=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-ImageCLEF-SaretzEt2013 |storemode=property |title=BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-ImageCLEF-SaretzEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/SaretzB13 }} ==BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-ImageCLEF-SaretzEt2013.pdf
                    BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013
                      Plant Identification Task

                         Sascha Saretz and Thomas Böttcher

                         Brandenburg Technical University
                     Chair of Database and Information Systems
                         Walther-Pauer-Str. 2, 03046 Cottbus
           ssaretz@informatik.tu-cottbus.de, tboettcher@tu-cottbus.de

        Abstract. In this paper we summarize the results of our second partic-
        ipation in the ImageCLEF2013 plant identification task. Again we used
        the combination of low-level features to identify similar pictures, identify
        adequate matchings and thus learn classifiers. This year, instead of us-
        ing our workgroup’s similarity query language “Commuting Quantum
        Query Language” (CQQL), we utilized support vector machines (SVMs)
        to classify the data. So we used classification on split subsets of the data
        instead of clustering similar results with the k-medoid method. For our
        experiments we used many different parameter combinations and feature
        combinations on the 2012 and 2013 data to compile four different runs.

        Keywords: Plant identification, support vector machine, classification,
        feature combination, content-based image retrieval, experiments

1     Introduction

In this paper we present the participation of the Database and Information
Systems Group (DBIS1 ) of the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Ger-
many to the ImageCLEF 2013 plant identification task2 [1]. In the last years the
DBIS working group was focused on experiments with low-level visual image
features and their contribution towards a good retrieval performance. Further-
more our query language CQQL [11] was developed which allows a logical
combination of various features. For more detailed information about CQQL
we refer to the central CQQL publication [11]. Additional information, e.g., the
relation of CQQL to fuzzy logic can be found in [12]. Its relation to probabilistic
IR models is discussed in [18].
    For the scope of this paper we take some distance to the CQQL part and
try to gain some experience of classification techniques. We want to acquire
some basic knowledge and in future combine the mechanisms of CQQL and
classification techniques. The basis of our experiments in the plant identification
task are still low-level visual features extracted from images.
2                         Sascha Saretz and Thomas Böttcher

    In our contribution we use our own developed retrieval system PythiaSearch
[16,15,17] to extract a set of visual features from the Pl@ntLeaves3 data set and
create high dimensional feature vectors. Based on these feature vectors a multi
class classification using support vector machines (SVM) is performed to predict
the correct plant species.
    For the task this year DBIS uses both, the last year’s data and experiences
as well as the training data from 2013. One goal was to find out whether an
optimization on last year data (including training and test data) yields good
results. This point is interesting because an analysis of the last year´s data
reveals a big difference of classification results between training and test data.
    Our main approach was to use the high dimensional classification technique
SVM on high dimensional low-level features. Our submitted runs are based on
several studies on different combinations of low-level features and various SVM
kernels and parameters.

1.1    Plant Identification Task
The ImageCLEF Plant Identification Task 2013 is the third iteration of this task
and is focused on plant species identification based on images. There are some
changes compared to the challenge last year. The number of species has in-
creased from 126 to 250, the number of pictures has drastically gone up from
11572 to 26077. New subclasses were introduced to offer more differentiation.
The exact distribution can be found in the next subsection.
   Furthermore the main goal changed from pure classification to a plant
species retrieval task. The data and their identification are described in the fol-
lowing section. The complete description of the Plant Identification Task 2013
can be found in [7].

1.2    Training and Test Data
This year the Plant Identification Task is again based on the Pl@ntLeaves data
 set [10] which is divided into train and test data. The training subset was built
 by including the training and test subsets of last year Pl@ntLeaves data set
 and randomly selecting approximately 2/3 of the individual plant classes [9].
The complete data set contains 26077 pictures and the correspondent metadata
 files, 250 plant species from mainly French Mediterranean area, subdivided into
 the two main subclasses “SheetAsBackground” and “NaturalBackground”. The
 distribution of training and test data of the Pl@ntLeaves data set is depicted in
 table 1.
     These two classes are again divided into smaller subclasses. SheetAsBack-
 ground contains “Scan” (white paper as background) and “Scan-like” (laying
 on a table) pictures. “NaturalBackground” are pictures of different parts on the
 plants. It includes the five subclasses: “Entire”, “Flower”, “Fruit”, “Leaf” and
“Stem”. The distribution of these subclasses is depicted in table 2.
                           BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task          3

                    Table 1: Distribution of the Pl@ntLeaves data set
                             SheetAsBackground       Natural Background       Σ
        training data                9781                     11204         20985
        test data                    1250                      3842          5092
        complete data set           11031                     15046         26077

      Table 2: Distribution of the Pl@ntLeaves class “Natural Background”
                         Entire   Flower    Fruit   Leaf    Stem   Natural Background
    training data         1455     3522     1387    3503    1337         11204
    test data              694     1233      520     790     605          3842
    complete data set     2149     4755     1907    4294    1942         15046

1.3   Identification and Evaluation

The goal of this task is to identify the plant species which is shown on each
test image. So for each combination of test image and plant species a prediction
should be made, where a prediction is a score value between 0 and 1. The
prediction scores of the different species for each image have to be ranked in
descending order.
    To evaluate the predictions the task organizers calculate a score which is
related to the rank of the correct species in the result list. Thereby a mean value
is built per author and plant in the collection. Here, an author is a person which
helped to built up the Pl@ntLeaves collection by contributing pictures and the
corresponding metadata. The score values are calculated with the following
formula [9]:
                                  U       Pu      Nu,p
                               1 X 1 X 1 X
                          S=                           su,p,n                    (1)
                               U     Pu      Nu,p
                                    u=1      p=1      n=1

U : number of users (who have at least one image in the test data)
Pu : number of individual plants observed by the u-th user
Nu,p : number of pictures taken from the p-th plant observed by the u-th user
su,p,n : score between 1 and 0 equals to the inverse of the rank of the correct
species (for the n-th picture taken from the p-th plant observed by the u-th

2     Strategy Overview

In this section we give a short introduction to the used techniques of our par-
ticipation. Firstly, a short description to our retrieval system PythiaSearch is
4                         Sascha Saretz and Thomas Böttcher

given where the focus lies on the extraction of visual low-level features. After-
wards, the topic of image classification and the state of the art of support vector
machiens is described.

2.1   PythiaSearch

Our retrieval system PythiaSearch is used to extract visual features from the
given plant images. PythiaSearch is a multimedia information retrieval system
supporting multiple search strategies. In order to formulate an information need
(e.g. using Query by Example) the user can choose from multimodal data such
as images, (multilingual) texts and various meta data formats. Additionally, it
features a relevance feedback process that can be used to adjust query results
based on the user’s interaction with the system. A detailed description of the
system can be found in [16,15,17]. A base system is freely available4 .

Feature Extraction

PythiaSearch supports the extraction of low-level global and local visual fea-
tures, e.g., color, edge and texture features or local features like SIFT and SURF.
In total, the extraction component offers more than 30 visual features.
    Additionally, PythiaSearch allows the extraction of the most widely spread
meta data collections EXIF, IPTC and XMP. These meta data, e.g. GPS coordi-
nates, camera model, orientation, extend the variety of available features. Finally
a full featured IR component is integrated.
    For the scope of this paper we only extract available visual features. In a
preparatory study (see section 3.1) we check the performance of all features
and pick the best ones to create SVM models. The features were normalized
to the interval [0; 1] so the SVMs can generate better results and the different
dimensions have similar impact on the score values.

2.2   Support Vector Machines

Classification is an important field in data mining with an ever increasing rele-
vance for real-world applications. Support vector machines (SVMs) are a pop-
ular and powerful type of classification algorithms which achieves excellent
results. Furthermore this widespread technique can also classify large data sets
rapidly. Currently major database vendors are integrating SVMs and other data
mining capabilities in their systems, e.g. into Oracle Data Miner5 [13] and SAP
HANA6 [6].
                       BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task      5

    The basic idea is to map the raw data into a high dimensional vector space
and separate the data using a hyperplane. All data on one side of the hyperplane
is added to class +1, the rest to class −1. There are also several approaches to
generalize this behavior to multi-class classification [4,14,5,8].
    For this paper we used the LIBSVM7 library which is a popular collection
of different SVM and regression models, e.g. radial basis functions (RBF), linear
and polynomial SVMs [3]. It enables efficient multi-class classification, cross
validation for model selection, weighted SVMs and probability estimates.

3     Description of Experiments
In this section we describe the selected features and how they were chosen.
Afterwards, the type of SVMs and the final parameter combination are specified.

3.1    Feature Selection
As mentioned in our last year’s participation in the plant identification task
a good selection of visual features is crucial for a satisfying result. This year
the challenge contains more complex and a much larger amount of data, thus
reductions of the parameter combinations have to be performed. For our last
year’s evaluation it was sufficient to calculate a distance measure over the
feature data. This year the SVM works directly on the raw feature data. Due to
the fact that some features have a variable length it was impossible to use them
directly as input for the SVMs. Another challenge was revealed in preliminary
tests. We found out that feature combinations can lead to strongly varying results
when changing the SVM kernels and parameters. This complicates obtaining a
good model and increases the spanned space of feasible parameters combination
    Nevertheless we used the last year’s experiments [2] to preselect a set of
possible features. We tested the performance of single features as well as of
feature combinations. Additionally we tested the classification performance
using the 2012 and 2013 data. For the 2012 data we checked the classification
scores executing cross validation runs as well as training a model based on the
official training data and evaluate the resulting models on the test data. For the
2013 data set we ran cross validations on the training data. Finally, several of
the feature combinations were found to perform well (see table 3).

3.2    Run Overview
To construct the final runs we used SVM multi-class classification by applying
the SVM library LIBSVM. A broad range of parameter combinations were tested
and the best resulting runs selected. Parameters were amongst others the SVM
type, kernel type, weights and costs for construction and movement of the
6                                 Sascha Saretz and Thomas Böttcher

              Table 3: Composition of tested feature combinations

AutoColorCorrelogram                               x       x
BorderInteriorColor                                                x
CEDD                 x              x                                                                              x               x
ColorHistogram       x                     x       x       x                       x       x       x       x       x       x       x
ColorLayout                                x       x       x               x               x       x       x       x       x       x
ColorStructure                      x      x       x       x       x       x       x               x       x       x       x       x
EdgeHistogram        x                     x                               x       x       x               x       x       x       x
FCTH                 x              x              x       x                                                               x       x
Tamura               x                     x               x       x       x       x       x       x               x       x       x
#dimensions              690 464 602 952 970 274 346 482 474 522 584 746 794 938

                                   Table 4: Official run names
     run official run name
     run1 1368038646069__DBISForMaT_run1_train2012_svm_Scan4_Photo2_1_2_3
     run2 1368038721036__DBISForMaT_run2_train2012_svm_Scan12_Photo4_-_1_4
     run3 1368045672892__DBISForMaT_run3_crossval2013_svm_feature4_config60_1_2_3
     run4 1368045820175__DBISForMaT_run4_crossval2013_svm_feature5_config80_Photo14_1_3_3

    The pictures were split into six subclasses, one for each of the five subcat-
egories of ”Natural Background” and the sixth for pictures in ”SheetAsBack-
ground”. For each of these six classes different models were learned.
    We assign the test images deterministically to the predicted classes. That
means we choose the best class (plant species) and ranked it #1 with confidence
score 1.0, the remaining classes (species) are not present in the result for that
picture, meaning the confidence score is 0.
    We published four runs for this task. The association between the internal
and the official names of the runs is presented in table 4. The official names are
important to find these runs on the task website [9] and in the lab proceedings
[7]. The cryptic run names contain information about the feature selection (see
section 3.1) and the used SVM parameters which are described in the next
    All resulting runs are computed without probability estimates because in
our tests they archived worse results than the deterministic runs and the com-
putation time is partly prohibitively high. For all runs the shrinking heuristics
supplied by LIBSVM are used because it is recommended by the LIBSVM’s au-
thors. This parameter seems to have no or a negligible effect on the result. The
parameter epsilon_loss_function was not set because it is only needed in
the SVM type epsilon-SVR which is a regression type algorithm. For the plant
identification task we needed no regression but classification.
                        BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task        7

                  Table 5: LIBSVM parameter selection for run1
      parameter                       Natural Background       SheetAsBackground
      feature combination                   FC_02                   FC_04
      svm_type                            nu-SVC (multi-class classification)
      kernel_type                                  RBF: e−γ∗|u−v|
      coef0                                             n/a
      γ                                      0.05                    0.02
      epsilon_termination_criterion                    0.001
      degree                                            n/a
      cost                                              n/a

                  Table 6: LIBSVM parameter selection for run2
      parameter                       Natural Background       SheetAsBackground
      feature combination                   FC_04                   FC_12
      svm_type                              C-SVC                  nu-SVC
      kernel_type                         polynomial: γ ∗ u ∗ v + coef0
      coef0                                    2                      0
      γ                                                  0.01
      epsilon_termination_criterion                     0.001
      degree                                              4
      cost                                     5                     n/a

3.3   Runs 1 and 2
For our first two runs we used the score calculation script of the 2012 plant
identification task using the 2012 training and test data to build classifiers. Our
hope was that this script works analogously to its counterpart from the 2013
task. These approach holds two advantages: We learned with the ground truth
of other data which can hopefully construct more general models reducing
overfitting. Furthermore, using the score computation we can avoid problems
which could arise when score computation and SVM classification results do
not match completely. We chose the best performing parameter combinations
for each subclass and applied the corresponding models to the 2013 test data.
The parameters used for the first two runs are depicted in the tables 5 and 6.

3.4   Runs 3 and 4
In contrast to the first two runs run3 and run4 are constructed using the 2013 data
set. This is done by performing 5-fold cross validations on the training data using
many different parameter combinations. For this we computed the results and
chose two promising feature combinations. The corresponding learned models
are applied to the test data producing run3 and run4. The parameters used for
the last two runs are depicted in table 7.
8                              Sascha Saretz and Thomas Böttcher

                 Table 7: LIBSVM parameter selection for run3 and run4
     parameter                           run3                         run4
     feature combination                FC_04                      several8
     svm_type                        nu-SVC (multi-class classification)
                                                 2                          0
     kernel_type                   RBF: e−γ∗|u−v|        sigmoid: tanh(γ ∗ u ∗ v + coef0)
     coef0                                n/a                      several9
     γ                                              0.01
     epsilon_termination_criterion                 0.0001
     degree                                          n/a
     cost                                            n/a

               Table 8: Official score of submitted automatic visual runs
    run             SheetAsBG     Natural BG      Entire   Flower    Fruit   Leaf    Stem
    run1               0.191          0.12         0.067    0.168    0.1     0.052   0.103
    run2               0.311          0.159        0.102    0.264    0.082   0.034   0.095
    run3               0.193          0.158        0.109    0.256    0.079   0.035   0.095
    run4               0.281          0.141        0.152    0.206    0.104   0.027   0.042
    max of runs        0.607          0.393        0.297    0.494    0.311   0.275   0.285
    median             0.191          0.089        0.068    0.105    0.081   0.049   0.095
    mean               0.234          0.130        0.093    0.162    0.098   0.089   0.099

4      Results

 In this section we compare the official scores of our four runs (see table 8)
with the results of our competitors. For two of the five “Natural Background”
 subclasses we achieved good results. We were ranked the 4th best group for
“Flower” (see figure 1) and 3th for “Entire” (see figure 2). Unfortunately, in
 the aggregated rank for “Natural Background” we were just 5th (see figure 3)
 because the results for the other three classes “Fruit” (5th), “Leaf” (7th) and
“Stem” (6th) were just moderate. In the category of Scans and Scan-like photos
 of leafs (class “SheetAsBackground”) we were ranked 6th over all runs and 5th
when just considering the automatic runs (see figure 4).
     From our competitors the groups Inria and NlabUTokyo were always ranked
 better than we were and Sabanci Okan in most categories. This could be moti-
vated in their additional experience and knowledge in the plant identification
 task10 or superior classification strategies. After release of the working notes

   feature combination: FC_05 for class “Natural Background”, FC_14 for class “SheetAs-
   coef0: -0.5 for class “Entire”; -0.2 for class “Fruit”; -1 for other classes
   Inria and Sabanci Okan also had excellent results in the 2011 and 2012 versions of the
   plant identification task.
                       BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task        9

          Fig. 1: Ranking scores for all runs considering class “Flower”

          Fig. 2: Ranking scores for all runs considering class “Entire”

we will compare the different classification approaches for better results in the
     We are pleased with the results of the class “Entire” because it is a difficult
 class, but also important for real-world applications. The poor results for “Leaf”
(with natural background) and “SheetAsBackground” (scanned leafs) could be
 caused by the extensive research for this use case by other groups. Another
 reason could be the selection of wrong or not enough features for the different
 subclasses. Here, contour and shape features should promise better results.
     It is interesting to observe that the results of the two different approaches
 for the run parametrization – training with the official score computation on
 the 2012 data and cross validation on the 2013 data – led to similar results.
 So the runs 1 and 3 have selected feature combination FC_04 for the class
“SheetAsBackground” and the runs 2 and 3 selected FC_04 for the “Natural
 Background” subclasses. This means with the setup used by us both strategies
 can be used without losing too much classification success. Aggregated over
 all four runs run2 was the best, run1 the worst. This could mean that training
with the last year’s ground truth has the potential to be better than with just the
 current training set, but the results and the small number of runs means that
 this result is not statistically significant and needs further research.
10                         Sascha Saretz and Thomas Böttcher

     Fig. 3: Ranking scores for all runs considering class “Natural Background”

Fig. 4: Ranking scores for all fully automatic runs considering class “SheetAs-

5     Conclusion and Future Work

Instead of using a weight-learning algorithm with CQQL we used SVMs to
classify data this year. The above-average results show that this strategy is
viable and further research in the parameter and feature selection should be
    In our 2012 participation [2] we suggested concentrating on each individual
subclass and learn a separate classifier instead of just a general classifier appli-
cable on all picture classes. This approach led to better result scores. Just one
of the four submitted runs uses the same feature combination for all subclasses
(run3), while this run did not obtain the best results.

Future Work

While performing the task and after evaluating the results many possibilities for
future changes and enhancements of our approach emerged. In order to obtain
a deeper understanding of the classification results we will rerun the tests using
the 2013 version of the score computation when available. We are interested
whether we will achieve better results with other SVM parameter combinations.
                         BTU DBIS at ImageCLEF2013 Plant Identification Task             11

For this year’s task we used deterministic SVMs because the probabilistic runs
achieves a lower percentage of correct classifications on the 2013 data and lower
score values on the 2012 data set. Because the 2013 data set is very different to the
last year’s version (see section 1) a probabilistic rerun with score computation
of the 2013 makes sense. For both tests we need to wait for the ground truth and
2013 score computation script.
    The usage of more and a larger spectrum of features could benefit the result.
We could e.g. use good performing features described by other participants
or more standard features. Furthermore instead of using several fixed feature
combinations we could also test all reasonable feature combinations, train, test
and choose the best one for each image subtype. Unfortunately, this procedure
is very time-consuming and could also lead to overfitting of the classifiers.
    For this task we restricted the usage of features to low-level visual features.
We could improve our results by using also the metadata of the images, e.g. the
GPS coordinates, time of shooting and possibly the photographer.
    A further approach is the combination of SVM with the weighted learning
approach of our 2012 contribution [2], which uses the downhill-Simplex method
on our Commuting Quantum Query Lanage (CQQL). CQQL is a query language
designed by our chair which can combine a broad range of similarity features
based on the theoretical foundation of quantum logic.
    In the next year we will try to generate an own CQQL kernel which can
be easily used within LIBSVM. This kernel shall provide the capabilities of
quantum logic an enable us to combine the different low-level features. We
hope to gain more possibilities to adjust the training set and so separate the
data in a more convenient way.


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