=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CLEFeHealth-BodnariEt2013 |storemode=property |title=A Supervised Named-Entity Extraction System for Medical Text |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CLEFeHealth-BodnariEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BodnariDLNZ13 }} ==A Supervised Named-Entity Extraction System for Medical Text== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-CLEFeHealth-BodnariEt2013.pdf
 A Supervised Named-Entity Extraction System
               for Medical Text

              Andreea Bodnari1,2 , Louise Deléger2 , Thomas Lavergne2 ,
                    Aurélie Névéol2 , and Pierre Zweigenbaum2
                    MIT, CSAIL, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
              LIMSI-CNRS, rue John von Neumann, F-91400 Orsay, France

      Abstract. We present our participation in Task 1a of the 2013 CLEF-
      eHEALTH Challenge, whose goal was the identification of disorder named
      entities from electronic medical records. We developed a supervised CRF
      model that based on a rich set of features learns to predict disorder
      named entities. The CRF system uses external knowledge from special-
      ized biomedical terminologies and Wikipedia. Our system performance
      was evaluated at 0.598 F-measure in the context of strict evaluation and
      0.711 F-measure in the context of relaxed evaluation.

      Keywords: Named-entity recognition, Natural Language Processing,
      Medical records, Machine learning

1   Introduction

Electronic medical records (EMRs) represent rich data repositories loaded with
valuable patient information. Automated tools are required to process this pa-
tient information and make it available to medical professionals and specialized
medical systems. These automated tools take as input the plain text of EMRs
and output data of interest. For example, named-entity extraction tools pro-
cess the plain text of EMRs and extract instances of named entities (i.e., noun
phrases) that can be classified into a certain semantic category.
    The 2013 CLEF-eHEALTH challenge aims to develop methods and resources
that make EMRs more understandable by both patients and health profession-
als. The challenge spans over three tasks. We participate in the first task, which
focuses on the identification of disorder named entities in electronic medical
records, and develop a system that can perform NER on medical text. We pro-
pose a solution that combines a rich feature set with external knowledge gathered
from both specialized and general domain knowledge repositories.
    We present a named-entity recognition system specialized in the medical
domain. Our system learns a CRF model from the training data, based on a rich
feature set that combines external knowledge sources with information gathered
from the EMR text. We discuss the system design, present the system results on
the 2013 CLEF-eHEALTH [10] training and test data, and discuss the specific
features that helped most with the system performance.
2       Andreea Bodnari et al.

2     Related work
The natural language processing (NLP) community has organized specialized
competitions to evaluate and help improve the state of the art in various NLP
domains. Competitions in the general domain include the Text Retrieval Evalua-
tion Conferences [2], the Semantic Evaluation (SemEval) [1], and the Conference
on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) shared-tasks [5]. In the medical domain,
the Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) center organized a
series of NLP competitions focused on information extraction from unstructured
clinical documents. The NLP competitions tried to support advancement in a
series of NLP tasks like information extraction [13], information retrieval [11],
semantic textual similarity, co-reference resolution [12]. Tasks like information
retrieval, dependency parsing, and named entity recognition exhibit relatively
well performing solutions that can be applied in real life settings. Yet, results of
NLP competitions showed that the research community is still struggling in the
specialized domain (i.e., medical, biomedical) compared to the general domain.

3     Materials and methods
3.1   Data
The corpus used for the 2013 CLEF-eHEALTH challenge consists of de-identified
plain text EMRs from the MIMIC II database, version 2.5 [8]. The EMR docu-
ments were extracted from the intensive-care unit setting and included discharge
summaries, electrocardiography reports, echo reports, and radiology reports. The
training set contained 200 documents and a total of 94,243 words, while the test
set contained 100 documents and a total of 87,799 words (see Table 2).
    Annotation of disorder noun phrases (NPs) was carried out as part of the
Shared Annotated Resources project [7]. The text of each EMR document was
annotated by two professional coders trained for this task, followed by an open
adjudication step. A disorder noun phrase is defined as any span of text which
can be mapped to a concept in the SNOMED-CT terminology and which belongs
to the Disorder semantic group. A concept is in the Disorder semantic group if
it belongs to one of the following Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) [4]
semantic types: congenital abnormality, acquired abnormality, injury or poison-
ing, pathological function, disease or syndrome, mental or behavioral dysfunc-
tion, experimental model of disease, anatomical abnormality, neoplastic process,
signs and symptoms. The training set contained 5, 874 annotations, while the
test set contained 5, 351 annotations (see Table 2). The non-contiguous entities
accounted for approx. 10% of the training and test data.

3.2   System design
We developed a supervised linear-chain Conditional Random Fields (CRF) model
using 10-fold cross validation on the training set data. We first present the pre-
processing steps we performed on the datasets. We then describe the model
                                                     Supervised Named-Entity Extraction                     3

                       Table 1. Description of training and test data sets

                                                                Training Test
                                 Word count                       94,243 87,799
                             Annotation count                      5,874 5,351
                       Non-Contiguous annotation count               660    439
                                 Documents                           200    100

feature set together with the CRF feature patterns. The feature production ar-
chitecture is schematized in Figure 1.

Data pre-processing Before using the challenge corpora for training and test-
ing, we performed several pre-processing steps:

 – the training and test corpora provided by the challenge organizers were de-
   identified and thus contained special de-identification marks; to turn de-
   identification code into more normal phrases, we performed re-identification
   with pseudonyms on the input text.
 – EMR documents present in general a well-structured form, with a header,
   document body, and a footer. The header and footer contain information
   relevant to clinical administration, but the disorder NPs are only encountered
   inside the document body. We thus removed the header and footer from the
   EMR documents and performed analysis on the document body only.

                                                                                          Section labels


                                                     Header                               information (1)
          Tokenize,                        type                 Tokenized                      UMLS
                        Re-identified,                                        MetaMap
  Full   Re-identify                     and split    Body
                         tokenized                              sentences   Exact match   information (2)
                                                     Footer                  Wikipedia
                                                                                          information (3)


                              Fig. 1. Diagram of feature production.
4      Andreea Bodnari et al.

System features Given a sentence s = . . . w−2 w−1 w0 w1 w2 . . . and a token of
interest wk , we define features over wk and n-grams centered at wk .

1. Lexical and morphological features: we include information on the token
   and on the token lemma in the form of unigrams over wk−1 , wk , wk+1 and
   bigrams over wk−1 wk . We also include as unigram features the following
   token characteristics: token contains only upper case characters, token is a
   digit, is capitalized, or is a punctuation. Additionally we include as unigram
   features over wk token suffixes ranging from 1 to 4 characters. Finally we
   add a 5-gram feature which detects patterns containing two slashes, such
   as “m/r/g”, which may reveal up to three disorders (such constructs are
   split into 5 tokens by our tokenizer), and apply it over wk−4 , wk−2 , wk (the
   non-slash positions of the pattern).
2. Syntactic features: we tokenize and parse the EMR plain text using the
   cTakes [9] system. We include as features the part of speech information in
   the form of unigrams over wk−3 , wk−2 , . . . , wk+3 and bigrams over wk−3 ,
   . . . , wk+2 . We further include the parse-tree dependency information for the
   current token wk , the bigram wk−1 wk , and trigram wk−1 wk wk+1 .
3. Document structure features: the feature set contains as features the
   document type (e.g., radiology report, discharge summary) and the section
   type (e.g., Findings, Laboratory data, Social History). We extract the section
   type using a rule-based section extraction tool that identifies the occurrence
   of section names within the EMR. The section extraction tool uses a list of
   58 manually defined section names. Both document type and section type
   are unigram features over wk .
4. UMLS features: we include UMLS information from three sources. We first
   use the UMLS information provided by cTakes: the semantic type unique
   identifier (defined over unigrams wk−1 , wk , wk+1 and bigram wk−1 wk ), and
   semantic group information (defined over unigrams wk−1 , wk , wk+1 and
   bigrams wk−1 wk and wk wk+1 ). Secondly, we process the EMR plain text
   using MetaMap [3] and include the semantic group it identifies. We use an
   additional UMLS mapping where we directly search for UMLS noun phrases
   within the EMR text through exact match and include the semantic group
   and concept unique identifier (CUI) of the identified phrase. The MetaMap
   and the direct UMLS mapping features are unigram features over wk−1 ,
   wk , wk+1 . We also define a unigram binary feature for being a member of
   the Disorder semantic group and one for being a member of the Anatomy
   semantic group.
5. Wikipedia features: we make use of the Wikipedia Category information
   in order to classify the noun-phrases contained in EMRs. We group the
   Wikipedia categories into nine semantic groups: disorder, body part, living
   being, chemicals, phenomenon, object, geographical location, devices, and
   ‘other’. The ‘other’ category contains the Wikipedia categories not included
   in any of the defined categories. We use the article titles from the English
   Wikipedia and search for their occurrence within the EMR plain text. Once
   an article title is found we map its Wikipedia category to one of the categories
                                       Supervised Named-Entity Extraction         5

      previously defined. We define the Wikipedia system feature as unigram over
      wk−1 , wk , wk+1 .

All features pertaining to multi-token expressions instead of only single tokens
(for instance, being a UMLS term with a given semantic group, or being an
abbreviation) are encoded with the begin inside outside (B-I-O) scheme: given a
label L, the first token is labeled B-L, the next tokens are labeled I-L, and tokens
not having this feature are labeled O. All features can use both unigrams and
bigrams of classes: this leverages the specific capabilities of linear-chain CRFs
to label sequences instead of isolated tokens.

Problem formulation We model the problem as a supervised classification
task with three labels: B-Disorder, I-Disorder, and O (outside). We include in
the gold standard of the training set the contiguous entities and only partially
took into account the non-contiguous entities. Observing that non-contiguous
entities generally follow the general SNOMED v3.5 model, with a morphology /
dysfunction part, which is akin to a disorder, and another (generally, anatomy)
part, we only include the morphology / dysfunction part of non-contiguous en-
tities, based on their UMLS semantic types, labelling them with B-Disorder
and I-Disorder classes. This allows us to handle them as though they were con-
tiguous entities without polluting the gold standard labels with disorder-labeled
anatomy segments that would perturb training and classification.
    We used the Wapiti [6]1 implementation of CRFs because it is fast and offers
convenient patterns (e.g., patterns using regular expressions on field values).

4     Results and discussion
4.1     Evaluation metrics
We evaluate the system’s ability to correctly identify the spans of disorder NPs.
The evaluation measures are precision, recall, and F-measure, defined as
                              Precision =                                       (1)
                                            TP + FP

                               Recall =                                         (2)
                                          TP + FN
                                     2 ∗ P recision ∗ Recall
                       F-measure =                                              (3)
                                      P recision + Recall
T P = count of system NPs presenting same span as gold standard NPs;
F P = count of system NPs presenting divergent span from gold standard NPs;
F N = count of gold standard NPs not present in the system NPs.
6       Andreea Bodnari et al.

    We compute the system NP span overlap to the gold standard NP under two
settings: the strict evaluation setting, where the system NP span is identical to
the gold standard NP span, and relaxed evaluation setting, where the system
NP span overlaps the gold standard NP span.

4.2   Results

Our best run evaluated at 0.730 F-measure on the training data and 0.598 F-
measure on the test data under the strict evaluation setting; under the relaxed
evaluation setting, it obtained an 0.887 F-measure on the training data and 0.711
F-measure on the test data. In general, the system precision was higher than
the system recall (0.814 precision on the test data vs. 0.473 recall under strict
evaluation, and 0.964 precision vs. 0.563 recall on the test data under relaxed
evaluation). The system recall is lower as we did not handle the non-contiguous
NPs that accounted for approx. 10% of the training and test data.

Table 2. System results on training and test data sets under strict and relaxed evalu-
ation settings.

                            Training                     Test
                   Precision Recall F measure Precision Recall F measure
            Strict  0.791 0.677       0.730    0.814 0.473       0.598
           Relaxed 0.961 0.823        0.887    0.964 0.563       0.711

4.3   Discussion

The 2013 CLEF-eHEALTH Task 1a is the second challenge after the 2010
i2b2/VA Shared-Task aiming to identify disorder named entities in clinical text.
Even though the final goals of the two challenges were similar, they differed
in several structural points. First, the 2010 i2b2/VA corpus had token-based
annotations and was already segmented into tokens, thus requiring no further
pre-processing. In contrast, the 2013 CLEF-eHEALTH corpus marked annota-
tions at the character level and pre-processing was desirable, which motivated
the first steps of our pipeline. Secondly, entity boundaries were defined differ-
ently in the two challenges. A first example is by the determiners which were
included as part of the annotation in the 2010 i2b2/VA Shared-Task but were
excluded in the 2013 CLEF-eHEALTH challenge (e.g., a brain tumor vs brain tu-
mor ). A second example is the non-contiguous entities included only in the 2013
CLEF-eHEALTH challenge (e.g., given the EMR sentence “The pain reported
by the patient is occurring in lower back”, the annotated entity is “pain. . . in
lower back”). A final difference between the two challenges is the corpus size:
approx. 18,550 problem entities in the i2b2 training corpus, compared to 5,874
disorder entities in CLEF-eHEALTH training corpus.
                                        Supervised Named-Entity Extraction         7

    Error analysis on the training data revealed some systematic mistakes per-
formed by our NER model. The majority of the incorrectly predicted entities
were NPs with morphological structure resembling the one of the disorder NPs
(e.g., anastomosis contains the Greek suffix ‘-osis’ meaning abnormal condition
and resembles the name of several disorders like necrosis, osteoporosis, but can
be both a disorder and a procedure), disorder names used as findings (e.g., the
noun phrase esophageal varices is a finding based on the context which showed
non-bleeding grade III esophageal varices), and disorder entities used in a negated
context (e.g., NP fasciculations inside the context tongue midline without fas-
ciculations). The system also predicted parts of NPs it was trained on as being
standalone entities; for example, the phrase left ventricular was predicted as a
disorder entity after the system encountered the phrase left ventricular aneurysm
during training.
    In general, our NER system failed to identify the non-contiguous named en-
tities (it could at best identify some of their parts), abbreviations or NPs rarely
encountered in the training set (e.g., aaa, 3vd, inability to walk ), misspelled dis-
order entities (e.g., hematochezeia) and the full span of several NPs longer than 2
tokens (e.g., chronic subdural hematoma). Out-of-vocabulary tokens, i.e., terms
not found in the UMLS because of lack of coverage, variants, or misspellings,
were an important source of lack of recall.

5     Conclusion and perspectives
We present a clinical NER system designed for participation in Task 1a of the
2013 CLEF-eHEALTH challenge. We design our system as a CRF with a rich
feature set and external knowledge gathered from specialized terminologies and
general domain knowledge repositories. Our system evaluates at 0.598 F-measure
in the strict evaluation context and 0.711 F-measure in the relaxed evaluation
context, obtaining a mid-range position.
    Our entity detection system presents good precision but performs worse in
terms of recall. In order to improve system recall, additional textual data can
be integrated into the CRF model. We expect that including the Brown word
clustering information as part of the feature vector would provide a fallback for
some out-of-vocabulary tokens and help increase accuracy based on its unsuper-
vised word classes. The non-contiguous entities are only partially handled by our
system, thus better handling of all parts of non-contiguous entities, for instance
through syntactic dependencies, should result in improved recall.

6     Acknowledgments
This work was partly funded through project Accordys2 funded by ANR un-
der grant number ANR-12-CORD-0007-03. The first author was funded by the
    Accordys: Agrégation de Contenus et de COnnaissances pour Raisonner à partir de
    cas de DYSmorphologie fœtale, Content and Knowledge Aggregation for Case-based
    Reasoning in the field of Fetal Dysmorphology (ANR 2012-2015).
8       Andreea Bodnari et al.

Châteaubriand Science Fellowship 2012–2013. We acknowledge the Shared An-
notated Resources (ShARe) project funded by the United States National Insti-
tutes of Health with grant number R01GM090187.

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