=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-ImageCLEF-LiuEt2012 |storemode=property |title=LIRIS-Imagine at ImageCLEF 2012 Photo Annotation Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-ImageCLEF-LiuEt2012.pdf |volume=Vol-1178 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/LiuDCTZZBBT12 }} ==LIRIS-Imagine at ImageCLEF 2012 Photo Annotation Task == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-ImageCLEF-LiuEt2012.pdf
       LIRIS-Imagine at ImageCLEF 2012 Photo
                   Annotation task

    Ningning Liu, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Liming Chen, Aliaksandr Trus, Chao
    Zhu, Yu Zhang, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Stéphane Bres, and Bruno Tellez

              Université de Lyon, CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon,
                      LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69134, France

        Abstract. In this paper, we present the methods we have proposed and
        evaluated through the ImageCLEF 2012 Photo Annotation task. More
        precisely, we have proposed the Histogram of Textual Concepts (HTC)
        textual feature to capture the relatedness of semantic concepts. In con-
        trast to term frequency-based text representations mostly used for visual
        concept detection and annotation, HTC relies on the semantic similar-
        ity between the user tags and a concept dictionary. Moreover, a Selective
        Weighted Late Fusion (SWLF) is introduced to combine multiple sources
        of information which by iteratively selecting and weighting the best fea-
        tures for each concept at hand to be classified. The results have shown
        that the combination of our HTC feature with visual features through
        SWLF can improve the performance significantly. Our best model, which
        is a late fusion of textual and visual features, achieved a MiAP (Mean
        interpolated Average Precision) of 43.67% and ranked first out of the 80
        submitted runs.

        Keywords: textual features, visual feature, feature fusion, concept de-
        tection, photo annotation, multimodality, ImageCLEF

1     Introduction
    Machine-based recognition of visual concepts aims at recognizing automati-
cally from images high-level semantic concepts (HLSC), including scenes (indoor,
outdoor, landscape, etc.), objects (car, animal, person, etc.), events (travel, work,
etc.), or even emotions (melancholic, happy, etc.). It proves to be extremely chal-
lenging because of large intra-class variations (clutter, occlusion, pose changes,
etc.) and inter-class similarities [1–4]. The past decade has witnessed tremendous
efforts from the research communities as testified the multiple challenges in the
field, e.g., ImageCLEF [5–8], TRECVID [9] and Pascal VOC [10]. Increasing
works in the literature have discovered the wealth of semantic meanings con-
veyed by the abundant textual captions associated with images [11–13]. As a
result, multimodal approaches have been increasingly proposed visual concept
detection and annotation task (VCDT) by making joint use of user textual tags
and visual descriptions to bridge the gap between low-level visual features and
HLSC [7].
    The VCDT is a multi-label classification challenge. It aims at the automatic
annotation of a large number of consumer photos with multiple annotations.
There were remarkable works have been proposed for ImageCLEF photo anno-
tation tasks. The LEAR and XRCE group [14] in ImageCLEF 2010 employed
the Fisher vector image representation with the TagProp method for image auto-
annotation. The TUBFI group [15] in ImageCLEF 2011 built textual features
using a soft mapping of textual Bag-of-Words (BoW) and Markov random walks
based on frequent Flickr user tags. Our group in ImageCLEF 2011 [16] firstly
proposed a novel textual representation, named Histogram of Textual Concept
(HTC), which captures the relatedness of semantic concepts. Meanwhile we also
proposed a novel selective weighted late fusion (SWLF) method, which automat-
ically selects and weights the best discriminative features for each visual concept
to be predicted in optimizing the overall mean average precision. This year, we
have improved our approaches in the following aspects:

 – We evaluated different textual preprocessing methods, and proposed en-
   hanced HTC features using term frequency information. Meanwhile, we im-
   plemented two types of distributional term representations: documents oc-
   currence representation (DOR) and DOR TFIDF [17].
 – We investigated a set of mid-level features, which are related to harmony, dy-
   namism, aesthetic quality, emotional color representation, etc.. Meanwhile,
   we improved the harmony and dynamism features by adding a local infor-

    The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The features are introduced
in Section 2, including textual and visual features as well as the fusion scheme
proposed to combine them. The results are analysed in Section 3. Finally, Section
4 draws the conclusion and gives some hints for future work.

2     Features for semantic concepts recognition

    In this section, we firstly present the textual features including HTC and
enhanced HTC in Section 2.1, following with (Section 2.2) description of visual
features which can be categorized into four groups: color, texture, shape and
mid-level. The feature fusion scheme, SWLF, is presented in Section 2.3.

2.1   Textual features

    The Histogram of Textual Concepts, HTC, of a text document is defined as a
histogram based on a vocabulary or dictionary where each bin of this histogram
represents a concept of the dictionary, whereas its value is the accumulation of
the contribution of each word within the text document toward the underlying
concept according to a predefined semantic similarity measure.
    The advantages of HTC are multiple. First, for a sparse text document as
image tags, HTC offers a smooth description of the semantic relatedness of
user tags over a set of textual concepts defined within the dictionary. More
importantly, in the case of polysemy, HTC helps disambiguate textual concepts
according to the context. For instance, the concept of “bank” can refer to a
financial intermediary but also to the shoreline of a river. However, when a
tag “bank” comes with a photo showing a financial institution, correlated tags
such as “finance”, “building”, “money”, etc., are very likely to be used, thereby
clearly distinguishing the concept “bank” in finance from that of a river where
correlated tags can be “water”, “boat”, “river”, etc. Similarly, in the case of
synonyms, the HTC will reinforce the concept related to the synonym as far
as the semantic similarity measurement takes into account the phenomenon of
synonyms. The algorithm for the extraction of a HTC feature is detailed in the
following algorithm:

 The Histogram of Textual Concepts (HTC) Algorithm:
Input: Tag data W = {wt } with t ∈ [1, T], dictionary D = {di } with i ∈ [1, d].
Output: Histogram f composed of values fi with 0 ≤ fi ≤ 1, i ∈ [1, d].

 – Preprocess the tags by using a stop-words filter.
 – If the input image has no tags (W = ∅), return f with ∀i fi = 0.5.
 – Do for each word wt ∈ W :
     1. Calculate dist(wt , di ), where dist is a semantic similarity distance between
        wt and di .
     2. Obtain the semantic matrix S as: S(t, i) = dist(wt , di ).
 – Calculate the feature f as: fi = T
                                          t=1 S(t, i), and normalize it to [0 1] as: fi =
   f/   i    f .
             j=1   j

      When an input image has no tag at all, in this work we simply assume that every bin value is
      0.5, therefore at halfway between a semantic similarity measurement 0 (no relationship at all
      with the corresponding concept in the dictionary) and 1 (full similarity with the corresponding
      concept in the dictionary). Alternatively, we can also set these values to the mean of HTCs
      over the captioned images of a training set.

    The computation of HTC requires the definition of a dictionary and a proper
semantic relatedness measurement over textual concepts. For the ImageCLEF
2012 photo annotation task, we used two types of dictionaries. The first one
is dictionary based on the term frequency on the training set, e.g. dictionary
TF 10T consists of top 10 thousand words sorted by their frequencies in the
training set. While the second one, D Anew, is the set of 1034 English words
used in the ANEW study [18]. The interest of the ANEW dictionary lies in the
fact that each of its word is rated on a scale from 1 to 9 using affective norms
                   Table 1. The summary of textual features.

                                 implement features of documents occurrence repre-
1            txtFtr DOR
                                 sentation [17].
2        txtFtr DOR TFIDF
                            obtained by using WordNet path distance on ANEW
3        txtFtr HTC Danew
4        txtFtr TFIDF Danew obtained on ANEW dictionary.
                            obtained by adding each bins of txtFtr 4 and
5         txtFtr eHTC Danew
                            txtFtr 5.
                            obtained on the dictionary TF 10T, which is the top
6       txtFtr TFIDF TF 10T
                            10 thousand words sorted by the term frequency.
7          txtFtr HTC VAD   obtained using Eq. 1, Eq. 2 and Eq. 3.
                            obtained by using WordNet path distance on TF 10T
8         txtFtr HTC TF 10T
                            obtained by using WordNet path distance on TF 20T
9         txtFtr HTC TF 20T
10      txtFtr TFIDF TF 20T obtained on TF 20T dictionary.
                            obtained by adding each bins of txtFtr 9 and
11       txtFtr eHTC TF 20T
                            txtFtr 10.

in terms of valence (affective dimension expressing positive versus negative),
arousal (affective dimension expressing active versus inactive) and dominance
(affective dimension expressing dominated versus in control). For instance, ac-
cording to ANEW, the concept “beauty” has a mean valence of 7.82, a mean
arousal of 4.95 and a mean dominance of 5.23 while the concept “bird” would
have a mean valence of 7.27, a mean arousal of 3.17 and a mean dominance of
4.42. Using the affective ratings of the ANEW concepts and the HTCs computed
over image tags, one can further define the coordinates of an image caption in
the three dimensional affective space [19], in terms of valence, arousal and dom-
inance by taking a linear combination of the ANEW concepts weighted by the
corresponding HTC values. More precisely, given a HTC descriptor f extracted
from a text document, the valence, arousal and dominance coordinates of the
text document can be computed as follows:
                            fvalence = (1/d)    (fi ∗ Vi )                    (1)
                            farousal = (1/d)    (fi ∗ Ai )                    (2)
                           fdominance = (1/d)           (fi ∗ Di )            (3)
where Vi , Ai and Di are respectively the valence, the arousal and the dominance
of the ith word wi in the D Anew dictionary, and d is the size of D Anew.
    The HTC features fail to calculate the semantic distance of two terms when
the semantic relatedness measurement are not defined between these two terms.
In order to cope with this problem, we enhanced the HTC features by combining
it with TF/IDF features in a simple way: sum the value on each bin, and then
normalize for the same dictionary. Meanwhile, we employed the distributional
term representation DOR and DOR-TF/IDF [17]. A summary of textual features
is given in Table 1.

2.2   Visual features
    For ImageCLEF 2011 photo annotation task, we have introduced various
visual features to describe interesting details and to catch the global image at-
mosphere. Thus, 5 groups of features have been considered: color, texture, shape,
local descriptor and mid-level features [16]. This year, we have enriched this set
of visual features by adding color SIFT features with 4000 codewords and soft
assignment [20] and TOPSURF feature [21]. Moreover, we have enhanced the
mid-level features harmony and dynamism by adding a local information through
their computation using a pyramid grid.

2.3   Feature fusion through SWLF
    In order to combined efficiently textual and visual features, we have proposed
a Selective Weighted Late Fusion (SWLF) scheme which learns to automatically
select and weight the best features for each visual concept to be recognized.
    SWLF scheme has a learning phase which requires a training dataset for
the selection of the best experts and their corresponding weights for each visual
concept. Specifically, given a training dataset, we divide it into two disjoint parts
composed of a training set and a validation set. For each visual concept, a binary
classifier (concept versus no concept) is trained, which is also called expert in
the subsequent, for each type of features using the data in the training set. Thus,
for each concept, we generate as many experts as the number of different types
of features. The quality of each expert can then be evaluated through a quality
metric using the data in the validation set. In this work, the quality metric is
chosen to be the interpolated Average Precision (iAP). The higher iAP is for
a given expert, the more weight should be given to the score delivered by that
expert for the late fusion. This fusion is performed as the sum of the weighted
scores. More details on SWLF can be found in [22].

3     Experiments and Results
   Our methods have been evaluated through the ImageCLEF 2012 photo an-
notation task, and particularly through the visual concept detection, annotation
and retrieval subtask whose details are provided in [23]. There are 94 concepts
to automatically detect, that can be categorized into 5 groups: natural elements
(day, night, sunrise, etc. ), environment (desert, coast, landscape, etc. ), people
(baby, child, teenager, etc. ), image elements (in focus, city life, active, etc.),
human elements (rail vehicle, water vehicle, air vehicle, etc. ).
    In order to obtain a stable and better performance, we divided the training
set into a training part (50%, 7501 images) and a validation part (50%, 7499
images) as required by SWLF presented in section 2.3.

3.1   The submitted runs

    We submitted 5 runs to the ImageCLEF 2012 photo annotation challenge (2
textual model, 1 visual model and 2 multimodal models). All runs were based on
the features described in the previous sections, including 11 textual ones and 32
visual ones. For the example evaluation, we propose two methods to chose the
threshold. One is based on the distribution of training data. More specifically,
we firstly calculate the distribution of concepts on the training set, then for
each concept, we set the threshold as the boundary which makes the proportion
of positive sample as same as it is in the training data. This idea is that we
consider the training and test set share the same distribution for each concept.
The other is to select a best threshold, which receives the best FMeasure value
on the validation set. Based on the previous experiments and observations, we
performed our runs based on the following configuration:

 1. textual model 1: the combination of the top 4 features among the 11 tex-
    tual features for each concept based on the weighted score SWFL scheme.
 2. textual model 2: the combination of the top 6 features among the 11 tex-
    tual features for each concept based on the weighted score SWFL scheme.
 3. visual model 3: the combination of the top 5 features among the 24 visual
    features for each concept based on the weighted score SWFL scheme.
 4. multimodal model 4: the combination of the top 22 features among the
    43 visual and textual features for each concept based on the weighted score
    SWFL scheme.
 5. multimodal model 5: the combination of the top 26 features among the
    43 visual and textual features for each concept based on the weighted score
    SWFL scheme.

3.2   Results

   The results obtained by our 5 runs are given in Table 2. The best performance
was provided by our multimodal models which outperformed the purely textual
and purely visual ones. Moreover, our best model obtained the first rank based
on the MiAP among the 80 runs submitted to the challenge.
                    Table 2. The results of our submitted runs.
                Submitted runs       mAP(%) GMiAP(%) F-ex(%)
                text model 1           33.28      27.71     39.17
                text model 2           33.38      27.59     46.91
                visual model 3         34.81      28.58     54.37
                multimodal model 4     43.66      38.75     57.63
                multimodal model 5 43.67          38.77     57.66

3.3   Discussion
    For the textual features, we proposed to apply two preprocessing methods.
One is the removing of stopping words. The other one is stemming on 4 language
(English, Germany, French, Italian). Based on the ImageCLEF 2012 photo an-
notation dataset, we find that after these two preprocessing, the MiAP perfor-
mance of term frequency features e.g. TF/IDF, DOR improves about 1%. But
the stemming is not proper for HTC features as it fails to calculate the semantic
similarity measurement after stemming.
    For the visual features, the harmony and dynamism features computed lo-
cally using a pyramid grid achieved 3% improvement on MiAP compared to the
original ones.
    For the HTC, we tested several semantic distances methods of WordNet
including path, wup and lin. It is found that the path distance obtained the best

4     Conclusion
    We have presented in this paper the models that we have evaluated through
the ImageCLEF 2012 photo annotation challenge. Our best multimodal pre-
diction model which relies on the fusion through SWLF of our textual features
(HTC) and visual features including low-level and mid-level information achieved
a MiAP of 43.6% and ranked the best performance out of the 80 submitted runs.
From the experimental results, we can conclude the following: (i) the proposed
multimodal approach greatly improve the performance of purely textual and
purely visual ones, with about 9% higher than the best visual-only model; (ii)
the fused experts through weighted score-based SWLF, display a very good gen-
eralization skill on unseen test data and prove particularly useful for the image
annotation task with multi-label scenarios in efficiently fusing visual and textual
    In our future work, we envisage further investigation of the interplay between
textual and visual content, in studying in particular the visual relatedness in
regard to textual concepts. We also want to study some mid-level visual features
or representations, for instance using an attentional model, which better account
for affect related concepts.

   This work was supported in part by the French research agency ANR through
the VideoSense project under the grant 2009 CORD 026 02.


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