=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Life-Lasseck2014 |storemode=property |title=Large-scale Identification of Birds in Audio Recordings |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Life-Lasseck2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Lasseck14 }} ==Large-scale Identification of Birds in Audio Recordings== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Life-Lasseck2014.pdf
    Large-scale identification of birds in audio recordings
    Notes on the winning solution of the LifeCLEF 2014 Bird Task

                                       Mario Lasseck

                               Animal Sound Archive
                            Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

       Abstract. The Bird Identification Task of the LifeCLEF 2014 lab is to automat-
       ically identify 501 different species in over 4000 audio recordings collected by
       amateur and expert ornithologists through a citizen sciences initiative. It is one
       of the biggest bird classification challenges so far considering the quality, quan-
       tity and variability of the recordings and the very large number of different spe-
       cies to be classified. The solution presented here achieves a Mean Average Pre-
       cision of 51.1% on the test set and 53.9% on the training set with an Area Un-
       der the Curve of 91.5% during cross-validation.

       Keywords: Bird Identification · Information Retrieval · Citizen Sciences · Im-
       age Segmentation · Median Clipping · Template Matching · Decision Trees

1      Introduction and Task Overview

The LifeCLEF 2014 Bird Identification challenge asks participants to automatically
identify the vocalizing species in 4339 audio recordings with undetermined content.
For training, 9688 audio recordings paired with metadata including dominant and
background species are provided. A recording may contain only one or up to 11 sim-
ultaneously vocalizing birds. What makes this challenge unique but also quite diffi-
cult is the very large amount of data, the high variability of the recordings, both in
quality and content and of course the large number of different species to be classi-
fied. The all in all 14,027 audio files, if added together 33.3 GB of data with over 4.5
days of acoustic material, are provided by Xeno-canto (http://www.xeno-canto.org/).
The files were recorded between 1979 and 2013 in over 2000 different locations cen-
tered on Brazil by almost 250 amateur and expert ornithologists, using different com-
binations of microphones and portable recorders. The duration of the recordings var-
ies from half a second to several minutes. Also the quality of the audio files is quite
diverse and challenging. One has to deal with all kinds of background noise and in
some cases artifacts due to lossy mp3 data compression.
An overview and further details about the LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task is given
in [1]. The task is among others part of the CLEF 2014. A general overview of all
tasks can be found in [2,3,4].

2      Feature Extraction

The features used for classification are taken from three different sources briefly de-
scribed in the following sections.

2.1    Metadata
The first source for feature extraction is the provided metadata. Each audio file is
paired with additional contextual information about the date, time, location and author
of the recording. This information is used to extract 8 features per file:

 Year
 Month
 Time
 Latitude
 Longitude
 Elevation
 Locality Index
 Author Index

To use the provided metadata a few steps had to be taken for preparation. From the
recording date only the year and month were extracted and considered as relevant
features. The recording time was converted in minutes. Since only numeric values can
be used as features, for locality and author a look up table was created and the corre-
sponding index was used. All missing or none numeric values were replaced by the
mean value of its category.

2.2    openSMILE
The openSMILE feature extraction tool [5] was used to extract a large number of
features per audio recording. The framework was configured with the emo_large.conf
configuration file written by Florian Eyben. It was originally designed for emotion
detection in speech signals but was also recently applied in the field of audio scene
analysis [6]. The here used configuration file first calculates 57 so called low-level
descriptors (LLD) per frame, adds delta (velocity) and delta-delta (acceleration) coef-
ficients to each LLD and finally applies 39 statistical functionals after moving aver-
age smoothing the feature trajectories.

The 57 LLDs consist of:

 35 spectral features
    o Mel-Spectrum bins 0-25
    o zero crossing rate
    o 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% spectral roll-off points
    o spectral flux
    o spectral centroid
    o relative position of spectral minimum and maximum
 13 ceptral features
    o MFCC 0-12
 6 energy features
     o logarithmic energy
     o energy in frequency bands 0-250 Hz, 0-650 Hz, 250-650 Hz, 1000-4000 Hz
        and 3010-9123 Hz
 3 voicing-related features
     o F0
     o F0 envelope
     o voicing probability

To describe an entire audio recording, statistics are calculated from all LLD, velocity
and acceleration trajectories by 39 functionals including e.g. means, extremes, mo-
ments, percentiles and linear as well as quadratic regression. This sums up to 6669
(57 x 3 x 39) features per recording. Further details regarding openSMILE and the
extracted features can be found in the openSMILE 1.0.1 manual and the
emo_large.conf configuration file (http://opensmile.sourceforge.net/).

2.3    Segment-Probabilities
The idea of using the matching probabilities of segments as features or more precisely
the maxima of the normalized cross-correlation [7] between segments, also referred to
as region of interests (ROIs) or templates, and spectrogram images was previously
used by Nick Kriedler in The Marinexplore and Cornell University Whale Detection
Challenge, Fodor Gabor in the MLSP 2013 Bird Classification Challenge [8] and
Ilyas Potamitis in the NIPS 2013 Bird Song Classification Challenge [9].
For the current competition an adaptation of this method was used which was already
very successfully applied also in the NIPS 2013 Challenge [10]. It differs mainly in
the way how segments are extracted and which subsets of segments and their proba-
bilities are used during classification. It turned out that proper preprocessing and seg-
mentation of the spectrogram images is a key element to improve classification per-
formance. The number of segments should be rather small but still representative,
capturing typical elements and combinations of sounds of the species to be identified.

The following sections give a brief overview of the feature extraction steps regarding
Segment-Probabilities. Some additional details can be found in [10].

Preprocessing and Segmentation. As mentioned above the way of preprocessing
and segmentation is crucial to gather a good repertoire of segments especially when
dealing with unknown content and noisy recordings. The following steps were per-
formed for each audio file in the training set:

 resample to 22050 Hz
 get spectrogram via STFT (512 samples, hanning window, 75% overlap)
 normalize spectrogram to 1.0
 remove 4 lowest and 24 highest spectrogram rows
 get binary image via Median Clipping per frequency band and time frame by set-
  ting each pixel to 1, if it is above 3 times the median of its corresponding row AND
  3 times the median of its corresponding column, otherwise to 0
 apply closing, dilation and median filter for further noise reduction
 label all connected pixels exceeding a certain spatial extension as a segment
 define its size and position by a rectangle with a small area added to each

     Fig. 1. Example of a spectrogram image (log) with marked segments (MediaId: 86)

                Fig. 2. Preprocessing steps for segmentation (MediaId: 86)

Selection of typical Segments per Species. In opposite to the Metadata and
openSMILE feature sets that are species respectively class independent, Segment-
Probabilities form individual feature sets for each species. In order to get a small but
representative set of features per species, only segments from files without back-
ground species and very good quality (metadata: Quality = 1) were selected. For some
species this condition was too strict, leading to none or too few segments. The follow-
ing queries were applied successively for every target species until there was at least
one file that met the conditions and the number of retrieved segments was greater than

Select all segments of files WHERE: Species = target species AND:

1. BackgroundSpecies = {} AND Quality = 1
2. BackgroundSpecies = {} AND (Quality = 1 OR Quality = 2)
3. BackgroundSpecies = {} AND (Quality = 1 OR Quality = 2 OR Quality = 3)
4. Quality = 1 OR Quality = 2

The number of segments retrieved this way sums up to 492,753 for all training files
with an average of approximately 984 segments per species.

Template Matching. After selecting a set of segments for each species, template
matching was performed to get an individual feature set per species. The highest
matching probability was determined using normalized cross-correlation after apply-
ing a gaussian blur to segment and target image. Due to the large number of audio
files and segments used as templates, the method described in [10] was way too time
consuming and had to be modified. In order to speed up the process the following
changes were applied:

 segments and target spectrogram images were calculated via STFT using only 50%
  overlap (instead of 75%)
 search range for segments within the target images along the frequency axes was
  set to ± 3 pixel (instead of 4 pixel)
 segments and target spectrogram images were converted to 8 bit unsigned integer
  before the template matching procedure (instead of 32 bit floating point)

Even with these modifications, the process of template matching (sliding almost half a
million templates over 14,027 target images) took very long and kept four computers
with regular hardware quite busy for several days.

3      Feature Selection

To cope with the large number of features and to improve and speed up the classifica-
tion process a reduction of features was inevitable. It was performed in two phases,
before and during classification.
The openSMILE features were reduced from 6669 to 1277 features per file before the
actual classification step. This was done by recursive feature elimination with the
scikit-learn [11] RFECV selector [12] and a support vector machine with linear kernel
and 2-fold cross-validation. For this preselection only a small subset from the training
data consisting of 50 species and good quality files was used.
During classification, furthermore the k highest scoring features were individually
selected per species using univariate feature selection. This was done separately for
each fold during classifier training with cross-validation. Different values for k were
tested, ranging from 150 to 400 features per class.

4       Training and Classification

Since it was optional to use the information about background species, single- and
multi-label approaches were tested. In both cases the classification problem was split
up into 501 independent classification problems using one classifier for each species
following the one-vs.-all resp. the binary relevance method. For the single-label ap-
proach only dominant species were considered as targets. In case of the multi-label
approach background species (BS), if assigned, were also considered for each training
file but were set to lower probabilities compared to the dominant species. The classi-
fication was done with the scikit-learn library (ExtraTreesRegressor) by training
ensembles of randomized decision trees [13] with probabilistic outputs. Following
variations were used for training:

 classification methods
     o single-label
     o multi-label with probabilities of dominant species set to 1.0
         probabilities of BS set to 0.3
         probabilities of BS set to 0.7
         probabilities of BS set to 1.0 (equally weighted as dominant species)
 feature sets & feature set combinations
     o Meatadata Only
     o openSMILE Only
     o Segment-Probabilities1 (Seg.Probs.)
     o Metadata + openSMILE
     o Metadata + openSMILE + Seg.Probs.
     o openSMILE + Seg.Probs. (Audio Only)
 number of features (univariate feature selection per species in each fold)
    o 150, 170, 180, 200, 250, 300, 400
 number of folds for cross-validation
    o 10, 12, 15

With following variations of tree parameters:
 number of estimators
    o 300, 400, 500
 max_features
    o 4, 5, 6, 7
 min_sample_split
    o 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    By the time of the submission deadline Segment-Probabilities were extracted for 485 spe-
    cies. The remaining 16 species used Metadata + openSMILE features for classification.

During cross-validation using stratified folds the probability of each species in all test
files was predicted and averaged. Additionally each species was predicted in the held
out training files for validation. This way it was possible to choose a variation and/or
parameter set separately per species and to increase the MAP score on the test files by
optimizing the MAP score on the training files.

5      Results

In Table 1 the results of the four submitted runs are summarized using evaluation
statistics based on the mean of the Area Under the Curve (AUC) calculated per spe-
cies and the Mean Average Precision (MAP) on the public training and the private
test set. All four runs outperformed the runs of the other participating teams.

         Table 1. Performance of submitted runs (without / with background species)

                           Public Training Set                  Private Test Set
          Run       Mean AUC [%]         MAP [%]                  MAP [%]
           1          91.4 / 85.0        53.7 / 48.6              50.9 / 45.1
           2          91.1 / 84.9        49.4 / 44.6              49.2 / 43.7
           3          91.5 / 85.1        53.9 / 48.7              51.1 / 45.3
           4          91.4 / 85.3        50.1 / 45.3              50.4 / 44.9

For the first and the best performing third run a mix of parameter sets individually
selected per species was used. As mentioned above the selection was based on how a
particular set of trainings parameter was able to increase the overall MAP on the held
out training files during cross-validation. A higher mean AUC score might be a hint
of a generally good selection of training parameters but it is still possible that for
some classes (species) a different selection works better. To give an example, in Fig.
3 AUC scores are visualized per species using one of the three different feature sets
exclusively during training. On average the use of Segment-Probabilities outperforms
the other feature sets but for some species the openSMILE and in rare cases even the
Metadata feature set is a better choice.

For the winning third run a list of the parameters and feature sets used for each spe-
cies, together with their individually achieved AUC scores can be downloaded from
http://www.animalsoundarchive.org/RefSys/LifeCLEF2014. Here
one can also find additional figures visualizing the preprocessing, segmentation and
the most important segments used for classification.

 Fig. 3. AUC scores per species for individual feature sets calculated on left out training files
                   during cross-validation (without background species)

To give an impression about the influence of different parameter settings on classifi-
cation performance over the entire training set, run 4 was altered in several ways and
corresponding evaluation statistics are visualized in Fig. 4 and 5.

Parameters used for Run 4:

 classification method: single-label
 feature set: Segment-Probabilities
 number of features: 150
 number of folds: 15
 number of estimators: 500
 max_features: 7
 min_sample_split: 4

Parameter variations of Run 4:

 Run 2  max_features: 6 & min_sample_split: 3
 Run 5  feature set: Metadata
 Run 6  feature set: openSMILE
 Run 7  feature set: openSMILE + Segment-Probabilities (Audio Only)
 Run 8  method: multi-label and background species weighted with 0.3
 Run 9  method: multi-label and background species weighted with 0.7
 Run 10  method: multi-label and background species weighted equally

                     Fig. 4. Mean Average Precision (MAP) of Runs

                       Fig. 5. Area Under the Curve (AUC) of Runs

6      Discussion and Future Work

To use matching probabilities of segments as features was once again a good choice.
The drawback of this method is that the template matching procedure to calculate the
feature sets takes quite a long time especially if the number of species and audio files
is as large as in the current challenge. To use image-pyramids could help to speed up
the process and would be worth to investigate in the near future. The features derived
from metadata and the ones calculated with openSMILE did not perform as well but
they could increase the overall classification performance by improving the results for
individual species. Considering the use of the openSMILE tool there is still a lot of
room for improvement. The configuration file could be altered to better capture the
characteristics of bird sounds.

 Furthermore a preselection of features on a per species basis to get individually de-
 signed feature sets for each species class, like done for Segment-Probabilities, could
 be advantageous. Also worth considering is windowing the audio files, classifying the
 fixed length sections and averaging the results via majority voting.

 Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Hervé Glotin, Hervé Goëau, Andreas
 Raube and Willem-Pier Vellinga for organizing this competition, the Xeno-Canto
 foundation for nature sounds for providing the audio recordings and the French pro-
 jects Pl@ntNet (INRIA, CIRAD, Tela Botanica) and SABIOD Mastodons for sup-
 porting this task. I also want to thank Dr. Karl-Heinz Frommolt for supporting my
 work and providing me with the access to the resources of the Animal Sound Archive
 [14]. The research was supported by the DFG (grant no. FR 1028/4-1).


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