A Pipeline Tweet Contextualization System at INEX 2013 Khaled Hossain Ansary, Anh Tuan Tran, Nam Khanh Tran Leibniz Universität Hannover / Forschungszentrum L3S, Hannover, Germany ansary@L3S.de, ttran@L3S.de, ntran@L3S.de Abstract. This article describes a pipeline system and preliminary re- sults for Tweet Contextualization at INEX 2013. The system consists of three steps: tweet analysis, passage retrieval and summarization. For each tweet, key phrases are first extracted by making use of ArkTweet toolkit and employing several heuristics. They are then submitted as queries to Indri search engine to retrieve relevant passages. Finally, a multi-document summarization system (MEAD) is used to generate the output document with a limit of 500 words. The preliminary results show that the approach does not work well where our run was ranked 22nd out of 24 runs. We discuss our observations for these results and some further possible improvements. 1 Introduction The tweet contextualization task was first launched at INEX in 2011. The task is related with the tweets1 which represent as short message around 140 characters. The aim of tweet contextualization is to provide automatically information as a readable summary that explains the tweet. The summary does not exceed 500 words and extracted from a cleaned dump of the English Wikipedia. The evaluation of the summaries has done by the INEX organizers to considering both informativeness and readability. The committee of INEX has been collected about 598 tweets in English from Twitter. Tweets were selected among informative account (for example, @CNN, @TennisTweets, @PeopleMag, @science..), in order to avoid purely per- sonal tweets that could not be contextualized. In this article, we present the experiments carried out as part of the participation in INEX 2013. We describe a pipeline system where first extracts phrases from the tweets by using ArkTweet toolkit and some heuristics; then retrieves relevant documents for these phrases from Wikipedia before summarizing those with MEAD toolkit. 2 Related Work There has been some studies done for this task. While [1, 2] presents the improve- ment of the question answering techniques using information retrieval (IR), [3] 1 https://twitter.com/ 2 Phrase Passage Full-text Indexer Chunker Retriever index Position Resolver Score Resolver Document Multi-doc Reconstructor Summarizer Output Converter Fig. 1: Overview of the pipeline workflow describes a hybrid tweet contextualization system using IR and automatic sum- marization. They used Nutch architecture and TF-IDF based sentence ranking and sentence extracting techniques for automatic summarization. An approach based on the mapping of source documents in a reduced semantic space is pro- posed by [4]. They estimated the words from the semantic space via a latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) algorithm. [5] developed and tested a statistical word stemmer which used by the CORTEX to preprocess input texts and generate readable summary. [6] describes a sentence retrieval technique which applied three methodologies: i) language modeling score, ii) relevance modeling score and ii) topical relevance modeling score. Text summarization has been well-studied through several work in artifi- cial intelligence communities, especially text mining and information retrieval. Among them, MEAD [7] is a publicly available toolkit for multi-document sum- marization, which generates summaries using cluster centroids produced by topic detection and tracking system. 3 A Pipeline Tweet Contextualization System The system pipeline is described as shown in Figure 1. It consists of three com- ponents: Phrase Chunker, Passage Retriever and Summarizer. 3.1 Phrase Chunker As shown in the system workflow, the first step is to retrieve passages from Wikipedia registered articles given a tweet of interest. As in the traditional re- trieval approach, we initially used words presented in the tweet to retrieve the 3 relevant passages from Wikipedia. However, we observed an acceptably low per- formance when using original words to query the indices. This is attribute to the highly noisy nature of tweet contents, where the key phrase often mixed with non-content words such as emoticons, over-used punctuations, etc.. In addition, users employ several ad-hoc formats that are hardly found elsewhere when post- ing tweets. They can use hashtags (a single word starting with ’#’) to provide implicit context of the tweet, or use the at (@) symbol to tag other twitter ac- counts in the content. In many cases, words are intentionally modified, such as repeating vowels to express emotions (e.g. ’so coooooooool this show was !! :=)’), etc. Such writing styles leads to many irrelevant results and propagates the noise to the next step. To accommodate the passage retrieval, we tuned our phrase chunker so as to detect and extract key phrases that are more informative than the others from the tweet content. We used ArkTweet toolkit [8] to tokenize the tweet content, and to annotate each token with an adjusted Part-of-speech tags. Apart from Penn TreeBank tagset, ArkTweet introduces a number of specialized tags in Twitter domain, such as hashtag (#), at-mention (@), discourse marker (∼) to indicate the continuation of message across multiple tweets such as Retweets, URL (U), or emoticon (E). Detailed references can be found at http://www. ark.cs.cmu.edu/TweetNLP/annot_guidelines.pdf. After tokenizing the tweet, we employed several heuristics to detect the key phrases as overlapping consecutive tokens. For example, we restricted that a key phrase cannot be a mix of hashtags and other words, or we skipped phrases that contain no Penn TreeBank tags. The chunker iteratively generates all n- grams, where n varies from 1 to 5. For each n-gram, it checks against each of the heuristic. We applied a dynamic programming approach to make sure two heuristics is not checked again on the subsumed grams. 3.2 Passage Retriever We retrieved relevant Wikipedia articles for each tweet via the provided API of the track. The methodology adopted by us can be described as follows. Each extracted phrases for a given tweet was submitted as a query to Indri search engine and we obtained three different files for our purpose in the following format: – The “docid” files contain the sentences which we retrieved from the API. The sentences which collected from the same document are merged, stored and then used as input for the summarization component. – The docid and the phrase rank of the corresponding sentences are stored into the “docid.id” file – The docid and the resultant scores stored into the file “docid.score”. The average scores calculated for the same document phrase id. These scores use to submit as a part of our run. 4 3.3 Summarizer We make use of MEAD toolkit2 for this component. MEAD is a multi-document summarization system proposed by Radev et al. [7] implemented centroid-based approach and is then enhanced with various of features later. We adapted the system with various parameter settings including position, similarity with the first sentence, centroid, query-based features, MEAD-cosine similarity routine re-ranker with threshold value = 0.7 and enidf IDF database. 4 Results The output summaries were evaluated according to their informativeness and readability. Table 1 and Table 2 compare the performance of our submitted run with the best one at INEX 2013 in terms of informativeness and readability, respectively. RunID Rank Unigram Bigram Skip Bigram 266 22 0.9059 0.9824 0.9835 256 1 0.8861 0.881 0.782 Table 1: Comparison of submitted runs and the best run in terms of informativeness score at INEX 2013 RunID Relevancy(T) Non redundancy(R) Soundness(A) Syntax(S) Mean Average 266 25.92% 25.08% 25.92% 25.92% 25.64% 275 76.64% 67.30% 74.52% 75.50% 72.44% Table 2: Comparison of submitted runs and the best run in terms of readability score at INEX 2013 We observed that the phrases extracted from tweets contains some unex- pected noises which need to be cleaner. A heuristics-based approach relies heav- ily on a small set of tweets to be scrutinized, and it is difficult to generalize in the arbitrary domains of tweets. This can affect the retriever components where irrelevant sentences are retrieved as results of noisy phrases. Another observa- tion is that creating the documents by merging retrieved sentences and treating them as input for MEAD toolkit can make these documents less readable. One key point in MEAD summarization is the assumption of relatedness between 2 We use the latest version MEAD 3.12 published at http://www.summarization.com/mead/ 5 sentences in one documents, and build a graph of inter-references from such re- latedness. This does not really fit to the re-construction of tweets as conducted in the first two steps of the pipeline. Nevertheless, this observation calls for future approaches in text summarization, where sentences are less coupled and thus should be modeled less dependently 5 Conclusion The pipeline system has been developed as part of the participation in the Tweet Contextualization track of INEX 2013. The system was evaluated by using the evaluation metrics provided by the committees with reasonable results with its initial implementation. 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