=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-KumarEt2014 |storemode=property |title=Social Book Search Track: ISM@INEX'14 Suggestion Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-KumarEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/KumarP14 }} ==Social Book Search Track: ISM@INEX'14 Suggestion Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-KumarEt2014.pdf

                         Ritesh Kumar and Sukomal Pal

                Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
                    Indian School of Mines Dhanbad, 826004

      Abstract. This paper describes the work that we did at Indian School
      of Mines towards Social Book Search Track for INEX 2014. We submit-
      ted five runs in its Suggestion Task. We investigated individual effect
      of title, group, mediated query, and narrative fields of the topics in our
      runs. For all the runs we used language modelling technique with Dirich-
      let smoothing. The run using only mediated query field was our best.
      Overall, our performance is not satisfactory. However, as new entrant to
      the field, our scores are encouraging enough to work for better results in

      Keywords: Book Search, Social Book Search, Language modelling, In-
      formation Retrieval

1   Introduction
With growing numbers of online portals and book catalogues, our current time
sees a rapid evolution in the way we acquire, share and use books. In order to en-
able users, Social Book Seach Track at INEX [5] provides a relevant experimental
platform to investigate techniques of searching and navigating professional meta-
data provided by publishers/booksellers and user-generated content from social
media [1]. At INEX 2014, they offered two tasks: Suggestion Task and Interactive
Task. We participated in the first where we were supposed to recommend books
based on user’s request and her personal catalogue data (list of books with rating
and tags maintained for the user in the social cataloguing site). We were also
provided with a large set of anonymised user profiles from LibraryThing forum
members. Each user request is provided in the form of topics containing different
fields like title, mediated query, group, narrative and catalogue information.
     As a newcomer to this field, our goal this year was to investigate the con-
tribution of different topic fields in book recommendation. We only considered
title, mediated query, group, narrative fields from each topic. We did not consider
topic-creator’s catalogue information. Neither we consulted anonymous user pro-
     We submitted five runs (run-ids: ISMD-341, ISMD-342, ISMD-350, ISMD-
354, ISMD-355) in the Suggestion Task. For all the runs, Language modelling

with Dirchlet smoothing was used in Lemur’s Indri search system [3]. Our overall
performance was not satisfactory. The run with only mediated query was best
among our submissions.
   Organization of rest of the paper is as follows. We describe our approach in
Section 2. Section 3 describes dataset and Section 4 reports results. In Section
5 we analyse our results. Finally, we conclude in Section 5 with directions for
future work.

2    Approach
This year we took a simple approach similar to standard adhoc retrieval. The
document collection provided was stopword-removed and then stemmed using
Krovetz stemmer. It was indexed with Lemur Indri search system for all the
fields having text within.
    During retrieval, we tried to see the effect of different components of a topic in
turn. We therefore used only title (Run-id ISMD-341), only group(Run ISMD-
342), only title with stopword removed (Run ISMD-350), only mediated query
(Run ISMD-354), and only narrative with stopword removed field (Run ISMD-
355) from each topic.
    On top of standard English stopwords we identified a set of a few more like
recommendation, hello, suggestion, reference, recent, hi, thank, etc. which we
removed in the run ISMD-355.
    We also removed punctuation marks manually from all the textual content
of these fields and used only free text queries in all the runs.
    We did not consider any other information like catalogue information and
user profile during retrieval.
    For each topic, we submitted 1000 book suggestions in the form of ISBNs.

3    Data
Test collection provided by INEX 2014 SBS orgainzers for Suggestion Task had
a document collection and a topicset. The document collection consists of 2.8
million book description with metadata from Amazon and LibraryThing. From
Amazon there is formal metadata like booktitle, author, publisher, publication
year, library classification codes, Amazon categories and similar product infor-
mation, as well as user-generated content in the form of user ratings and reviews.
From LibraryThing, there are user tags and user-provided metadata on awards,
book characters and locations and blurbs. There are additional records from the
British Library and the Library of Congress. The entire collection was 7.1 GB
in size. [2]
    The topic-set contains 681 topics each describing a user’s request for sugges-
tion of books. Each topic has a set of fields like title, mediated query, group, nar-
rative and user’s personal catalogue at the time of topic creation. The catalogue
contains a list of book-entries with information like LibraryThing id of the book,
its entry-date, rating and tags.

   The organizers also supplied 94,000 anonymised user profiles from Library-

4   Results
The scores obtained by our five runs are given in Table 1. The official evalua-
tion measure by INEX’14 is nDCG@10 [4]. The performance of our runs are in
decreasing order. Our best performance is by ISMD-354 where we use only me-
diated query field. We also show the best score in the task demonstrated by run-
id USTB-run6.SimQuery1000.rerank all.L2R RandomForest(*), for the
sake of comparison.

         Table 1. Results - The official evaluation Measure by INEX 2014

                 RUN ID Rank M RR nDCG@10 M AP R@1000
                ISMD-354      22   0.123    0.067     0.049   0.285
                ISMD-341      24   0.106    0.056     0.042   0.236
                ISMD-350      27   0.090    0.048     0.036   0.211
                ISMD-355      29   0.089    0.038     0.026   0.124
                ISMD-342      32   0.018    0.010     0.007   0.081
                  best*        1   0.464    0.303     0.232   0.390

5   Analysis
Although our performance is not up to the mark, there are few take-home lessons.
As individual fields, mediated query is the most effective, followed by title and
narrative. Removing stopwords from the title is actually detrimental (ISMD-341
and ISMD-350). We did not consider any combination of these fields. It would
be interesting to see the performance of different combinations of these fields.

6   Conclusion
This year we participated in the Suggestion Task of Social Book Search as ini-
tial venture. We tried to see the individual effect of different topic-fields on book
recommendation. We considered only a handful of fields like mediated query, ti-
tle, narrative etc from the topics. While there can be no denial of the fact that
our overall performance is dismal, initial results are suggestive as to what should
be done next. We need to consult other fields like book catalogue of the topic
creators, ratings of the books in the catalogue during retrieval. We also need to
take into account profiles of other users. It is also imperative to see the perfor-
mance of combination of different fields in the topics as well as other fields in
user catalogues and user profiles. We shall be exploring some of these tasks in
the coming days.

1. Marijn Koolen, Gabriella Kazai, Jaap Kamps, Michael Preminger, Antoine Doucet
   and Monica Landoni, Overview of the INEX 2012 Social Book Search Track.
   INEX’12 Workshop Pre-proceedings, Shlomo Geva, Jaap Kamps, Ralf Schenkel
   (editors), September 17-20, 2012, Rome , Italy.
2. INEX, Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. https://inex.mmci.uni-
3. INDRI: Language modeling meets inference networks, Available at
4. Jarvelin, K., Kekalainen, J.: Cumulated Gain-based Evaluation of IR Techniques.
   ACM Transactions on Information Systems 20(4) (2002) 422-446.
5. INEX, Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. https://inex.mmci.uni-
