=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-RepLab-QureshiEt2012 |storemode=property |title=Concept Term Expansion Approach for Monitoring Reputation of Companies on Twitter |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-RepLab-QureshiEt2012.pdf |volume=Vol-1178 }} ==Concept Term Expansion Approach for Monitoring Reputation of Companies on Twitter== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1178/CLEF2012wn-RepLab-QureshiEt2012.pdf
   Concept Term Expansion Approach for
Monitoring Reputation of Companies on Twitter

             M. Atif Qureshi1,2 , Colm O’Riordan1, and Gabriella Pasi2
  Computational Intelligence Research Group, National University of Ireland Galway,
  Information Retrieval Lab,Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of
                            Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy
        muhammad.qureshi@nuigalway.ie, colm.oriordan@nuigalway.ie,

         Abstract. The aim of this contribution is to easily monitor the reputa-
         tion of a company in the Twittersphere. We propose a strategy that orga-
         nizes a stream of tweets into different clusters based on the tweets topics.
         Furthermore, the obtained clusters are prioritized into different priority
         levels. A cluster with high priority represents a topic which may affect
         the reputation of a company, and that consequently deserves immediate
         attention. The evaluation results show that our method is competitive
         even though the method does not make use of any external knowledge

1      Introduction
Twitter3 has become an immensely popular microblogging platform with over
140M unique visitors, and around 340M tweets per day4 . Based on its grow-
ing popularity, several companies have started to use Twitter as a medium for
electronic word-of-mouth marketing [3] [4]. There is also an increasing trend of
Twitter users to express their opinions about various companies and their prod-
ucts via tweets. Hence, tweets serve as a significant repository for a company to
monitor its online reputation; this motivates the need to take the necessary steps
to tackle threats to it. This, however, involves considerable research challenges
and motivates the research reported in our paper, the main characteristics of
which are:

    – clustering tweets based on their topics: for example, the company Apple
      would have separate topical clusters for iPhone, iPad and iPod etc.
    – ordering tweets by priority to the company: the idea is that tweets critical
      to the company’s reputation require an immediate action, and they have a
      higher priority than tweets that do not require immediate attention. For ex-
      ample, a tweet heavily criticizing a company’s customer service may damage
      the company’s reputation, and thus they should have high priority.
    In this paper, we focus on the task of monitoring tweets for a company’s rep-
utation, in the context of the RepLab2012, where we are given a set of companies
and for each company a set of tweets, which contain different topics pertaining
to the company with different levels of priority. Performing such a monitoring of
tweets is a significantly challenging task as tweet messages are very short (140
characters) and noisy. We alleviate these problems through the idea of concept
term expansion in tweets. We perform two phases of clustering and priority level
assessment separately, whereby the clustering employs unsupervised techniques
while supervision is used for priority level assessment.
    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the problem
in more detail. Section 3 presents our technique for clustering and assigning
priority levels to the clusters. Section 4 describes the experiments and finally
Section 5 concludes the paper.

2     Problem Description
In this section, we briefly define the problem statement related to this contribu-
tion. We were provided with a stream of tweets for different companies collected
by issuing a query corresponding to the company name. The stream of tweets
for the companies were then divided into a training set and a test set. In the
training set each stream of tweets for a company was clustered according to their
topics. Furthermore, these clusters were prioritized into five different levels as
    Alert >average priority >low priority >‘other’ cluster >‘irrelevant’
    Alert corresponds to the cluster of tweets that deserves immediate atten-
tion by the company. Likewise, the tweet clusters with average and low priority
deserve attention as well but relatively less attention than those with alert pri-
ority level. In the case of ‘other’, these are clusters of tweets that are about the
company but that do not qualify as interesting topics and are negligible to the
monitoring purposes. Finally, ‘irrelevant’ are the cluster of tweets that do not
refer to the company.
    Our task is to cluster the stream of unseen tweets (test set) of a given com-
pany with respect to topics. Furthermore, we have to assign these clusters a
priority level chosen from the above-mentioned five levels.

3     Methodology
The proposed method is entirely based on the tweets contents, i.e., it does not use
any external knowledge resource such as Wikipedia or the content of any Web
page. Before applying our method we expand the shortened URL mentioned
inside a tweet into a full URL in order to avoid redundant link forwarders to
the same URL. Furthermore, a tweet that is not written in English is translated
into the English Language by using the Bing Translation API5 . In the following
subsections we present the proposed strategy to analyse tweets.
3.1   Tweet concept terms extraction
In the first step, we extract concept terms (i.e., important terms) from each
tweet so as to be able to identify a topic. To achieve this goal, we filter out the
trivial components from each tweet’s content such as mentions, RT, MT and
URL string. Then, we apply POS tagging [5] to identify the terms having a label
‘NN’, ‘NNS’, ‘NNP’, ‘NNPS’, ‘JJ’ or ‘CD’ as a concept term.

3.2   Training priority scores for concept terms
In this step, to a concept term multiple weights are assigned, which describe the
strength of association of a concept term with each priority level. To this aim,
we employ the training data in which each cluster of tweets is labelled with a
priority level. Each tweet in a cluster is associated with the label of that cluster
i.e., we borrow the label from the tweet’s cluster. After this, we assign a score to
each concept term corresponding to its strength of association with each priority
level (borrowed from the tweet’s label). For example, a concept term mentioned
frequently in tweets that have a specific priority level gets the highest score
for that particular priority level, while the same concept term when mentioned
rarely in other tweets labelled with a different priority level would get a low score
for this priority level.

3.3   Main algorithm
In this section we describe the main algorithm that clusters the stream of tweets
with respect to their topics, and which assigns them a priority level. The algo-
rithm iteratively learns two threshold values (i.e., the content threshold and the
specificity threshold) from a list of threshold values provided to it as explained
in the following sections.

3.3.1 Clustering In this step, we cluster tweets according to their contents
similarity, to the specificity of concept terms used among tweets, and to com-
mon URL mentions among the tweets. For detecting contents similarity we used
the content threshold, and for determining the specificity of concept terms we
used the specificity threshold. After this step we have all the tweets clustered
according to their main topics.

3.3.2 Predicting priority levels In this step, we assign a priority level to
each cluster. To this aim, we first estimate a priority level for each tweet in the
corpus, and then by using the assignment of priority level to the tweets we decide
a priority for each cluster. The process is explained here below.
    Estimate of priority level for each tweet
    First, we generate five aggregations across each priority level for a tweet.
Then, the highest aggregation corresponding to a priority level becomes the
priority level for that tweet. Each aggregation is computed by aggregating each
concept term’s priority score (as estimated in Section 3.2) corresponding to the
priority level for that tweet.
    Estimate of priority level for each cluster
    Since each cluster is composed of tweets, the assigned priority level for a
tweet is counted as a vote for a cluster’s priority level, and the priority level that
gets the maximum number of votes (for a cluster) becomes the priority level for
that cluster.

3.3.3 Global error estimate and optimization This step enables the algo-
rithm to learn optimized threshold values. To this aim, we estimate the global
error as follows. We first estimate the number of errors per cluster by counting
the number of inconsistencies (i.e., non-uniformity) among the priority levels as-
signed to the tweets of a cluster. Then, we aggregate these errors estimates across
each cluster to define a global error estimate. The threshold values across which
the global error estimation is minimum are declared to be optimized threshold
values. The output corresponding to the optimized threshold values is reported
as the final output of the algorithm.

4     Experimental Results
4.1   Data set
We performed our experiments by using the data set provided by the Monitoring
task of RepLab 2012 [1]. In this data set 37 companies were provided, six out
of which in the training set, while the remaining 31 in the test set. For each
company a few hundred tweets were provided.

4.2   Evaluation Measures
The measures used to the evaluation purposes are Reliability and Sensitivity,
which are described in detail in [2].
    In essence, these measures consider two types of binary relationships be-
tween pairs of items: relatedness – two items belong to the same cluster – and
priority – one item has more priority than the other. Reliability is defined as
precision of binary relationships predicted by the system with respect to those
that derive from the gold standard. Sensitivity is similarly defined as the recall
of relationships. When only clustering relationships are considered, Reliability
and Sensitivity are equivalent to BCubed Precision and Recall [1].

4.3   Results
Table 1 presents a snapshot of the official results for the Monitoring task of
RepLab 2012, where CIRGDISCO is the name of our team.
   Table 1 shows that our algorithm performed competitively, and it is the
second from the top; it is important to notice that our algorithm did not use
               Table 1. Results of Monitoring task of RepLab 2012

Team      R Clustering S Clustering F(R,S)     R     S        F        R S       F(R,S)
          (BCubed      (BCubed      Clustering Prior Priority Priority
          precision)   recall)
UNED 3    0.72         0.32         0.4        0.25 0.3       0.26     0.32 0.26 0.29
CIRGDISCO 0.95         0.24         0.35       0.24 0.3       0.24     0.29 0.22 0.25
OPTAH 1   0.7          0.34         0.38       0.19 0.16      0.16     0.37 0.19 0.22
UNED 2    0.85         0.34         0.39       0     0        0        0.85 0.09 0.14
UNED 1    0.9          0.2          0.3        0     0        0        0.9 0.05 0.1

any external knowledge resource although sources of evidence were provided in
the data set. The main reason for not using these resources was the shortage of
time; this means that there is a natural room for improvement of our algorithm
and for further investigation. In addition, our algorithm shows the best BCubed
precision compared to other algorithms.

5   Conclusion
We proposed an algorithm for clustering tweets and for assigning them a priority
level for companies. Our algorithm did not make use of any external knowledge
resource and did not require prior information about the company. Even under
these constraints our algorithm showed competitive performance. However, there
is a room for improvements where external evidence could play a promising added

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