=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Image-GomesEt2014 |storemode=property |title=CPPP/UFMS at ImageCLEF 2014: Robot Vision Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Image-GomesEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/GomesRJG14 }} ==CPPP/UFMS at ImageCLEF 2014: Robot Vision Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Image-GomesEt2014.pdf
      CPPP/UFMS at ImageCLEF 2014: Robot
                 Vision Task

Rodrigo de Carvalho Gomes, Lucas Correia Ribas, Amaury Antônio de Castro
                     Junior, Wesley Nunes Gonçalves

           Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - Ponta Porã Campus
                        Rua Itibiré Vieira, s/n, CEP 79907-414
                               Ponta Porã - MS, Brazil
             rodrigo.firewall@hotmail.com, lucascorreiaribas@gmail.com,

        Abstract. This paper describes the participation of the CPPP/UFMS
        group in the robot vision task. We have applied the spatial pyramid
        matching proposed by Lazebnik et al. This method extends bag-of-visual-
        words to spatial pyramids by concatenating histograms of local features
        found in increasingly fine sub-regions. To form the visual vocabulary, k-
        means clustering was applied in a random subset of images from training
        dataset. After that the images are classified using a pyramid match kernel
        and the k-nearest neighbors. The system has shown promising results,
        particularly for object recognition.

        Key words: Scene recognition, object recognition, spatial pyramid match-

1     Introduction

In recent years, robotics has achieved important advances, such as the intelligent
industrial devices that are increasingly accurate and efficient. Despite the recent
advances, most robots still represent the surrounding environment by means of a
map with information about obstacles and free spaces. To increase the complex-
ity of autonomous tasks, robots should be able to get a better understanding
of images. In particular, the ability to identify scenes such as office, kitchen,
as well as objects, is an important step to perform complex tasks [1]. Thus,
place localization and object recognition becomes a fundamental part of image
understanding for robot localization [2].
    This paper presents the participation of our group in the 6th edition of the
Robot Vision challenge1 [3, 4]. This challenge addresses the problem of seman-
tic place classification and object recognition. For this task, the bag-of-visual-
words approach (BOW) [5, 6] is one of the most promising approaches available.
Although the approach have advantages, it also has one major drawback, the
absence of spatial information. To overcome this drawback, a spatial pyramid

framework combined with local features extractors, such as such as Scale Invari-
ant Feature Transform (SIFT) [7] and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) [8],
was proposed by Lazebnik et al. [9]. This method showed significantly improved
performance on challenging scene categorization tasks. The image recognition
system used in our participation is based on the improved BOW and multi-class
    Experimental results have shown that the image recognition system provides
promising results, in particular to the object recognition task. Among four sys-
tems, the proposed system ranked second using the number of cluster k = 400
and number of images M = 150 for training the vocabulary.
    This paper is described as follows. Section 2 presents the image recognition
system used by our group in the robot vision challenge. The experiments and
results of the proposed system are described in Section 3. Finally, conclusions
and future works are discussed in Section 4.

2     Image Recognition System

In this section, we describe the image recognition system used in the challenge.
This system can be described into 3 steps: i) feature extraction; ii) spatial pyra-
mid matching; iii) classification. The following sections describe each step in

2.1   Feature Extraction

In the feature extraction step, the system extracts SIFT descriptors from 16 × 16
patches computed over a grid with spacing of 8 pixels. For each patch i, 128
descriptors are calculated, i.e., it is calculated a vector ϕi ∈ <128 . To train
the visual vocabulary, we perform k-means clustering of a random subset of
descriptors D = {ϕ} from the training set according to Equation 1. Throughout
the paper, the number of clusters will be referred to as k and the size of the
random subset of images will be referred to as M .

                                C = k-means(D)                                 (1)

where C ∈ Rek×128 represents the clusters.
    Then, each vector descriptor ϕi is associated to the closest cluster according
to the Euclidean distance (Equation 2). The index associated is usually called
visual word in the bag-of-visual-word approach.

                               λi = arg min |ϕi , Ci |                         (2)

where |.| is the Euclidean distance.

2.2     Spatial Pyramid Matching
The pyramid matching was proposed to find an approximate correspondence
between two sets, such as histograms. It works placing a sequence of grids over
the space and calculating a weighted sum of the number of matches. Consider a
sequence of grids at resolution l = 0, . . . , L. A grid at level l has 2dl cells, where
d is the space dimension which in our case is d = 2. In each cell i, it calculates
the histogram H l (i) of visual words λ. The number of matches at level l for two
image X e Y is given by:
                             l                l
                            I =         min (HX (i), HYl (i))                       (3)

   In order to penalize matches at larger cells, the pyramid match kernel between
images X e Y , considering all levels l, is given by:
                                          1 0 X    1
                         κL (X, Y ) =     L
                                            I +  L−l+1
                                         2      2      Il

      The kernel above is calculated to each visual word, such that:
                            K L (X, Y ) =          κL (Xj , Yj )                    (5)

where Xj indicates that the kernel will consider only the visual word j.

2.3     Classification
The multi-class classification is done with the k-nearest neighbor using the kernel
K L described above. Given a test image, it calculates the kernel value for all
training images and assigns the room/category of the closest training image. The
same procedure is done for object recognition, i.e., it is detected the presence of
the objects of the closest training image.

3      Experiments and Results
In this section we describe the experiments and results of the proposed sys-
tem. To train the system, we have used 5000 visual images divided into 10
rooms/categories: Corridor, Hall, ProfessorOffice, StudentOffice, TechnicalRoom,
Toilet, Secretary, VisioConference, Warehouse, ElevatorArea. An example of
each category can be seen in Figure 1. The train dataset also provides 8 objects:
Extinguisher, Phone, Chair, Printer, Urinal, Bookself, Trash, Fridge. Examples
of images containing each of the objects can be seen in Figure 2. The number of
images for each room/category and object is summarized in Table 1.
    To test the proposed system, we have used the validation dataset composed
by 1500 images. The results for different values of number of cluster k and images

   (a) Corri-        (b) Hall          (c) Profes-        (d)   Stu-     (e) Techni-
   dor                                 sor Office         dent Office    cal Room

    (f) Toilet     (g) Secre-          (h) Visio          (i) Ware-      (j) Elevator
                   tary                Conference         house          Area

Fig. 1. Example of each room/category from the training dataset. Images have 640 ×
480 pixels.

            (a) Extin-       (b) Chair            (c) Printer     (d) Book-
            guisher                                               shelf

            (e) Urinal          (f) Trash         (g) Phone       (h) Fridge

Fig. 2. Example of each object from the training dataset. Images have 640×480 pixels.

Table 1. Number of images from the training dataset for the room and object recog-

      Category     N. Images Perc. (%)
      Corridor        1833     36.66              Object     N. Images Perc. (%)
         Hall          306      6.12            Extinguisher     770     15.40
   ProfessorOffice     355      7.10               Chair        1304     26.08
    StudentOffice      498      9.96              Printer        473     9.46
   TechnicalRoom       437      8.74             Bookself        802     16.04
        Toilet         389      7.78              Urinal         162     3.24
      Secretary        336      6.72               Trash         813     16.26
   VisioConferene      364      7.28               Phone         267     5.34
     Warehouse         174      3.48               Fridge        190     3.80
    ElevatorArea       308      6.16

used to obtain the vocabulary
                           PL M can be seen in Table 2. The final size of the
descriptor is given by k × l=0 22l . For L = 2 and k = 300, the final size is 6300.
Despite high number of descriptors, the system takes on average 0.9545 seconds
to process an image. For each image, our system provided the room category
and the presence of objects. The scores shown in the table are the sum of all
the scores obtained for the images. The rules shown in Table 3 are used when
calculating the final score for an image.

     Table 2. Results in the validation dataset for different values of k and M .

                 Parameters     Score Rooms Score Object Score Total
              k = 300, nt = 50     952.5        1051        2003.5
              k = 300, nt = 150     960       1044.75      2004.75
              k = 400, nt = 50     952.5       1038.5        1991
              k = 400, nt = 150     963       1049.25      2012.25
              k = 500, nt = 50      948       1014.25      1962.25
              k = 500, nt = 150     966         1042         2008

Table 3. Rules for calculating the score for place localization and object recognition.

            The room category has been correctly classified:            +1.0 points
            The room category has been wrongly classified:              -0.5 points
              The room category has not been classified:                0.0 points
           For each object correctly detected (True Positive):          +1.0 points
         For each object incorrectly detected (False Positive):         -0.25 points
   For each object correctly detected as not present (True Negative): 0.0 points
  For each object incorrectly detected as not present (False Negative): -0.25 points

    Finally, the Table 4 shows the results for all participations in the robot vision
challenge. Three groups have submitted solutions to this challenge and the base-
line indicates the results obtained by the dataset provided script (Color & Depth
histogram + SVM). For the competition we submitted four runs with different
values for the parameters k and M (see Section 2.1). Our system ranked second,
achieving 1738.75 points on this task for k = 400 and M = 150.

Table 4. Results for all groups in the robot vision challenge. The baseline indicates
the results by using Color & Depth histogram + SVM.

             #     Group        Score Rooms Score Objects Score Total
             1     NUDT           1075.50      3357.75      4430.25
             2     UFMS            219.00      1519.75      1738.75
             3 Baseline Results     67.5        186.25       253.75
             4   AEGEAN             -405         -995        -1400

4    Conclusions

This paper described the participation of our group in the Robot vision challenge.
In this challenge, the proposed system ranked second among four others systems.
Thus, the image recognition system has shown promising results, particularly for
object recognition.
    As future work, we intend to extend the approach for color images and use
other classifiers, such as Support Vector Machine, which it is known to provide
better results than k-nearest neighbors. In addition, the system will be applied
in the depth images.


RCG and LCR were supported by the CNPq and PET-Fronteira, respectively.

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