=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Image-BudikovaEt2014 |storemode=property |title=DISA at ImageCLEF 2014: The Search-based Solution for Scalable Image Annotation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Image-BudikovaEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/BudikovaBBZ14 }} ==DISA at ImageCLEF 2014: The Search-based Solution for Scalable Image Annotation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Image-BudikovaEt2014.pdf
    DISA at ImageCLEF 2014: The search-based
       solution for scalable image annotation

          Petra Budikova, Jan Botorek, Michal Batko, and Pavel Zezula

                       Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

        Abstract. This paper presents an annotation tool developed by the
        DISA Laboratory for the ImageCLEF 2014 Scalable Concept Image An-
        notation challenge. Our solution exploits the search-based annotation
        paradigm and utilizes several sources of semantic information to deter-
        mine the relevance of candidate concepts. Rather than relying on the
        quality of training data, our approach profits from the large quantities of
        information available in large image collections and semantic knowledge
        bases. The results achieved by our system confirm that this approach is
        very promising for scalable image annotation.

1     Introduction
While modern technologies allow people to create and store data in many forms
(e.g. images, video, etc.), the most natural way of expressing one’s need for a
specific piece of data is still a text query. Natural language remains the primary
means of information transfer both for person-to-person communication and
person-to-computer interactions. However, a lot of existing digital data is not
associated with any text information that would help users access or categorize
the data. The purpose of automatic annotation is to increase the findability of
information by bridging the gap between data and query representations.
    Since 2006, the ImageCLEF initiative has been encouraging the develop-
ment of image annotation tools by organizing competitions on automatic image
classification and annotation. In the ImageCLEF 2014 Scalable Concept Image
Annotation challenge, participants were required to develop solutions that can
annotate common personal images using only automatically obtained training
data. Utilization of manually prepared training samples was forbidden to ensure
that the solutions would easily scale to larger concept sets.
    This paper presents the annotation tool developed for this task by the DISA
Laboratory1 at Masaryk University. Our solution exploits the search-based an-
notation paradigm and utilizes several sources of semantic information to deter-
mine the probability of candidate concepts. Rather than relying on the quality
of training data, our approach profits from the large quantities of information
available in large image collections and semantic knowledge bases. The results
achieved by our system confirm the strengths of this approach.

    The rest of the paper is structured as follows. First, we briefly review the task
definition and discuss which resources can be used. Next, we describe our ap-
proach and individual components of our solution. Analysis of results is provided
in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper and outlines our future work.

2   Scalable Concept Image Annotation Task

The problem offered by this year’s Scalable Concept Image Annotation (SCIA)
challenge [6, 13] is basically a standard annotation task, where an input image
needs to be connected to relevant concepts from a fixed set of candidate concepts.
The input images are not accompanied by any descriptive metadata such as EXIF
or GPS, so that only the visual image content can serve as annotation input. For
each test image, there is a list of SCIA concepts from which the relevant ones
need to be selected. Each concept is defined by one keyword, a link to relevant
WordNet nodes, and, in most cases, a link to a relevant Wikipedia page.
    Annotation tasks of this type have been studied for more than a decade and
some impressive results have already been achieved [9]. However, most existing
solutions rely on large amounts of manually labeled training data, which limits
the concept-wise scalability of such methods and their applicability to many real-
world scenarios. As its name suggests, the Scalable Concept Image Annotation
task takes into consideration not only the annotation precision and recall, but
also the scalability of annotation techniques. The proposed solutions should be
able to adapt easily when the list of concepts is changed, and the performance
should generalize well to concepts not observed during development. Therefore,
participants were not provided with hand-labeled training data and were not
allowed to use resources that require significant manual preprocessing. Instead,
they were encouraged to exploit data that can be crawled from the web or
otherwise easily obtained.
    Accordingly, the training dataset provided by organizers consists of 500K
images downloaded from the web, and the accompanying web pages. The images
were obtained by querying popular image search engines (namely Google, Bing
and Yahoo) using words in the English dictionary. For each image, the web page
that contained the image was downloaded and processed to extract selected
textual features. An effort was made to avoid including near duplicates and
message images (such as ”deleted image”) in the dataset, however the dataset can
be considered and is supposed to be very noisy. The raw images and web pages
were further preprocessed by competition organizers to ease the participation in
the task, resulting in several visual and text descriptors as detailed in [13].
    The actual competition task consists of annotating 7291 images with different
concept lists. Altogether, there are 207 concepts, with the size of individual con-
cept lists ranging from 40 to 207 concepts. Prior to releasing the test image set,
which became available a month before the competition deadline, participants
were provided with a development set of query images and concept lists, for
which a ground truth of relevant concepts was also published. The development
set contains 1940 images and only 107 concepts out of the final 207.

2.1   Utilization of Additional Resources
Apart from the 500K set of web images, participants were encouraged to exploit
additional knowledge sources such as ontologies, language models, etc., as long
as these were not manually prepared and were easily available. Since we found it
difficult to decide what level of manual effort is acceptable (e.g. most ontologies
are created with significant human participation), we discussed several resources
that we were considering with the SCIA task organizers:

WordNet The WordNet lexical database [8] is a comprehensive semantic tool
interlinking dictionary, thesaurus and language grammar book. The basic build-
ing block of WordNet hierarchy is a synset, an object which unifies synonymous
words into a single item. On top of synsets, different semantic relations are
encoded in the WordNet structure, e.g. hypernymy/hyponymy (super-type and
sub-type relation) or meronymy (part-whole relation). Currently, 117 000 synsets
are available in the English WordNet 3.0.
    The WordNet is developed manually by language experts, which is not in
accordance with the SCIA task rules. However, it can be used to solve the SCIA
challenge as it is an existing resource with wide coverage that does not limit the
concept-wise scalability of annotation tools. Indeed, many last year’s solutions of
the SCIA task utilized WordNet to learn about semantic relationships between
concepts [14].

ImageNet The ImageNet [7] is an image database organized according to the
WordNet hierarchy (currently only the nouns), in which each node of the hi-
erarchy is depicted by hundreds or even a few thousands of images. Currently,
there are about 14M images illustrating 22 000 synsets from selected branches
of the WordNet. The images are collected from the web by text queries formu-
lated from the words in the particular synset. In the next step, a crowdsourcing
platform is utilized for manual cleaning of the downloaded images.
    According to the organizers, the ImageNet should not be used for solving the
SCIA challenge. Although it is easily available, its scope is limited and extending
it to other concepts is very expensive in terms of human labor.

Profiset The Profiset [4] is a large collection of annotated images available for
research purposes. The collection contains 20M high-quality images with rich
keyword annotations, which were obtained from a web-site that sells stock images
produced by photographers from all over the world. The data contained in the
Profiset collection was created manually, however this labor was not focused on
providing training data for annotation learning. The Profiset is thus a by-product
of another activity and can be seen as ordinary web data downloaded from a
well-chosen site. It is also important to mention that the image annotations in
Profiset have no fixed vocabulary and their quality is not centrally supervised. At
the same time, however, the photographers are interested in selling their photos
and are thus motivated to provide rich sets of relevant keywords.
    The organizers agreed that the Profiset can be used as a resource for the
SCIA task.

3     Our Approach

Similar to our previous participation in an ImageCLEF annotation competi-
tion in 2011 [5], the DISA solution is based on the MUFIN Image Annotation
software, a tool for general-purpose image annotation which we have been deve-
loping for several years now [1]. The MUFIN Image Annotation tool follows the
search-based approach to image annotation, exploiting content-based retrieval
in a very large image collection and a subsequent analysis of descriptions of sim-
ilar images. In 2011, we were experimenting with applying this approach in a
task more suited for traditional machine learning (the 2011 Annotation Task of-
fered manually labeled training data). However, we believe that the search-based
approach is extremely suitable for the 2014 Scalable Concept Image Annotation.
    The general overview of the solution developed for the SCIA task is provided
in Figure 1. In the first phase, the annotation tool retrieves visually similar
images from a suitable image collection. Next, textual descriptions of similar
images are analyzed with the help of various semantic resources. The text is
split into separate words and transformed into synsets, which are expanded and
enhanced by semantic relations. The probability of relevance of each synset is
computed with respect to the initial probability value assigned to that synset and
the types and amount of relations formed with other synsets. Finally, synsets
linked to the candidate concept words (i.e. the words in the list of concepts
provided with the particular test image) are ordered by probability and a fixed
number of top-ranking ones is selected as the final image description.

3.1   Retrieval of Similar Images

The search-based approach to image annotation is based on the assumption that
in a sufficiently large collection, images with similar content to any given query
image are likely to appear. If these can be identified by a suitable content-based
retrieval technique, their metadata such as accompanying texts, labels, etc. can
be exploited to obtain text information about the query image.
    In our solution, we utilize the MUFIN similarity search system [2] to index
and search images. The MUFIN system exploits state-of-the-art metric indexing
structures [12] and enables fast retrieval of similar images from very large collec-
tions. The visual similarity of images is measured by a weighted combination of
five MPEG7 global visual descriptors as detailed in [11]. For each test image, the
k most similar images are selected; if more datasets are used, the most similar
images from all searches are merged, sorted by visual distance, and the k best
are selected. The values of k are discussed in Section 3.3.

Image Collections The choice of image collection(s) over which the content-
based retrieval is evaluated is a crucial factor of the whole annotation process.
There should be as many images as possible in the chosen collection, the images
should be relevant for the domain of the queries, and their descriptions should
be rich and precise. Naturally, these requirements are in a conflict – while it is

                                   Pre-defined image concepts – annotation
                                   aerial airplane baby beach bicycle bird lake

                                                        Image similarity          Image similarity        Similar
                                                        search based on           search based on         images
  duck, bird,   nature, bird     duck, bird,                Profiset               SCIA trainset         retrieval
    water                       lake, animal

  duck: small wild or domesticated swimming bird    ;      Analysis of
                                                                                   Word frequency
  probability: p1                                         co-occurring
  bird: warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates    ;                                                          Text
  probability: p2
  lake: a body of water surrounded by land ;            Word probability            Transformation
  probability: p3
                                                         computation                  into synsets

                                                               Find                                      Semantic
       DUCK                            BIRD                                       Update probability
                                                                                   values of synsets
                                                         among synsets                                 computation
                      p(BIRD) = p(DUCK) + p(BIRD)

      BIRD: p(BIRD)                                     Discard synsets            Select concepts         Final
      DUCK: p(DUCK)                                     not in concepts            with the highest      concepts
      LAKE: p(LAKE)                                      candidate list           probability values     selection

                                      Fig. 1. Architecture of the DISA solution

relatively easy to obtain large collections of image data (at least in the domain of
general-purpose images appearing in personal photo-galleries), it is very difficult
to automatically collect images with high-quality descriptions.
    Our solution utilizes two annotated image collections – the 20M Profiset
database (introduced in Section 2) and the 500K set of training images provided
by organizers (we denote this collection as the SCIA trainset). The Profiset rep-
resents a large collection of general-purpose images with as precise annotations
as can be achieved in a non-controlled environment. The SCIA trainset is smaller
and the quality of text data is much lower; on the other hand, it has been de-
signed to contain images for all keywords from the SCIA task concept lists, which
makes it a very good fallback for topics not sufficiently covered in Profiset.
    We further considered the 14M ImageNet collection which provides reliable
linking between visual content and semantics of images, but we found out that
this resource is not acceptable for the SCIA task due to its low scalability (as
discussed in Section 2). We also experimented with the 100M CoPhIR image
dataset [3] that was built automatically by downloading Flickr photos, but we
found the text metadata to be too noisy for the purpose of automatic image

3.2    From Similar Images to SCIA concepts
In the second phase of the annotation process, the descriptions of images re-
turned by content-based retrieval need to be analyzed and linked to SCIA con-
cepts of a given query to decide about their (ir)relevance. During this phase, our
solution relies mainly on the WordNet semantic structure, but we also employ
several other resources. The following sections explain how we link keywords
from similar images’ annotations to WordNet synsets and how the probability
of individual synsets is computed. Various parameters of the whole process are
summarized in Table 1.

Selection of Initial Keywords Having retrieved the set of similar images, we
first divide their text metadata into separate words and compute the frequency
of each word. In case of Profiset data, we use directly the keyword annotations
of individual images, whereas for SCIA trainset we utilize the scofeat descriptors
extracted from the respective web pages [13]. This way, we obtain a set of initial
    This set can be further enriched by adding a fixed number of most frequently
co-occurring words for each initial word. The lists of co-occurring words were
obtained using the method described in [10] applied to the ukWac corpus2 , which
contains about 2 billion words crawled from the .uk Web domain. Only words
which occur at least 5000 times in the corpus and do not begin with a capital
letter (indicating a name) were eligible for the co-occurrence lists.
    For each keyword in the extended set, we then compute its initial probability,
which depends on the frequency of the keyword in descriptions of similar images
and eventually the probability of its co-occurrence with other initial keywords.
Finally, only the n most probable keywords are kept for further processing.

Matching Keywords to WordNet The set of keywords with their associ-
ated probabilities contains rich information about query image content, but it
is difficult to work with this representation since we have no information about
semantic connections between individual words. Therefore, we need to trans-
form the keywords into semantically connected objects. Since we have chosen
the WordNet hierarchy as a corner stone for our analysis, each initial keyword
is mapped to a relevant WordNet synset. However, there are often more possi-
ble meanings of a given word and thus more candidate synsets. Therefore, we
use a probability measure based on the cntlist3 frequency values to select the
most probable synset for each keyword. This measure is based on the frequency
of words in a particular sense in semantically tagged corpora and expresses a
relative frequency of a given synset in general text. To avoid false dismissals,
several highly probable synsets may be selected for each keyword (see Table 1).
Each selected synset is assigned a probability value computed as a product of the
WordNet normalized frequency and the respective keyword’s initial probability.

Exploitation of WordNet Relationships By transforming keywords into
synsets, we are able to group words with the same meaning and thus increase
the probability of recognizing a significant topic. Naturally, this can be further
improved by analyzing semantic relationships between the candidate synsets.
In the DISA solution of the SCIA task, we exploit the following four WordNet
relationships to create a candidate synset graph:

 – Hypernymy (generalization, IS-A relationship): the fundamental relationship
   utilized in WordNet to build a hierarchy of nouns and some verb groups. It
   represents upward direction in the generalization/specialization object tree
   organization. E.g. dog is a hypernym of words poodle and Dalmatian.
 – Hyponymy (specialization relationship, the opposite of hypernymy): down-
   ward direction in the generalization/specialization tree. E.g. car is a hy-
   ponym of motor vehicle.
 – Holonymy (has-parts relationship): upward direction in the part/whole hier-
   archy. E.g. wheeled vehicle is a holonym of wheel.
 – Meronymy (is-a-part-of relationship, the opposite of holonymy): downward
   direction in the part/whole tree. E.g. steering wheel is a meronym of car.

    To build the candidate synset graph, we first apply the upward-direction rela-
tionships (i.e. hypernymy and holonymy) in a so-called expansion mode, when all
synsets that are linked to any candidate synset by these relationships are added
to the graph; this way, the candidate graph is enriched by upper level synsets
in the potentially relevant WordNet subtrees. However, we are not interested in
some of the upper-most levels that contain very general concepts such as en-
tity, physical entity, etc. Therefore, we also utilize the Visual Concept Ontology
(VCO)4 in this step, which is designed as a complementary tool to WordNet and
provides a more compact hierarchy of concepts related to image content. Synsets
not covered by the VCO are considered to be too general and therefore are not
included in the candidate graph. The VCO was created semi-automatically on
top of WordNet and its structure is independent of the SCIA task, therefore its
utilization is not in conflict with the SCIA scalability requirement.
    After the expansion step, the other two relationships are utilized in an en-
hancement mode that only adds new links to the graph based on the relationships
between synsets that already are present in the graph. Finally, the candidate
graph is submitted to an iterative algorithm that updates the probabilities of
individual synsets so that synsets with high number of links receive higher prob-
abilities and vice versa.

Final Concept Selection At the end of the candidate graph processing, the
system produces a set of candidate synsets with updated probabilities. The final
annotation result is then formed by the k most probable concepts from the
intersection of this set with the list of SCIA concepts provided for the particular
query image. The matching between candidate synsets and the SCIA concepts

                        Table 1. Annotation tool parameters

 Annotation                                                         Development
                  Parameter                    Tested values
 phase                                                              best
                                               Profiset,      SCIA
 Similar images   datasets                                         both
                                               trainset, both
                  # of similar images          10, 15, 20, 25       25
                  # of co-occurring words      0-5                  0
 Text analysis    max # of synsets per word    1-10                 7
                  # of initial synsets         100-500              200
 Semantic                                      hypernymy, hypo-
 probability      relationships                nymy,   holonymy, all
 computation                                   meronymy
 Final concepts extended concept definition    true/false           true
 selection      # of best results              5-30                 7

is based on the definition of SCIA concepts provided by the organizers, which
contains links to WordNet. However, as we detected some missing links (e.g.
concept water was linked with meaning H2 O but not with body of water), we
manually added several links to this definition, thus creating the extended concept

3.3   Tuning of the System

As described in the previous sections, there are many parameters in the DISA
annotation system for which suitable values need to be selected. To determine
these values, we performed many experiments using the development data and
annotation quality measures provided by the SCIA organizers. To increase the
reliability of experimental results, we utilized three different query sets: 1) the
whole development set of 1940 images as provided by the organizers, 2) a subset
of 100 queries randomly selected from the development set, and 3) a manually
selected subset of 100 images for which the visual search provided semantically
relevant results. These three test sets are significantly different, which was re-
flected in the absolute values of quality measures, but the overall trends observed
in all experiments were consistent. Table 1 summarizes the values of parameters
that were tested and the optimal values determined by the experiments.

3.4   DISA Submissions at ImageCLEF

For the actual SCIA competition, we submitted five results produced by different
variants of our system. Apart from the optimal set of parameters determined by
experiments on development data, we chose several other settings to verify the
influence of selected parameters on the overall performance. The values that

were modified in some competition runs are highlighted by italics in Table 1.
The individual run settings were as follows:

 – DISA-MU 01 – the baseline DISA solution: content-based retrieval only on
   Profiset collection, 25 similar images, hypernymy and hyponymy relation-
   ships only, original definition of SCIA concepts.
 – DISA-MU 02: the same configuration as DISA-MU 01, but with extended
   definition of SCIA concepts, which should improve the final selection of con-
   cepts for annotation.
 – DISA-MU 03: content-based retrieval on both Profiset and SCIA trainset,
   otherwise same as DISA-MU 02.
 – DISA-MU 04 – the primary run: content-based retrieval on both datasets,
   25 similar images, hypernymy, hyponymy, holonymy and meronymy relation-
   ships, extended definition of SCIA concepts.
 – DISA-MU 05: the same configuration as DISA-MU 04, but only 15 similar
   images were utilized.

    Originally, we planned to submit two more runs but we didn’t manage to pre-
pare them in time due to some technical difficulties. The SCIA organizers kindly
allowed us to evaluate these runs as well, even though they are not included in
the official result list:

 – DISA-MU 06: the same configuration as DISA-MU 04, but 35 similar images
   were utilized.
 – DISA-MU 07: the same configuration as DISA-MU 04, with 3 co-occurring
   words added to each initial word during the selection of keywords.

4   Discussion of Results
The global evaluation of our submissions is presented in Table 2. As expected,
the best results were achieved by the primary run DISA-MU 04. Using both our
observations from the development phase and the competition results, we can
conclude the following facts about search-based annotation:

 – The search-based approach is a suitable solution for the SCIA task. To
   achieve good annotation quality, the search-based approach requires a large
   dataset with rich annotations, which was in our case represented by Profiset.
   In a comparison between solutions based only on Profiset and only on SCIA
   trainset, Profiset clearly dominates due to its size. However, the best re-
   sults were achieved when both datasets were utilized. The optimal number
   of similar images is 20-25.
 – The utilization of statistic data for expansion of image descriptions did not
   improve the quality of annotations. Evidently, the addition of frequently co-
   occurring words rather introduced noise into the descriptions of image con-
   tent. A straightforward utilization of keyword co-occurrence statistics such
   as suggested here is thus not a viable way to annotation system improvement.

Table 2. DISA results in SCIA 2014: mean F-measure for the samples (MF-samples);
mean F-measure for the concepts (MF-concepts); and the mean average precision for
the samples (MAP-samples). The values between the square brackets correspond to
the 95 % confidence intervals.

 Run                       MF-samples         MF-concepts        MAP-samples
 DISA-MU 01                27.9 [27.4–28.5]   15.4 [14.0–18.1]   31.6 [31.0–32.2]
 DISA-MU 02                27.5 [27.0–28.1]   15.3 [14.0–18.0]   31.9 [31.3–32.5]
 DISA-MU 03                28.5 [28.0–29.1]   18.9 [17.4–21.6]   32.9 [32.3–33.5]
 DISA-MU 04                29.7 [29.2–30.3] 19.1 [17.5–21.8]     34.3 [33.8–35.0]
 DISA-MU 05                28.4 [27.9–29.0]   20.3 [18.8–23.0] 32.3 [31.7–32.9]
 DISA-MU 06                28.7 [28.2–29.3]   18.2 [16.7–20.9]   33.4 [32.8–34.0]
 DISA-MU 07                27.9 [27.4–28.4]   17.8 [16.3–20.4]   32.9 [32.4–33.5]
 best result (kdevir 09)   37.7 [37.0–38.5]   54.7 [50.9–58.3]   36.8 [36.1–37.5]

 – The utilization of semantic relationships between candidate concepts helps
   to improve the quality of annotations. All relationships that we examined
   have proved their usefulness. Also, a careful mapping between the WordNet-
   based output of our annotation system and SCIA concepts is important for
   the precision of final annotation. Unfortunately, we did not manage to tune
   the mapping very well, as our extended concept definition slightly decreased
   the quality of competition results (DISA-MU 02 vs. DISA-MU 01).

    In comparison with other competing groups, our best solution ranked rather
high in both sample-based mean F-measure and sample-based MAP. Especially
the sample-based MAP achieved by the run DISA-MU 04 was very close to the
overall best result (DISA-MU 04 – MAP 34.3, best result kdevir 09 – MAP 36.8).
The results for concept-based mean F-measure are less competitive, which does
not come as a surprise. In general, the search-based approach works well for
frequent terms, whereas concepts for which there are few examples are difficult
to recognize. Furthermore, the MPEG7 similarity is more suitable for scenes and
dominant objects than for details which were sometimes required by SCIA (e.g. a
park photo with a very small bench was labeled as furniture in the development
data). Overall, the best results were obtained for scenes (sunrise/sunset, sky,
forest, outdoor) and more general concepts (mammal, fruit, flower).
    The set of query images utilized in the SCIA competition is composed of four
distinct subsets of images that also deserve to be examined in more detail. Sub-
set1 consists of 1000 images that were present in the development set, Subset2
contains 2000 new images. Subset3 and Subset4 contain a mix of development
and new images, and consist of 2226 and 2065 images, respectively. Each sub-
set is accompanied by a different list of concepts, as detailed in Table 3. The
differences between individual subsets allow us to asses the concept-wise scal-
ability of solutions by comparing the annotation results over these subsets. In

Table 3. Performance by query type for DISA-MU 04: mean sample-based precision,
recall, F-measure, MAP.

 Query set      Concepts               MP-s       MR-s       MF-s       MAP-s
 Subset1        107 old + 9 new        31.7       38.4       32.1       37.5
 Subset2        107 old + 9 new        31.4       38.2       31.8       36.7
 Subset3        40-51 new              37.3       49.2       38.6       45.1
 Subset4        107 old + 100 new      16.2       21.0       16.9       19.0

case of DISA, the trends for all runs are similar to those of the primary run
DISA-MU 04, shown in Table 3. We can observe that the DISA annotation sys-
tem can adapt very well to previously unseen concepts, which is demonstrated
by Subset3 results. The lower annotation quality observed for Subset4 is caused
by increased difficulty of the annotation task, which grows with the number of
candidate concepts.

5   Conclusions and Future Work

In this study, we have described the DISA solution of the 2014 Scalable Concept
Image Annotation challenge. The presented annotation tool applies similarity-
based retrieval on annotated image collections to retrieve images similar to a
given query, and then utilizes semantic resources to detect dominant topics in the
descriptions of similar images. The DISA annotation tool utilizes the Profiset col-
lection of annotated images, word occurrence statistics automatically extracted
from large text corpora, the WordNet lexical database, and the VCO ontology.
All of these resources are freely available and were created independently of the
SCIA task, so the scalability objective is achieved.
    The competition results show that the search-based approach to annotation
applied by DISA can be successfully used to identify dominant concepts in im-
ages. While the quality of results achieved by the DISA annotation tool is not
as high as we would wish, especially in the view of concept-based precision and
recall, the strong advantages of our solution lie in the fact that it requires mini-
mum training and easily scales to new concepts. The mean average precision of
annotation per sample achieved by our system was only slightly worse than the
overall best result.
    The semantic search-based annotation can be further developed in several
directions. First, we would like to find better measures of visual similarity that
could be used in the similarity-search phase, since the relevance of retrieved
images is crucial for the whole annotation process. Second, we plan to extend
the set of semantic relationships exploited in the annotation process, using e.g.
specialized ontologies or Wikipedia. Finally, we also intend to develop a more
sophisticated method of final results selection.

This work was supported by the Czech national research project GBP103/12/G084.
The hardware infrastructure was provided by the METACentrum under the programme
LM 2010005.

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