=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CLEFER-HellrichEt2013 |storemode=property |title=The JULIE LAB MANTRA System for the CLEF-ER 2013 Challenge |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CLEFER-HellrichEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/HellrichH13 }} ==The JULIE LAB MANTRA System for the CLEF-ER 2013 Challenge== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CLEFER-HellrichEt2013.pdf
               The J ULIE L AB M ANTRA System for
                  the C LEF -ER 2013 Challenge

                             Johannes Hellrich and Udo Hahn

             Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab
                             Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
                                      Jena, Germany

       Abstract. We here describe the set-up for the system from the Jena Univer-
       sity Language & Information Engineering (J ULIE ) Lab which participated in the
       C LEF -ER 2013 Challenge. The task of this challenge was to identify hitherto
       unknown translation equivalents for biomedical terms from several parallel text
       corpora. The languages being covered are English, German, French, Spanish and
       Dutch. Our translation system enhanced, in a realistic scenario, the French, Ger-
       man, Spanish and Dutch parts of a U MLS-derived terminology with 4k to 15k
       new entries each. Based on expert assessment of the new German translations
       about 76% of these were judged as plausible term enhancements.

       1    Introduction
       The task underlying the C LEF -ER 2013 Challenge is to identify translation equiv-
       alents for biomedical terms from several parallel text corpora. Terms from this
       sublanguage are either single-word (e.g. ‘appendicitis’) or multi-word terms (e.g.
       ‘blood cell’). The task not only encompasses the recognition of literal mentions
       of these terms but also includes a grounding task, namely to determine unique
       identifiers for the recognized terms in an authoritative biomedical terminology,
       the Unified Medical Language System (U MLS).1
       The U MLS is an umbrella system for a huge collection of various specialized do-
       main terminologies for human anatomy, diseases, drugs, clinical care, etc. that
       was originally developed for the English language but has subsequently been
       complemented by translations into a large variety of other languages. Whereas
       the English U MLS is a rather complete collection of biomedical terms, the non-
       English versions lack this property to different degrees though. Hence, the proper
       enhancement of the lexical and conceptual coverage of the non-English U MLSes
       constitutes a rewarding goal which was picked up by the C LEF -ER 2013 Chal-
       lenge organizers2 for the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish
       and Dutch.
       From the perspective of biomedical natural language processing the task com-
       bines aspects of both named entity recognition (NER) and machine translation
      (MT). Our system leans more towards the MT side, since we try to solve the
      challenge by enriching a U MLS-derived terminology with new translations ex-
      tracted from the parallel texts. This enriched terminology is thereafter used to
      annotate the corpora with a gazetteer. This eases both linking new entities with
      the identifiers used in the terminology and a human review of the system’s output,
      since we produce some thousands of new terms to review instead of hundreds of
      thousands of annotations.
      Our terminology translation system works by combining phrase-based statistical
      machine translation (SMT) with named entity recognition. For this task, we ex-
      ploit the M ED L INE and E MEA biomedical parallel corpora (see details below)
      for all relevant language pairs. Our translation system enhanced, in a realistic
      scenario, the French, German, Spanish and Dutch parts of the U MLS-derived ter-
      minology with 4k to 15k new entries each. Based on expert assessment of the
      new German translations about 76% of these were judged as plausible term en-

      2     J ULIE Lab’s M ANTRA System

      This section describes the translation part of J ULIE Lab’s M ANTRA system, where
      we distinguish preparatory steps (Section 2.1) from the candidate generation
      (Section 2.2) and candidate filtering steps (Section 2.3) and, finally, turn to the
      results of applying our system to the challenge data (Section 2.4).
      A major design requirement during system development was to reuse existing and
      widely used software, often developed in other contexts, and keep the system as
      domain- and language-independent as possible. Accordingly, we equipped J ULIE
      Lab’s M ANTRA with the L ING P IPE3 gazetteer, G IZA ++ and M OSES4 [1, 2] for
      phrase-based SMT, JC O R E for biomedical NER [3] and, finally, W EKA5 [4] for
      learning a maximum-entropy model to combine NER and SMT information.

      2.1   Preparatory Steps

      To generate training data for the translation part of our system we merged the
      M EDLINE R 6 and E MEA [5] parallel corpora provided for the C LEF -ER 2013
      Challenge, resulting in one file per language pair. These files were then annotated
      for those biomedical entities already contained in the U MLS-derived C LEF -ER
      terminology,7 using a L INGPIPE-based gazetteer. 10% of each corpus were taken
      apart and used to train the JC O R E NER engine. The remaining 90% of the cor-
      pora were used to train a phrase-based SMT model with G IZA ++ and M OSES.

  For technical and data consistency purposes, the original U MLS terminology was slightly
  curated and reformatted. This specific U MLS version is available at https://sites.
         2.2   Candidate production
         The model created by G IZA ++ contains phrase pairs, such as ‘an indication
         of tubal cancer’ → ‘als Hinweis auf ein Tubenkarzinom’, and several trans-
         lation probabilities for each pair, namely inverse phrase translation probability
         φ(f |e), inverse lexical weighting lex(f |e), direct phrase translation probability
         φ(e|f ) and direct lexical weighting lex(e|f ). The probabilities describe condi-
         tional probabilities for a phrase in the target language e (either German, French,
         Spanish or Dutch) being a translation of a phrase in the source language f (En-
         glish). Translation candidates for enriching the U MLS were produced by filtering
         phrasal pairs such that only those were retained which translated a known English
         synonym to a biomedical concept in one of the target languages.

         2.3   Candidate Filtering
         We filtered the candidates produced in the previous step by using W EKA to train
         a maximum-entropy model as a selector that keeps or discards tentative trans-
         lations. We used as features the phrase probabilities from the SMT model, the
         NER system’s judgment for each candidate being a recognized named entity
         (thus removing biomedical non-terms ) and, for our final submission only, the
         ratio between the respective character lengths of the translated synonym and its
         translation equivalent. This ratio was logarithmized to keep features on a similar
         scale. The NER system’s judgment was normalized over all sentences containing
         the phrase in question by summing the probabilities for it being a named entity
         and dividing by the total number of sentences, taking ‘0’, if no match was found:

                                                     EntityP robabilityi
                              pN E =              sentences

         The annotations for the already known translations, generated in step 2.1 were
         used as training material.

         2.4   Results & Evaluation
         Those translation candidates accepted by the filter and not yet contained in the
         U MLS were added to the dictionary used by our gazetteer system. We generated
         two new dictionaries, one with and one without the length ratio as a feature, and
         used these to annotate our submissions.
         To evaluate our translation subsystem prior to submission, we used both expert
         judgment and an automatic benchmark, dealing with new and already known ter-
         minology, respectively. In the first one, translations not yet contained in the U MLS
         were judged by a biomedical expert.8 In the second setting, we measured the sys-
         tem’s performance in recreating portions of the already available versions of the
         U MLS, i.e. we matched suggested translations with entries already contained in
         the terminology. This evaluation was done concept-wise, i.e. a word which is a
         synonym for multiple concepts or a translation thereof was examined multiple
         times. To measure the effects of different system configurations we used preci-
         sion, recall and F1 -score calculated as follows:
    A bioinformatics graduate student utilizing online medical dictionaries.
                                           correct translations
                               precision = proposed translation
                                          correct translations
                                recall = traceable translations
                                F1 -score = 2 precision+recall

       A translation was counted as correct, if the translation was contained in the set
       of synonyms in the respective language for the U MLS concept. A translation was
       considered as traceable, if the corresponding concept was annotated in two par-
       allel sentences by the gazetteer system. We evaluated the translation of each syn-
       onym of a U MLS entry independently. These criteria aim to measure how much
       of the U MLS which could have been reconstructed from the parallel corpus was
       actually reconstructed by our system.
       Expert judgment was collected based on a sample of 100 English-German term
       translations created with all features except the length ratio. 76% of these new
       translations were judged as being correct and reasonable from a domain knowl-
       edge perspective. Automatic analysis was performed for all languages, results
       are listed in the following table, with a baseline system performing no filtering of
       term candidates listed for comparison. Both configurations of the J ULIE Lab’s

                                                 JULIE L AB ’ S M ANTRA system
            Language Measurement Baseline
                                               without length ratio with length ratio
                         F1 -score      0.13          0.61                0.57
            French       Precision      0.07          0.58                0.61
                          Recall        0.98          0.64                0.53
                         F1 -score      0.14          0.66                0.65
            German       Precision      0.07          0.61                0.69
                          Recall        0.98          0.73                0.60
                         F1 -score      0.19          0.72                0.73
            Spanish      Precision      0.11          0.62                0.63
                          Recall        0.97          0.85                0.86
                         F1 -score      0.15          0.79                0.81
            Dutch        Precision      0.08          0.70                0.76
                          Recall        0.98          0.89                0.87

Table 1. Evaluation by partial U MLS recreation. We list results comparing our submissions with
a baseline system without candidate filtering.

       M ANTRA system are clearly superior to the baseline in all regards except recall.
       The system with length ratio provides similar F1 -scores to the one without, yet
       we suppose it to be more adequate for the C LEF-ER challenge, due to its higher

       3    Related work
       Prior efforts to use parallel corpora for terminology translation were performed
       by Déjean et al. [6] and Deléger et al. [7, 8], with German and French as the tar-
       get languages, respectively. Both studies report precision values of about 80%.
However, due to inconsistent evaluation strategies used in the literature, the influ-
ence of the used resources as well as language-specific system design and tuning
decisions, it is hard to generalize from these results.
Terminology extraction in the biomedical field is tricky, as most terms are not
merely single words (e.g. ‘appendicitis’) but multi-word expressions (MWEs),
like ‘Alzheimer’s disease’ or ‘acquired immunodeficiency syndrome’. Approaches
towards finding MWEs can be classified as either pattern-based, using e.g. man-
ually created part-of-speech (POS) patterns, or statistically motivated, utilizing
e.g. phrase alignment techniques. The former solution (used e.g. by Déjean et al.
[6] or Bouamor et al. [9]) suffers from the need to supply POS patterns which are
often hand-crafted and may become cumbersome to read and write as the pattern
set keeps growing. Statistical approaches circumvent this dilemma and can use
e.g. the translation probabilities of the single words of a MWE (treated as a bag
of words) [10] or some kind of phrases. These can either be linguistically moti-
vated, i.e. use POS information [11], or be purely statistical and derived from the
translation model produced by a phrase-based SMT system [12], just like in our

4    Conclusion
We described a system using SMT and NER to generate new entries for multilin-
gual biomedical terminologies. A terminology enriched this way can be used to
improve the annotation of raw language data corpora.
A direct evaluation of terminology enrichment systems like ours is complicated
for two reasons. First, a missing standard metric—some report only precision
based on the number of correct translations produced by their system [7], while
others issue F-scores based on the system’s ability to reproduce a (sample) termi-
nology [6]—and, second, the rather strong influence of the chosen terminology
and corpora on a system’s performance. The C LEF -ER 2013 Challenge will al-
low us to overcome this problem, by enabling extrinsic comparison based on the
annotations provided by the different systems.

This work is funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme
for small or medium-scale focused research actions (STREP) from the Informa-
tion Content Technologies Call FP7-ICT-2011-4.1, Challenge 4: Technologies for
Digital Content and Languages, Grant No. 296410.

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