on graphs, to summarize these documents and provide the final
summary associated to each query.
    This approach is similar to the one used at QA@INEX track 2010 (see [13])
and 2011 (see [14]), since the same summarization system is employed. Never-
theless, in our past participations, the system was semi-automatic, while in this
work the system is totally automatic, from the reformulation of the queries us-
ing terminological patterns, until the multi-document summarization of all the
retrieved documents.
    The evaluation of the participant systems involves two aspects: informative-
ness and readability. Informativeness evaluation is automatic, using the auto-
matic evaluation system FRESA (FRamework for Evaluating Summaries Auto-
matically) ([15], [16], [17]), and readability evaluation is carried out manually
(evaluating syntactic incoherence, unsolved anaphora, redundancy, etc.).
    Following this introduction, the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
the summarization system REG is shown. In Section 3, some information about
terminology and terminological patterns is given. In Section 4, the methodol-

    Indri is a search engine from the Lemur project, a cooperative work between the Uni-
    versity of Massachusetts and Carnegie Mellon University in order to build language
    modelling information retrieval tools: http://www.lemurproject.org/indri/
ogy is explained. In Section 5, experimental settings and results are presented.
Finally, in Section 6, conclusions are exposed.

2     State-of-the-art and Resources

2.1   Term Extraction

The notion of term that we have adopted in this work is based on the “Commu-
nicative Theory of Terminology” [18]: a term is a lexical unit (single/multiple
word) that activates a specialized meaning in a thematically restricted domain.
Terms detection implies the distinction between domain-specific terms and gen-
eral vocabulary. Its results are useful for any NLP task containing a domain
specific component such as: ontology and (terminological) dictionary building,
text indexing, automatic translation and summarization systems, among others.
In spite of its large application field, its reliable and practical recognition still
constitutes a bottleneck for many applications.
    As shown in [19], [20] and [21] among others, there are several methods to
obtain the terms from a corpus. On the one hand, there are methods based
on linguistic knowledge, like Ecode [22]. On the other hand, there are methods
based on single statistical measures, such as ANA [23] or a combination of them,
such as EXTERMINATOR [24]. Some tools combine both linguistic knowledge
and statistically based methods, such as TermoStat [25], the algorithm shown in
[26] or the bilingual extractors by [27] and [28]. However, none of these tools uses
any kind of semantic knowledge. Notable exceptions are Metamap [29], Trucks
[30] and YATE [31], among others. Also Wikipedia must be considered, since it
is a very promising resource that is increasingly being used for both monolingual
([32], [33]) and multilingual term extraction [34].
    Most of the tools, in particular those including an important linguistic compo-
nent, takes into consideration the fact that terms usually follow a small number
of POS patterns. In [35] it was shown that three patterns (noun, noun-adjective
and noun-preposition-noun) cover more that 90% of the entries found in medical
terminological dictionaries. Many of the above mentioned tools make some use
of this fact. Nevertheless, some researchers like in [36] dynamically calculate the
list of patterns found in terminological resources.

2.2   Named Entities Extraction

Named Entity Recognition (NER) may be defined as the task to identify names
referring to persons, organizations and locations in free text; later this task
has been expanded to obtain other entities like dates and numeric expressions.
This task was originally introduced as possible types of fillers in Information
Extraction systems at the 6th Message Understanding Conference [37]. Although
initially this task was limited to identify such expressions, later it has been
expanded to their labeling with one entity type label (“person”, “organization”,
etc.). Note that an entity (such as “Stanford”, the American university at the
U.S.) can be referenced using several surface forms (e.g., “Stanford University”
and “Stanford”) and a single surface form (e.g., “Stanford”) can refer to several
entities (the university but also an American financer, several places in the UK
or a financial group). See [38] for an interesting review.
    NER has proved to be a task useful for a number of NLP tasks as question an-
swering, textual entailment and coreference resolution, among others. The recent
interest in emerging areas like bioinformatics allows to expand this recognition
task to proteins, drugs and chemical names. While early studies were mostly
based on handcrafted rules, most recent ones use supervised machine learning
as a way to automatically induce rule-based systems or sequence labeling algo-
rithms starting from a collection of training examples.
    Often, corpus processing tools include some text handling facilities to perform
simple NER detection for facilitating later processing. Some of them are based
in language specific peculiarities such as initial upper case letters together with
some heuristics for name entities placed at the beginning of the sentence. This
is the case of the tool used for this experiment (see a description in [39]).

2.3   The REG System

REG ([11], [12]) is an Enhanced Graph summarizer (REG) for extract sum-
marization, using a graph approach. The strategy of this system has two main
stages: a) to carry out an adequate representation of the document and b) to give
a weight to each sentence of the document. In the first stage, the system makes
a vectorial representation of the document. In the second stage, the system uses
a greedy optimization algorithm. The summary generation is done with the con-
catenation of the most relevant sentences (previously scored in the optimization
    REG algorithm contains three modules. The first one carries out the vectorial
transformation of the text with filtering, lemmatization/stemming and normal-
ization processes. The second one applies the greedy algorithm and calculates the
adjacency matrix. We obtain the score of the sentences directly from the algo-
rithm. Therefore, sentences with a higher score are selected as the most relevant.
Finally, the third module generates the summary, selecting and concatenating
the relevant sentences. The first and second modules use CORTEX [6], a sys-
tem that carries out an unsupervised extraction of the relevant sentences of a
document using several numerical measures and a decision algorithm.

3     Methodology

A main point in this research is to consider that named entities as well as words
sequences that agree with the typical terminological patterns (see section 2.1) are
representative of the tweets’ topic. To test this assertion, we design a method-
ology to automatically retrieve all significant sequences from the tweets that
satisfy the above mentioned criteria.
    The first step is to POS tag the tweets file. As a matter of fact, and in order
to keep the process fully automatic, a minimal manipulation of the tweets file
has been done. It includes only a minor modification to allow the text handling
tool to keep the tweet id connected to the tweet itself.
    The next step, terminological patterns extraction, has been done using an
already existent module of the YATE term extraction tool [31]. This information,
together with the POS tagged tweet (to obtain proper nouns info) is used to build
the query string for Indri.
    Some care has been taken to keep track of multiword sequences as indicated
by the Indri query language specification (see examples below).
    In order to enrich the queries, we use a local installation of a Wikipedia
dump2 to expand the terms with redirection information from such Wikipedia
info. In this way, a query term like “Falklands” may be searched in the Wikipedia
to find that it can be also referenced as “Falkland Islands”; therefore, the final
query term is rewritten as:

     #syn(Falklands #1(Falkland Islands))

   This strategy is also useful to find acronyms expansion as “USGS” and
“United States Geological Survey” resulting in the following query:

     #syn("USGS" #1(United States Geological Survey))

    Moreover, it allows to find words with different spellings as:

     #syn(#1(Christine de Pisan) #1(Christine de Pizan))

   The resulting query has been delivered to Indri, using track organizer’s script,
to obtain the Wikipedia pages relevant to every query. The following is an ex-
ample of a full tweet:

     Increasingly, central banks, especially in emerging markets,
      have been the marginal buyers of gold http://t.co/9mftD5ju
      via WSJ.

and its corresponding query string:

     #1(marginal buyers of gold),#1(emerging markets),
     #1(central banks),#syn("WSJ" #1(The Wall Street Journal))

   The resulting set of Wikipedia pages has been split in several documents.
Each document contains the pages relevant to the query. Such document is the
input to the REG summarization system (see section 2.3), which builds a sum-
mary with the significant passages.
    This resource has been otained using [40].
4   Experiments Settings and Results

As mentioned in section 3, the process is fully automatic. No human intervention
has taken place; therefore, errors and/or mistakes in the process may have a
multiplicative effect. Most of such issues are exemplified as follows:

1. Tweet itself. The tweets file (including 1000 tweets) prepared by the organi-
   zation includes several errors like: mispelling, joined words, foreign language,
   etc. Consider the following examples:
     – 169657757870456833: “Lakers now 17-12 on the season & 12-2 at home.
       @paugasol 20pts 13rebs 4blks. Bynum 15pts 15rebs. @0goudelock 10pts,
       two 3 PTers.”
     – 169904294642978816: “@ranaoboy @Utcheychy @Jhpiego Thx for the
       #wiwchat RTs! Great conversation!”
     – 169655717538701312: “METTA. WORLD. PEACE.”
     – 170175722449670145: “http://t.co/amQ6IShA”
     – 170207412366745600: “RT @MexicanProblms: #41. When you’re eat-
       ing junk food y tu mom te dice que no comas "chucherias."
   Please note that, in some cases, it results in an empty query string or the
   resulting sentence is too short, causing POS tagging errors due to lack of
2. POS tagging. The output of most of the tools used for tagging (TreeTagger
   in this case) has some error rate. Unfortunately, errors mentioned above as
   well as extremely short sentences have a negative influence in the tagger
3. Wikipedia expansion. It may happen that information added through Wikipe-
   dia expansion is not fully useful. This may be the case the only added infor-
   mation is the change of the case of some letters of the query term.
4. Indri query system. As shown in [41], this retrieval system has its own limits.
5. REG summarization system. The retrieval system issues a number of Wikipe-
   dia pages; therefore, it would be necessary to use a multidocument summa-
   rization system. As a matter of fact, REG is a single document summarizer,
   so some redundance may appear in the summaries.

   Some of the above issues may cause unusual results in the terminological
patterns extraction tool. Therefore, in such cases, the pages retrieved by Indri
may not correspond to the information available in Wikipedia about tweets’
   The evaluation of all the participant systems in the tweet contextualization
INEX task at CLEF 2012 involves two aspects: informativeness and readability.
On the one hand, as mentioned, to evaluate the informativeness the automatic
FRESA package is used. This evaluation framework includes document-based
summary evaluation measures based on probabilities distribution, specifically,
the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence and the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence.
As in the ROUGE package [42], FRESA supports different n-grams and skip n-
grams probability distributions. FRESA environment has been used in the eval-
uation of summaries produced in several European languages (English, French,
Spanish and Catalan), and it integrates filtering and lemmatization in the treat-
ment of summaries and documents.
   Table 1 includes the official results of the informativeness evaluation in the
the tweet contextualization INEX task at CLEF 2012. This table presents the
scores of the 33 participant runs.

Table 1. Final results of informativeness in the tweet contextualization INEX task at
CLEF 2012.

                          Rank Run     Uni     Bi Skip
                          1     178 0.7734 0.8616 0.8623
                          2     152 0.7827 0.8713 0.8748
                          3     170 0.7901 0.8825 0.8848
                          4     194 0.7864 0.8868 0.8887
                          5     169 0.7959 0.8881 0.8904
                          6     168 0.7972 0.8917 0.8930
                          7     193 0.7909 0.8920 0.8938
                          8     185 0.8265 0.9129 0.9135
                          9     171 0.8380 0.9168 0.9187
                          10    186 0.8347 0.9210 0.9208
                          11    187 0.8360 0.9235 0.9237
                          12    154 0.8233 0.9254 0.9251
                          13    162 0.8236 0.9257 0.9254
                          14    155 0.8253 0.9280 0.9274
                          15    153 0.8266 0.9291 0.9290
                          16   196b 0.8484 0.9294 0.9324
                          17   196c 0.8513 0.9305 0.9332
                          18   196a 0.8502 0.9316 0.9345
                          19    164 0.8249 0.9365 0.9368
                          20    197 0.8565 0.9415 0.9441
                          21    163 0.8664 0.9628 0.9629
                          22    165 0.8818 0.9630 0.9634
                          23    150 0.9052 0.9871 0.9868
                          24    188 0.9541 0.9882 0.9888
                          25    176 0.8684 0.9879 0.9903
                          26    149 0.9059 0.9916 0.9916
                          27    156 0.9366 0.9913 0.9916
                          28    157 0.9715 0.9931 0.9937
                          29    191 0.9590 0.9947 0.9947
                          30    192 0.9590 0.9947 0.9947
                          31    161 0.9757 0.9949 0.9950
                          32    177 0.9541 0.9981 0.9984
                          33    151 0.9223 0.9985 0.9988
    As shown in Table 1, our run (165) obtains the position 22 in the rank.
Exactly, it obtains 0.8818 using unigrams, 0.9630 using bigrams and 0.9634 using
skip bigrams. The best run in the ranking (178) obtains 0.7734, 0.8616 and
0.8623, respectively.
    On the other hand, readability is evaluated manually. Evaluators are asked
to evaluate several aspects related to syntactic incoherence, unsolved anaphora,
redundancy, etc. The specific orders given to evaluators are:

 – Syntax S: “Tick the box is the passage contains a syntactic problem (bad
   segmentation for example)”.
 – Anaphora A: “Tick the box if the passage contains an unsolved anaphora”.
 – Redundancy R: “Tick the box if the passage contains a redundant informa-
   tion, i.e. an information that have already been given in a previous passage”.
 – Trash T: “Tick the box if the passage does not make any sense in its context
   (i.e. after reading the previous passages). These passages must then be con-
   sidered as trashed, and readability of following passages must be assessed as
   if these passages were not present”.

     The score is the average normalized number of words in valid passages, and
participants are ranked according to this score. Summary word numbers are
normalized to 500 words each.
     Table 2 includes the final results of readability evaluation in the tweet con-
textualization INEX task at CLEF 2012. Estimated average scores are available

 – Relevance: proportion of text that makes sense in context.
 – Syntax: proportion of text without syntax problems.
 – Structure: proportion of text without broken anaphora and avoiding redun-

    These measures were estimated on the same pool of tweets as for previously
released informativeness evaluation by organizers.
    Runs that failed to provide at least 6 consistent summaries in this pool have
been kept apart because the estimates were too uncertain for inclusion in the
official results. Because of this reason, in Table 2 only 27 runs are shown.
    As shown in Table 2, our run (165) obtains the position 7 in the rank. Exactly,
it obtains 0.5936 using unigrams, 0.6049 using bigrams and 0.5442 using skip
bigrams. The best run in the ranking (185) obtains 0.7728, 0.7452 and 0.6446,
    These results show that the performance of our system is not so good regard-
ing informativeness, but it is much better regarding readability. This difference
between informativeness and readability is also shown by other systems (see for
example the best runs in both categories, 178 and 185). In our case, we consider
that the mentioned mistakes in the tweets and the fact that the terminology
extraction is totally automatic can cause that the pages retrieved by Indri are
not as relevant as expected. Nevertheless, using an automatic summarization
system, we can guarantee that the quality of readability is acceptable.
Table 2. Final results of readability in the tweet contextualization INEX task at CLEF

                          Run Relevance Syntax Structure
                          185    0.7728 0.7452    0.6446
                          171     0.631 0.606     0.6076
                          168    0.6927 0.6723    0.5721
                          194    0.6975 0.6342    0.5703
                          186    0.7008 0.6676    0.5636
                          170     0.676 0.6529    0.5611
                          165    0.5936 0.6049    0.5442
                          152    0.5966 0.5793    0.5433
                          155    0.6968 0.6161    0.5315
                          178    0.6336 0.6087    0.5289
                          169    0.5369 0.5208    0.5181
                          193    0.6208 0.6115    0.5145
                          163    0.5597 0.555     0.4983
                          187    0.6093 0.5252    0.4847
                          154    0.5352 0.5305    0.4748
                          196b   0.4964 0.4705    0.4204
                          153    0.4984 0.4576    0.3784
                          164    0.4759 0.4317    0.3772
                          162    0.4582 0.4335    0.3726
                          197    0.5487 0.4264    0.3477
                          196c    0.449 0.4203    0.3441
                          196a   0.4911 0.3813    0.3134
                          176    0.2832 0.2623    0.2388
                          156    0.2933 0.2716    0.2278
                          188    0.1542 0.1542    0.1502
                          157    0.1017 0.1045    0.1045
                          161    0.0867 0.0723    0.0584

5    Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, our strategy and results for the tweet contextualization INEX task
at CLEF 2012 are presented. The task consists of the developing of a system
that, given a tweet, can provide some context about the subject of the tweet,
in order to help the reader to understand it. This context should take the form
of a readable summary, not exceeding 500 words, composed of passages from
a provided Wikipedia corpus. The test data are about 1000 tweets in English
collected by the organizers of the task from Twitter.
    Our system performs some automatic reformulations of the initial tweets pro-
vided for the task (obtaining a list of terms related with their main topic using
terminological patterns). Then, using these reformulated tweets, we obtain re-
lated documents with the search engine Indri. Finally, we use REG to summarize
these documents and provide the final summary associated to each tweet.
    The results show that, comparing to the other participants, the performance
of our system is not so good regarding informativeness (probably due to mistakes
in the tweets and problems in the terminology extraction process), but it is much
better regarding readability (probably due to the fact of using a summarization
    In the future we plan to follow several parallel lines: i) to improve term
selection and its expansion to refine the queries and therefore to improve the
pertinence of the Wikipedia pages retrieved by Indri; ii) to further investigate
the actual pertinence of the Wikipedia retrieved pages to the query; and iii)
to check the actual weight of summarization process in the full task by testing
other summarization systems.

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