=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-INEX-CarneiroLinhares2013 |storemode=property |title=An Automatic Greedy Summarization System at INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-INEX-CarneiroLinhares2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Linhares13 }} ==An Automatic Greedy Summarization System at INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-INEX-CarneiroLinhares2013.pdf
    An automatic greedy summarization system at
     INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track

                             Andréa Carneiro Linhares1

                       UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará
                Rua Estanislau Frota, S/N, Centro, Sobral-CE, Brasil

        Abstract. According to the organizers, the aim of the 2013 INEX Tweet
        Contextualization Track is: “...given a tweet, the system must provide
        some context about the subject of the tweet, in order to help the reader
        to understand it. This context should take the form of a readable (and
        short) summary, composed of passages from [...] Wikipedia.” We present
        an automatic greedy summarizer named REG applied to the INEX 2013
        task. REG summarizer uses a greedy optimization algorithm to weigh
        the sentences. The summary is obtained by concatenating the relevant
        sentences, weighed in the optimization step. The results show that the
        REG system (using original tweets with a manual processing) do not
        perform very well on INEX 2013 contextualization track.

Keywords: Automatic greedy summarization system, REG, Tweet contextu-

1     Introduction
Automatic text summarization is indispensable to cope with ever increasing
volumes of valuable information. An abstract is by far the most concrete and
most recognized kind of text condensation [1, 2]. We adopted a simpler method,
usually called extraction, that allow to generate summaries by extraction of
pertinence sentences [2, 3]. Essentially, extracting aims at producing a shorter
version of the text by selecting the most relevant sentences of the original text,
which we juxtapose without any modification. The vector space model [4] has
been used in information extraction, information retrieval, question-answering,
and it may also be used in text summarization [5]. REG1 is an automatic greedy
summarization system [6] which uses graph methods to spot the most important
sentences in the document.
    An open domain Question-Answering system (QA) has to precisely answer a
question expressed in natural language. QA systems are confronted with a fine
and difficult task because they are expected to supply specific information and
not whole documents. At present there exists a strong demand for this kind of
text processing systems on the Internet. A QA system comprises, a priori, the
following stages:
    REsumeur Glouton (Greedy summarizer).

1. Transform the questions into queries, then associate them to a set of docu-
2. Filter and sort these documents to calculate various degrees of similarity;
3. Identify the sentences which might contain the answers, then extract text
   fragments from them that constitute the answers. In this phase an analysis
   using Named Entities (NE) is essential to find the expected answers.

    Most research efforts in summarization emphasize generic summarization [7].
User query terms are commonly used in information retrieval tasks. However,
there are few papers in literature that propose to employ this approach in sum-
marization systems [8, 9]. In the systems described in [8], a learning approach is
used. A document set is used to train a classifier that estimates the probability
that a given sentence is included in the extract. In [9], several features (docu-
ment title, location of a sentence in the document, cluster of significant words
and occurrence of terms present in the query) are applied to score the sentences.
In [10] learning and feature approaches are combined in a two-step system: a
training system and a generator system. Score features include short length sen-
tence, sentence position in the document, sentence position in the paragraph,
and tf.idf metrics. The REG system begins with the proper representation of
the documents using a vector space model, then weigh the sentences by a greedy
optimization algorithm[11]. The process to produces a summary is performed by
concatenating the relevant sentences, weighed in the optimization step.
    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we explain the INEX 2013
Tweet Contextualization Track. In Section 3 we explain the methodology of our
work. Experimental settings and results obtained with REG are presented in
Section 4. Section 5 exposes the conclusions of the paper and the future work.

2     INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track

The Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX) is an established
evaluation forum for XML information retrieval (IR) [12]. In 2013, tweet con-
textualization INEX task at CLEF 2013, aims “given a new tweet, the system
must provide some context about the subject of the tweet, in order to help the
reader to understand it. This context should take the form of a readable sum-
mary, not exceeding 500 words, composed of passages from a provided
Wikipedia corpus.”2
    Like in Question Answering track of INEX 2011 and 2012, the present task
is about contextualizing tweets, i.e. answering questions of the form ”What is
this tweet about?” using a recent cleaned dump of the Wikipedia3 . As organizers
claim, the general process involves three steps:

1. Tweet analysis.
    See the official INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track Website: https://inex.

 2. Passage and/or XML elements retrieval.
 3. Construction of the answer.
Then, a relevant passage segment contains relevant information but as few non-
relevant information as possible (the result is specific to the question).

2.1    Tweets set
598 tweets in English were collected by the organizers from Twitter4 for the
Track 2013.. Tweets were selected and checked among informative accounts (for
example, @CNN, @TennisTweets, @PeopleMag, @science...), in order to avoid
purely personal tweets that could not be contextualized. Information such as the
user name, tags or URLs will be provided.

3     REG summarization system
The REG system includes three modules. The first one is responsible for the text
vectorial processing (Cortex system [13])5 ) with processes of filtering, stemming
and standardization. The second applies to the greedy algorithm and performs
the calculation of the adjacency matrix. We get the phrase weighing ν of the
algorithm directly. Thus, the relevant sentences will be selected as having the
greatest weigh. The third module generates summaries and displays concatena-
tion of relevant sentences.

3.1    Preprocessing and vector space representation
Documents are pre-treated with conventional filtering algorithms of functional
words, normalization and stemming [14] to reduce the dimensionality. A bag of
words representation produces a matrix S[P ×N ] of frequencies / absences made of
µ = 1, · · · , P phrases (lines); σ µ = {sµ,1 , · · · , sµ,i , · · · , sµ,N } and a vocabulary
of i = 1, N terms (columns).
    The presence of the word i is represented by its frequency T Fi (his absence
by 0, respectively), and a sentence σ µ is an array of N occurrences.

3.2    Greedy solution
A graph G = (V, E) is created from the vector representation of documents,
where S vertices express sentences and A is the set of edges. An edge be-
tween two nodes is established if the corresponding phrases have at least one
word in common.An adjacency matrix A[P ×P ] is constructed from the matrix
S[ sentences × words]. The calculation is as follows: scan the line i, and for each
element ai,j equal to 1, down by j column to identify other phrases that share
the word.
    The proposed algorithm works as follows:
    The system Cortex performs unsupervised relevant sentences using several metrics
    controlled by a decision algorithm extraction.

 1. generate A, which has rows and columns of sentences considered;
 2. calculate the weight of vertices (the sum of incoming edges of the vertex);
 3. calculate the degree of each vertex (the number of sentences partitioned with
    other words);
The solution adopted is based on a calculation of greedy search paths.

4     Experiments settings and results
In this study, we used the document sets made available during the Initiative
for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX)6 , in particular on the INEX 2013
Tweet Contextualization Track. We have performed a simplification of tweets
provided by using a simple manual processing and this new list T of tweets was
normalized before continue our experimentation protocol.
    The strategy of REG system to deal multi-document summary problem is
quite simple: first, a long single document D is formed by concatenation of all
i = 1, ..., n relevant documents provided by Indri engine: d1 , d2 , ...dn . The first
line of this multi-document D is the tweet T . The REG summarizer system
extracts of D the most relevant sentences following T . Then, this subset of
sentences is sorted by the date of documents di . The summarizers add sentences
into the summary until the word limit is reached.

4.1    INEX tweets simplification
The strategy employed to generate 598 queries from tweets was very simple. The
tweets not carrying information words were removed. Then, the summarizer used
the query as a title of a big multi-document retrieved by Indri engine.
   We show an example of our manual processing. Let’s consider the tweet
number 303260378618531840 that the summary should contextualize:

Ibra booked for having a barney with the referee
The only thing he has done noticeable tonight Into stoppage time now

   Then, query 169231181181747200 is simplified as show: q = ”Ibra booked
for having a barney with the referee The only thing he has done noticeable

4.2    Results
The REG system used three methods to normalize the words: lemmatization,
stemming and 4-ultra stemming [15]. Each method corresponds to a different
run, identified by 263, 264 and 265, respectively.

           Table 1. Informativity results for REG system (runs 263-265)

                    Rank Participant Run Manual All.skip
                    1        199      256  y    0.8861
                    2        199      258  n    0.8943
                    19       138      265  n    0.9789
                    20       138      263  n    0.9793
                    21       138      264  n    0.9798
                    23       180      269  n    0.9999
                    24       180      269  y    0.9999

    INEX had provided two evaluations: the informativity and readability of
the candidates summaries (500 words). The tables 1 and 2 shows the official
results of some participants of INEX 2013 contextualization task: runs 263 to
265, the two first places and the two last ones. Table 1 uses the all overlapping
reference values to compare the performance of the different runs. In particular,
the run 265 performs better than 263 and 264 and 4-ultra stemming outperforms
stemming. Unfortunately, the divergence results provided by REG are not very
    The same process to compare the readability results presented on table 2. In
this case, stemming outperforms 4-ultra stemming.

            Table 2. Readability results for REG system (runs 263-265)

                         Rank Run Mean average (%)
                         1     275     72.44
                         2     256     72.13
                         12    264     38.56
                         14    265     37.92
                         18    263     32.75
                         21    277     20.00
                         22    269     00.04

5   Conclusions
In this paper we have presented the REG (REsumeur Glouton) summarization
system applied on INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track. REG is an auto-
matic greedy summarization system which uses graph methods to spot the most
important sentences in the document.
    REG summarizer used a normalized list issued from a manual processing on
the original tweets as inputs. It did not provide good results in the informativity
evaluation, but in the readability context, it could be more competitive with

some improvements on the queries sent to Indri engine. The manual process
strategy was quite simple.

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