=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-QA4MRE-deOliveiraDaCostaMarquesEt2013 |storemode=property |title=Combining Text Mining Techniques for QA4MRE 2013 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-QA4MRE-deOliveiraDaCostaMarquesEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/MarquesV13 }} ==Combining Text Mining Techniques for QA4MRE 2013== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-QA4MRE-deOliveiraDaCostaMarquesEt2013.pdf
Combining text mining techniques for QA4MRE

       Guilherme de Oliveira da Costa Marques1 and Mathias Verbeke2
           Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), campus Sorocaba, Brazil
                  Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, Belgium

      Abstract. This paper describes a lexical system developed for the main
      task of Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation 2013 (QA4MRE).
      The presented system executes the preprocessing of test documents, and
      generates hypotheses consisting of the question text combined with text
      from possible answers for the question. The hypotheses are compared
      to sentences from the text by the means of a set similarity measure.
      The k best similarity scores obtained by each hypothesis are averaged as
      ranking score for the hypothesis. Two variations of the developed system
      were utilized, one of them employing coreference detection and resolu-
      tion techniques in order to take advantage of the discourse structure on
      the question answering process. The results generated by the systems
      in QA4MRE 2013 edition are presented and analyzed. The presented
      system should serve as a solid base for the development of a semantic
      approach on the task.

1   Introduction

The QA4MRE competition [1] focuses on the Question Answering field of Ma-
chine Reading. Adopting the form of several tests spread over a few themes, it
aims at evaluating a system’s Natural Language Understanding capabilities by
the means of multiple choice questions.
    The main task of the competition is currently composed by four topics:
“AIDS”, “Climate Change”, “Music and Society” and “Alzheimer’s”. A back-
ground collection of texts is provided for all topics. This collection attempts to
encompass all specific domain knowledge of the topic.
    The 2013 edition consists of 16 reading tests, 4 on each topic. Each reading
test presents a text document followed by 15 to 20 questions about it. Those are
multiple choice questions with 5 alternatives, the last one being “None of the
    Questions are distributed over different degrees of complexity as to the knowl-
edge and inference required to devise the correct answer. The simplest ones have
both the question fact and the answer appearing directly in the same sentence
of the text. Others have the question fact and the answer appearing in distinct
sentences. Some questions require background knowledge or inference, and some
may require the use of both.
Question: What caused an improvement in sound quality in 1950?

 1. the introduction of soundtrack recording on 35 mm magnetic tape
 2. the use of an optical soundtrack
 3. the adoption of a quadraphonic sountrack
 4. the specialisation in silent films
 5. none of the above
                           Table 1: Example question

   An example question is presented in table 1. For this question, alternative 1
should be identified as correct.
   The system described in this work is based on a text mining baseline sys-
tem [2]. It was developed and tested with data from QA4MRE 2012 edition.
Several parameters and system variations were tested, which are described more
thoroughly in [3]. We do not employ the background collection in the current

2     Methodology
Two different systems were employed for the competition: a main system was
elaborated, and employed both as standalone and as a base for a variation in-
cluding coreference resolution. The structure of both systems is presented in
figure 1.
    Section 2.1 presents the text preprocessing employed on the test documents.
Section 2.2 explains the procedure responsible for ranking the alternatives, while
section 2.3 discusses the different techniques employed in cases where a tie occurs
in the ranking. While all the previously mentioned characteristics are common to
the two systems, section 2.4 explains the additions only present in the coreference

2.1   Preprocessing
Preprocessing of the test documents proceeds according to the following se-
 1. Unicode decoding: treats special unicode characters, generating ASCII-
    safe strings.
 2. Text fixing: corrects some of the formatting issues present in the 2012 test
    set, through the use of regular expressions. Although similar issues were not
    detected with 2013’s test set, the procedure was maintained for safety and
    compatibility reasons.
 3. Sentence tokenization: splits sentences from text into separate strings.
 4. Word tokenzation: segments individual words and punctuation signs from
    text strings.
                  Fig. 1: System structure

(a) Base System                       (b) Coreference System
5. Bag of words model: sentences are represented as sets of word strings.
6. Stopword and punctuation removal: punctuation signs and words clas-
   sified as stopwords according to the English stopword corpus from NLTK [4]
   are removed from the sentences.
7. Stemming or Lemmatization: words are converted into word stems (by
   NLTK’s Porter stemmer) or into lemmas (by NLTK’s WordNet-based lem-
8. Joining of adjacent sentences (optional): in an attempt to perform a
   primitive form of discourse analysis, a procedure where the sets of words from
   adjacent sentences are joined prior to ranking was tested. Results generated
   by this strategy on QA4MRE’12 test set presented an overall improvement
   in accuracy, so this procedure was maintained for the base system.
    With respect to item 7, the choice between stemming and lemmatization took
into consideration the accuracy observed on 2012 test set. For the base system,
lemmatization yielded marginally better results, while the coreference system
presented improved results when stemming was employed.

2.2   Ranking procedure
Ranking is performed by computing the similarity between sentences and hy-
potheses, as presented in Algorithm 1. The hypotheses are generated by joining
question text and the text from alternatives:

                                    Hi = Q ∪ Ai

Algorithm 1 Ranking Procedure
  ranks ← list()
  for all hypothesis hyp in hypotheses list do
      similarities ← list()
      for all sentence sent in document do
         sim ← similarity(sent, hyp)
      end for
      average ← 0
      for all top k values sim in similarities do
         average ← average + sim
      end for
      average ← average/k
  end for
  selected ← indexOf (maximum(ranks))

   The similarity metric employed during the ranking procedure is the MASI
similarity [5], calculated by the formula below:
                                                |set1 ∩ set2 |
                   masi sim(set1 , set2 ) =
                                              max(|set1 |, |set2 |)

   According to the similarity scores calculated between hypotheses and text
sentences, each hypothesis receives an overall ranking score computed as the
average of the k best sentence similarities. The candidate answer chosen by the
system corresponds to the hypothesis which presents the highest ranking score.
The value of k is a parameter provided to the system, and was set to k = 2,
considering the test results obtained with the QA4MRE’12 test set.

2.3   Handling of ties
In some cases, the ranking procedure results in a tie between two or more hy-
potheses. To handle those cases, four different strategies were envised:

 1. All questions where no candidate answer was found (there was a ranking tie)
    were answered as “None of the above”.
 2. All questions where no candidate answer was found were left unanswered.
 3. If the maximum ranking score between the alternatives is inferior to a certain
    threshold, the question is answered as “None of the above”. Otherwise, it is
    left unanswered.
 4. If the maximum ranking score between the alternatives is inferior to a certain
    threshold, the question is answered as “None of the above”. Otherwise, one
    of the tied alternatives is selected at random.

    The reasoning behind the threshold value utilized in 3 and 4 is that in ques-
tions where the ranking values were lower, there would be a higher chance that
none of the alternatives was correct and the question had no answer. In contrast,
in questions where the ranking values were higher, it would be more likely that
there was a correct answer, but the system was unable to find it. This threshold
was empirically set to 0.1.

2.4   Coreference variation
The system illustrated in Figure 1b includes a coreference detection phase, as well
as a coreference resolver. This addition intends to take advantage of discourse
analysis, allowing for the resolution af anaphoric pronouns, as well as other types
of coreferences.
    Coreference detection is performed by Stanford’s NLP suite [6], which out-
puts an XML file containing information on the detected coreferences present in
the processed text. Information extracted from this XML file is employed by the
coreference resolver in the following way:

 1. The representative noun phrase is located.
 2. Words from the representative reference are included in a word set.
 3. Sentences where other references to the same entity appear are located.
 4. The word set from the representative reference is joined into the sentences
    that refer to the same entity.

    This simple strategy presents good results with regards to the resolution of
referential pronouns, in the context of a hypothesis ranking computed through
set similarity: since the words from the representative reference are included in
the word set of referencing sentences, this has a positive impact on the similarity
between those sentences and hypotheses that mention the same entity.

3    Results

Eight distinct runs were submitted to the competition, where the two presented
systems were paired with each one of the four tie strategies described in section
2.3. General results from each run are presented in table 2. In this table, per-
formance is measured according to two metrics: accuracy and the c@1 measure
[7]. C@1 is the main performance measure employed in the competition, and is
calculated as follows:
                                     (nR + nU ∗ nnR )
                             c@1 =
    nR = number of correctly answered questions
    nU = number of unanswered questions
    n = total number of questions

    The competition consisted of a total of 240 main questions, of which 44 re-
quired inference in the answering process. Those inference-demanding questions
had simpler duplicates where the question was phrased in a way the inference was
no longer required. The “c@1 main” accuracy only takes the 240 main questions
into consideration, and “c@1 all ” is calculated over all 284 questions.

                     Algorithm       Main Qs.   All Qs.
                     System Tie Run Accur. c@1 Accur. c@1
                               1 02  0.28 0.28 0.34 0.34
                               2 03  0.23 0.26 0.29 0.33
                   Base + Join
                               3 04  0.27 0.28 0.33 0.35
                               4 05  0.28 0.28 0.35 0.35
                               1 06  0.30 0.30 0.33 0.33
                               2 07  0.22 0.26 0.26 0.30
                               3 08  0.26 0.29 0.29 0.32
                               4 09  0.28 0.28 0.31 0.31
                             Table 2: General results
   Run number 6 presented the best general results, with a c@1 measure of 0.30
on the main questions. The considerable increase in the c@1 metric between
the main set of questions and the complete set reinforces the weakness of the
employed systems with inference demanding questions.

  Algorithm          topic 1        topic 2        topic 3        topic 4
  System Tie Run Median Average Median Average Median Average Median Average
            1 02  0.30     0.33  0.21     0.18  0.22     0.25  0.22     0.21
            2 03  0.26     0.29  0.18     0.16  0.21     0.23  0.19     0.20
Base + Join
            3 04  0.31     0.33  0.19     0.17  0.22     0.25  0.23     0.22
            4 05  0.33     0.33  0.18     0.17  0.22     0.25  0.22     0.22
            1 06  0.37     0.37  0.18     0.19  0.26     0.27  0.17     0.21
            2 07  0.23     0.26  0.20     0.20  0.23     0.23  0.17     0.18
            3 08  0.28     0.31  0.19     0.21  0.27     0.26  0.17     0.20
            4 09  0.27     0.28  0.18     0.19  0.28     0.26  0.19     0.21
                             Table 3: C@1 per topic

    Table 3 lists the c@1 results per topic, for the main set of questions. From the
analysis of this table, a considerable variation in performance between topics can
be noticed: the system presented the best results in topic 1, followed by topic
3; topics 2 and 4 have inferior performance. Another remarkable fact is that
while the best results from the coreference system are superior to the results
from the base system in topic 1, the differences in the results on other topics are

4   Conclusions
The presented methodology is entirely based on lexical similarity. Possible di-
rections for improvement are the inclusion of techniques for proper handling of
questions involving negation (added to 2013 main task, but not present in 2012).
The system could also benefit from a weighted similarity measure that would
prioritize words according to importance.
    Although there is still room for improvement while maintaining the lexical
character of the system, we believe that the ideal focus of future work would be
on establishing a system able to deal with semantic relations through the devel-
opment of strategies aiming at textual and logic inference. We also consider of
crucial importance the development of techniques for knowledge base construc-
tion, which can perform the extraction of domain-specific knowledge from the
background collection.

5   Acknowledgements
Guilherme de Oliveira da Costa Marques is funded by Brazil’s National Coun-
sel of Technological and Scientific Development (Conselho Nacional de Desen-
volvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico - CNPq). Mathias Verbeke is funded by the
Research Foundation Flanders (FWO-project G.0478.10 - Statistical Relational
Learning of Natural Language).

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