=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-TorresMoreno2014 |storemode=property |title=Three Statistical Summarizers at CLEF-INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-TorresMoreno2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Torres-Moreno14 }} ==Three Statistical Summarizers at CLEF-INEX 2013 Tweet Contextualization Track== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-TorresMoreno2014.pdf
    Three Statistical Summarizers at CLEF-INEX
        2014 Tweet Contextualization Track

                              Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno1,2
            École Polytechnique de Montréal - Département de Génie Informatique
              CP 6079 Succ. Centre Ville H3C 3A7 Montréal (Québec), Canada.
                         Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse
                         BP 911228, 84911 Avignon Cedex 9, France

           Abstract. According to the organizers, the objective of the 2014 CLEF-
           INEX Tweet Contextualization Task is: “...The Tweet Contextualization
           aims at providing automatically information - a summary that explains
           the tweet. This requires combining multiple types of processing from in-
           formation retrieval to multi-document summarization including entity
           linking.” We present three statistical summarizer systems applied to the
           CLEF-INEX 2014 task. Cortex summarizer uses several sentence selec-
           tion metrics and an optimal decision module to score sentences from a
           document source. Artex summarizer uses a simple inner product among
           the topic-vector and the pseudo-word vector. Reg summarizer is a per-
           formant graph-based summarizer. The results show that our systems
           performed well on CLEF-INEX task. Our three systems have obtained
           the first rank in the INEX manual evaluation.

Keywords: INEX, Automatic Text Summarization, Tweet contextualization,
Cortex, Artex.

1     Introduction
Automatic text summarization is indispensable to cope with ever increasing vol-
umes of valuable information. An abstract is by far the most concrete and most
recognized kind of text condensation [1, 2]. We adopted a simpler method, usu-
ally called extraction, that allows to generate summaries by extraction of relevant
sentences [2–5]. Essentially, extracting aims at producing a shorter version of the
text by selecting the most relevant sentences of the original text, which we jux-
tapose without any modification. The vector space model [6, 7] has been used
in information extraction, information retrieval, question-answering, and it may
also be used in text summarization [8]. Cortex3 is an automatic summarization
system [9] which combines several statistical methods with an optimal decision
algorithm, to choose the most relevant sentences.
    CORTEX es Otro Resumidor de TEXtos (CORTEX is anotheR TEXt summarizer).

    An open domain Question-Answering system (QA) has to exactly answer a
question expressed in natural language. QA systems are confronted with a fine
and difficult task because they are expected to supply specific information and
not whole documents. Currently there exists a strong demand for this kind of
text processing systems on the Internet. A QA system comprises, a priori, the
following stages [10]:

 – Transform the questions into queries, then associate them to a set of docu-
 – Filter and sort these documents to compute various degrees of similarity;
 – Identify the sentences which might contain the answers, then extract text
   fragments from those that constitute the answers. In this phase an analysis
   using Named Entities (NE) is essential to find the expected answers.

    Most research efforts in summarization emphasize generic summarization
[11–13]. User query terms are commonly used in information retrieval tasks.
However, there are few papers in literature that propose to employ this approach
in summarization systems [14–16]. In the systems described in [14], a learning
approach is used (performed). A document set is used to train a classifier that
estimates the probability that a given sentence is included in the extract. In [15],
several features (document title, location of a sentence in the document, cluster
of significant words and occurrence of terms present in the query) are applied
to score the sentences. In [16] learning and feature approaches are combined
in a two-step system: a training system and a generator system. Score features
include short length sentence, sentence position in the document, sentence po-
sition in the paragraph, and tf.idf metrics. Our generic summarization system
includes a set of eleven independent metrics combined by a Decision Algorithm.
Query-based summaries can be generated by our systems using a modification of
the scoring method. In both cases, no training phase is necessary in our system.
    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we explain the CLEF-INEX
2014 Tweet Contextualization Track. In Section 3.1 we explain the methodology
of our work. Experimental settings and results obtained with Cortex summarizer
are presented in Section 5. Section 7 exposes the conclusions of the paper and
the future work.

2     INEX 2014 Tweet Contextualization Track

The Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX) is an established
evaluation forum for XML information retrieval (IR) [17]. In 2014, tweet con-
textualization INEX task at CLEF, aims “given a new tweet, the system must
provide some context about the subject of the tweet, in order to help the reader to
understand it. This context should take the form of a readable summary, not
exceeding 500 words, composed of passages from a provided Wikipedia

    Like in iNEX Question Answering track 2011, 2012 and 2013, the present task
is about contextualizing tweets, i.e. answering questions of the form ”What is
this tweet about?” using a recent cleaned dump of the Wikipedia5 . As organizers
claim, the general process involves three steps:
 – Tweet analysis.
 – Passage and/or XML elements retrieval.
 – Construction of the answer.
      Then, a relevant passage segment contains:
 – Relevant information but
 – As few non-relevant information as possible (the result is specific to the

2.1     Document Collection
The corpus has been rebuilt in 2013 from a dump of the English Wikipedia from
November 2012. All notes and bibliographic references were removed to facilitate
the extraction of plain text answers. (Notes and bibliographic references are
difficult to handle). Organizers kept only non empty Wikipedia pages (pages
having at least one section).

2.2     Tweets set
For the Track 2014, a set of 240 tweets in English have been selected by the or-
ganizers from CLEF RepLab 2013 together with their related entity. The tweets
have >= 80 characters and do not contain urls in order to focus on content
    In the CLEF-INEXorganizers words: “RepLab provides several annotations
for tweets, we selected three types of them: the category (4 distinct), an entity
name from the wikipedia (61 distinct) and a manual topic label (235 distinct).
The entity name should be used as an entry point into wikipedia or DbPedia and
gives the contextual perspective. The usefulness of topic labels for this automatic
task is an open question at this moment because of their variety”.

3      Summarization System
3.1     Cortex Summarizer
Cortex [18, 19] is a single-document extract summarization system. It uses an
optimal decision algorithm that combines several metrics. These metrics result
from processing statistical and informational algorithms on the document vector
space representation.
    See the official CLEF-INEX 2014 Tweet Contextualization Track Website: https:

    The INEX 2014 Tweet Contextualization Track evaluation is a real-world
complex question (called long query) answering, in which the answer is a sum-
mary constructed from a set of relevant documents. The documents are parsed
to create a corpus composed of the query and the the multi-document retrieved
by a Perl program supplied by INEX organizers6 . This program is coupled to
Indri system7 to obtain for each query, 50 documents from the whole corpus.
    The idea is to represent the text in an appropriate vectorial space and ap-
ply numeric treatments to it. In order to reduce complexity, a preprocessing is
performed to the question and the document: words are filtered, lemmatized
and stemmed. The Cortex system uses 11 metrics (see [20, 19] for a detailed
description of these metrics) to evaluate the sentence’s relevance.
    By example, the topic-sentence overlap measure assigns a higher ranking
for the sentences containing question words and makes selected sentences more
relevant. The overlap is defined as the normalized cardinality of the intersection
between the query word set T and the sentence word set S.
                                                card(S ∩ T )
                            Overlap(T, S) =                                         (1)
                                                  card(T )
    The system scores each sentence with a decision algorithm that relies on
the normalized metrics. Before combining the votes of the metrics, these have
been split into two sets: one set contains every metric λi > 0.5, while the other
set contains every metric λi < 0.5 (values equal to 0.5 are ignored). We then
compute two values α and β, which give the sum of distances (positive for α and
negative for β) to the threshold 0.5 (the number of metrics is Γ , which is 11 in
our experiment):

                            α=     (λi − 0.5); λi > 0.5                             (2)
                            β=     (0.5 − λi ); λi < 0.5                            (3)

     The value given to each sentence s given a query q is calculated with:

                          if(α > β)
                                then Score(s, q) = 0.5 + Γα                         (4)
                                else Score(s, q) = 0.5 − Γβ
    The Cortex system is applied to each document of a topic and the summary
is generated by concatenating higher score sentences.
    See: http://qa.termwatch.es/data/getINEX2011corpus.pl.gz
    Indri is a search engine from the Lemur project, a cooperative work between the Uni-
    versity of Massachusetts and Carnegie Mellon University in order to build language
    modelling information retrieval tools. See: http://www.lemurproject.org/indri/

4     Artex

Artex8 computes the score of each sentence by calculating the inner prod-
uct between a sentence vector, an average pseudo-sentence vector (the “global
topic”) and an average pseudo-word vector (the “lexical weight”). The summary
is generated concatenating the sentences with the highest scores.
    An average document vector represents the “global topic” of all sentences
vectors is constructed. The “lexical weight” for each sentence, i.e. the number
of words in the sentence, is obtained. A score for each sentence is calculated
using their proximity with the “global topic” and their “lexical weight”. Let
sµ = (sµ,1 , sµ,2 , . . . , sµ,N ) be a vector of the sentence µ = 1, 2, . . . , ρ. The average
pseudo-word vector a = [aµ ], was defined as the average number of occurrences
of N words used in the sentence sµ :

                                             1 X
                                     aµ =        sµ,j                                      (5)
                                             N j

and the average pseudo-sentence vector b = [bj ] as the average number of oc-
currences of each word j used through the ρ sentences:
                                      bj =       sµ,j                                      (6)
                                             ρ µ

The weight of each sentence is calculated as follows:

                                   ω(s) = (s × b) × a                                      (7)

4.1    Reg Summarizer

We create a graph G = (V, A) where S vertices represent sentences and A the set
of edges. An edge between two vertices is created if the corresponding sentences
have at least one word in common. An adjacency matrix is constructed from
the matrix S[P=sentences×N=words] as follows: If the element Si,k = 1 of S matrix
(in the phrase i the word k is present), we check the k column. If the element
Sj,k = 1 we put 1 in ai,j of the adjacency matrix A, which means that i and j
sentences share the word k. To extract the heaviest sentence, a variant of tree
problem maximum weight has been proposed. The weights are on the vertices;
not on the edges. We have built an algorithm inspired on the Kruskal’s algorithm
[21]. The proposed algorithm works as follows:

 – generate the adjacency matrix A[P ×P ] ;
 – calculating the weight of the vertices, i.e. the sum of the incoming edges of
   the vertex;
 – calculate the degree of each vertex: i.e. the number of shared words with the
   other sentences.
    In French, Artex is Autre Résumeur de TEXtes.

The adjacency matrix A[P ×P ] is generated from the VSM model:
                 1   if a word used by the sentence i is also used by the sentence j
     aij =
                 0   elsewhere

  The solution is based on a calculation greedy search paths. The algorithm
Reg performs the following steps:

 1. Select the vertex heavy v0 , and put it in T . It will be called root. The root
    is chosen whose degree is >= 2.
 2. Add to T the heavy neighbor of v0 . It will choose among those who are not
    part of T .
 3. Repeat 2 until k have the required vertices.
 4. Return the path T .

5      Experiments Settings and Results

In this study, we used the document sets made available during the Initiative
for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX)9 , in particular on the INEX 2012
Tweet Contextualization Track.
     The strategy of our three summarizer systems to deal multi-document sum-
mary problem is quite simple: first, a long single document D is formed by
concatenation of all i = 1, ..., n relevant documents provided by Indri engine:
d1 , d2 , ...dn . The first line of this multi-document D is the tweet T . Each summa-
rizer extracts of D the most relevant sentences following T . Then, this subset of
sentences is sorted by the date of documents di . The summarizer adds sentences
into the summary until the word limit is reached. To evaluate the performance of
eaxh system on INEX tweet contextualization track, we used the online package
available from CLEF-INEX website10 .

6      Results

Table 1 shows the official results of Informativeness based on sentences. The
performances (rank) of our summarizers are: Cortex (Run 356)=9/14, Artex
(Run 357)=10/14 and Reg (Run 358)=12/14.
   Table 2 shows the official results of Informativeness based on Noun Phrases
(NP). The performances (rank) of our summarizers are: Cortex (Run 356)=9/14,
Artex (Run 357)=10/14 and Reg (Run 358)=12/14.
   Table 3 shows the official results of manual evaluation of CLEF-INEX 2014
contextualization task. The performances (rank) of our summarizers are: Cortex
(Run 356)=2/14, Artex (Run 357)=3/14 and Reg (Run 358)=1/22. The results
must be interpreted as follow:

                   Table 1. Informativeness based on sentences

                Rank Participant Unigrams Bigrams skipgrams
                1      ref2013     0.705   0.794     0.796
                2      ref2014    0.7528 0.8499     0.8516
                ···                 ···               ···
                9    356 (Cortex) 0.8415 0.9696     0.9702
                10   357 (Artex) 0.8539     0.97    0.9712
                ···                 ···               ···
                12    358 (Reg)   0.8731 0.9832     0.9841
                ···                 ···               ···

                     Table 2. Informativeness based on NPs

                Rank Participant Unigrams Bigrams skipgrams
                1      ref2013    0.7468 0.8936     0.9237
                2      ref2014    0.7784   0.917    0.9393
                ···                 ···               ···
                9    356 (Cortex) 0.8477   0.971    0.9751
                10   357 (Artex) 0.8593 0.9709      0.9752
                ···                 ···               ···
                12    358 (Reg)   0.8816   0.984    0.9864
                ···                 ···               ···

 – Readable: % of passages considered as readable (Non trash)
 – Syntax % of passages without syntax or grammatical errors
 – Diversity % of non redundant passages
 – Structure % of non breaking anaphora passages

7   Conclusions

In this paper we have presented three statistical summarizer systems applied
on CLEF-INEX 2014 Tweet Contextualization Track. The first one, Cortex is
based on the fusion process of several different sentence selection metrics. The
decision algorithm obtains good scores on the INEX 2014 Tweet Contextualiza-
tion Track (the decision process is a good strategy without training corpus). The
second one, Artex is based on the inner product of main topic and pseudo-words
vectors. The third system is Reg, a graph-based summarizer. Our three summa-
rizers have obtained very good results in manual evaluations. Reg is the better
system in terms of readability, syntax, diversity and structure manual evalua-
tions. We show that a simple statistical summarizers without knowledge obtains
good performances in this complex summarization and tweet contextualization

             Table 3. Readability results for our systems (runs 356-358)

   Rank System (Run) Readability Syntax Diversity Structure Average
     1    Reg (358)   94.82% 87.31% 72.17% 93.10% 86.85%
     2   Cortex (356)  95.24%    85.19% 70.31%     92.40%    85.78%
     3    Artex (357)  94.88%    82.53% 71.34%     91.58%    85.08%
    ···                            ···                         ···
     6      Ref’13     91.74%    69.82% 60.52%     85.80%    76.97%
     7      Ref’12     91.39%    69.58% 60.67%     85.56%    76.80%
    ···                            ···                         ···
    14       (370)     90.10%    68.30% 53.83%     80.70%    73.23%


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