=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-RepLab-HangyaEt2013 |storemode=property |title=Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-RepLab-HangyaEt2013.pdf |volume=Vol-1179 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/HangyaF13 }} ==Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1179/CLEF2013wn-RepLab-HangyaEt2013.pdf
    Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation
                Management on Tweets

                       Viktor Hangya and Richárd Farkas

                             University of Szeged,
                           Department of Informatics
                 hangyav@gmail.com, rfarkas@inf.u-szeged.hu

      Abstract. In this paper we introduce our contribution to the RepLab
      2013 – An evaluation campaign for Online Reputation Management Sys-
      tems challenge. We participated in the filtering and polarity detection
      subtasks. The task of filtering is to determine whether a tweet is related
      to an entity. Then we classify tweets into positive, negative or neutral
      classes from the entity point of view. To solve these problems we em-
      ployed supervised machine learning techniques. We applied several Twit-
      ter specific text preprocessing and features engineering methods. Besides
      supervised methods, we experimented with incorporating clustering in-
      formation as well. Our system was ranked 2nd in the filtering task and
      1st in the polarity detection task.

      Keywords: Reputation management, Sentiment analysis, Twitter

1    Introduction
In the past few years, the popularity of social media has increased. People post
messages on a variety of topics for example products, political issues, etc. Thus a
big amount of user generated data is created day-by-day. The manual processing
of this data is impossible, therefore automatic procedures are needed. Many
studies have been made in the area [6, 13], for example predicting the results of
elections [14], monitoring brands [9] or predicting stock price changes [15].
    In this paper we introduce our contribution for the RepLab 2013 An evalua-
tion campaign for Online Reputation Management Systems challenge [3]. Here,
the end-user application is monitoring the reputation of several entities, like
companies, organizations, celebrities, etc. from Twitter messages. The organiz-
ers defined four tasks, namely filtering, polarity classification, topic detection
and assigning priority, from which we take part in the first two ones. In the case
of the filtering task the goal was to determine which tweets are related to a given
entity and which are not, for instance, distinguishing between tweets that con-
tain the word “Stanford” referring to the University of Stanford or to Stanford
as a place. This step is necessary as we can ignore the unrelated tweets, so this
step could be considered as a preprocessing step. The task of polarity detection
is to decide whether a given tweet carries positive, negative or neutral message
towards the entity in question.
2         Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets

    The data provided by the organizers of the challenge consists of English and
Spanish messages. The data was crawled from 61 entities each from automotive,
banking, universities or music/artists domains. The data was collected using the
entities canonical names as queries. Besides the train and test databases a set of
background tweets were also provided which could be used while preparing our
    We created a similar system for the filtering and polarity detection tasks. It
is an n-gram based supervised model as it has been shown that it works well
on short messages like tweets [1, 5, 10, 11]. We reduced the size of the dictionary
by normalizing the messages. Furthermore we examined novel methods which
increased the precision of our classifiers for example specially weighting our fea-
tures and using the results of topic modeling technologies. In case of the filtering
task the official evaluation metric was an F measure calculated from the relia-
bility and sensitivity values [2]. Besides the organizers provided the accuracy of
the participated systems as well. Our system achieved 0.438 F measure in this
task which is the second best result from all off the participated systems, and
achieved 0.928 accuracy which is the best. In the polarity detection task, the
official measure was the accuracy. We achieved an accuracy of 0.685, the highest
value among the participants.

2      Approach

We employed a unigram model along with tweet-specific normalization tech-
niques. We investigated novel features as well, which increased the accuracy
of our classifier. For implementation we used the MALLET toolkit, which is a
Java-based package for natural language processing [12].

2.1     Normalization

One reason for the unusually big dictionary size of the standard unigram model
is that it contains one word in many forms, for example in upper and lower
case, in a misspelled form, with character repetition, etc. On the other hand,
it contains various special annotations which are typical for blogging, such as
Twitter-specific annotations, URL’s, smiles, etc. Keeping these in mind we made
the following normalization steps:

    • First, in order to get rid of the multiple forms of a single word we converted
      them into lower case form then we stemmed them. For this purpose we used
      the Porter Stemming Algorithm.
    • We replaced the @ Twitter-specific tag and every URL with the [USER] and
      [URL] notations, respectively. Besides, in case of a hash tag we deleted the
      hash mark from it, for example we converted #funny to funny. This way we
      do not distinguish Twitter specific tag from other words.
    • Smileys in messages play an important role in polarity classification. For
      this reason we grouped them into positive and negative smiley classes. We
      Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets        3

   considered :), :-),: ), :D, =), ;), ; ), (: and :(, :-(, : (, ):, ) : smileys as
   positive and negative, respectively.
 • Since numbers do not contain information regarding a message polarity, we
   converted them as well to the [NUMBER] form. In addition, we replaced the
   question and exclamation marks with the [QUESTION_MARK] and [EX-
   CLAMATION_MARK] notations. After this we removed the unnecessary
   characters ’"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>\^{}~, with the exception that we removed
   the ’ character only if a word started or ended with it.
 • In the case of words which contained character repetitions – more precisely
   those which contained the same character at least three times in a row –, we
   reduced the length of this sequence to three. For instance, in the case of the
   word yeeeeahhhhhhh we got the form yeeeahhh. This way we unified these
   character repetitions, but we did not loose this extra information.

    Before the normalization step, the dictionary contained approximately 113, 000
words. After the above introduced steps we managed to reduce the size of the
dictionary to 38, 000 words. It is important to mention that we handle English
and Spanish tweets the same way.

2.2   Features

After normalizing Twitter messages, we investigated feature space for a super-
vised classifier. In many cases, phrases are important because they can catch
aspects of messages that simple unigrams can’t. For example “don’t like” if we
handle the two words separately we lose the knowledge that the negation word
refers to the word “like”. From this reason we examined the effects of bigrams
and trigrams and we realized that bigrams can improve the accuracy of our clas-
sifier. However trigrams did not improve our result significantly so we used only
bigrams besides unigrams. Furthermore, we added a new feature as well which
is the number of negation words in a message.
     We searched for special features which characterize the polarity of the tweets.
One such feature is the polarity of each word in a message. To determine the
polarity of a word, we used the SentiWordNet sentiment lexicon [4]. In this
lexicon, a positive, negative and an objective real value belong to each word,
which describes the polarity of the given word. We created three new features
for each tweet which are the sum of the positive, negative and objective values
divided by the number of words in a message.
     For handling acronyms, we used an acronym lexicon which can be found on
the www.internetslang.com website. For each acronym we separately summed
up the positive and negative values of each word in the description of the acronym
and we normalized them by the number of words in the description. Then for each
tweet we added two new features which are the sums of the positive and negative
values of the acronyms in the message divided by the number of acronyms.
     Our intuition was that people like to use character repetitions in their
words for expressing their happiness or sadness. Besides normalizing these tokens
4      Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets

(see Section 2.1), we created a new feature as well, which represents the number
of this kind of words in a tweet.
    Beyond character repetitions people like to write words or a part of the text
in upper case in order to call the reader’s attention. Because of this we created
another feature which is the number of upper case words in the given text.
    Since the task is to filter tweets related to given entity and to classify them
by their sentiments, we found it important to sign whether the message contains
the mention of the entity or not (e.g. the username can also contains the name
of the entity). For this purpose we created a binary feature which indicates this
    Furthermore it could be helpful to take into consideration the distance be-
tween the token in question and the mention of the target entity. The
closer a token is to an entity the more the possibility that the given token is
related to the entity. For example consider following message where the first
sentence does not refer to BMW at all:

    I do agree that money can’t buy happiness. But somehow, it’s more
    comfortable to sit and cry in a BMW than on a bicycle!

For this reason we weighted each word in the message by its distance from the
mention of given entities:

                                       1                                      (1)
                                     e n |i−j|
where n is the length of the message, i and j are the position of the actual word
and the mention of the entity in the message. Besides this, because different
properties could be positive or negative to different entities we created a new
feature which is the name of the entity, this way the classifier could handle
entities differently.
    Beyond the above supervised steps we experimented with leveraging unla-
beled data as well. We used Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [7] for detecting
topics on the train, test and background tweets provided by the RepLab 2013
organizers. The goal of topic modeling is to discover abstract topics that occur
in a collection of documents. As a result of LDA, we get the topic distribution
for each tweet and the topic for each word. We used the topic distributions over
each tweet as features. Each word belongs to a topic, so for a given message we
calculated the number of each topic by its content and used it as a feature as

3   Results

In this section we report the results of the several systems which we experi-
mented with and their parametrization and the official results of the RepLab
2013 challenge. The training data which was provided by the organizers consists
of 36, 940 English and 8, 731 Spanish tweets. From this 15, 123 tweets are from
     Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets         5

automotive, 7, 774 from banking, 6, 964 from universities and 15, 814 from mu-
sic/artists domains. The test data consists of 79, 981 English and 25, 118 Spanish
tweets which are distributed over the four domains similarly like the train data.
In our system we used Maximum Entropy classifier because we earlier showed
that it works well in document classification [8].
    Below we will show the effects of the methods which was introduced in section
2. On figures 1 and 2 the accuracy of our system for both filtering and polarity
detection tasks can be seen while adding more and more features to it. Our
baseline system is named naive which uses simple unigram features without any
normalization steps or extra features. In the norm version of our system we used
all of the normalization steps which we introduced earlier. It can be seen that this
step increased the accuracy for both tasks with a relatively large value. The next
step was to use the bigrams as features besides unigrams and normalization in the
N-gram system. This step increased the accuracy as well. The next system which
we named features uses several abstract features too, which are the polarity
of words and acronyms, the presence of character repetitions and upper case
words and the number of negation words. These features increased our results
marginally. In the so called weighting system we applied the distance based
weighting for each word in the message and in the entities system we used the
presence or absence of the given entity’s name in the messages. These steps
further increased our accuracy. In the last two systems we used the results of
LDA topic modeling with 50 topics. In the topic50 we used the topic distributions
over the messages as features and in the topic50-num we used the number of
topics feature as well. These methods slightly improved our classifier only for
the polarity task. In total, the introduced methods and features improved our
results by 3-4 percents compared to our baseline.
    In table 1 we show the effects of LDA with different number of topics. Here
we used a system that uses all of the above introduced methods and features. It
can be seen that LDA increased our results in both tasks, mainly the F measures.
The best topic number was 50 and 100 for the filtering and polarity detection
tasks, respectively.

                  Table 1. Results with different number of topics

            topic number filtering acc. filtering F polarity acc. polarity F
                  0           0.919         0.380      0.680        0.368
                  20          0.920         0.387      0.680        0.370
                  50          0.919         0.391      0.682        0.375
                 100          0.920         0.388      0.683        0.379

    The RepLab 2013 participants were allowed to send up to ten different runs
per subtask. In case of the filtering task we achieved our best result with the
following system. We used all of the above mentioned methods and features, we
detected 50 topics with LDA on the train and test data. Furthermore we run
6   Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets

                  Fig. 1. Filtering accuracy on test data

                  Fig. 2. Polarity accuracy on test data
     Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets         7

our classifier separately on the four domains (automotive, banking, university,
music/artists). This way we reached 0.438 F measure comparing to the best sys-
tem which reached 0.488 and the baseline provided by the organizers was 0.325.
With this system we reached 0.928 accuracy which turns out to be the highest
value. In case of the polarity detection task our best system was parametrized
as follows. Like before, we used all the technologies which we developed, we de-
tected only 20 topics on the train and test data. Unlike the filtering task, here
we run our classifier on the four domains at the same time. We achieved 0.685
accuracy which is the highest among all of the participated systems, the given
baseline was 0.584. We achieved our highest F measure with a different system
which similar to the previous but it did not use the polarity of the words and
the acronyms. This way we reached 0.381 F measure, whilst the given baseline
was 0.297.
    From this analysis we can conclude that the normalization of the messages
yielded a considerable increase in the accuracy of our classifier. We discussed
above that this step also significantly reduced the size of the dictionary. The fea-
tures and other methods increased the precision as well. During our experiments
we realized that in some cases LDA did not detect topics well which can cause
the low improvements in accuracy by LDA features. For example consider the
following topic which contains these words “the to for a in of and year a”. In
future it would be worth trying to improve the performance of topic modeling.

4   Conclusions and Future Work

Recently, sentiment analysis on Twitter messages has gained a lot of attention
due to the huge amount of Twitter users and their tweets. A commercial exten-
sion of classical binary sentiment analysis is reputation management systems. In
this paper, we examined several methods for filtering relevant tweet by a given
entity and for classifying them by their sentiments for reputation management.
We proposed special features which characterize the polarity and other aspects
of tweets and we concluded that due to the informality (slang, spelling mis-
takes, etc.) of the messages it is crucial to normalize them properly. Our system
achieved outstanding ranks in both filtering and polarity tasks of the RepLab
2013 challenge.
    In the future, we plan to investigate the utility of relations between Twitter
users and between their tweets. Furthermore we would like to examine several
domain adaption methods in such way that we use messages for training from
other sources than Twitter.


This work was supported in part by the European Union and the European Social
Fund through project FuturICT.hu (grant no.: TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-
8       Filtering and Polarity Detection for Reputation Management on Tweets

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