=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-QALD3-CabrioEt2013 |storemode=property |title=QALD-3: Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-QALD3-CabrioEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/CabrioCLNUW13 }} ==QALD-3: Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-QALD3-CabrioEt2013.pdf
QALD-3: Multilingual Question Answering over
                Linked Data

     Elena Cabrio1 , Philipp Cimiano2 , Vanessa Lopez3 , Axel-Cyrille Ngonga
              Ngomo4 , Christina Unger2 , and Sebastian Walter2
                           INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
                       CITEC, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
                            IBM Research, Dublin, Ireland
                             Universität Leipzig, Germany

       Abstract. The third edition of the open challenge on Question Answer-
       ing over Linked Data (QALD-3) has put a strong emphasis on multilin-
       guality. This paper provides an overview of the first task, focusing on
       multilingual question answering, which attracted six teams to submit

1     Introduction

Recently there has been much progress towards the goal to provide web users
with natural language access to structured data. In particular, natural language
interfaces to the Web of Data have the advantage that they can exploit the
expressivity of semantic data models to answer complex user queries, while at the
same time hiding their complexity from the user. In this context, multilinguality
has become more and more important, as both the number of actors creating
and publishing data in languages other than English, as well as the amount of
users that access this data and speak native languages other than English is
growing substantially. In order to achieve the goal that users from all countries
have access to the same information, there is an impending need for systems
that can help in overcoming language barriers by facilitating multilingual access
to semantic data originally produced for a different culture and language.
    Since the main objective of the open challenges on question answering over
linked data 1 (QALD) is to provide an up-to-date and challenging dataset that
establishes a standard benchmark against which question answering systems over
structured data can be evaluated and compared, we considered it now time to
enrich the challenge by aspects related to multilinguality.
2     The datasets

In order to evaluate and compare question answering systems on the task of
extracting correct answers for natural language questions or corresponding key-
words from given RDF repositories, we provided three datasets:

 – English DBpedia 3.8 (http://dbpedia.org)
 – Spanish DBpedia (http://es.dbpedia.org)
 – MusicBrainz (http://musicbrainz.org)

    MusicBrainz is a collaborative effort to create an open content music database.
The dataset provided for the challenge is an RDF export containing all classes
(artists, albums and tracks) and the most important properties of the Mu-
sicBrainz database, building on the Music Ontology2 .
    DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wiki-
pedia and to make this information available as RDF data. The RDF dataset
provided for the challenge is the official DBpedia 3.8 dataset for English, in-
cluding multilingual labels and links, in particular to to YAGO3 categories and
MusicBrainz. Since 2011, information from Wikipedia is extracted also in 15
non-English languages, including Spanish. So far, the English DBpedia contains
400 million RDF triples and the Spanish DBpedia contains almost 100 million
RDF triples.
    In addition to the datasets, we released 100 English training questions for
MusicBrainz and 100 training questions for DBpedia in six different languages:
English, Spanish, German, Italian, French and Dutch, as well as slightly adapted
50 training questions over Spanish DBpedia. The questions are of different com-
plexity levels and are annotated with manually specified SPARQL queries and
answers, as well as information on the answer type and whether the question
requires aggregation operations beyond simple triple matching (e.g. counting
and filters) in order to be answered. An example of a question from the DBpe-
dia training set is given in Figure 1, while an example of a question from the
Spanish DBpedia training set is shown in Figure 2. Along with a unique ID, the
following attributes are specified for each question:

 – answertype gives the answer type, which can be one the following:
     • resource: One or many resources, for which the URI is provided.
     • string: A string value such as Valentina Tereshkova.
     • number: A numerical value such as 47 or 1.8.
     • date: A date provided in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 1983-11-02.
     • boolean: Either true or false.
 – aggregation indicates whether any operations beyond triple pattern match-
   ing are required to answer the question (e.g., counting, filters, ordering, etc.).
    For detailed information on the YAGO class hierarchy, please see http://www.
     – onlydbo is given only for questions on English DBpedia and reports whether
       the query relies exclusively on concepts from the DBpedia ontology; similarly
       for onlyesdbp for questions on Spanish DBpedia.
    During the test phase, participating systems were then evaluated with respect to
    precision and recall on similarly annotated test questions in the same languages
    (99 for English DBpedia, 50 for Spanish DBpedia and MusicBrainz each).

1  < question id ="40" answertype =" resource "
2                          aggregation =" true "
 3                         onlydbo =" true " >
 4 < string lang =" en " >

 5 What is the highest mountain in Australia ?


 7 < string lang =" de " >

 8 Was ist der höchste Berg in Australien ?


10 < string lang =" es " >

11 ¿Cuál es la monta~  n a más alta de Australia ?

13 < string lang =" it " >

14 Qual è la montagna più alta d ’ Australia ?


16 < string lang =" fr " >

17 Quelle est la plus haute montagne d ’ Australie ?


19 < string lang =" nl " >

20 Wat is de hoogste berg van Australië?


22 < keywords ... / >

23 < query >

24 PREFIX dbo : < http :// dbpedia . org / ontology / >

25 PREFIX res : < http :// dbpedia . org / resource / >

26 PREFIX rdf : < http :// www . w3 . org /1999/02/22 - rdf - syntax - ns # >


28 WHERE {

29     ? uri rdf : type dbo : Mountain .
30     ? uri dbo : locatedInArea res : Australia .
31     ? uri dbo : elevation ? elevation .
32 }

33 ORDER BY DESC (? elevation ) LIMIT 1



    Fig. 1. Example question from the English DBpedia training question set, provided in
    six different languages
1  < question id ="37" answertype =" resource "
2                          aggregation =" false "
 3                         onlyesdbp =" true " >
 4 < string lang =" en " >

 5 Give me all films produced by Pedro Almodóvar .


 7 < string lang =" es " >

 8 Dame todas las pelı́culas producidas por Pedro Almodóvar .


10 < query >

11 PREFIX dbo : < http :// dbpedia . org / ontology / >

12 PREFIX esdbp : < http :// es . dbpedia . org / property / >

13 PREFIX esres : < http :// es . dbpedia . org / resource / >

14 PREFIX rdf : < http :// www . w3 . org /1999/02/22 - rdf - syntax - ns # >


16 WHERE {

17    ? uri rdf : type dbo : Film .
18    ? uri esdbp : producción esres : Pedro_Almodóvar .
19 }



         Fig. 2. Example question from the Spanish DBpedia training question set

        The availability of the DBpedia dataset in two languages and gold standard
    questions in six languages gives rise to different levels of difficulty of the task,
    ranging from question answering over English DBpedia in English and question
    answering over Spanish DBpedia in Spanish, to question answering over English
    DBpedia in German, French, Italian and Dutch. Including MusicBrainz as an
    additional dataset furthermore keeps the complexity that the QALD challenges
    already reached with respect to the major challenges involved in querying linked
    data, independent of multilinguality.
        As an additional challenge, a few of the training and test questions were out
    of scope, i.e. they could not be answered with respect to the dataset, in order
    to test systems on the ability to distinguish whether an empty answer is due
    to a failure of the system or due to the fact that no answer is contained in the
    data. Further, seven questions were provided that require both the DBpedia and
    MusicBrainz dataset in order to be answered.

    3   Evaluation measures

    The results submitted online by participating systems were automatically com-
    pared to the gold standard results. Participating systems were evaluated with
    respect to precision and recall. Moreover, participants were encouraged to report
    performance, i.e. the average time their system takes to answer a query. For each
question q, precision, recall and F-measure were computed as follows:
                            number of correct system answers for q
                Recall(q) =
                            number of gold standard answers for q
                            number of correct system answers for q
             Precision(q) =
                               number of system answers for q

                                    2 ∗ Precision(q) × Recall(q)
                  F-Measure(q) =
                                      Precision(q) + Recall(q)
On the basis of these measures, overall precision and recall values as well as an
overall F-measure value were computed as the average mean of the precision,
recall and F-measure values for all questions. Below, precision, recall and F-
measure values refer to the averaged values.
    In order to access the datasets, they could either be downloaded or queried
by means of the provided SPARQL endpoints. For the Spanish DBpedia the
evaluation took place with respect to the official Spanish DBpedia endpoint. For
the English DBpedia, the evaluation took place with respect to the provided
SPARQL endpoint (not the official one), in order to ensure invariable and com-
parable results. Submissions of results by participating systems were required
in the provided XML format to facilitate the automatic comparison of the an-
swers provided by the system with the ones provided by the gold standard XML

4     Results
Six participating systems submitted results, all of them on the English DBpedia
question set and one also on the MusicBrainz question set. In the following, we
give some details on the participating systems and the results.

4.1    Overview of the evaluated systems
The six participating systems follow different approaches to interpret and answer
questions over linked data. Some approaches rely on linguistic techniques and
syntactic patterns, while others implement a statistical approach. Among the
external sources used by participating systems, Wikipedia and WordNet are the
most commonly exploited for semantic knowledge extraction (e.g., to discover
similarities across words). External tools for text processing are used for prepro-
cessing and analysing the queries, in particular Stanford CoreNLP4 , MaltParser5
and Chaos6 , while Information Retrieval tools such as Lucene7 are used to ei-
ther create indexes (e..g, of Wikipedia version) or to obtain similarity scores. In
what follows we provide some basic information about each of the participating
   SWIP, submitted by the IRIT group from the University of Toulouse in
France, is based on query patterns to address the task of interpreting natural
language queries. The query interpretation process consists of two main steps.
First, the natural language question is translated into a pivot query, capturing
the query focus and the dependencies and relations between substrings of the
natural language question. Second, the pivot query is mapped to predefined
query patterns, obtaining a list of potential interpretations of the user question.
The interpretations are then ranked according to their estimated relevance and
proposed to the user in form of reformulated natural language questions.
    CASIA, submitted by the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and
the institute of Automation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing,
implements a pipeline consisting of question analysis, resource mapping and
SPARQL generation. More specifically, the system first transforms natural lan-
guage questions into a set of query triples of the form ,
based on a shallow and deep linguistic analysis. Second, it instantiates these
query triples with corresponding resources from DBpedia, resulting in ontology
triples. Third, based on the ontology triples and question type, SPARQL queries
are constructed. Finally, the candidate queries are validated and ranked, and the
best query is selected.
    Squall2sparql, by IRISA in the University of Rennes, France, is a translator
from SQUALL, a controlled natural language for English, to SPARQL. Given
a SQUALL sentence, the system first translates it into an intermediate logical
representation based on Montague grammar. This intermediate representation
is then translated into SPARQL by mapping logical constructs to combinations
of SPARQL constructs.
    Scalewelis, also by IRISA in the University of Rennes, is a faceted search
system that guides the user through the search for an answer. Starting from an
initial SPARQL query, facets are created for the first 1,000 results retrieved by
that query, consisting of the classes the results belong to as well as properties
that relate the results to other entities in the dataset. The user’s selection of a
facet is then used to refine the query until the answer is found.
    The RTV system, by the Enterprise Engineering department in the Univer-
sity of Rome Tor Vergata, integrates lexical semantic modelling and statistical
inferences within an architecture that decomposes the natural language inter-
pretation task into a cascade of three different stages: i) the selection of salient
information from the question (i.e. predicate, arguments and properties), ii) the
location of the salient information in the ontology through joint disambiguation
of all candidates, and iii) the compilation of the final query against RDF triples.
This architecture exploits a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to select the proper
ontological triples according to the graph nature of RDF. In particular, for each
query, an HMM model is produced whose Viterbi solution is the comprehensive
joint disambiguation across the sentence elements.
    Intui2, by the University of Tubingen in Germany, analyses the questions in
terms of the syntactic constituents, so-called synfragments, they are composed of.
Syntactically, a synfragment corresponds to a subtree of the syntactic parse tree
of the question. Semantically, it is a minimal span of text that can be interpreted
as a concept URI, an RDF triple or a complex RDF query. These synfragments
are then compositionally combined to an interpretation of the whole input ques-

4.2     Evaluation results

Tables 1 and 2 show the results obtained by the participating systems over
DBpedia and MusicBrainz datasets, respectively. The column processed states
for how many of the questions the system provided an answer, right specifies how
many of these questions were answered with an F-measure of 1, and partially
specifies how many of the questions were answered with an F-measure strictly
between 0 and 1. On the DBpedia dataset, the best F-measure was 0.9 and
the lowest was 0.17, the average being 0.4. These results are comparable to the
results achieved in earlier challenges, showing that the level of complexity of the
questions is still very demanding.

        System       Total Processed Right Partially Recall Precision F-measure
        squall2sparql 99      99      80      13      0.88    0.93      0.90
        CASIA         99      52      29      8       0.36    0.35      0.36
        Scalewelis    99      70      32       1      0.33    0.33      0.33
        RTV           99      55      30       4      0.34    0.32      0.33
        Intui2        99      99      28       4      0.32    0.32      0.32
        SWIP          99      21      15      2       0.16    0.17      0.17
                        Table 1. Results for DBpedia test set

          System Total Processed Right Partially Recall Precision F-measure
          SWIP    50      33      24      2       0.51    0.51      0.51
                       Table 2. Results for MusicBrainz test set

      The following questions on DBpedia were answered by all systems:

                   ID Question
                    21 What is the capital of Canada?
                    22 Who is the governor of Wyoming?
                    30 What is the birth name of Angela Merkel?
                    68 How many employees does Google have?
And the following questions on DBpedia were answered by no systems:

ID Question
 14 Give me all members of Prodigy.
 16 Does the new Battlestar Galactica series have more episodes than the old one?
 92 Show me all songs from Bruce Springsteen released between 1980 and 1990.
 96 Give me all B-sides of the Ramones.

    While question answering systems over structured data can greatly bene-
fit from exploiting ontological relationships in order to understand and dis-
ambiguate a query, inheriting relationships and linking word meanings across
datasets, a great challenge for this type of systems lies in being able to deal with
the heterogeneity and noise intrinsic in the large amount of interlinked data. The
openness of the domain and the datasets used in this evaluation are large enough
to raise both scalability and heterogeneity issues. An important challenge lies
in being able to map implicit relations in the input, indicated by light verbs
(e.g. by to be and to have) or light prepositions like of and with to explicit rela-
tions in the corresponding SPARQL query. For example, a linguistically simple
question such as question 39 (Give me all companies in Munich) can be trans-
lated into any of three RDF properties dbp:location, dbo:headquartered and
dbo:locationCity. A question answering system should be aware of all this
possible translations to have a good recall.
    Of the questions in the test set, 45 queries require to search the answer using
other namespaces than the DBpedia ontology (attribute onlydbo=false), such
as YAGO or FOAF, and 19 queries require aggregation operations (attribute
aggregation=true), such as comparisons, like in 16 above, superlatives, like
in question 15 (What is the longest river?), or filtering, like in 92 above. It is
especially on these complex queries that the systems perform poorly on.
    Further, the challenge to identify out-of-scope questions was addressed only
by one system, squall2sparql. The reason for the excellent performance of this
system is due to the fact that the questions have been first manually translated
into the SQUALL controlled languages and terms have been mapped to URIs,
thus removing many ambiguities already.
    The QALD website contains detailed information about the precision and
recall per question for all systems, thus providing the basis for a detailed com-
parison of the different systems.

5   Summary

The goal of the QALD challenge is to provide a non-trivial benchmark that
allows to systematically compare different systems under the same conditions.
The evaluation results indicate that the challenge is far from easy, with systems
being still quite far away from answers all questions correctly. Nevertheless, most
systems achieved decent F-measures between 32% and 36%, showing that the
task is in principle feasible. We are optimistic that in the future the results on
the challenge will steadily increase as the systems are developed further and
become more mature.
   Unfortunately, none of the systems worked on the Spanish DBpedia dataset
and none of the systems used natural language questions other than the English
ones. This clearly shows that the state-of-the-art is not yet that advanced and
that research is still struggling to provide answers in one language. Nevertheless,
the dataset is out for public use and in the next years we will surely see results
on other languages published.
   Overall, we feel that we have provided a solid basis for future research on
question answering over linked data by providing a challenging and exciting
benchmark dataset to work on, allowing to systematically compare different
systems to each other under the same conditions.