=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CHiC-Popescu2013 |storemode=property |title=CEA LIST's Participation at the CLEF CHiC 2013 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CHiC-Popescu2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Popescu13 }} ==CEA LIST's Participation at the CLEF CHiC 2013== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CHiC-Popescu2013.pdf
        CEA LIST’s participation at the CLEF CHiC 2013

                                           Adrian Popescu

              CEA, LIST, Vision & Content Engineering Laboratory, Gif sur Ivette, France

        For our first participation to the CLEF CHiC Lab, we submitted runs to the mul-
        tilingual ad-hoc and multilingual semantic enrichment tasks. Given the strong mul-
        tilingual character of the evaluation corpus, the main objectives of the experiments
        were to test the efficiency of semantic topic expansion and consolidation based on
        Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) versions in different languages. Another objective
        was multilingual fusion of results obtained in the different languages of the corpus.
        ESA was adapted for the 10 languages that are best represented in the Europeana
        corpus. Wikipedia dumps from March 2012 were used for French and English and
        from March 2013 for the other languages. One problem that arises when model-
        ing short documents, such as queries, with classical ESA vectors no information is
        available whether the concept is related to the entire topic only to a part of it. To
        overcome this problem, two adaptations of ESA (ESA-C) are Wikipedia concepts
        that are linked to the highest number of concepts from the original topic. In the
        ad-hoc task, ESA and ESA-C have two roles: to expand the topic with related con-
        cepts and to create consolidated topic models which contain the original topic words
        along with other related keywords. We submitted both monolingual and multilingual
        runs without topic expansion and using topic expansion and consolidation with clas-
        sical ESA and ESA-C. The best results are obtained in a multilingual setting with
        no expansion and ESA-C topic consolidation. For the semantic enrichment task, we
        propose lists of related Wikipedia concepts using either a monolingual ranking or a
        voting scheme that surfaces related concepts that appear in the largest number of
        languages. Here, the best results are obtained in a monolingual ranking configuration
        that exploits ESA-C.


Multilingual Information Retrieval, Semantic Enrichment, Explicit Semantic Analysis

1     Introduction

The CHiC evaluation lab1 aims to explore different aspects related to the retrieval of cultural
heritage content stored in digital libraries such as Europeana2 . There are two subtasks in the
multilingual task, dealing with multilingual ad-hoc retrieval and multilingual semantic enrichment.
For the ad-hoc task, participants were provided with metadata in 13 different languages and were
free to use any automatic method in order to return ranked lists of results for a set of 50 diversified
topics. For the semantic enrichment task, a subset of 25 topics from the initial pool was provided
and the objective was to return a ranked list of 10 related concepts that could be used to enrich
the initial topic and might help to precise the user’s information need.
2     Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA)

Explicit Semantic Analysis [1] is a method that maps textual documents onto a structured semantic
space. Since its introduction in 2007, ESA was successfully exploited in different natural language
processing and information retrieval tasks. The success of this simple method lies in the richness
and the quality of the underlying conceptual space. In the original evaluation, ESA outperformed
state of the art methods in a word relatedness estimation task and different developments were
subsequently proposed.
    Radinsky and al. [4] added a temporal temporal dimension to ESA vectors and showed that
this addition improves the results for word relatedness.
    Hassan and Mihalcea [2] introduced Salient Semantic Analysis, a variant of ESA that relies on
the detection of salient concepts prior to linking words and concepts. The merits of their method
are difficult to estimate since the comparison is often made with an in-house ESA implementation
whose results are significantly poorer than those presented in [1].
    We proposed an ESA adaptation to information retrieval tasks that gives priority to categorical
information [3]. The comparison with a classical ESA implementation showed that a significant
improvement was obtained in an image retrieval setting. Moreover, the method compared favorably
with other state of the art indexing and retrieval schemes. Here, we extend the work in [3] and
propose to use ESA for query expansion and consolidation, two operations that are explained in
more details in Subsection 4.
    ESA has only weak language dependence and was already deployed in several languages. Sorg
and Cimiano [5] proposed an extension of the method to different languages and showed that the
method is useful in cross-lingual and multilingual retrieval settings. Here we create ESA vectors in
the 10 most represented languages out of the 13 present in the Europeana collection. The following
languages are supported: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
Polish and Finnish. Adaptations to different languages include detection and removal of Wikipedia
disambiguation and list pages and detection of category section.

2.1    Classical Formulation of ESA

Put simply, ESA exploits classical text weighting schemes, such a tf-idf, to model concepts from a
structured resource, such a Wikipedia. A relation between words and the concepts that structure
the space is established by inverting the concepts’ vectorial representations. Thus, each word
of the vocabulary has an associated high-dimension projection onto the concept space of the
underlying resource. Finally, in order to compare two words or two documents, the representations
of individual words are summed and the resulting vectors compared. In information retrieval, the
most useful component of ESA is the mapping of words onto concepts that can be used for topic
expansion or consolidation (see Subsection 2.2.
    Classical ESA representations are well adapted for single words, since there is nothing to be
done, and for long documents, since the summing operation smooths individual contributions and
an accurate semantic representation of the document is obtained. However, the method has some
drawbacks for documents such as retrieval topics that contain only few words (typically 2 to 4
words). Here, the smoothing of individual contributions is not sufficient because the contribution
of a single word can be higher than that of the others and the obtained related concepts could
be related to a part of the topic only. An illustration of this type of problem is provided in
table 1 which presents the top 10 ESA concepts associated to topics Freshwater Fish and Jean-
Jaques Rousseau 3 . The results from table 1 indicate that most ESA top ranked concepts are not
related to the entire query. When examining results for topic CHiC-051, Freshwater bivalve and
Freshwater, Isle of Wight are related to freshwater while Bait fish and Bank fishing are related
to fish. Similarly, when examining results for topic CHiC-058, we notice that several ESA top
concepts are brought up by the family name textitRousseau and have little semantic relatedness
    The wrong spelling of Rousseau’s name was extracted from Europeana logs and provided as such for
    the task.
with the original topic. Concepts found for topic CHiC-064 (crockery doll house) are related to
doll but not the other terms from the query.
   We use an in-house implementation of ESA that includes only the optimization cues publicly
available until recently 4 . To validate our implementation, we performed the word similarity task
described in [1], with the same version of Wikipedia, and the method achieved a 0.72 correlation
with human judgments (to be compared with 0.75 reported by [1]).

Table 1. Top 10 ESA related concepts for topics Freshwater Fish, Jean-Jaques Rousseau and crockery
doll house. The second column contains results for classical ESA, presented in subsection 2.1, while the
third results for the adapted version of ESA (ESA-C) presented in subsection 2.2.

                                   Topic CHiC-051 Freshwater Fish
     Rank                      ESA                                      ESA-C
       1              Freshwater bivalve                       Eastern freshwater cod
       2              Freshwater mollusc                               Ide (fish)
       3                 Tropical fish                         New Zealand longfin eel
       4  Freshwater, Humboldt County, California                 Common galaxias
       5              Fish fillet processor                        European perch
       6                    Bait fish                              Green swordtail
       7                Fish marketing                               Rainbowfish
       8                Bottom fishing                              Common rudd
       9          Freshwater, Isle of Wight                          Spotted bass
      10                 Bank fishing                              Common bream
                               Topic CHiC-058 Jean-Jaques Rousseau
     Rank                      ESA                                      ESA-C
       1           Confessions (Rousseau)                      Confessions (Rousseau)
       2                   Saint-Jean               Considerations on the Government of Poland
       3 Considerations on the Government of Poland      Discourse on the Arts and Sciences
       4       Eugne Rousseau (chess player)                   Emile, or On Education
       5        John Jacques, Baron Jacques              Essay on the Origin of Languages
       6       Eugene Rousseau (saxophonist)                   Discourse on Inequality
       7             Jean-Jacques Henner               Letter to M. D’Alembert on Spectacles
       8               Victor Rousseau                         Pygmalion (Rousseau)
       9               Bobby Rousseau                         Julie, or the New Heloise
      10     Discourse on the Arts and Sciences                  Le devin du village
                                Topic CHiC-064 Crockery doll house
     Rank                      ESA                                      ESA-C
       1               Peg wooden doll                           Mabel Lucie Attwell
       2               Composition doll                          Bringing Up Father
       3          Anatomically correct doll                The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle
       4                  Bisque doll                                 China doll
       5                   Black doll                         Japanese traditional dolls
       6                   Paper doll                        Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House
       7              Madame Alexander                               Bild Lilli doll
       8                  Fashion doll                              Vivien Greene
       9                       Doll                              Paper Dolls (band)
      10                   China doll                 Wall House (Elkins Park, Pennsylvania)

    A full list was recently made public at https://github.com/faraday/wikiprep-esa/wiki/roadmap but the
    remaining cues were not yet integrated in our implementation.
2.2   ESA Adaptation for ad-hoc multilingual IR (ESA-C)

We already proposed a version of ESA that gives a privileged role to categorical information in
[3]. There, we used two scores to rank Wikipedia concepts:

 – a boolean score that captures the number of common words between the initial topic and the
   words found in the categories associated to Wikipedia concepts.
 – the score used in the classical ESA in order to rank concepts, based on the sum of the contri-
   butions of the individual words.

Since topics are often short, ties are often obtained with the boolean score and their are broke
using the second, finer grained score.
    The introduction of the boolean score has two main objectives. First, categorical information
should be favored in order to obtain concepts that are hierarchically related (i.e. isA relation) to
the initial topic or to parts of it. Second, it is possible to identify which parts of the initial query
an ESA related concept is related to. For instance, the categories of Tropical Fish are Fish stubs
and Aquaria and the topic would have a boolean score of 1 (out of a maximum of 2). Similarly,
Freshwater bivalve, the top ranked concept with classical ESA, only loosely related to the initial
topic, has a boolean score of 0 since its only category is Bivalves. The categorical ranking rightly
gives a better position to Tropical Fish compared to Freshwater bivalve since the first concepts is
more closely related to Freshwater fish.
    Here we modified our ESA adaptation for IR in two directions. First, given that categorical
information is often sparse, we added the words contained in the first 150 characters after the
concepts name in the first paragraph of the category words. This enrichment of the categorical
space is motivated by the fact that the first paragraph of Wikipedia article is often a definition
that contains salient concepts related to the target one. The limitation to words contained in string
of 150 character is useful since the first paragraph has varying length and contains information
that is only loosely related to the concepts when it is long. The second modification is a concept
detection that is used to produce a third score which favors articles that contain longer concepts
from the initial query over other articles. At equal categorical scores, the inclusion of concept
detection allows us to favor a Wikipedia concept that includes Jean-Jacques Rousseau in its text
when compared to another concept that includes Jean-Jacques and Rousseau separately. The
top related concepts obtained with ESA-C for Freshwater fish and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are
presented in the third column of table 1. In both cases, the top 10 concepts are much more closely
related to the initial topics compared to the use of classical ESA. The list for topic CHiC-051
contains only fish and the list for CHiC-058 includes different works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Crockery doll house is a specialized one, which is not well represented in Wikipedia and the
retrieved concepts are still unrelated to the entire topic in a large majority of cases. This last topic
illustrates one limitation of all ESA implementation, namely the poor mapping between the initial
document and the knowledge included in the underlying conceptual space.
    The use of the lists of related ESA concepts for both semantic enrichment and for ad-hoc
retrieval is detailed in Section 4.

3     Europeana Collection Processing

We kept documents of the Europeana Collection that belong to the 10 languages processed with
ESA. Separate indexes were created for each of the modeled languages. Then selected meta-
data associated to the following fields: “dc:title”, “dc:description”, “dc:subject”, “dc:type”, “dc-
terms:medium”, ”dc:date“. The retained fields were merged into a bag-of-words representation
and then modeled using a tf-idf scheme. Due to the use of probabilistic models of the topics (see
Subsection 4.2), the tf-idf representation of documents was subsequently transformed into a prob-
abilistic form by dividing the weight of each word by the sum of the scores of all words in the
document. Monolingual collections are stemmed using the corresponding Perl Snowball stemmer
                Fig. 1. Overview of the semantic enrichment and retrieval framework.

4     Enrichment and retrieval framework
The framework devised here was used for both semantic enrichment and ad-hoc retrieval and is
summarized in figure 1. The semantic enrichment process exploits only topic expansion with the
ESA versions (ESA and ESA-C) and returns ranked lists of results using different ranking schemes
detailed in Subsection 4.2.

4.1   Semantic Topic Enrichment Framework
The purpose of the semantic enrichment process is to return a ranked list of concepts that are
semantically related to the initial topic and could be use for query expansion. To test multilingual
rankings, we introduced fusion methods that exploit the explicit interlingual links available in
Wikipedia using either different fusion schemes based on the scores in individual languages. In all
cases, the proposed enrichments are collection independent. Only Wikipedia concepts formed of
at most 4 words were retained in the final rankings. Lists of related concepts obtained with the
original version of ESA and with the adapted ESA-C version are presented in table 1.

4.2   Ad-hoc Retrieval Framework
Within CHiC, the objective of the ad-hoc retrieval process is to return the best results possible
using whatever automatic method at hand. In our approach, the target topic is first processed
using ESA resources to expand and consolidate it. The initial words and the expanded concepts
are then compared to the index of the collection in order to retrieve a raw list of results. The
elements of this list are then compared to the consolidated version of the topic in order to obtain
the final list of results. Similarly to the ranking of ESA related concepts, two similarity measures
are used:
 – a boolean score to measure a coarse similarity between the initial topic or its related concepts
   and the documents in the collection.
 – the cosine similarity is used to measure the degree of similarity between a topic and corre-
   sponding documents.
The boolean score has a higher priority than the cosine similarity, which is used only to break
ties. For multilingual runs, the process is performed for each of the languages processed and then
results are combined by ranking results by decreasing scores.
Table 2. Top 10 words form the consolidated version of the topics for Freshwater Fish, Jean-Jaques
Rousseau and crockery doll house. The second column contains results for classical ESA, presented in
subsection 2.1 while the third column presents results for the adapted version of ESA (ESA-C) presented
in subsection 2.2.

                                 Topic CHiC-051 Freshwater Fish
                             Rank      ESA          ESA-C
                               1        fish           fish
                               2 freshwater       freshwater
                               3 acquarium          galaxia
                               4       fillet      aquarium
                               5     fishery        species
                               6       bait             fin
                               7      water          water
                               8    species           river
                               9       lake           trout
                              10         fin          carp
                             Topic CHiC-058 Jean-Jaques Rousseau
                             Rank      ESA          ESA-C
                               1    jacques        rousseau
                               2       jean            jean
                               3   rousseau             de
                               4         de         jacques
                               5     french          french
                               6          le             le
                               7      saint           paris
                               8      paris       philosopher
                               9          la      pygmalion
                              10    baptiste         pierre
                              Topic CHiC-064 Crockery doll house
                             Rank      ESA          ESA-C
                               1        doll           doll
                               2      house          house
                               3        toy             toy
                               4     barbie          barbie
                               5        goo          mattel
                               6     album           album
                               7     mattel            goo
                               8      nrhp             film
                               9       licca          licca
                              10       song           song
    Topic expansion is performed in a way similar to description provided in Subsection 4.1. Con-
solidation is a by-product of the expansion process and aims to obtain an expanded version of
the initial topic that contains, in addition to the original words, other words that are semantically
related to the topic but are not part of it. The words are ranked by summing their individual
scores associated to the top 100 ESA related concepts and then by multiplying this sum with the
log of the number of different articles in which they appear. This last score is used in order to
favor words that are associated to a large number of Wikipedia concepts related to the initial
articles. Up to 1000 related words are retained for each topic and a probabilistic model of the
consolidated versions is obtained by dividing individual word scores by the sum of all scores. In
table 2, we present top 10 words related to each topic obtained with ESA and ESA-C. A majority
of the obtained words are semantically related to the initial topic, although some outliers appear.
For freshwater fish, all top 10 words are related to the initial topic and thus useful for ranking
results. In the case of Jean-Jaques Rousseau, there are French stop words that were not removed.
For Crockery doll house, nrhp (abbreviation of National Register of Historic Places) appears since
this acronym is strongly related to house. Similarly to the collection processing, the consolidated
versions of the topics are stemmed.

5     Experiments
As we mentioned, we have submitted runs for both the semantic enrichment and the ad-hoc
retrieval subtasks and we analyse them here. Unfortunately, this analysis is altered by the fact
that an important bug in the scoring of related was discovered after the release of official results.
This bug had a strong negative impact on the quality of results for all runs that exploited fusion
techniques for semantic enrichment and automatic topic expansion for ad-hoc retrieval. The bug
biases individual boolean scores but the order of concepts is not affected and a comparison of
ESA versions remains possible. Boolean scores of expanded concepts were overrated compared to
the boolean scores of documents found using terms from the original topic. All affected runs are
indicated by a ”*“ sign in the following subsections.

5.1   Semantic Enrichment
Submitted runs The following eight runs were submitted to the semantic enrichment subtask:
 – ceaListEnglishMonolingual - Related concepts are obtained with ESA-C. The experiment is
   monolingual since it only exploits the English Wikipedia version. Proposed expansions are
   collection independent.
 – ceaListEnglishMonolingualOriginal - Related concepts are obtained with classical ESA. The
   experiment is monolingual since it only exploits the English Wikipedia version. Proposed
   expansions are collection independent.
 – ceaListEnglishRankEnglish - Rank fusion for monolingual results obtained with ceaListEnglish-
   Monolingual. The rank of the concept is obtain by averaging its ranks in different languages.
   For a Wikipedia concept to be considered, it has to appear in at least three languages. The
   experiment is multilingual since different Wikipedia versions (9 languages: en, fr, de, es, it, nl,
   no, sv, pl) are used. Only concepts that have an English version are considered.
 – ceaListEnglishRankMultilingual - Rank fusion for monolingual results obtained with ceaLis-
   tEnglishMonolingual. For a Wikipedia concept to be considered, it has to appear in at least
   three languages. The experiment is multilingual since different Wikipedia versions (9 lan-
   guages: en, fr, de, es, it, nl, no, sv, pl) are used. Given different translations of a concept, the
   one that has the highest score in an individual language is presented.
 – ceaListEnglishBooleanEnglish * - Fusion of boolean scores for monolingual results obtained
   with ceaListEnglishMonolingual. For a Wikipedia concept to be considered, it has to appear
   in at least three languages. The experiment is multilingual since different Wikipedia versions
   (9 languages: en, fr, de, es, it, nl, no, sv, pl) are used. Only English versions of Wikipedia
   concepts are presented. Proposed expansions are collection independent. Only concepts that
   have an English version are considered.
 – ceaListEnglishBooleanMultilingual * - Fusion of boolean scores monolingual results obtained
   with ceaListEnglishMonolingual. For a Wikipedia concept to be considered, it has to appear
   in at least three languages. The experiment is multilingual since different Wikipedia versions
   (9 languages: en, fr, de, es, it, nl, no, sv, pl) are used. Given different translations of a concept,
   the one that has the highest score in an individual language is presented. Only concepts that
   have an English version are considered.
 – ceaListEnglishCosineEnglish * - Fusion of cosine similarity scores for monolingual results ob-
   tained with ceaListEnglishMonolingualOriginal. For a Wikipedia concept to be considered,
   it has to appear in at least three languages. The experiment is multilingual since different
   Wikipedia versions (9 languages: en, fr, de, es, it, nl, no, sv, pl) are used. Only English ver-
   sions of Wikipedia concepts are presented. Only concepts that have an English version are
 – ceaListEnglishCosineMultilingual * - Fusion of cosine similarity scores monolingual results
   obtained with ceaListEnglishMonolingualOriginal. For a Wikipedia concept to be considered,
   it has to appear in at least three languages. The experiment is multilingual since different
   Wikipedia versions (9 languages: en, fr, de, es, it, nl, no, sv, pl) are used. Given different
   translations of a concept, the one that has the highest score is presented. Only concepts that
   have an English version are considered.

Results Even though the results for 6 out of 8 runs are biased here, there are some interest-
ing conclusions that we can draw from table 3. The comparison between ceaListEnglishMonolin-
gualOriginal and ceaListEnglishMonolingual is favorable to the latter method. The original ESA
implementation has significantly poorer performances compared to the adapted method intro-
duced (P@10 0.365 vs. 0.66). The privileged role given to categories and to the first words in the
concept text, coupled with concept detection in the queries have a positive impact on semantic
   None of the fusion methods proposed improves results compared to the best submitted run
but this is at least in part due to the bug that affected the values of boolean concept scores.
When comparing the fusion schemes, there are no significant differences between monolingual and
multilingual fusions. Since the same concepts were proposed but languages differed, this results
show that the ground truth is of high quality. The cosine-based fusion strongly degrades results,
while the fusion based on ranks is closer to the original results.

Table 3. Semantic enrichment accuracy measured using P@10 of relevant and of relevant + partly relevant

                                 Run name              P@10 P@10 (rel + part.rel)
                         ceaListEnglishMonolingual     0.468       0.66
                    ceaListEnglishMonolingualOriginal 0.212        0.364
                         ceaListEnglishRankEnglish      0.34        0.56
                      ceaListEnglishRankMultilingual 0.3382       0.5556
                      ceaListEnglishBooleanEnglish *   0.228       0.436
                   ceaListEnglishBooleanMultilingual * 0.22        0.428
                       ceaListEnglishCosineEnglish *   0.076       0.164
                    ceaListEnglishCosineMultilingual * 0.076       0.164

    Important differences occur at the topic level. For ceaListEnglishMonolingual, when examining
CHiC-51 (freshwater fish) and CHiC-58 (Jean-Jacques Rousseau), all top 10 related concepts are
at least partly related to the initial topic. Inversely, results are very poor (9 out of 10 irrelevant
enrichments) for topics CHiC-64 (crockery doll houses) and CHiC-65 (sea sunset). These failures
are probably due to a poor mapping of the topic in the Wikipedia corpus for CHiC-64 and to the
very small number of Wikipedia concepts that cover both sea and sunset.
5.2   Ad-hoc retrieval

Submitted runs For ”noExpansion“ runs, results are ranked first by the number of terms from
the initial topic that appear in the document and then by the the cosine similarity between the con-
solidated version of the topic and document representations. For the other runs, the boolean score
of related ESA concepts biases the results. As we mentioned, multilingual fusion was performed
by The following 16 runs were submitted to the semantic enrichment subtask:

 – ceaListMultilingualNoExpansion - Multilingual run that retrieves only documents which
   contain at least one word from the initial topic.
 – ceaListFrenchNoExpansion - Monolingual French run that retrieves documents which
   contain at least one word from the initial topic.
 – ceaListGermanNoExpansion - Monolingual German run that retrieves documents which
   contain at least one word from the initial topic.
 – ceaListMultilingualOriginal * - Multilingual run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related Wikipedia concepts obtained with classical ESA.
 – ceaListMultilingualFiltered * - Multilingual run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListDutchFiltered * - Monolingual Dutch run that retrieves documents which contain at
   least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most related
   Dutch Wikipedia concepts obtained with a version of Explicit Semantic Analysis adapted to
   short documents (topics).
 – ceaListEnglishFiltered * - Monolingual English run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most related
   English Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListFrenchFiltered * - Monolingual French run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related French Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListGermanFiltered * - Monolingual German run that retrieves documents which con-
   tain at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related German Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListItalianFiltered * - Monolingual Italian run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related Italian Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListNorwegianFiltered * - Monolingual Norwegian run that retrieves documents which
   contain at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000
   most related Norwegian Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListPolishFiltered * - Monolingual Polish run that retrieves documents which contain at
   least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most related
   Polish Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListSpanishFiltered * - Monolingual Spanish run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most related
   Spanish Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListSwedishFiltered * - Monolingual Swedish run that retrieves documents which con-
   tain at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related Swedish Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListEnglishOriginal * - Monolingual English run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most related
   English Wikipedia concepts obtained with ESA-C.
 – ceaListItalianOriginal * - Monolingual Italian run that retrieves documents which contain
   at least one word from the initial topic and/or the full name of one of query’s 1000 most
   related Italian Wikipedia concepts obtained with classical ESA.
Results Due to the bug that affected all the runs that involved ESA based topic expansion, it is
difficult to compare runs that did not involved expansion and the others. However, it is worthwhile
noticing the the best submitted run, i.e. ceaListMultilingualNoExpansion a simple fusion of results
obtained for individual languages, gave interesting results compared to monolingual runs that
involved no ESA expansion.
    When comparing ceaListMultilingualOriginal and ceaListMultilingualFiltered, the two multi-
lingual runs that exploit ESA and ESA-C, obtained results are better for the second run (MAP
0.0805 vs. O.0977). This result confirms the one obtained for semantic enrichment, where ESA-C
was also superior to classical ESA. It is also in line with our findings from [3], which showed that
giving a privileged role to categorical information is beneficial in an image retrieval scenario. The
favorable comparison of ESA-C with ESA is also confirmed for English (MAP 0.321 vs. 0.304) and
Italian (MAP 0.165 vs. 0.0222).

                        Table 4. MAP performances for ad-hoc retrieval runs.

                                           Run name           MAP
                              ceaListMultilingualNoExpansion 0.1878
                                  ceaListFrenchNoExpansion    0.0478
                                    ceaListFrenchFiltered *   0.0290
                                 ceaListGermanNoExpansion 0.0631
                                   ceaListGermanFiltered *    0.0505
                                ceaListMultilingualOriginal * 0.0805
                                ceaListMultilingualFiltered * 0.0977
                                    ceaListDutchFiltered *    0.0377
                                   ceaListEnglishOriginal *   0.0304
                                   ceaListEnglishFiltered *   0.0321
                                    ceaListItalianOriginal *  0.0165
                                    ceaListItalianFiltered *  0.0222
                                 ceaListNorwegianFiltered *   0.0251
                                    ceaListPolishFiltered *   0.0109
                                   ceaListSpanishFiltered *   0.0204
                                   ceaListSwedishFiltered *   0.0123

6   Conclusion

The results obtained at CLEF CHiC 2013 encourage us to pursue the investigation of enrichment
and retrieval techniques for cultural heritage. The obtained results are especially encouraging
for the semantic enrichment task. The ESA-C adaptation of Explicit Semantic Analysis clearly
outperforms the original version of the method. The ad-hoc retrieval results were hampered by
the overrated value of boolean scores and we plan to correct these experiments in order to have
an accurate assessment of the influence of automatic topic expansion.
    Future work includes adding supplementary material to the conceptual space (i.e. Wikipedia
corpus) in order to enrich concept descriptions and to try to cover a larger range of concepts. A
second line of work involves a shift towards a more semantic representation of ESA concepts, that
goes beyond the current bag-of-words modeling and involves concept detection and disambiguation.
A third research axis will focus on ways to predict the chances of success of automatic expansion
in order to perform this task only when the topic is suited.


This work was supported via Egonomy, a French ”Grand Emprunt“ project.
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