=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-RepLab-BalahurEt2012 |storemode=property |title=Detecting Entity-Related Events and Sentiments from Tweets Using Multilingual Resources |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-RepLab-BalahurEt2012.pdf |volume=Vol-1178 }} ==Detecting Entity-Related Events and Sentiments from Tweets Using Multilingual Resources== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-RepLab-BalahurEt2012.pdf
    Detecting Entity-Related Events and Sentiments from
            Tweets Using Multilingual Resources

                        Alexandra Balahur and Hristo Tanev

                        European Commission Joint Research Centre
                                IPSC, GlobeSec, OPTIMA
                              Via E. Fermi 2749, Ispra, Italy

       Abstract. This article presents the details of the participation of the OPTAH
       team to the CLEF 2012 RepLab profiling (polarity classification) and monitoring
       tasks. Specifically, we present the manner in which the OPAL system has been
       modified to deal with opinions in tweets and how the use of rules involving the
       language use in social-media can help to achieve good results as far as polarity
       classification is concerned, even in a language for which we have just a small
       polarity lexicon. Additionally, we show how we can employ the values computed
       for sentiment intensity (especially the negative ones) to classify the importance
       of event-related clusters of tweets. Our methods, although quite simple, obtained
       promising results in the RepLab evaluations.

1    Introduction
In the new Social Web era, the influence the user-generated contents have on all spheres
of life has reached an unprecedented level. People’s comments on news, events and their
personal opinions on persons and companies worldwide have made the Internet a rich
source of information, highly relevant for the people or companies in question and their
stakeholders. Online Reputation Management deals with the issue of detecting and em-
ploying “positive” and “negative” clues expressed in online contents on such people
and companies, in an automatic manner. As stated by Balahur [4], this task is highly
complex, as it deals with important issues in opinion mining, sentiment analysis, bias
detection, Named Entity discrimination, online trust and reputation management, topic
modeling, good versus bad news classification and other aspects which, in themselves
are not trivial in Natural Language Processing. This article presents the details of the
participation of the OPTAH team to the CLEF 2012 RepLab profiling (polarity classi-
fication) and monitoring tasks. The main objectives of our experiments were:
 1. For the polarity task:
     – test if the methods we have developed for sentiment analysis for other text
        types can be adapted to the case of tweets (short texts) and what changes are
        required to that aim;
     – to test and evaluate, in comparison, a semi-supervised versus an unsupervised
        method for sentiment analysis in this type of texts; and
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     – to measure the impact of resources that are typical of social media - e.g. collec-
        tions of smileys, colloquial expressions, slang, repetitions of punctuation signs,
        etc. and the use of an algorithm to normalize words can help to more accurately
        detect opinions in tweets.
 2. For the monitoring task:
     – to test how well a clustering method that has initially been employed in the
        case of news can be customized to deal with news reported in tweets; and
     – to test in how far we can employ the intensity of the sentiment detected in the
        tweets within clusters to sort them depending on their priority.

In the first case, although the adaptation to the Twitter domain was not very extensive
in terms of sentiment-bearing words, our results showed that the use of rules taking
into account the typical phenomena in the short informal texts can achieve good results,
our two submissions ranking 8th and 9th overall and achieving the 5th rank in the case
of Spanish, in terms of F-score for polarity and the second rank in terms of polarity
accuracy for Spanish. In the second task, we could see that the negativity expressed
in the comments were important to the priority of the clusters that contained those
comments. Nevertheless, additional methods to score the “negativity” of news have to
be employed, as well as the added use of “good” versus “bad” news terms, which were
disregarded by the OPAL system.

2   Profiling Task - Polarity Classification

For the polarity classification task, we employed to approaches. The first one was semi-
supervised, using a variant of the OPAL system [5], whose extension is presented in
the following section. The second one was unsupervised, using only lexicons of words
that relate to polarity, as well as a set of rules for modifiers and negation. The two
approaches are described in the following subsections. In order to prepare the tweets
for analysis, the texts were tokenized and subsequently the tokens were preprocessed as

 1. Word normalization. The words in the tweets were compared against the words in
    the Roget’s Thesaurus. Subsequently, words that were not found in the dictionary
    were processed, eliminating repeated letters until they matched a word in the dic-
    tionary. The words were also matched against the affect lexicons we employed in
    our method, which were The General Inquirer [8] list of sentiment words, the Lin-
    guistic Inquiry and Word Count - LIWC - [9] resource and MicroWNOp [7] as well
    as the dictionary obtained by Steinberger et al. [6] for Spanish. This is important,
    as for the second method, which is based on the polarity and intensity values of
    concepts, the value of the word that is “stressed” by writing it with repeated letters
    receives an increment in polarity (i.e. for positive words, 1 is added to the total
    polarity value and for negative words, 1 is subtracted from the total polarity value).
 2. Emoticon replacement. We employed an emoticon dictionary and replaced the emoti-
    cons found in the tweets with the word they signify (e.g. “:)” is replaced with
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 3. Repeated punctuation sign normalization. In the tweets, we reduced multiple punc-
    tuation signs to only one and, for the second approach, added or subtracted 1 from
    the total polarity value.

2.1   OPAL - a System for Opinion Detection from Text

This run was submitted with the acronym OPTAH 1.
    In order to determine the polarity of the sentences, we passed each sentence through
an opinion mining system employing SVM machine learning over the NTCIR 8 MOAT
corpus - for English and the Spanish translation, obtained by Balahur and Turchi [11] -,
the MPQA corpus for English, EmotiBlog [10] for English and Spanish and the tweets
given in the training set by the organizers of the RepLab 2012 competition. As opposed
to the system employed in the NTCIR MOAT 8 task [5], we only used tokenization
and did not perform any parsing, as tweets are many of the times not fully-formed
sentences. Each of the positive, negative, negation and modifier (intensifier, diminisher)
words found in this corpora were matched against the General Inquirer, Opinion Finder,
MicroWordNet and LIWC resources anreplaced by the “POSITIVE”, “NEGATIVE”,
“NEGATOR”, “INTENSIFIER” and “DIMINISHER” labels. Subsequently, we repre-
sented the sentences in the training set as a vector containing the presence (1) or absence
(0) of all the unigrams and bigrams in the corpora used for training. With the vectors
thus obtained, we employed the Support Vector Machines implementation in Weka (the
SMO version) and created a learning model. The tweets in the test set were represented
as vectors whose features corresponded to the presence or absence of the unigrams and
bigrams in the training sets.

2.2   Opinion Detection from Text Using Opinion Lexica and Rules

This second run was submitted with the acronym OPTAH 2.
    In this second approach, we employed a simpler method to compute the polarity
and intensity scores. Each of the sentiment lexicons employed were mapped to 4 values
of polarity - high positive (with a value of 4) , high negative (-4), positive (1), negative
(-1). Additionally, we added slang words for both languages (e.g. “LOL” with a value
of 4, “joder” with a value of -4). Additionally, we employed a set of rules, to take
into consideration negation, modifiers, repeated punctuation signs and emoticons, as

 – Negation treatment. When a negation was found, the polarity of the subsequent
   sentiment-bearing words found in the tweet was inverted. We excluded the known
   cases of “false negations”, such as “not only”, “no solamente”.
 – Modifier treatment. When an intensifier was found, the polarity of the follow sentiment-
   bearing word in the tweets was multiplied with 1.5. In the case of diminishers, the
   polarity of the sentiment bearing word that followd it, the value of its polarity was
   multiplied with 0.5.
 – Emoticon treatment. When an emoticon is found, the score it is given is of the word
   that it represents (e.g. “:(” has the value -1, of “sad”).
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    – Repeated letters treatment. When a word has repeated letters and it is found in the
      polarity lexicon, its polarity value is multiplied by 1.5.
    – Repeated punctuation signs. In the case of exclamation signs, the value of the entire
      sentence preceding it is multiplied by 1.5. In the case of fullstops, the value of the
      preceding sentence is multiplied by 0.5.

2.3     Results and Discussion

For the two runs we submitted, we obtained the following results, in terms of polarity
accuracy, R polarity, S polarity and F-score of R and S polarity, respectively: OPTAH 1
(0.3644, 0.3256, 0.3102, 0.3048), OPTAH 2 (0.3705, 0.4048, 0.2689, 0.3042), scoring
8th and 9th of 34 runs in terms of F(R,S). Per language, for English, the results, in the
same order, were: OPTAH 1 (0.3207, 0.3050, 0.2920, 0.2810) and OPTAH 2(0.3293,
0.4061, 0.2523,0,2922).
    For Spanish, the results were: OPTAH 1 (0.4430, 0.3041, 0.2901, 0.2837) and OP-
TAH 2 (0.4435, 0.3695, 0.2567, 0.2844). We can see that for the case of English, using
more resources deteriorated the performance and the use of the semi-supervised method
of learning actually produced worse results than the use of a simple, lexicon and rule-
based system. In case of Spanish, our systems ranked among the first three in terms of
accuracy and F-measure, showing that a smaller, but more precise lexicon (containing
also slang), combined with a set of rules that capture the manner in which expressions
of sentiment are stressed upon in Social Media, can better help to classify tweets.

3     Monitoring Task

We participated in the RepLab monitoring task. In this task we used multilingual lists
of keywords, extracted my Europe Media Monitor [1], which were used as features for
clustering. Then, we used the second system for sentiment detection described above
(OPTAH 2) to define the priority of the clusters. Our assumption was that clusters,
which convey negative opinions should be considered more relevant for reputation man-
agement, since they may report about major issues, related to the mentioned organiza-
    Our algorithm has two stages of processing: clustering and priority definition. Now
we will explain in more details each of these steps.
    Clustering is performed in three steps: First, for each tweet, we build a vector from
the Europe Media Monitor keywords which appear in this tweet; doing this we ig-
nore very frequent keywords. Each dimension of our vector corresponds to one word
which appears in the tweet. The values of the vector components are defined, using
log-likelihood ratio, considering probability of appearance of the word in a large news
corpus of 100’000’000 words. The fact, that we used a news corpus and not one de-
rived from tweets influences the accuracy of our approach; however, we did not have
Twitter-specific keywords.
    Then, we count which of the Spanish or English keywords are more represented in
the tweet and consider the tweet as English or Spanish, according to the language, from
                                           Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length        5

which the majority of the keywords come. We did not consider tweets with less than 3
keywords, since these were most probably not informative.
     Finally, we cluster the tweet’s vectors, using agglomerative clustering with a thresh-
old, previously optimized on the training set of clusters. Our criteria for optimization
was that the average reliability and sensitivity of the clustering for the training set enti-
ties are balanced. In our experiments we used the CluTo clustering tool [2].
     We defined the priority of the clusters by using sentiment detection. We assumed
that negative tweets convey information about issues and problems, related to the or-
ganization of interest and its products or services. Negative opinions are important for
reputation management, since negative perception of an organization can be exploited
against it by its competitors. Also, by analysing the negative opinions, the organization
could find its weak points as seen by people and improve its image. For example, one
of the negative tweets about Blackberry was:
So my blackberry broke again this morning, and is not working again
Similar opinions should be important for Blackberry, since they show problems with
these products. Or let’s consider the following example:
Bank of America bugs the shit out of me in general. 20 years! I think I am a financial
Again, here we have a negative opinion about Bank of America and its services. Tweets,
similar to this one should be considered important for Bank of America, since they show
potential weaknesses in their services. Another example for the same organization:
Bank of America refusing to do business with certain companies... WOW for a bank that
nearly went bankrupt and closing branches all over
This tweet directly states a negative fact about Bank of America, at the same time it
shows clearly negative attitude towards the bank.
     In order to detect negative tweets, we run our multilingual system OPTAH 2 and
we detected the clusters, which contain negative tweets. These clusters were considered
important and their priority was set to alert level , while the clusters not containing
negative tweets we considered unimportant and their priority level was set to average.
     One of the weaknesses of our clustering approach was that we used clustering based
on purely lexical features. We could have considered for example, synonyms and sim-
ilar words. Also, using dimentionality reduction, clustering can be done on a reduced
feature space [3]. This could potentially result in a better clustering. Another possibility
was to calculate a table of distributional similarity between the frequent keywords. In
this way, we could overcome the restrictions of lexical similarity.
     Another possibility to improve the results lays in improving calculation of cluster
priority. Currently, we used only sentiment detection. One could use also the size of the
cluster, it’s lexical content, also the fact that some tweets are retweeted or replied-to,
how many Web links are provided in the tweets, etc., in order to calculate better the
priority. This can be formulated as a supervised machine learning task, where certain
tweets or clusters are marked manually with their level of priority and the features are
the previously mentioned characteristics.
     We submitted one run for the monitoring task. It was ranked in the middle of the
ranked list of runs, with the following scores: 0.7 for R CLUSTERING (BCubed pre-
cision), 0.34 for S CLUSTERING (BCubed recall), 0.38 for F(R,S) CLUSTERING,
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0.19 for R PRIORITY, 0.16 for S PRIORITY, 0.16 F PRIORITY, 0.37 R, 0.19 S and an
overall F(R, S) of 0.22. Considering the simplicity of our approach, we consider the re-
sults satisfactory, still possible to improve. One of the main problems was that negative
sentiment alone was not enough to detect important tweet clusters.

4   Conclusions and Future Work

From our experiments with the training data and from the results obtained in the com-
petition, we could see that indeed reputation management is a difficult task. The main
challenge is related to the language used in social media, the shortness of texts, the
assumed knowledge on the context (i.e. people use hashtags to refer to specific events,
which are presented in traditional media) and the difficulty of assessing “good” and
“bad” news from the perspective of different domains. As future work, we plan to use
the EMM categories for events as additional clues to the positivity and negativity of
events and develop a method to detect topic-specific types of events, which we can then
classify in terms of positive or negative impact on the entity in dependence to the opin-
ion expressed in social media. Further on, we will extend on the method developed by
(Tanev et al., 2012) to link tweets to news and thus be able to explore a higher quantity
of text for the reputation management task.


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