=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-INEX-CrouchEt2013 |storemode=property |title=Refining Methodologies for the INEX 2013 Snippet Generation and Tweet Contextualization Tracks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-INEX-CrouchEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/CrouchCNABK13 }} ==Refining Methodologies for the INEX 2013 Snippet Generation and Tweet Contextualization Tracks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-INEX-CrouchEt2013.pdf
Refining Methodologies for the INEX 2013 Snippet Generation and
               Tweet Contextualization Tracks

                 Carolyn J. Crouch, Donald B. Crouch, Swapnil Nawale,
                  Mihir Atmakuri, Kiran Bushireddy, Sameer Kulkarni

                                Department of Computer Science
                                University of Minnesota Duluth
                                     Duluth, MN 55812
                                       (218) 726-7607

       Abstract. This paper describes our current experiments in snippet generation
       and tweet contextualization. These experiments are based on work reported in
       2011 [2] and 2012 [1] and represent refinements of those earlier techniques.
       Four of our snippet generation runs produced top-ranked results in the INEX
       2012 competition; these serve as the basis for our 2013 experiments in snippet
       generation. Our 2013 tweet contextualization run produced a top-ranked result
       as well. The methodologies employed and the results obtained are described

1       Introduction

In earlier years of the INEX competitions, major tracks focused on the retrieval of focused
elements. As described in [2], we developed a simple method for producing focused elements
that, when applied to the individual 2009 and 2010 Ad Hoc tasks, produced a result that fell in
each case into the ranks of the top ten. (The details may be seen in [2].) Our retrieval of good
focused elements—i.e., elements which when evaluated are competitive with those in the top-
ten highest ranked results for that task—is described very briefly below. We use these focused
elements as a basis for snippet generation in subsequent experiments.
   To retrieve good focused elements in response to a query, we use article retrieval to identify
the articles of interest along with dynamic element retrieval [3] to produce the elements and
then apply a focusing strategy to that element set. (Dynamic element retrieval builds the docu-
ment tree at execution time, based on a stored schema representing a pre-order traversal of the
document created when it is parsed and a terminal node index of the collection.) Lnu-ltu term
weighting [8], designed to deal with differences in the lengths of vectors, is utilized with inner
product to produce a rank-ordered list of elements from each document. To produce focused
elements, we use a focusing strategy to remove overlap. For example, the correlation strategy
chooses the highest correlating element along a path as the focused element, without restriction
on element type, whereas the child strategy chooses the terminal element along a path as the
focused element, ignoring correlation. Our system is based on the Vector Space Model [7];
basic functions are performed using Smart [6].
2      Snippet Generation (INEX 2012 and 2013)

One goal for this year centers on the feasibility of generating snippets based on fo-
cused elements. To facilitate this goal, we first apply a focusing strategy (correlation,
child) to focus the element set and then select the highest ranking focused element as
the basis for the snippet representing that document. (We refer to this as the raw snip-
pet.) The snippet is then generated using a snippet refinement algorithm, which rear-
ranges the sentences in the final snippet based on a simple scoring mechanism.
Method 1 is based on the number of unique query terms in the sentence, and method 2
is inspired by BLEU [5]. The basic framework is as follows.
    For each document in the 2012 reference run, a ranked list of focused elements is
generated using one of the two focusing strategies. The text of the elements is
merged, and the resultant sentences are ranked based on one of the two scoring
mechanisms. Three of the resulting runs produced a top-ten result, namely, (1) child
with scoring method 1, (2) child with scoring mechanism 2, (3) correlation with scor-
ing method 1. These runs received ranks 1, 7, and 10, respectively. One other run, at
rank 3, was based on the text of the article, rather than its focused elements. Our 2013
INEX run was not evaluated due to late submission, but it is based on these four ap-

3      Tweet Contextualization (2013)

Our tweet contextualization experiments use the Indri and Lucene search engines.
Indri is used for a primary indexing of the Wikipedia corpus; it retrieves a small set of
relevant documents for each query. Lucene is used for hashtag term splitting.
Hashtags can have multiple terms without specification of word boundaries; we use a
word segmentation algorithm by Norvig [4] for this purpose. We perform sentence
retrieval on the documents retrieved by Indri and rank them by checking n-gram over-
lap between the sentence and query terms. Top-ranked sentences are combined to
form a 500-word summary. The run described herein ranked at 7 in the official rank-
ing and at 6 with respect to readability. Future work focuses on increasing the accu-
racy of hashtag term splitting and improving the readability of the summaries.

4      Conclusions

We conclude from the results of the task evaluation that our approach to snippet
evaluation is soundly based. Additional investigation is needed to gain perspective on
how good snippets are generated. The tweet contextualization experiments appear to
be well underway.

1. Crouch, C., Crouch, D., Chittilla, S., Nagalla, S., Kulkarni, S. and Nawale, S.: The 2012
   INEX snippet and tweet contextualization tasks, CLEF 2012, Rome, Italy (2012).
2. Crouch, C., Crouch, D., Acquilla. N., Banhatti, R., Chitilla, S., Nagalla, S., Narenvarapu,
   R. Focused elements and snippets. In: Geva, J., Kamps, J., Schenkel, R.: (eds) INEX 2011,
   LNCS 7414, 295-299 (2012).
3. Crouch, C.: Dynamic element retrieval in a structured environment. ACM TOIS 24(4),
   437-454 (2006).
4. Norvig, P.: Natural language corpus data. Beautiful Data, 219-141 (2009).
5. Papineni, K., Roukos, S., Ward, T., Zhu, W.: BLEU: a method for automatic evaluation of
   machine translation. In: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Assoc. for Compu-
   tational Linguistics, Philadelphia, PA, 311-318 (2002).
6. Salton, G., (ed.): The Smart Retrieval System—Experiments in Automatic Document
   Processing. Prentice-Hall (1971).
7. Salton, G., Wong, A., Yang, C.: A vector space model for automatic indexing. Comm.
   ACM 18(11), 613-620 (1975).
8. Singhal, A., Buckley, C., Mitra, M.: Pivoted document length normalization. Proceedings
   of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development
   in Information Retrieval, 21-29, Zurich, Switzerland (1996).