=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Pan-SurendranEt2014 |storemode=property |title=Ensemble Learning Approach for Author Profiling |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Pan-SurendranEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/KGSPAP14 }} ==Ensemble Learning Approach for Author Profiling== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Pan-SurendranEt2014.pdf
       Ensemble Learning Approach for Author
                       Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2014

    Gilad Gressel, Hrudya P, Surendran K, Thara S, Aravind A, Prabaharan Poornachandran
              Amrita Center for Cyber Security, Amrita University, Kollam, India
        giladgressel@gmail.com, hrudyap@am.amrita.edu, surendrank@am.amrita.edu,
          tharas@am.amrita.edu, aravindashok@am.amrita.edu, praba@amrita.edu

       Abstract. With the evolution of internet, author profiling has become a topic of
       great interest in the field of forensics, security, marketing, plagiarism detection
       etc. However the task of identifying the characteristics of the author just based
       on a text document has its own limitations and challenges. This paper reports on
       the design, techniques and learning models we adopted for the PAN-2014
       Author Profiling challenge. To identify the age and gender of an author from a
       document we employed ensemble learning approach by training a Random
       Forest classifier with the training data provided by PAN organizers for English
       language only. Our work indicate that readability metrics, function words and
       structural features play a vital role in identifying the age and gender of an

1 Introduction

With more than 2 billion users, internet has provided a solid platform for people to
share, communicate and express their ideas globally. Though online social media
have brought people together, they are vulnerable to crimes like identity thefts, false
information, identity masking etc. A lot of people fake their original identity either to
remain anonymous or to perform different cybercrimes. Zheng et al. in [1] has
showed that anonymity is a significant characteristic in online communities. The
process of identifying the traits of an author like age, gender, country, religion etc
from a document has become one of the hot topics for researches in the fields of
security, forensics, marketing, etc.
          In this paper, we present the working of our system which performs the
Author Profiling task by PAN-2014. This task aims at identifying the age and gender
of an author from four different datasets which are twitter tweets, blog data, social
media posts and hotel reviews. The training data for this analysis is also provided by
the PAN organizers. We employed different Natural Language Processing techniques
to extract features from a text document and using the Random Forest classifier we
determine the age and gender of the author. This paper presents the working model of
our system along with our architecture diagram, the machine learning algorithms and
techniques we used to complete the task.

   The rest of the paper is organized in the following order. Section 2 discusses the
related work by other researches we went through. In Section 3 we discuss our system
details and in section 4 we explain in detail our methodology and implementation
details. Finally in section 5 we draw conclusions and present future plans for
extending and improvising our author profiling task.

2 Literature Survey

          A considerable amount of research has already been done to identify the
traits of an author from a document using different machine learning algorithms and
statistical models. In [2] Peng et al. mention that each author has his/her own unique
stylometry of writing and refer to this feature as author profile. Pennebraker and
Stone in [3] used the LIWC dataset and showed a relationship between language used
and the age of the author. The study performed by Vimala Balakrishnan and Paul H.P
[4] prove that age and gender of a mobile phone users do influence their texting style.
John D. Burger, John Henderson and co-writers presented a language independent
classifier for gender prediction from the twitter micro-blogging site [5]. In [6] Dong
Nyugen et al. presented a linear regression model to predict the age of an author from
a given text document. Claudia Peersman performed an exploratory study for
predicting age and gender form chat texts using Netlog corpus data [7]. R
Chandramouli in [8] compared the working of SVM, AdaBoost and Logistic
regression for gender identification. Shlomo Argamon shows the differences in the
male and female writing using the British National Corpus in [9].
   In [10] the authors propose a tool TAT to profiling the authors of Arabic emails.
Calix et al. [11] used 55 different features to analyze the stylometry of authors for
email author identification and authentication. All previous years PAN Author
Profiling research papers could be found from [15], [16] and [17].

3 System Architecture

         In this notebook we propose our solution for author profiling from a given
set of text documents. We have used a combination of Semantic, Syntactic and
Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis for finding the same. The output of each
analysis is fed into a trained ensemble classifier which determines the age and gender
of the author. Figure 1 shows the detailed architectural diagram of our work.

                        Figure 1 System Architecture Diagram
   For performing the Author Profiling task we used the data corpus provided by
PAN-2014. The corpus consisted of various xml documents which had to be handled
in an offline (Hotel reviews and Social media) and online (Twitter and Blog) mode.
The Twitter training data had to be downloaded due to Twitter terms of service. The
cleaned blog corpus from RSS feeds was provided by PAN organizers, but it only
contained partial data. To obtain full data we decided to crawl it online and then use it
for analysis. The data crawled from both these modes is then cleaned for the removal
of xml contents, urls, user mentions (twitter), etc. The cleaned data is then pushed into
a database.
   After crawling and data cleaning we had the following data entries in the database
for training. Table 1 and 2 shows the number of posts we extracted overall.
  Table 1 Male/ Female data set count:

 SR. NO       CORPUS TYPE                MALE/FEMALE                TOTAL COUNT
    1               Blogs                        980/913                  1893
    2           Hotel Review                 2823/2629                    5452
    3            Social Media               85086/83643                  168729
    4               Twitter                 96980/69959                  166939

          Total Posts:                    185869/157144                  343013

  Table 2 Age group data set count:
  AGE                     HOTEL           SOCIAL                            TOTAL
              BLOGS                                      TWITTER
 GROUP                    REVIEW          MEDIA                             COUNT
  18-24         102         436            34694            12498            47730
  25-34         643         1351           47599            55843           105436
  35-49         732         1366           48385            66844           117327
  50-64         334         1285           37143            2229             65991
  65 or
                 82          1014            908             4525             5515
                            Total Posts:                                     343013

The data set is then retrieved from the database and sent for text analysis which
involves Natural Language Processing, Readability Analysis, Syntactic analysis and
Structural Analysis. We extract a total of 22 features from each data set and send it to
Random Forest Classifier for training purposes. This trained ensemble classifier is
then used later for training purposes. In the next module we will explain our
implementation process in detail.

4 Implementation Details

As shown in Figure 1 our model consists of four main modules:

 a. Crawlers: The training corpus provided by PAN-2014 contains documents in the
XML format. However for some data sets like Twitter and Blogs, data had to be taken
from HTML links in the XML file. Hence we had two modes of crawlers; one for
offline data sets (Social Media and Hotel Review) and another for online data sets
(Twitter and Blogs).

b. Data Cleaning: The raw text obtained from the crawlers has to be cleaned to
remove noisy data like „\ufffd‟, XML tags, urls, twitter user mentions, hashtags etc.
The presence of this noisy data could affect and reduce the accuracy of the entire
analysis. The cleaned data is then pushed into a database.

c. Text Analysis: From the database the cleaned data is retrieved and we employ
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques on the text data for its analysis. We
used the NLTK [12] platform for performing NLP techniques like Stemming,
Tokenizing, Parts of Speech (POS) tagging etc. Using these techniques we extract
features which is further divided into 3 subsets listed below:
       i. Readability Metrics: Though readability metrics were created to find the
          factors that help in making the text easy to read, it also plays a vital role in
          identifying the characteristics of the author [13]. The readability score is a
          statistical technique that computes readability based on the structure and

semantics of the sentence [14]. We use the following readability metrics for
our analysis:

    a. ARI:

    b. Flesch Reading Ease:

    c. Flesch Kincaid Grade Level:

    d. SMOG Index:

    e. Gunning Fog Index:

    f. Coleman Liau Index:

    g. LIX:

    h. RIX:

      ii. Function Words: For extracting the function words features we used the
          POS tagger of NLTK toolkit. We extract a total of 7 features from the text
          which include the number of nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, determiners,
          adverbs and foreign words. Foreign words are those words which are mostly
          slangs used in internet like “Helloooo”, “Whaaaat”, “yipeee”, “ROFL” etc.

     iii. Syntactic Features: We extract the syntactic features from the text using the
          NLTK Tokenizer. We extract a total of 7 features which include number of
          single quotes, commas, periods, colons, semi-colons, question marks,
          exclamation marks etc.

d. Classifier: All of the 22 features collected are then fed into an ensemble classifier.
For our analysis we used Random Forest classifier due to speed and accuracy. The
classifier is trained with the whole data corpus and used later for testing purposes. The
working of a cleaned test corpus is shown in Figure 2 given below.

                       Figure 2 Working of cleaned test corpus

5 Results

In this section we present the results we obtained from our PAN Author Profiling
Task. We evaluated our analysis on the test corpuses provided by PAN organizers
using TIRA software. Table 3 and 4 show the age and gender predictions for English
corpus 1 and 2 respectively.

  Table 3 Results of Author Profiling - English Corpus-1:
     DATA TYPE           AGE        GENDER         BOTH
         Blogs          0.1667       0.4583        0.0833          00:01:57
      Hotel Review      0.2317       0. 5854       0.1220          00:04:30
      Social Media      0.2558       0.5072        0.1272          03:54:55
         Twitter        0.4667       0.5000        0.2333          00:39:28

  Table 4 Results of Author Profiling - English Corpus-2:
     DATA TYPE           AGE        GENDER         BOTH
         Blogs          0.2564       0.4231        0.1282          00:05:57
      Hotel Review      0.2454       0.5189        0.1291          00:19:03
      Social Media      0.2515       0.5198        0.1318          18:26:49
         Twitter        0.3896       0.5000        0.1948          03:23:36

6 Conclusion

In this work, we present our system which identifies the age and gender of an author
from a given document. We employed supervised Random Forest ensemble classifier
for the Author Profiling task. We have performed our analysis on the 343013 training
data for the English language corpus provided by the PAN-2014 organizers.
   In our future work, we would like to perform a deeper analysis on the different
features and traits and techniques that would help to improve the efficiency of our
current system.


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