Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Scalable Concept Image Annotation Subtask Mauricio Villegas,† Roberto Paredes† and Bart Thomee‡ † ITI/DSIC, Universitat Politècnica de València Camı́ de Vera s/n, 46022 València, Spain {mvillegas,rparedes}@iti.upv.es ‡ Yahoo! Research Avinguda Diagonal 177, 08018 Barcelona, Spain bthomee@yahoo-inc.com Abstract. The ImageCLEF 2013 Scalable Concept Image Annotation Subtask was the second edition of a challenge aimed at developing more scalable image annotation systems. Unlike traditional image annotation challenges, which rely on a set of manually annotated images as training data for each concept, the participants were only allowed to use auto- matically gathered web data instead. The main objective of the challenge was to focus not only on the image annotation algorithms developed by the participants, where given an input image and a set of concepts they were asked to decide which of them were present in the image and which ones were not, but also on the scalability of their systems, such that the concepts to detect were not exactly the same between the development and test sets. The participants were provided with web data consisting of 250,000 images, which included textual features obtained from the web pages on which the images appeared, as well as various visual features extracted from the images themselves. To evaluate the performance of the submitted systems a development set was provided containing 1,000 images that were manually annotated for 95 concepts and a test set con- taining 2,000 images that were annotated for 116 concepts. In total 13 teams participated, submitting a total of 58 runs, most of which signif- icantly outperformed the baseline system for both the development and test sets, including for the test concepts not present in the development set and thus clearly demonstrating potential for scalability. 1 Introduction Automatic concept detection within images is a challenging and as of yet un- solved research problem. Over the past decades impressive improvements have been achieved, albeit admittedly not yet successfully solving the problem. Yet, these improvements have been typically obtained on datasets for which all im- ages have been manually, and thus reliably, labeled. For instance, it has become common in past image annotation benchmark campaigns [10,16] to use crowd- sourcing approaches, such as the Amazon Mechanical Turk1 , in order to let mul- 1 www.mturk.com 2 M. Villegas et al. (a) Images from a search query of “rainbow”. (b) Images from a search query of “sun”. Fig. 1: Example of images retrieved by a commercial image search engine. tiple annotators label a large collection of images. Nonetheless, crowdsourcing is expensive and difficult to scale to a very large amount of concepts. The image annotation datasets furthermore usually include exactly the same concepts in the training and test sets, which may mean that the evaluated visual concept detection algorithms are not necessarily able to cope with detecting additional concepts beyond what they were trained on. To address these shortcomings a novel image annotation task [20] was proposed last year for which automatically gathered web data was to be used for concept detection, where the concepts var- ied between the evaluation sets. The aim of that task was to reduce the reliance of cleanly annotated data for concept detection and rather focus on uncovering structure from noisy data, emphasizing the importance of the need for scalable annotation algorithms able to determine for any given concept whether or not it is present in an image. The rationale behind the scalable image annotation task was that there are billions of images available online appearing on webpages, where the text surrounding the image may be directly or indirectly related to its content, thus providing clues as to what is actually depicted in the image. Moreover, images and the webpages on which they appear can be easily obtained for virtually any topic using a web crawler. In existing work such noisy data has indeed proven useful, e.g. [17,22,21]. The second edition of the scalable image annotation task is what is pre- sented in this overview paper, which is one of several ImageCLEF benchmark campaigns [3]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the task in more detail, which includes introducing the dataset that was created specifically for this challenge, the baseline system and the evaluation measures. In Section 3 we then present and discuss the results submitted by the partici- pants. Finally, we conclude the paper with final remarks and future outlooks in Section 4. Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 3 2 Overview of the Subtask 2.1 Motivation and Objectives Image concept detection generally has relied on training data that has been manually, and thus reliably, annotated, which is an expensive and laborious endeavor that cannot easily scale. To address this issue, the ImageCLEF 2013 scalable annotation subtask concentrated exclusively on developing annotation systems that rely only on automatically obtained data. A very large amount of images can be easily gathered from the web, and furthermore, from the webpages that contain the images, text associated with them can be obtained. However, the degree of relationship between the surrounding text and the image varies greatly. Moreover, the webpages can be of any language or even a mixture of languages, and they tend to have many writing mistakes. Overall the data can be considered to be very noisy. To illustrate the objective of the evaluation, consider for example that some- one searches for the word “rainbow” in a popular image search engine. It would be expected that many results be of landscapes in which in the sky a rainbow is visible. However, other types of images will also appear, see Figure 1a. The images will be related to the query in different senses, and there might even be images that do not have any apparent relationship. In the example of Figure 1a, one image is a text page of a poem about a rainbow, and another is a photo- graph of an old cave painting of a rainbow serpent. See Figure 1b for a similar example on the query “sun”. As can be observed, the data is noisy, although it does have the advantage that this data can also handle the possible different senses that a word can have, or the different types of images that exist, such as natural photographs, paintings and computer-generated imagery. In order to handle the web data, there are several resources that could be employed in the development of scalable annotation systems. Many resources can be used to help match general text to given concepts, amongst which some examples are stemmers, word disambiguators, definition dictionaries, ontologies and encyclopedia articles. There are also tools that can help to deal with noisy text commonly found on webpages, such as language models, stop word lists and spell checkers. And last but not least, language detectors and statistical machine translation systems are able to process webpage data written in various languages. In summary, the goal of the scalable image annotation subtask was to eval- uate different strategies to deal with noisy data, so that the unsupervised web data can be reliably used for annotating images for practically any topic. 2.2 Challenge Description The subtask2 consisted of the development of an image annotation system given training data that only included images crawled from the Internet, the corre- sponding webpages on which they appeared, as well as precomputed visual and 2 Subtask website at http://imageclef.org/2013/photo/annotation 4 M. Villegas et al. textual features. As mentioned in the previous section, the aim of the subtask was for the annotation systems to be able to easily change or scale the list of concepts used for image annotation. Apart from the image and webpage data, the participants were also permitted and encouraged to use any other automat- ically obtainable resources to help in the processing and usage of the training data. However, the most important rule was that the systems were not permitted to use any kind of data that had been explicitly and manually labeled for the concepts to detect. For the development of the annotation systems, the participants were pro- vided with the following: – A training dataset of images and corresponding webpages compiled specifically for the subtask, including precomputed visual and textual features (see Section 2.3). – Source code of a simple baseline annotation system (see Section 2.4). – Tools for computing the appropriate performance measures (see Section 2.5). – A development set of images with ground truth annotations (including pre- computed visual features) for estimating the system performance. After a period of two months, a test set of images was released that did not include any ground truth labels. The participants had to use their developed systems to predict the concepts for each of the input images and submit these results to the subtask organizers. A maximum of 6 submissions (also referred to as runs) were allowed per participating group. Since one of the objectives was that the annotation systems be able to scale or change the list of concepts for annotation, the list of concepts for the test set was not exactly the same as those for the development set. The development set consisted of 1,000 images labeled for 95 concepts, and the test set consisted of 2,000 images labeled for 116 concepts (the same 95 concepts for development and 21 more). To observe the possible overfitting of the development set and the difference of performance with respect to the test set, the participants were also required to submit the concept predictions of the development set, using exactly the same system and parameters as for the test set. The concepts to be used for annotation were defined as one or more WordNet synsets [4]. So, for each concept there was a concept name, the type (either noun or adjective), the synset offset(s), and the sense number(s). Defining the concepts this way, made it straightforward to obtain the concept definition, synonyms, hyponyms, etc. Additionally, for most of the concepts, a link to a Wikipedia article about the respective concept was provided. The complete list of concepts, as well as the number of images in both the development and test sets, is included in Appendix A. 2.3 Dataset The dataset3 used was mostly the same as the one in ImageCLEF 2012 for the first edition of this task [20]. To create the dataset, initially a database of 3 Dataset available at http://risenet.iti.upv.es/webupv250k Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 5 over 31 million images was created by querying Google, Bing and Yahoo! using words from the Aspell English dictionary [19]. The images and corresponding webpages were downloaded, taking care to avoid data duplication. Then, a subset of 250,000 images (to be used as the training set) was selected from this database by choosing the top images from a ranked list. The motivation for selecting a subset was to provide smaller data files that would not be so prohibitive for the participants to download/handle, and because a limited amount of concepts had to be chosen for evaluation. The ranked list was generated by retrieving images from our database using a manually defined list of concepts, in essence more or less as if the search engines had only been queried for these concepts. From this ranked list, some types of problematic images were removed, and it was guaranteed that each image had at least one webpage in which they appeared. Unlike the training set, the development (1,000 images) and test (2,000 images) sets were manually selected and labeled for the concepts being evaluated. For further details on how the dataset was created, please refer to [20]. The 250,000 training set images were exactly the same as the ones for Im- ageCLEF 2012. However, some images from the development and test sets had been changed. To guaranty that the visual features were the same for the new images, due to changes in software versions, the features were recalculated and therefore are different from those supplied in the previous edition of this sub- task. Also this year the original images and webpages were provided. The most significant change of the dataset with respect to 2012 was the labeling of the development and test sets, where the images have now been labeled and linked to concepts in WordNet [4], thus making it much easier to automatically obtain more information for each concept. Moreover, for most of the concepts a corre- sponding Wikipedia article was additionally supplied, which may prove to be a useful resource. Textual Data: Since the textual data was to be used only during training, it was only provided for the training set. Four sets of data were made available to the participants. The first one 4 was the list of words used to find the image when querying the search engines, along with the rank position of the image in the respective query and search engine it was found on. The second set of textual data4 contained the image URLs as referenced in the webpages they appeared in. In many cases the image URLs tend to be formed with words that relate to the content of the image, which is why they can also be useful as textual features. The third set of data were the webpages in which the images appeared, for which the only preprocessing was a conversion to valid XML just to make any subsequent processing simpler. The final set of data4 were features obtained from the text extracted near the position(s) of the image in each webpage it appeared in. To extract the text near the image, after conversion to valid XML, the script and style elements were removed. The extracted text were the webpage title and all the terms closer than 600 in word distance to the image, not including the 4 This textual data was identical to the 2012 edition [20]. 6 M. Villegas et al. HTML tags and attributes. Then a weight s(tn ) was assigned to each of the words near the image, defined as 1 X s(tn ) = P Fn,m sigm(dn,m ) , (1) ∀t∈T s(t) ∀tn,m ∈T where tn,m are each of the appearances of the term tn in the document T , Fn,m is a factor depending on the DOM (e.g. title, alt, etc.) similar to what is done in the work of La Cascia et al. [7], and dn,m is the word distance from tn,m to the image. The sigmoid function was centered at 35, had a slope of 0.15 and minimum and maximum values of 1 and 10 respectively. The resulting features include for each image at most the 100 word-score pairs with the highest scores. Visual Features: Seven types of visual features were made available to the par- ticipants. Before feature extraction, images were filtered and resized so that the width and height had at most 240 pixels while preserving the original aspect ra- tio. The first feature set Colorhist consisted of 576-dimensional color histograms extracted using our own implementation. These features correspond to divid- ing the image in 3 × 3 regions and for each region obtaining a color histogram quantified to 6 bits. The second feature set GETLF contained 256-dimensional histogram based features. First, local color-histograms were extracted in a dense grid every 21 pixels for windows of size 41 × 41. Second, these local color- histograms were randomly projected to a binary space using 8 random vectors and considering the sign of the resulting projection to produce the bit. Thus, obtaining a 8-bit representation of each local color-histogram that can be con- sidered as a word. Finally, the image is represented as a bag-of-words, leading to a 256-dimensional histogram representation. The third set of features consisted of GIST [11] descriptors. The other four feature types were obtained using the colorDescriptors software [15]. Features were computed for SIFT, C-SIFT, RGB- SIFT and OPPONENT-SIFT. The configuration was dense sampling with de- fault parameters and a hard assignment 1,000 codebook using a spatial pyramid of 1 × 1 and 2 × 2 [8]. Since the vectors of the spatial pyramid were concatenated, this resulted in 5,000-dimensional feature vectors. Keeping only the first fifth of the dimensions would be like not using the spatial pyramid. The codebooks were generated using 1.25 million randomly selected features and the k-means algorithm. 2.4 Baseline Systems A toolkit was supplied to the participants as a performance reference for the evaluation, as well as to serve as a starting point. This toolkit included software that computed the evaluation measures (see Section 2.5) and the implementa- tions of two baselines. The first baseline was a simple random, which is important since any system that gets worse performance than random is useless. The other baseline, referred to as Co-occurrence Baseline, was a basic technique that gives Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 7 better performance than random, although it was simple enough to give the par- ticipants a wide margin for improvement. In the latter technique, when given an input image, obtains its nearest K = 32 images from the training set using only the 1,000 bag-of-words C-SIFT visual features and the L1 norm. Then, the tex- tual features corresponding to these K nearest images are used to derive a score for each of the concepts. This is done by using a concept-word co-occurrence matrix estimated from all of the training set textual features. In order to make the vocabulary size more manageable, the textual features are first processed keeping only English words. Finally, the annotations assigned to the image are always the top 6 ranked concepts. 2.5 Performance Measures Ultimately the goal of an image annotation system is to make decisions about which concepts to assign to given image from a predefined list of concepts. Thus to measure annotation performance what should be considered is how good are those decisions. On the other hand, in practice many annotations systems are based on estimating a score for each of the concepts and then a second technique uses these scores to finally decide which concepts are chosen. For systems of this type a measure of performance can be based only on the concept scores, which considers all aspects of the system except for the technique used for concept decisions, making it an interesting characteristic to measure. For this task, two basic performance measures have been used for comparing the results of the different submissions. The first one is the F-measure (F1 ), which takes into account the final annotation decisions, and the other is the Average Precision (AP), which considers the concept scores. The F-measure is defined as 2P R F1 = , (2) P +R where P is the precision and R is the recall. In the context of image annotation, the F1 can be estimated from two different perspectives, one being concept-based and the other sample-based. In the former, one F1 is computed for each concept, and in the latter one F1 is computed for each image to annotate. In both cases, the arithmetic mean is used as a global measure of performance, and will be referenced as MF1 -concepts and MF1 -samples, respectively. The AP is algebraically defined as |K| 1 X k AP = , (3) |K| rank(k) k=1 where K is the ordered set of the ground truth annotations, being the order induced by the annotation scores, and rank(k) is the order position of the k-th ground truth annotation. The fraction k/ rank(k) is actually the precision at the k-th ground truth annotation, and has been written like this to be explicit on 8 M. Villegas et al. the way it is computed. In the cases that there are ties in the scores, a random permutation is applied within the ties. The AP can also be estimated for both the concept-based and sample-based perspectives, however, the concept-based AP is not a suitable measure of annotation performance (it is more adequate for a retrieval scenario), so only the sample-based AP has been considered in this evaluation. As a global measure of performance, also the arithmetic mean is used, which will be referred to as MAP-samples. A bit of care must be taken when comparing systems using the MAP-samples measure. What the MAP-samples turns out saying is that if for a given image the scores are used to sort the concepts, how good would it rank the true concepts for the image. Depending on the system, its scores could or could not be optimal for ranking the concepts. Thus a system with a relatively low MAP-samples, could still have a good annotation performance if the method used to select the concepts is adequate for its concept scores. Because of this, as well as the fact that there can be systems that do not rely on scores, it was optional for the participants of the task to provide scores. 3 Evaluation Results 3.1 Participation The participation was excellent, especially considering that this was the second edition of the task and last year there was only one participant. In total 13 groups took part, submitting 58 runs overall. The following teams participated: – CEA LIST: The team from the Vision & Content Engineering group of CEA LIST (Gif-sur-Yvettes, France) was represented by Hervé Le Borgne, Adrian Popescu and Amel Znaidia. – INAOE: The team from the Instituto Nacional de Astrofı́sica, Óptica y Electrónica (Puebla, Mexico) was represented by Hugo Jair Escalante. – KDEVIR: The team from the Computer Science and Engineering depart- ment of the Toyohashi University of Technology (Aichi, Japan), was repre- sented by Ismat Ara Reshma, Md Zia Ullah and Masaki Aono. – LMCHFUT: The team from Hefei University of Technology (Hefei, China) was represented by Yan Zigeng. – MICC: The team from the Media Integration and Communication Center of the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Florence, Italy) was represented by Tiberio Uricchio, Marco Bertini, Lamberto Ballan and Alberto Del Bimbo. – MIL: The team from the Machine Intelligence Lab of the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) was represented by Masatoshi Hidaka, Naoyuki Gunji and Tatsuya Harada. – RUC: The team from the School of Information of the Renmin University of China (Beijing, China) was represented by Xirong Li, Shuai Liao, Binbin Liu, Gang Yang, Qin Jin, Jieping Xu and Xiaoyong Du. – SZTAKI: The team from the Datamining and Search Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Hungary) was represented by Bálint Daróczy. Table 1: Comparison of the systems for the best submission of each group. Visual Features System Other Used Resources Training Data Processing Highlights Annotation Technique Highlights [Total Dim.] Multiple SVMs per concept, with Provided by organizers Manual morphological expansions of the concepts TPT [13] * Morphological context dependent kernels. Annotation (All 7) (plural forms). Training images selected by #6 expansions based on threshold (the same for all [Tot. Dim. = 21312] appearance of concept in supplied textual features. concepts). Extract webpage title, image attributes, surrounding Fisher Vectors (SIFT, * WordNet Linear multilabel classifier learned by MIL [6] text, and singularize nouns. Label training images by C-SIFT, LBP, GIST) * ActiveSupport library PAAPL. Annotation of the top 5 #4 appearance of concept, defined by WordNet [Tot. Dim. = 262144] for word singularization concepts. synonyms and hyponyms with a single meaning. Stopword removal and stemming of supplied Multiv. Gauss. Distrib. * WordNet preprocessed features and webpage title. Label of local desc. Linear SVMs learned by stochastic UNIMORE [5] * NLTK (stopwords and training images by appearance of concept, defined by (HSV-SIFT, OPP-SIFT, gradient descent. Annotation based on #2 stemmer) WordNet synonyms and hyponyms with a single RGB-SIFT) threshold (the same for all concepts). * +100k training images meaning. Disambiguation by negative context from [Tot. Dim. = 201216] other senses of concept word. Positive training images selected by a combination of Provided by organizers supplied textual features and search engine keywords Multiple staked hikSVMs and kNNs RUC [9] * Search engine keywords (All 7) weighted by a tag co-occurrence measure derived (L1 distance). Annotation of the top 6 Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask #4 * Flickr tags dataset [Tot. Dim. = 21312] from a Flickr dataset. Negative examples selected by concepts. Negative Bootstrap. Text retrieval of concepts using * Webpage of test images Concept indexing (using Lucene) of WordNet UNED&UV [1] webpage img field. Annotation by a —a * WordNet definition, forms, hypernyms, hyponyms and related #3 cut-off percentage of the maximum * Lucene components. scored concept. Training images selected by ranking the images using Linear SVM. Annotation of concepts Bag of Visterms CEA LIST [2] * Wikipedia tag models learned from Flickr and Wikipedia data. with score above µ + σ (µ, σ are mean (SIFT) #4 * Flickr tags dataset The first 100 ranked images as positive and the last and standard deviation of all concept [Tot. Dim. = 8192] 500 images as negative. scores). Stopwords and non-English words removal and Provided by organizers stemming of supplied textual features. Matching of kNN (IDsim) and aggregating concept KDEVIR [12] (colorhist, C-SIFT, * WordNet features with concepts defined by WordNet scores (bm25). Annotation of top 10 #1 OPP-SIFT, RGB-SIFT) * Lucene stemmer synonyms and application of bm25 to obtain concept concepts. [Tot. Dim. = 15576] scores per image. kNN (Bhattacharyya, χ2 , and L2 HSV histograms, LBP * Search engine keywords Stopword removal and stemming of supplied textual URJC& distances) and aggregating concept and provided by * WordNet features, and enriched by WordNet synonyms and UNED [14] scores (co-occurrence). Annotation organizers (C-SIFT) * English Stopwords list hyperonyms. Generation of keywords-concepts #3 based on threshold (the same for all [Tot. Dim. = 5384] * Porter stemmer co-occurrence matrix. concepts). * WordNet Stopword removal of supplied textual features, search Provided by organizers kNN (Gaussian kernel distance) and MICC [18] * Wikipedia engine keywords and URL extracted words. Enriched (All 7) rank concepts by tagRelevance. #5 * Search engine keywords textual features with WordNet synonyms and [Tot. Dim. = 21312] Annotation of the top 7 concepts. * Training image URLs Wikipedia link structure. Textual ranking of images based on SZTAKI Fisher Vectors Fisher vector-based learning of visual model given * Wikipedia Wikipedia concept descriptions. #1 [Tot. Dim. = Unknown] training images per category. Prediction via visual models. Documents are represented by a distribution of INAOE SIFT occurrences over other documents in the corpus, so Ensemble of linear classifiers per Unknown #3 [Tot. Dim. = Unknown] that documents are represented by their context, concept. yielding a prototype per concept. 9 Global: CEDD, Color, Tags of NN image ranked by TF-IDF. THSSMPAM Bag of visterms (SIFT) Similarity between tags and concepts * WordNet Unknown #2 Local: SIFT, SURF using WordNet. Annotation by [Tot. Dim. = Unknown] bipartite graph algorithm. Provided by organizers Single SVM learned per concept given LMCHFUT Training images selected by appearance of concept in (SIFT) Unknown visual features of positive and negative #1 supplied textual features. [Tot. Dim. = 5000] training examples. a Unlike the other systems that take as input image visual features, the UNED&UV system receives as input the image webpage. 10 M. Villegas et al. – THSSMPAM: The team from Beijing, China was represented by Jile Zhou. – TPT: The team of CNRS TELECOM ParisTech (Paris, France) was repre- sented by Hichem Sahbi. – UNED&UV: The team from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Dis- tancia (Madrid, Spain) and the Universitat de València was represented by Xaro Benavent, Angél Castellanos Gonzáles, Esther de Ves, D. Hernández- Aranda, Ruben Granados and Ana Garcia-Serrano. – UNIMORE: The team from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Modena, Italy) was represented by Costantino Grana, Giuseppe Serra, Marco Manfredi, Rita Cucchiara, Riccardo Martoglia and Federica Mandreoli. – URJC&UNED: The team of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Móstoles, Spain) and the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid, Spain) was represented by Jesús Sánchez-Oro, Soto Montalvo, Antonio Mon- temayor, Juan Pantrigo, Abraham Duarte, Vı́ctor Fresno and Raquel Martı́nez. In Table 1 we provide a comparison of a the key details of the best submission of each group. For a more in depth look of the annotation systems of each team, please refer to their corresponding paper listed in the table. Note that there were four groups that did not submit a working notes paper describing their system, so for those submissions less information could be listed. 3.2 Results Table 2 presents the performance measures (mentioned in 2.5) for the baseline techniques and all of the submitted runs by the participants.The last column of the table corresponds to the MF1 -concepts measure which was only computed for the 21 concepts that did not appear in the development set. The systems are ordered by performance, beginning at the top with the best performing one. This order of the systems has been derived by considering for the test set the average rank when comparing all of the systems, using the MF1 -samples, the MF1 -concepts and the MF1 -concepts unseen in dev. measures, while breaking ties by the average of the same three performance measures. For an easier comparison and a more intuitive visualization, the same results of Table 2 are presented as graphs in Figure 2 (only for the test set). These graphs include for each result the 95% confidence intervals. These intervals have been estimated by Wilson’s method, employing the standard deviation for the individual measures (for the samples or concepts, and for the average precisions (AP) or F-measures (F1 ), depending on the case). Finally, in Figure 3 there is for each of the 116 test set concepts, a boxplot (or also known as box-and-whisker plot) for the F1 -measures when combining all runs. In order to fit all of the concepts in the same graph, for multiple outliers with the same value, only one is shown. The concepts have been sorted by the median performance of all submissions, which in a way orders them by difficulty. Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 11 Table 2: Performance measures (in %) for the baseline techniques and all submissions. The best submission for each team is highlighted in bold font. MF1 -concepts MAP-samples MF1 -samples MF1 -concepts System unseen in dev. dev. test dev. test dev. test test Baseline OPP-SIFT 24.6 21.4 19.2 16.4 13.8 11.8 10.3 Baseline C-SIFT 24.2 21.2 18.6 16.2 10.7 10.5 10.8 Baseline RGB-SIFT 24.3 21.2 18.5 15.8 13.0 11.7 10.5 Baseline SIFT 24.0 21.0 17.8 15.9 11.0 11.0 10.1 Baseline Colorhist 22.1 19.0 16.1 13.9 8.0 8.0 9.6 Baseline GIST 20.9 17.8 14.5 12.5 6.1 6.9 7.3 Baseline GETLF 21.0 17.7 14.9 12.5 6.6 5.4 5.9 Baseline Random 10.9 8.7 6.2 4.6 4.8 3.6 2.3 TPT #6 50.4 44.4 51.3 42.6 45.0 34.1 45.1 TPT #4 48.9 43.2 50.7 41.8 42.5 33.7 45.3 MIL #4 43.8 41.4 34.0 32.4 34.7 32.3 35.8 MIL #1 44.5 42.1 34.6 33.2 35.2 32.6 33.8 MIL #2 43.1 40.7 34.3 32.7 33.9 31.8 31.4 UNIMORE #2 46.0 44.1 27.3 27.5 34.2 33.1 34.8 UNIMORE #5 47.9 45.6 33.3 31.5 33.7 31.9 31.9 UNIMORE #1 39.2 36.7 33.0 31.1 34.1 32.0 31.3 TPT #2 38.5 37.0 41.4 38.1 30.9 30.0 30.9 UNIMORE #6 46.0 44.1 33.0 31.1 34.1 32.0 31.3 RUC #4 41.2 38.0 31.6 29.0 33.4 30.4 32.8 MIL #5 42.2 39.7 34.0 31.7 33.4 30.9 30.2 MIL #3 42.5 39.6 34.2 31.8 33.4 30.2 29.5 RUC #5 40.5 37.6 31.0 28.3 32.7 29.6 31.5 UNED&UV #3 27.1 26.6 22.5 23.1 31.5 31.3 43.2 UNIMORE #3 43.7 41.9 23.1 23.1 32.4 31.5 35.5 UNED&UV #5 35.5 33.2 27.6 24.4 31.7 29.2 35.4 TPT #5 49.8 44.3 38.7 32.5 33.0 26.7 27.3 RUC #3 39.4 36.9 29.8 27.8 31.4 29.2 30.2 TPT #3 49.0 43.6 38.8 31.9 30.2 24.8 24.7 RUC #2 38.2 35.5 28.8 26.5 30.8 28.5 29.9 UNIMORE #4 39.7 36.2 26.8 24.1 31.7 29.5 28.0 UNED&UV #4 31.0 29.8 29.9 30.0 26.3 22.8 24.6 UNED&UV #1 32.8 30.3 25.0 23.0 27.5 25.0 31.7 RUC #1 36.1 32.4 28.8 25.4 26.6 23.9 22.7 UNED&UV #2 32.4 30.6 24.4 22.9 26.1 24.0 30.6 CEA LIST #4 40.3 34.2 32.2 26.0 26.1 21.2 20.1 CEA LIST #5 39.2 33.6 31.6 25.7 25.4 21.0 20.0 CEA LIST #3 40.4 34.1 31.8 25.2 25.3 20.2 20.5 CEA LIST #2 39.6 33.6 30.2 24.2 24.6 20.1 20.1 CEA LIST #1 34.6 29.4 28.7 23.0 23.6 19.0 19.8 KDEVIR #1 28.7 26.1 25.3 22.2 21.1 18.0 17.3 URJC&UNED #3 32.6 28.1 27.9 24.1 19.8 17.3 14.8 MICC #5 29.1 26.2 22.7 20.0 21.4 18.0 18.6 MICC #4 29.2 26.1 22.4 20.0 21.0 18.0 18.6 MICC #3 29.0 26.1 22.3 20.0 21.0 18.1 18.5 URJC&UNED #2 32.2 27.6 27.7 23.8 19.7 17.2 14.6 URJC&UNED #1 32.0 27.6 27.4 23.7 19.2 17.1 14.6 MICC #2 29.0 26.1 23.3 20.4 20.7 17.5 17.0 MICC #1 28.7 25.9 20.4 18.7 20.3 17.3 17.6 KDEVIR #3 28.6 24.8 24.8 21.1 18.7 15.9 15.6 TPT #1 38.6 36.8 30.2 23.0 24.2 19.2 8.2 KDEVIR #6 28.3 24.3 24.5 20.8 18.4 15.7 15.0 KDEVIR #4 29.2 26.4 24.7 20.5 18.5 15.4 15.3 KDEVIR #5 29.0 25.6 24.6 20.2 18.5 15.1 14.5 KDEVIR #2 26.4 23.5 25.0 20.7 19.2 14.8 12.6 SZTAKI #1 32.9 28.2 10.4 9.5 17.7 16.4 16.7 INAOE #3 24.0 19.1 19.7 15.4 17.7 15.2 11.1 SZTAKI #2 32.7 28.0 9.8 8.8 17.1 15.1 16.0 THSSMPAM #3 20.9 15.9 17.0 14.8 13.0 12.7 11.1 THSSMPAM #2 21.7 16.1 17.0 14.8 13.0 12.7 11.1 LMCHFUT #1 N/Aa N/Aa 12.2 11.0 13.6 12.1 11.3 INAOE #1 21.5 17.5 21.3 16.9 9.0 6.9 5.1 THSSMPAM #1 16.3 12.0 18.2 11.8 13.7 10.0 6.6 INAOE #2 23.6 19.0 24.8 16.7 6.3 4.8 4.7 THSSMPAM #4 15.9 11.9 15.5 11.8 12.2 10.0 6.6 THSSMPAM #5 15.8 11.9 15.5 11.8 12.2 10.0 6.6 INAOE #4 17.9 8.3 15.9 6.2 11.7 3.4 2.3 a Concept scores not provided, only annotation decisions. 12 MF1 -concepts unseen MF1 -concepts MF1 -samples MAP-samples 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 TPT #6 TPT #4 TPT #2 TPT #5 TPT #3 TPT #1 Wilson’s method. MIL #4 MIL #1 MIL #2 MIL #5 MIL #3 UNIMORE #2 UNIMORE #5 M. Villegas et al. UNIMORE #1 UNIMORE #6 UNIMORE #3 UNIMORE #4 RUC #4 RUC #5 RUC #3 RUC #2 RUC #1 UNED&UV #3 UNED&UV #5 UNED&UV #4 UNED&UV #1 UNED&UV #2 CEA LIST #4 CEA LIST #5 CEA LIST #3 CEA LIST #2 CEA LIST #1 KDEVIR #1 KDEVIR #3 KDEVIR #6 KDEVIR #4 KDEVIR #5 KDEVIR #2 URJC&UNED #3 URJC&UNED #2 URJC&UNED #1 MICC #5 MICC #4 MICC #3 MICC #2 MICC #1 SZTAKI #1 SZTAKI #2 INAOE #3 INAOE #1 INAOE #2 INAOE #4 THSSMPAM #3 THSSMPAM #2 THSSMPAM #1 THSSMPAM #4 THSSMPAM #5 LMCHFUT #1 missions. The error bars correspond to the 95% confidence intervals computed using Fig. 2: Graphs showing the test set performance measures (in %) for all the sub- Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 13 3.3 Discussion Due to the considerable participation in this evaluation very interesting results have been obtained. As can be observed in Table 2 and Figure 2, most of the submitted runs significantly outperformed the baseline system for both the de- velopment and test sets. When analyzing the sample based performances, very large differences can be observed amongst the systems. For both MAP-samples and MF1 -samples the improvement has been from below 10% to over 40%. More- over, the confidence intervals are relatively narrow, making the improvements quite significant. An interesting detail to note is that for MAP-samples there are several top performing systems, however, when comparing to the respective MF1 -samples measures, three of the TPT submissions clearly outperform the rest. The key difference between these is the method for deciding which con- cepts are selected for a given image. This leads to believe that that many of the systems could improve greatly by changing that last step of their systems. As a side note, many of the participants chose to use the same scheme as the baseline system for selecting the concepts, the top N and fixed for all images. The number of concepts per image is expected to be variable, thus making this strategy less than optimal. Future work should be addressed in this direction. The MF1 -concepts results in Figure 2, in contrast to the sample based per- formances, present much wider confidence intervals. This is due to two reasons, there are fewer concepts than sample images and the performance for differ- ent concepts varies greatly (see Figure 3). This effect is even greater for the MF1 -concepts unseen, since these were only 21. Nevertheless, for MF1 -concepts unseen, the top performing systems are statistically significantly better than the baselines and some of the lower performance systems. Moreover, in Figure 3 it can be observed that the unseen concepts do not tend to perform worse. The difficulty of each particular concept affects more the performance than the fact that these have not been seen during development, or from another perspective the systems have been able to generalize rather well to the new concepts. Thus, this demonstrates potential for scalability of the systems. It would be desired for future benchmarking campaigns of this type to have more labeled data available for the evaluation, or find an alternative more automatic analysis, to be able to compare better the systems in this scalability performance aspect. In contrast to usual image annotation evaluations with labeled training data, this challenge required work in more fronts, such as handling the noisy data, textual processing and multilabel annotations. This has given considerable free- dom to the participants to concentrate their efforts in different aspects. Several teams extracted their own visual features, for which they did observe improve- ments with respect to the features provided by the organizers. On the other hand, for the textual processing, several different approaches were tried by the participants. Some of these teams (namely MIL, UNIMORE, CEA LIST, and URJC&UNED) reported in their working notes papers and/or as observed in the results in this paper that as more information and additional resources are used (e.g. synonyms, plus hyponyms, etc.) the performance of the systems im- proved. Curiously, the best performing system, TPT, only used the provided 14 M. Villegas et al. visual features and did a very simple expansion of the concepts. Overall it seems that several of the proposed ideas by the participants are complementary, and thus considerable improvements could be expected in future works. 4 Conclusions This paper presented an overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Scalable Concept Image Annotation Subtask, the second edition of a challenge aimed at develop- ing more scalable image annotation systems. The goal was to develop annotation systems that for training only rely on unsupervised web data and other automat- ically obtainable resources, thus making it easy to add or change the concepts for annotation. Considering that it is a relatively new challenge, the participation was excel- lent, 13 teams submitted in total 58 system runs. The performance of the sub- mitted systems was considerably superior to the provided baselines, improving from below 10% to over 40% for both MAP-samples and MF1 -samples measures. With respect to the performance of the systems when analyzed per concept, it was observed that the concepts vary greatly in difficulty. An important result was that for the concepts that were not seen during the development, the im- provement was also significant, thus showing that the systems are capable of successfully using the noisy web data and generalizing well to new concepts. This clearly demonstrates potential for scalability of the systems. Finally, the participating teams presented several interesting approaches to address the pro- posed challenge, concentrating their efforts in different aspects of the problem. Many of these approaches are complementary, thus considerable improvements could be expected in future works. Due to the success of this year’s campaign and the very interesting results obtained, it would be important to continue organizing future editions. To be able to derive better conclusions about the performance generalization to unseen concepts, it would be desirable to have more labeled data available and/or find an alternative more automatic analysis which can help in giving more insight in this respect. Also, related challenges could be organized, for instance it could be assumed that for some concepts there is labeled data available, and find out how to take advantage of both the supervised and unsupervised data. Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful of the support of the CLEF campaign for the ImageCLEF initiative. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the tranScriptorium project (#600707), the LiMoSINe project (#288024), and from the Spanish MEC under the STraDA project (TIN2012-37475-C02-01). Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 15 Fig. 3: Boxplots (also known as box-and-whiskers) for the test set of the per concept annotation F1 -measures (in %) for all runs combined. unpaved rodent monument cloudless closeup male female spectacles indoor overcast smoke daytime shadow poster countryside embroidery elder teenager bird drum outdoor The plots are ordered by the median performance. Concepts in red font are the ones not seen in development. park cityscape hat airplane spider highway rain garden child sport dog table reflection phone cat sculpture arthropod coast soil book train guitar footwear diagram sign bridge baby fish rainbow reptile car harbor motorcycle truck river submarine nighttime painting toy helicopter portrait castle wagon beach food chair violin horse instrument drink bottle church butterfly lake fire silhouette traffic bicycle sun logo snow sand protest moon flower furniture grass forest sea vehicle newspaper aerial boat desert tricycle nebula cloud pool road building galaxy mountain bus water sky cartoon tree fog person plant underwater space lightning sunrise/sunset firework 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 16 M. Villegas et al. References 1. Benavent, X., Castellanos, A., de Ves, E., Hernández-Aranda, D., Granados, R., Garcia-Serrano, A.: A multimedia IR-based system for the Photo Annotation Task at ImageCLEF2013. 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A Concept List WN 3.0 WN 3.0 #images Concept Type Wikipedia article sense# offset dev. test aerial adj. 1 01380267 Aerial photography 39 72 airplane noun 1 02691156 Airplane 13 20 baby noun 1 09827683 Baby 9 29 beach noun 1 09217230 Beach 36 51 bicycle noun 1 02834778 Bicycle 17 15 bird noun 1 01503061 Bird 25 30 boat noun 1 02858304 Boat 59 83 book noun 2, 1 02870092, 06410904 Book 22 22 bridge noun 1 02898711 Bridge 35 44 building noun 1 02913152 Building 188 288 car noun 1 02958343 Car 47 86 cartoon noun 1 06780678 Cartoon 31 73 castle noun 2 02980441 Castle 18 20 cat noun 1 02121620 Cat 12 21 child noun 1 09917593 Child 23 60 church noun 2 03028079 Church (building) 12 16 cityscape noun 1 06209770 Cityscape 67 95 closeup noun 1 03049695 Closeup 15 56 cloud noun 2 09247410 Cloud 239 340 cloudless adj. 1 00460946 - 99 159 coast noun 1 09428293 Coast 46 64 countryside noun 1 08645033 Countryside 43 74 daytime noun 1 15164957 Daytime (astronomy) 587 989 desert noun 1 08505573 Desert 19 27 diagram noun 1 03186399 Diagram 11 23 dog noun 1 02084071 Dog 28 34 drum noun 1 03249569 Drum 12 9 elder noun 1 10048218 Elderly 12 37 embroidery noun 2 03282933 Embroidery 10 14 female noun 2 09619168 Female 41 149 fire noun 3, 1 13480848, 07302836 Fire 28 34 firework noun 1 03348454 Firework 11 20 fish noun 1 02512053 Fish 17 33 flower noun 2 11669335 Flower 46 111 fog noun 2 14521648 Fog 17 39 food noun 2, 1 07555863, 00021265 Food 20 59 footwear noun 1, 2 03381126, 03380867 Footwear 19 40 forest noun 1, 2 08438533, 09284015 Forest 96 129 furniture noun 1 03405725 Furniture 52 120 garden noun 1 03417345 Garden 14 21 grass noun 1 12102133 Grass 162 253 guitar noun 1 03467517 Guitar 7 13 harbor noun 1 08639058 Harbor 20 35 helicopter noun 1 03512147 Helicopter 8 14 highway noun 1 03519981 Highway 15 16 horse noun 1 02374451 Horse 18 44 indoor adj. 1 01692786 - 87 218 instrument noun 6 03800933 Musical instrument 34 58 lake noun 1 09328904 Lake 43 65 lightning noun 1, 2 11475279, 07412993 Lightning 10 16 logo noun 1 07272084 Logo 15 35 male noun 2 09624168 Male 53 115 monument noun 1 03743902 Monument 8 19 moon noun 1 09358358 Moon 7 31 motorcycle noun 1 03790512 Motorcycle 12 20 mountain noun 1 09359803 Mountain 100 181 newspaper noun 3, 1 03822171, 06267145 Newspaper 9 9 continues in next page Overview of the ImageCLEF 2013 Annotation Subtask 19 WN 3.0 WN 3.0 #images Concept Type Wikipedia article sense# offset dev. test nighttime noun 1 15167027 Nighttime 54 90 outdoor adj. 1, 2 01692222, 03095372 - 615 1023 overcast noun 1 14524198 Overcast 64 71 painting noun 1 03876519 Painting 41 82 park noun 2 08615374 Park 19 28 person noun 1 00007846 Person 233 538 plant noun 2 00017222 Plant 393 694 portrait noun 1 07202391 Portrait 10 26 poster noun 1 06793426 Poster 6 16 protest noun 2 01177033 Protest 9 19 rain noun 1 11501381 Rain 12 29 rainbow noun 1 09403427 Rainbow 9 15 reflection noun 4, 5 04747115, 04068976 Mirror image 63 78 river noun 1 09411430 River 79 77 road noun 1 04096066 Road 122 212 sand noun 1 15019030 Sand 47 79 sculpture noun 2 00937656 Sculpture 23 55 sea noun 1 09426788 Sea 97 133 shadow noun 2 08646306 Shadow 50 98 sign noun 2 06793231 Sign 55 78 silhouette noun 1 08613345 Silhouette 26 39 sky noun 1 09436708 Sky 440 678 smoke noun 1 11508092 Smoke 26 17 snow noun 2 15043763 Snow 52 80 soil noun 2 14844693 Soil 40 79 sport noun 1 00523513 Sport 31 87 sun noun 1 09450163 Sun 30 62 sunrise/sunset noun 1, 1 15168790, 15169248 Sunrise/Sunset 36 52 teenager noun 1 09772029 Teenager 18 27 toy noun 1 03964744 Toy 24 31 traffic noun 1 08425303 Traffic 24 39 train noun 1 04468005 Train 32 24 tree noun 1 13104059 Tree 272 451 truck noun 1 04490091 Truck 23 38 underwater adj. 1, 2 02472252, 00124685 Underwater 23 55 unpaved adj. 1 01739987 - 13 21 vehicle noun 1 04524313 Vehicle 203 374 water noun 6 07935504 Water 288 430 arthropod noun 1 01767661 Arthropod - 78 bottle noun 1 02876657 Bottle - 32 bus noun 1 02924116 Bus - 45 butterfly noun 1 02274259 Butterfly - 16 chair noun 1 03001627 Chair - 63 drink noun 1 07885223 Drink - 53 galaxy noun 3 08271042 Galaxy - 21 hat noun 1 03497657 Hat - 78 nebula noun 3 09366940 Nebula - 16 phone noun 1 04401088 Phone - 26 pool noun 1 03982060 Swimming pool - 30 reptile noun 1 01661091 Reptile - 34 rodent noun 1 02329401 Rodent - 44 space noun 4 08500433 Outer space - 84 spectacles noun 1 04272054 Spectacles - 62 spider noun 1 01772222 Spider - 19 submarine noun 1 04347754 Submarine - 24 table noun 2 04379243 Table (furniture) - 49 tricycle noun 1 04482393 Tricycle - 15 violin noun 1 04536866 Violin - 23 wagon noun 1 04543158 Wagon - 29