=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-ImageCLEF-SecoDeHerreraEt2013b |storemode=property |title=Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Medical Tasks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-ImageCLEF-SecoDeHerreraEt2013b.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/HerreraKDAM13 }} ==Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Medical Tasks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-ImageCLEF-SecoDeHerreraEt2013b.pdf
Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 medical tasks

            Alba G. Seco de Herrera 1 , Jayashree Kalpathy–Cramer2 ,
           Dina Demner Fushman3 , Sameer Antani3 , Henning Müller1,4
        University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland
                        Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
                        National Library of Medicine (NLM), USA
       Medical Informatics, Univ. Hospitals and University of Geneva, Switzerland

       Abstract. In 2013, the tenth edition of the medical task of the Image-
       CLEF benchmark was organized. For the first time, the ImageCLEFmed
       workshop takes place in the United States of America at the annual
       AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) meeting even though
       the task was organized as in previous years in connection with the other
       ImageCLEF tasks. Like 2012, a subset of the open access collection of
       PubMed Central was distributed. This year, there were four subtasks:
       modality classification, compound figure separation, image–based and
       case–based retrieval. The compound figure separation task was included
       due to the large number of multipanel images available in the literature
       and the importance to separate them for targeted retrieval. More com-
       pound figures were also included in the modality classification task to
       make it correspond to the distribution in the full database. The retrieval
       tasks remained in the same format as in previous years but a larger
       number of tasks were available for image–based and case–based tasks.
       This paper presents an analysis of the techniques applied by the ten
       groups participating 2013 in ImageCLEFmed.

       Keywords: ImageCLEFmed, modality classification, compound figure
       separation, image–based retrieval, case–based retrieval

1     Introduction
ImageCLEF1 [1] is the image retrieval track of the Cross Language Evaluation
Forum (CLEF). ImageCLEFmed is part of ImageCLEF focusing on medical
images [2–7].
    In the 10th edition of the medical task, the workshop is for the first time
organized outside of Europe at the annual AMIA2 (American Medical Informat-
ics Association) meeting. The same format as in 2012 was followed and a new
task was added, the compound figure separation. Characterisation of compound
figures is often difficult, as they can contain features of various image types. Fo-
cusing search on the sub figures can lead to better results. In 2013, the modality
classification task also included a larger amount of compound figures to make
the task more realistic and correspond to the distribution in the database. The
four tasks of 2013 are:
 – modality classification;
 – compound figure separation;
 – image–based retrieval;
 – case–based retrieval.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the ImageCLEFmed tasks
in more detail as well as the participation in each of the tasks. Section 3 presents
the main results of the tasks and compares results within the participating groups
and the techniques employed. Section 4 concludes the paper.

2     Participation, Data Sets, Tasks, Ground Truth
This section describes the four tasks organized in ImageCLEFmed 2013. The
datasets and the ground truth provided for the evaluation campaign are ex-
plained in detail.

2.1   Participation
Like 2012, over sixty groups registered for the medical tasks and obtained access
to the data sets. Ten of the registered groups submitted results to the medical
tasks compared to 17 in 2012 with a total of 166 valid runs submitted, slightly
fewer runs than in 2012. The smaller number of participants and submitted runs
can be due to a change in the evaluation schedule of CLEF 2013 and may also
be due to the fact that the event will be organized outside of Europe.
    51 runs were submitted to the modality classification task, 4 runs to the
compound figure separation task, 9 runs to the image retrieval task and 45 runs
to the case-based retrieval task. As in previous years, the number of runs per
group was limited to ten per subtask. The following groups submitted at least
one run:
 – AAUITEC (Institute of Information Technology, Alpen–Adria University of
   Klagenfurt, Austria)*;
 – CITI (Center of Informatics and Information Technology, Portugal)*;
 – DEMIR (Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey);
 – FCSE (Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, University of Ss Cyril
   and Methodius, Macedonia);
 – IBM Multimedia Analytics (United States);
 – IPL (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece);
 – ITI (Image and Text Integration Project, NLM, United States);
 – medGIFT (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Switzer-
 – MiiLab (Medical Image Information Laboratory, Shanghai Advanced Re-
   search Institute,China)*;
 – SNUMedInfo (Medical Informatics Laboratory, Seul National University, Re-
   public of Korea)*;
Participants marked with a star had not participated in the medical task in 2012.

2.2    Datasets
In ImageCLEFmed 2013, the same database as in 2012 was supplied to the
participants. The database contains over 300,000 images of 75,000 articles of the
biomedical open access literature that allow free redistribution of the data. The
ImageCLEFmed database is a subset of PubMed Central3 containing in total
over 1.5 million images of over 600,000 articles.

2.3    Modality Classification
The modality classification task was first introduced in 2010. The goal of this
task is to classify the images into medical modalities and other images types,
such as Computed Tomography, xray or general graphs. A modality hierarchy
of 38 classes of which 31 appear in the data was used [8]. Using the modality
information, the retrieval results could often be improved in the past by filtering
our non–relevant image types [9]. The same hierarchy as in ImageCLEFmed
2012 was used (see Figure 1). In 2013 a larger number of compound figures than
in ImageCLEFmed 2012 were provided in the training and test data sets. The
current distribution corresponds to that in the PubMed Central data set, much
closer to reality than in previous years.
    The class codes with descriptions are the following ([Class code] Description):
 – [COM P ] Compound or multipane images (1 category)
 – [Dxxx] Diagnostic images:
     • [DRxx] Radiology (7 categories):
     • [DRU S] Ultrasound
     • [DRM R] Magnetic Resonance
     • [DRCT ] Computerized Tomography
     • [DRXR] X–Ray, 2D Radiography
     • [DRAN ] Angiography
     • [DRP E] PET
     • [DRCO] Combined modalities in one image
 – [DV xx] Visible light photography (3 categories):
     • [DV DM ] Dermatology, skin
     • [DV EN ] Endoscopy
     • [DV OR] Other organs
 – [DSxx] Printed signals, waves (3 categories):
     • [DSEE] Electroencephalography
     • [DSEC] Electrocardiography
     • [DSEM ] Electromyography
Fig. 1. The image class hierarchy that was development for document images occurring
in the biomedical open access literature

 – [DM xx] Microscopy (4 categories):
     • [DM LI] Light microscopy
     • [DM EL] Electron microscopy
     • [DM T R] Transmission microscopy
     • [DM F L] Fluorescence microscopy
 – [D3DR] 3D reconstructions (1 category)
 – [Gxxx] Generic biomedical illustrations (12 categories):
     • [GT AB] Tables and forms
     • [GP LI] Program listing
     • [GF IG] Statistical figures, graphs, charts
     • [GSCR] Screenshots
     • [GF LO] Flowcharts
     • [GSY S] System overviews
     • [GGEN ] Gene sequence
     • [GGEL] Chromatography, Gel
     • [GCHE] Chemical structure
     • [GM AT ] Mathematics, formulae
     • [GN CP ] Non–clinical photos
     • [GHDR] Hand–drawn sketches
2.4   Compound Figure Separation

In the ImageCLEFmed 2012 data set [7] between 40% and 60% of the figures are
compound or multipanel figures. Making the content of the compound figures
accessible for targeted search can improve retrieval accuracy. For this reason the
detection of compound figures and their separation into sub figures is considered
an important task. Examples for compound figures can be seen in Figure 2.

  (a) Mixed modalities in a single figure   (b) Graphs and microscopy images in a single figure

      Fig. 2. Examples of compound figures found in the biomedical literature

    The data set used in the ImageCLEF 2013 compound figure separation task
are all figures of the data set from the biomedical litertature. 2,967 compound
figures were selected from the complete data set after a manual classification of
images into compound and other figures. This subset was randomly split into
two parts: a training set containing 1,538 images and a testing set with 1,429
    The ground truth for the dataset was generated in a semi–automatic way,
using a two–step approach: first, an automated separation process (using the
technique described in [10]) was run on both image sets in order to obtain a
general overview of the subfigures. The automatic results were then manually
corrected. Missing lines were added and incorrect lines removed, whereas often
the lines were only slightly changed. Separating lines rather than bounding boxes
were used to separate subfigures. The evaluation then required to have a mini-
mum overlap between the ground truth and the data supplied by the groups in
their runs.
    The terminology used in the evaluation is:

 – The term figure, F , refers to a compound figure as a whole.
 – A subfigure, fi , represents a part (or panel) of a figure. The ground truth for
   the figure F consists of a set of KGT    subfigures f1 , . . . , fKGT
                                                                      F .

 – The word candidate, cj , refers to the data being evaluated against the ground
   truth. Separation of figure F consists of a set of KC      candidates c1 , . . . , cKCF .

A brief summary of the evaluation algorithm for a given figure F is as follows:
                        3/3 pts                         1/3 pts                      3/5 pts
                        score=1.0                      score=0.3                    score=0.6

        (a) Perfect score           (b) Not enough candidates      (c) Too many candidates

Fig. 3. Examples for the separation of a compound figure. Dashed blue lines represent
the ground truth, while solid lines represent the candidates. Valid candidates are shown
in green and invalid candidates in red

 – The score SF is computed based on the number of correct candidates,
   Ccorrect .
 – For each subfigure fi defined in the ground truth the best matching candidate
   subfigure will be determined. Only one candidate is used in case there are
   several matches.
 – The main metric used to compare subfigures is the overlap between a can-
   didate subfigure and the ground truth. To be considered a valid match the
   overlap between a candidate subfigure and a subfigure from the ground truth
   must correspond to at least 66% of the candidate’s size. If the best candidate
   is an acceptable match, the number of correctly matched figures Ccorrect   will
   be incremented. Since only one candidate subfigure can be assigned to each
                                                F          F
   of the subfigures from the ground truth, Ccorrect  ≤ KGT   .
 – The maximum score for the figure is 1 and the normalisation factor used to
   compute the score will be the maximum between the number of subfigures
                          F                                               F
   in the ground truth KGT    and the number of candidate subfigures KC     .
                                     SF =         F , KF )
                                            max(KGT     C

      Therefore the maximum score is obtained only when the number of candi-
               F                                                           F
      dates KC   is equal to the number of subfigures in the ground truth KGT and
      all of them are correctly matched:
                                      F          F    F
                                     Ccorrect = KC = KGT .

Figure 3 contains examples showing different candidates being validated against
a reference figure (which contains 3 subfigures), along with their scores.

2.5     Image–Based Retrieval
The image–based retrieval task is the classical medical retrieval task, similar to
those organized each year since 2004 with the target unit being the image. In
2013, 35 queries were given to the participants so more than in previous years.
The 22 queries used in 2012 [7] were part of the 35 queries that all contain
text (in English, Spanish, French and German) with 1–7 sample images for each
query. As in previous years, the queries were classified into textual, mixed and
semantic, based on the methods that are expected to yield the best results.

2.6   Case–Based Retrieval
The case–based retrieval task has been running since 2009. In this task, a case
description, with patient demographics, limited symptoms and test results in-
cluding imaging studies, is provided (but not the final diagnosis). As in previous
years, the goal is to retrieve cases including images that might best suit the
provided case description. This year the 26 topics distributed in 2012 were also
part of the 35 final topics. Each of the topics was accompanied by one or two

3     Results
This section describes the results of ImageCLEF 2013. Runs are ordered based
on the tasks (modality classification, compound figure separation, image–based
and case–based retrieval) and the techniques used (visual, textual, mixed). In
2013, several groups used the ImageCLEF 2012 [7] database to optimize the
parameters [11–13].

3.1   Modality Classification Results
Table 1 shows the classification accuracy obtained by the various runs submitted
in the modality classification task. In 2013, the IBM Multimedia Analytics and
FCSE [12] obtained the best results in the the three types of runs (visual, textual,
mixed).Best results were obtained using multimodal techniques (81.68%) follow
by visual techniques (80.79%). The best run using textual methods alone ob-
tained a lower accuracy (64.17%). Only ITI [14] explored hierarchical approaches
among the hierarchy distributed and some groups investigated a separation be-
tween compound and non–compound images before classifying the remaining
categories [11, 15].

Techniques Used for Visual Classification The IBM team achived the best
results in the visual classification.FCSE [12] was the second best group (77.14%)
using a spatial pyramid in combination with dense sampling using an oppo-
nentSIFT descriptor for each image patch. Finally, Support Vector Machines
(SVM) with χ2 kernel were used as a classifier. As in 2012, multiple features were
extracted from the images, most frequently color and edge directivity descrip-
tors (CEDD) [11, 13, 14, 16, 17], fuzzy color and texture histogram (FCTH) [11,
13, 14, 16, 17] and scale–invariant feature transform (SIFT) variants [11, 12, 15].
Several classifiers were explored by the participants such as SVM [12, 14, 15, 17],
k–nearest neighbour (k–nn) [11, 15] or class–centroid–based techniques [17].
 Table 1. Results of the runs of the modality classification task

Run                                          Group  Run Type Accuracy
IBM modality run8                            IBM     Mixed    81.68
results mixed finki run3                     FCSE    Mixed    78.04
All                                          CITI    Mixed    72.92
IBM modality run9                            IBM     Mixed    69.82
medgift2013 mc mixed k8                      medGIFT Mixed    69.63
medgift2013 mc mixed sem k8                  medGIFT Mixed    69.63
nlm mixed using 2013 visual classification 2 ITI     Mixed    69.28
nlm mixed using 2013 visual classification 1 ITI     Mixed    68.74
nlm mixed hierarchy                          ITI     Mixed    67.31
nlm mixed using 2012 visual classification ITI       Mixed    67.07
DEMIR MC 5                                   DEMIR   Mixed    64.60
DEMIR MC 3                                   DEMIR   Mixed    64.48
DEMIR MC 6                                   DEMIR   Mixed    64.09
DEMIR MC 4                                   DEMIR   Mixed    63.67
medgift2013 mc mixed exp sep sem k21         medGIFT Mixed    62.27
IPL13 mod cl mixed r2                        IPL     Mixed    61.03
IBM modality run10                           IBM     Mixed    60.34
IPL13 mod cl mixed r3                        IPL     Mixed    58.98
medgift2013 mc mixed exp k21                 medGIFT Mixed    47.83
medgift2013 mc mixed exp sem k21             medGIFT Mixed    47.83
All NoComb                                   CITI    Mixed    44.61
IPL13 mod cl mixed r1                        IPL     Mixed    09.56
IBM modality run1                            IBM     Textual  64.17
results text finki run2                      FCSE    Textual  63.71
DEMIR MC 1                                   DEMIR   Textual  62.70
DEMIR MC 2                                   DEMIR   Textual  62.70
words                                        CITI    Textual  62.35
medgift2013 mc text k8.csv                   medGIFT Textual  62.04
nlm textual only flat                        ITI     Textual  51.23
IBM modality run2                            IBM     Textual  39.07
words noComb                                 CITI    Textual  32.80
IPL13 mod cl textual r1                      IPL     Textual  09.02
IBM modality run4                            IBM     Visual   80.79
IBM modality run5                            IBM     Visual   80.01
IBM modality run6                            IBM     Visual   79.82
IBM modality run7                            IBM     Visual   78.89
results visual finki run1                    FCSE    Visual   77.14
results visual compound finki run4           FCSE    Visual   76.29
IBM modality run3                            IBM     Visual   75.94
sari modality baseline                       MiiLab  Visual   66.46
sari modality CCTBB DRxxDict                 MiiLab  Visual   65.60
medgift2013 mc 5f                            medGIFT Visual   63.78
nlm visual only hierarchy                    ITI     Visual   61.50
medgift2013 mc 5f exp separate k21           medGIFT Visual   61.03
medgift2013 mc 5f separate                   medGIFT Visual   59.25
CEDD FCTH                                    CITI    Visual   57.62
IPL13 mod cl visual r2                       IPL     Visual   52.05
medgift2013 mc 5f exp k8                     medGIFT Visual   45.42
IPL13 mod cl visual r3                       IPL     Visual   43.33
CEDD FCTH NoComb                             CITI    Visual   32.49
IPL13 mod cl visual r1                       IPL     Visual   06.19
Techniques Used for Classification Based on Text In 2012, only the ITI
team [18] submitted runs for the textual modality classification task. In 2013,
seven groups submitted textual results. A variety of techniques was employed
using systems as Terrier IR4 [12, 13], Lucene5 [11, 16] or Essie [14].

Techniques Used for Multimodal Classification Eight groups submitted
multimodal runs, five more than in 2012. The groups fused the techniques de-
scribed above for visual and textual classification with a variety of fusion tech-
niques, leading to the best results overall with multimodal techniques.

3.2    Compound Figure Separation Results

Three groups participated in the first year of the compound figure separation
task (see Table 2). MedGIFT [11] achieved the best result in one of its runs but
it simply serves as a point of reference, since it was also used when the separating
lines were drawn [10] and thus has an advantage over other techniques. ITI [14]
achived 69.27% using a combination of figure caption analysis, panel border de-
tection and panel label recognition. FCSE [12] got 68.59% using an unsupervised
algorithm based on a breadth–first search strategy using only visual information.
Finally, medGIFT [11] submitted a second run which was not strictly designed
for figure separation but provided a point of comparison. The run used a region
detection algorithm mainly focused on volumetric medical image retrieval [19]
with 46.82% of accuracy showing the possibility to use such techniques.

         Table 2. Results of the runs of the compound figure separation task

      Run                                   Group  Run Type Accuracy
      HESSO CFS                             medGIFT Visual   84.64
      nlm multipanel separation             ITI     Mixed    69.27
      fcse-final-noempty                    FCSE    Visual   68.59

3.3    Image–Based Retrieval Results

Nine groups submitted image–based runs in 2013. The best results in terms
of mean average precision (MAP) were obtained by ITI [14] using multimodal
methods. The same group also obtained best results in 2012. The best textual
run achieved the same MAP than the best multimodal run (0.3196). As in pre-
vious years, visual approaches achieved much lower results than the textual and
multimodal techniques. Most of the techniques used in the retrieval task were
also used for the modality classification task and are described in Section 3.1.
Visual Retrieval Eight groups submitted 28 visual runs (see Table 3). DEMIR [13]
achieved the best position in terms of MAP applying a classification algorithm.
In addition to the techniques used in the modality classification task, some par-
ticipants split and rescaled the images [17, 16]. Borda–fuse methods were also
used [20].

      Table 3. Results of the visual runs for the medical image retrieval task

      Run Name                      Group      MAP GM-MAP bpref P10         P30
      DEMIR4                        DEMIR      0.0185 0.0005 0.0361 0.0629 0.0581
      medgift visual nofilter       medGIFT    0.0133 0.0004 0.0256 0.0571 0.0448
      medgift visual close          medGIFT    0.0132 0.0004 0.0256 0.0543 0.0438
      medgift visual prefix         medGIFT    0.0129 0.0004 0.0253 0.0600 0.0467
      IPL13 visual r6               IPL        0.0119 0.0003 0.0229 0.0371 0.0286
      image latefusion merge        ITI        0.0110 0.0003 0.0207 0.0257 0.0314
      DEMIR5                        DEMIR      0.0110 0.0004 0.0257 0.0400 0.0448
      image latefusion merge filter ITI        0.0101 0.0003 0.0244 0.0343 0.0324
      latefusuon accuracy merge     ITI        0.0092 0.0003 0.0179 0.0314 0.0286
      IPL13 visual r3               IPL        0.0087 0.0003 0.0173 0.0286 0.0257
      sari SURFContext HI baseline MiiLab      0.0086 0.0003 0.0181 0.0429 0.0352
      IPL13 visual r8               IPL        0.0086 0.0003 0.0173 0.0286 0.0257
      IPL13 visual r5               IPL        0.0085 0.0003 0.0178 0.0314 0.0257
      IPL13 visual r1               IPL        0.0083 0.0002 0.0176 0.0314 0.0257
      IPL13 visual r4               IPL        0.0081 0.0002 0.0182 0.0400 0.0305
      IPL13 visual r7               IPL        0.0079 0.0003 0.0175 0.0257 0.0267
      FCT SEGHIST 6x6 LBP           CITI       0.0072 0.0001 0.0151 0.0343 0.0267
      IPL13 visual r2               IPL        0.0071 0.0001 0.0162 0.0257 0.0257
      IBM image run min min         IBM        0.0062 0.0002 0.0160 0.0286 0.0267
      DEMIR2                        DEMIR      0.0044 0.0002 0.0152 0.0229 0.0229
      SNUMedinfo13                  SNUMedInfo 0.0043 0.0002 0.0126 0.0229 0.0181
      SNUMedinfo12                  SNUMedInfo 0.0033 0.0001 0.0153 0.0257 0.0219
      IBM image run Mnozero17       IBM        0.0030 0.0001 0.0089 0.0200 0.0105
      SNUMedinfo14                  SNUMedInfo 0.0023 0.0002 0.0090 0.0171 0.0124
      SNUMedinfo15                  SNUMedInfo 0.0019 0.0002 0.0074 0.0086 0.0114
      IBM image run Mavg7           IBM        0.0015 0.0001 0.0082 0.0171 0.0114
      IBM image run Mnozero11       IBM        0.0008    0   0.0045 0.0057 0.0095
      nlm-se-image-based-visual     ITI        0.0002    0   0.0021 0.0029 0.0010

Textual Retrieval As for visual retrieval, eight groups submitted runs in the
textual retrieval task (see Table 4). ITI [14] achieves the best results with a
combination of two queries using Essie. The participants explored a variety
of retrieval techniques mostly described in Section 3.1. FCSE [12] proposed a
concept–scape approach matching the text data to medical concepts.

Multimodal Retrieval Only three groups submitted runs in the multimodal
task (see Table 5). As in 2012, ITI [14] submitted the run with the highest MAP.
For this run the group used the same method as the best textual run achieving
exactly the same results. Mixed approaches combined the above textual and
visual approaches using early [11, 14, 17] and late [11, 13, 14, 16] fusion strategies.
  Table 4. Results of the textual runs for the medical image retrieval task

    Run Name                   Group      MAP GM-MAP bpref P10         P30
    nlm-se-image-based-textual ITI        0.3196 0.1018 0.2982 0.3886 0.2686
    IPL13 textual r6           IPL        0.2542 0.0422 0.2479 0.3314 0.2333
    BM25b1.1                   FCSE       0.2507 0.0443 0.2497 0.3200 0.2238
    finki                      FCSE       0.2479 0.0515 0.2336 0.3057 0.2181
    medgift text close         medGIFT    0.2478 0.0587 0.2513 0.3114 0.2410
    finki                      FCSE       0.2464 0.0508 0.2338 0.3114 0.2200
    BM25b1.1                   FCSE       0.2435 0.0430 0.2424 0.3314 0.2248
    BM25b1.1                   FCSE       0.2435 0.0430 0.2424 0.3314 0.2248
    IPL13 textual r4           IPL        0.2400 0.0607 0.2373 0.2857 0.2143
    IPL13 textual r1           IPL        0.2355 0.0583 0.2307 0.2771 0.2095
    IPL13 textual r8           IPL        0.2355 0.0579 0.2358 0.2800 0.2171
    IPL13 textual r8b          IPL        0.2355 0.0579 0.2358 0.2800 0.2171
    IPL13 textual r3           IPL        0.2354 0.0604 0.2294 0.2771 0.2124
    IPL13 textual r2           IPL        0.2350 0.0583  0.229 0.2771 0.2105
    FCT SOLR BM25L MSH CITI               0.2305 0.0482 0.2316 0.2971 0.2181
    medgift text nofilter      medGIFT    0.2281 0.0530 0.2269 0.2857 0.2133
    IPL13 textual r5           IPL        0.2266 0.0431 0.2285 0.2743 0.2086
    medgift text prefix        medGIFT    0.2226 0.0470 0.2235 0.2943 0.2305
    FCT SOLR BM25L             CITI       0.2200 0.0476 0.2280 0.2657 0.2114
    DEMIR9                     DEMIR      0.2003 0.0352 0.2158 0.2943 0.1952
    DEMIR1                     DEMIR      0.1951 0.0289 0.2036 0.2714 0.1895
    DEMIR6                     DEMIR      0.1951 0.0289 0.2036 0.2714 0.1895
    SNUMedinfo11               SNUMedInfo 0.1800 0.0266 0.1866 0.2657 0.1895
    DEMIR8                     DEMIR      0.1578 0.0267 0.1712 0.2714 0.1733
    finki                      FCSE       0.1456 0.0244 0.1480 0.2000 0.1286
    IBM image run 1            IBM        0.0848 0.0072 0.0876 0.1514 0.1038

Table 5. Results of the multimodal runs for the medical image retrieval task

    Run Name                        Group   MAP GM-MAP bpref P10         P30
    nlm-se-image-based-mixed        ITI     0.3196 0.1018 0.2983 0.3886 0.2686
    Txt Img Wighted Merge           ITI     0.3124 0.0971 0.3014 0.3886 0.2790
    Merge RankToScore weighted      ITI     0.3120 0.1001 0.2950 0.3771 0.2686
    Txt Img Wighted Merge           ITI     0.3086 0.0942 0.2938 0.3857 0.2590
    Merge RankToScore weighted      ITI     0.3032 0.0989 0.2872 0.3943 0.2705
    medgift mixed rerank close      medGIFT 0.2465 0.0567 0.2497 0.3229 0.2524
    medgift mixed rerank nofilter   medGIFT 0.2375 0.0539 0.2307 0.2886 0.2238
    medgift mixed weighted nofilter medGIFT 0.2309 0.0567 0.2197 0.2800 0.2181
    medgift mixed rerank prefix     medGIFT 0.2271 0.0470 0.2289 0.2886 0.2362
    DEMIR3                          DEMIR 0.2168 0.0345 0.2255 0.3143 0.1914
    DEMIR10                         DEMIR 0.1583 0.0292 0.1775 0.2771 0.1867
    DEMIR7                          DEMIR 0.0225 0.0003 0.0355 0.0543 0.0543
3.4     Case–Based Retrieval Results

In 2013, the case–based retrieval task became more popular with seven groups
submitting 42 runs. More groups than in previous years used visual and multi-
modal techniques. Textual runs achived the best results and visual runs obtained
lower results than the textual and multimodal runs.

Visual Retrieval The results using visual retrieval on the case–based task are
shown in Table 6. CITI [16] achived the best result outperforming the second
best result by a factor of ten in terms of MAP. This group extracted a set of
descriptors for 6 × 6 image grid.

      Table 6. Results of the visual runs for the medical case–based retrieval task
         Run Name                          Group   MAP GM-MAP bpref P10         P30
         FCT SEGHIST 6x6 LBP               CITI    0.0281 0.0009 0.0335 0.0429 0.0238
         medgift visual nofilter casebased medGIFT 0.0029 0.0001 0.0035 0.0086 0.0067
         medgift visual close casebased    medGIFT 0.0029 0.0001 0.0036 0.0086 0.0076
         medgift visual prefix casebased medGIFT 0.0029 0.0001 0.0036 0.0086 0.0067
         nlm-se-case-based-visual          ITI     0.0008 0.0001 0.0044 0.0057 0.0057

Textual Retrieval Table 7 shows that SNUMedInfo [20] team achieved the
best MAP (0.2429) in its first participation. SNUMedInfo used an external cor-
pus (MEDLINE6 ) for robust and effective expansion term inference. CITI [16]
achieved close results using MeSH expansion. ITI [14] and FCSE [12] incorporate
UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) concepts. In general, the groups used
the same techniques or very similar techniques compared to the ad–hoc image
retrieval task.

Multimodal Retrieval Three groups submitted multimodal runs, combining
of visual and textual techniques. As in the visual case–based task, the CITI [16]
team achieved the best results in terms of MAP (see Table 8). A rank–based
fusion was applied in their approach improving existing algorithms by a small

4     Conclusions

After one decade of running the ImageCLEF medical task, in 2013 Image-
CLEFmed is organized at the annual AMIA meeting in the form of a workshop.
The task had 10 groups submitting 166 valid runs to the four subtasks. The main
novelty in 2013 was the inclusion of a new task, the compound figure separation
 Table 7. Results of the textual runs for the medical case–based retrieval task
Run Name                               Group      MAP GM-MAP bpref P10         P30
SNUMedinfo9                            SNUMedInfo 0.2429 0.1163 0.2417 0.2657 0.1981
SNUMedinfo8                            SNUMedInfo 0.2389 0.1279 0.2323 0.2686 0.1933
SNUMedinfo5                            SNUMedInfo 0.2388 0.1266 0.2259 0.2543 0.1857
SNUMedinfo6                            SNUMedInfo 0.2374 0.1112 0.2304 0.2486 0.1933
FCT LUCENE BM25L MSH PRF               CITI       0.2233 0.1177 0.2044 0.2600 0.1800
SNUMedinfo4                            SNUMedInfo 0.2228 0.1281 0.2175 0.2343 0.1743
SNUMedinfo1                            SNUMedInfo 0.2210 0.1208 0.1952 0.2343 0.1619
SNUMedinfo2                            SNUMedInfo 0.2197 0.0996 0.1861 0.2257 0.1486
SNUMedinfo7                            SNUMedInfo 0.2172 0.1266 0.2116 0.2486 0.1771
FCT LUCENE BM25L PRF                   CITI       0.1992 0.0964 0.1874 0.2343 0.1781
SNUMedinfo10                           SNUMedInfo 0.1827 0.1146 0.1749 0.2143 0.1581
HES-SO-VS FULLTEXT LUCENE              medGIFT    0.1791 0.1107 0.1630 0.2143 0.1581
SNUMedinfo3                            SNUMedInfo 0.1751 0.0606 0.1572 0.2114 0.1286
ITEC FULLTEXT                          AAUITEC    0.1689 0.0734 0.1731 0.2229 0.1552
ITEC FULLPLUS                          AAUITEC    0.1688 0.0740 0.1720 0.2171 0.1552
ITEC FULLPLUSMESH                      AAUITEC    0.1663 0.0747 0.1634 0.22 0.1667
ITEC MESHEXPAND                        AAUITEC    0.1581 0.0710 0.1635 0.2229 0.1686
IBM run 1                              IBM        0.1573 0.0296 0.1596 0.1571 0.1057
IBM run 3                              IBM        0.1573 0.0371 0.1390 0.1943 0.1276
IBM run 3                              IBM        0.1482 0.0254 0.1469 0.2000 0.1410
IBM run 2                              IBM        0.1476 0.0308 0.1363 0.2086 0.1295
IBM run 1                              IBM        0.1403 0.0216 0.1380 0.1829 0.1238
IBM run 2                              IBM        0.1306 0.0153 0.1340 0.2000 0.1276
nlm-se-case-based-textual              ITI        0.0885 0.0303 0.0926 0.1457 0.0962
DirichletLM mu2500.0 Bo1bfree d 3 t 10 FCSE       0.0632 0.0130 0.0648 0.0857 0.0676
DirichletLM mu2500.0 Bo1bfree d 3 t 10 FCSE       0.0632 0.0130 0.0648 0.0857 0.0676
finki                                  FCSE       0.0448 0.0115 0.0478 0.0714 0.0629
finki                                  FCSE       0.0448 0.0115 0.0478 0.0714 0.0629
DirichletLM mu2500.0                   FCSE       0.0438 0.0112  0.056 0.0829 0.0581
DirichletLM mu2500.0                   FCSE       0.0438 0.0112  0.056 0.0829 0.0581
finki                                  FCSE       0.0376 0.0105 0.0504 0.0771 0.0562
BM25b25.0                              FCSE       0.0049 0.0005 0.0076 0.0143 0.0105
BM25b25.0 Bo1bfree d 3 t 10            FCSE       0.0048 0.0005 0.0071 0.0143 0.0105

 Table 8. Results of the multimodal runs for the medical case retrieval task
    Run Name                         Group   MAP GM-MAP bpref P10         P30
    FCT CB MM rComb                  CITI    0.1608 0.0779 0.1426 0.1800 0.1257
    medgift mixed nofilter casebased medGIFT 0.1467 0.0883 0.1318 0.1971 0.1457
    nlm-se-case-based-mixed          ITI     0.0886 0.0303 0.0926 0.1457 0.0962
    FCT CB MM MNZ                    CITI    0.0794 0.0035 0.0850 0.1371 0.0810
task. In its first year three groups joined this complex task. More compound
figures were included into the modality classification, so the training and test
set are more difficult and correspond to the reality of the database, now. The
other two tasks, image and case based retrieval, remained in the same format as
in previous years but had a larger number of retrieval topics.
    As in previous years, visual, textual or multimodal techniques can all perform
best depending on the situation. For the modality classification, a mixed run
achieved the best accuracy. For the image–based retrieval task, the highest MAP
was achieved by a multimodal run. In the case–based retrieval task, textual
techniques obtained the best results. Finally, for the compound figure separation
task only visual and mixed techniques were explored, with visual techniques
leading to best results.
    In 2013, many groups used ImageCLEFmed 2012 database to optimize the
parameters. Many of the techniques used had already been employed in previous
years. This shows the utility of past campaigns, which provide databases as well
as information regarding tools used by other participants. ImageCLEF conducts
participative research and experimentation among free and reusable collections
and has shown an important impact in visual medical information retrieval.

5    Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the EU FP7 projects Khresmoi (257528) and PROMISE
(258191) for their support.

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