=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-QA-GleizeEt2014 |storemode=property |title=LIMSI-CNRS@CLEF 2014: Invalidating Answers for Multiple Choice Question Answering |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-QA-GleizeEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/GleizeLG14 }} ==LIMSI-CNRS@CLEF 2014: Invalidating Answers for Multiple Choice Question Answering== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-QA-GleizeEt2014.pdf
LIMSI-CNRS@CLEF 2014: Invalidating Answers
   for Multiple Choice Question Answering

          Martin Gleize1,2 , Anne-Laure Ligozat1,3 , and Brigitte Grau1,3
          LIMSI-CNRS, Rue John von Neumann, 91405 Orsay CEDEX, France
                            Université Paris-Sud, Orsay
                                    ENSIIE, Evry
                   gleize@limsi.fr, annlor@limsi.fr, bg@limsi.fr

      Abstract. This paper describes our participation to the Entrance Ex-
      ams Task of CLEF 2014’s Question Answering Track. The goal is to an-
      swer multiple-choice questions on short texts. Our system first retrieves
      passages relevant to the question, through lexical expansion involving a
      structured use of the Simple English Wiktionary and WordNet. Then it
      extracts predicate-argument structures (PAS) from each answer choice
      and aligns them to PAS found in the passages retrieved in the first step.
      Finally, manually crafted rules are applied to those alignments to try to
      invalidate answer choices. If enough answer choices are thus invalidated,
      we make a decision on the remaining answer choices based on their align-
      ment scores with the passages. We submitted several runs in the task,
      only one of which reached the random baseline (c@1 of 0.25). In the last
      section, we provide an analysis of the differences between our relatively
      good results obtained on trial data and the poor performance of our test

      Keywords: Question Answering, Passage Retrieval, Textual Entailment

1   Introduction
The task focuses on the reading of single documents and identification of the
correct answer to a question from a set of possible answer options. The iden-
tification of the correct answer requires various kinds of inference and the con-
sideration of previously acquired background knowledge. Japanese University
Entrance Exams include questions formulated at various levels of complexity
and test a wide range of capabilities. The challenge of ”Entrance Exams” aims
at evaluating systems under the same conditions humans are evaluated to enter
the University. Previously the evaluation campaign Question Answering For Ma-
chine Reading Evaluation (QA4MRE at CLEF) [8] focused on multiple-choice
questions designed to evaluate computer systems, but this new task takes on
challenges typically offered to humans. It naturally translates into more com-
plex inference phenomena to solve [2], and thus usually lower performance of
systems: QA4MRE 2013’s best run [1] on the Main task outperformed by a
large margin its counterpart on the Entrance Exams pilot task (c@1 of 0.59 on
5-choice questions, compared to 0.42 on 4-choice questions) [6].

2     System Architecture

The overarching goal of our system is to essentially invalidate as many incor-
rect answer choices as possible. Although we also introduce some elements of
validation of the correct answer, our study of the trial question set revealed
that we might have a better chance of finding the right answer by elimina-
tion of the wrong candidates. The architecture of our multiple-choice question-
answering system is described in Figure 1. Its pipeline is composed of mainly four
modules: preprocessing, passage retrieval, predicate-argument extractor and val-
idation/invalidation. The remaining of this section is dedicated to the detailed
description of those modules.

                                          Passage              Arguments
                                          Retrieval              Aligner


                                                               Validation /   Decision

                                 Fig. 1. System Architecture

2.1   Preprocessing

We use Stanford CoreNLP as our main Natural Language annotation tool. Each
sentence from the document, questions or answer choices is tagged with Part-
Of-Speech [9] and syntactically parsed [4]. In addition, we apply coreference
resolution [7] on the whole document. We did not use the Named Entity Recog-
nition component.
We also use TruthTeller [5], a semantic annotator that assigns truth values to
predicate occurrences, on all the sentences. More details about the annotation
types are available in its presentation paper, but we generally only use the Pred-
icate Truth annotation, which is the final value assigned by TruthTeller. It is
one of P (Positive), U (Uncertain) or N (Negative), and indicates whether the
predicate itself is entailed by its containing sentence, in the classical sense of
textual entailment.

2.2   Passage Retrieval
The passage retrieval module aims at ranking document snippets of 3 to 5 sen-
tences by relevance to the question. Words of the question act as the query.
However, it is very rare that words of the question exactly appear in the rele-
vant passage of the document, so we have to use some form of query expansion.
We use a method similar to [3]: we basically expand each query and document
word with the words of their definition in the Simple English Wiktionary [10].
We can do that recursively, expanding definition words with their own definition,
thus defining a kind of word tree. We compute for each (query word, document
word) pair a weighted number of common words in their tree. We weigh the
words according to their depth in the definition tree.
Figure 2 shows a portion of the definition trees for the words cat and wolf. The
word animal is found in the Simple English Wiktionary definition of both words:
we say that it is found at depth 1 –depth 0 being the word itself. The word pet
on the other hand is found in the definition of dog, a word of the definition of
wolf : we say that it is of depth 2. We add the depth of common words in both
trees: animal is a common word of depth 2 and pet is a common word of depth 3
for the pair (cat, wolf ). This roughly captures the intuition that the word animal
is more accurate to describe common traits of a cat and a wolf rather than the
word pet.

         Fig. 2. Simple English Wiktionary Definition trees of cat and wolf

    We enrich the definition trees with coreference information and WordNet
synonyms and antonyms –to complete the coverage of the Simple Wiktionary,
and weigh all the words in the tree by the IDF score of the word in the document.
We ran TruthTeller on all the Simple English Wiktionary definitions, so we can
propagate predicate truth values in the definition tree to compute whether a
word in the tree is entailed by the root word. The propagation rules are simple:
if a word is of truthvalue P or U, each of its direct definition words keeps the
truth value assigned by TruthTeller, if it is N, we take the inverse TruthTeller
annotation for the definition word (inverse of P is N, inverse of N is P, and
inverse of U is U). We do not use predicate truth information for scoring, it will

be used in the validation/invalidation step.
With the resulting word-to-word semantic relatedness scores, we compute a 1-to-
1 maximum sum alignment of the words using the Integer Linear Programming
solver lpsolve. We then rank the aligned passages by alignment scores. This
makes up our basic ranking system and it is also used in the predicate-argument
alignment described later in the paper.
One interesting property of our data is that in general, the order of the passages
in the text preserve the order of the questions they’re relevant to: if question 2
is after question 1 in the reading test, then its relevant passage in the document
is most likely after that of question 1. We use a simple dynamic programming
algorithm –omitted here for space– to compute the best sequence of passages
conserving this property, and place the passages computed this way at the top
of their respective per-question list.

2.3   Predicate-arguments Aligner
Predicate-arguments Extractor Predicate-arguments structures (PAS) aim
at capturing essentially “Who does what to what?” in a shallow way. We use
the Stanford dependency graph from the parsed sentences and take the verbs
(Penn POS tag starting with V) as predicates and we classify their dependen-
cies between subject and arguments. We take as subject the nodes in a nsubj
or nsubjpass dependency with the verb, and consider the rest as arguments. We
enrich subjects and arguments with their own dependencies to not lose out on
adjectives, certain numerical determiners and prepositions. When considering
dependencies, we filter out determiners (with the DT tag).

Alignment of answer PAS and passage PAS With the previously described
method, we extract PAS for the sentences of each answer choice. We also ex-
tract PAS for the sentences in the relevant passages obtained in section 2.2. We
align answer PAS and passage PAS with the same alignment method using our
semantic relatedness method and the ILP formulation, and rank the alignments
by alignment score. Let us note that we align regardless of the function the word
plays in the PAS: we can align predicates with subjects and arguments, and
subjects with arguments.
At this point, we summarize the information available to us in those alignments.
For each aligned word pair, we know:
 – the function that each word plays in its respective containing PAS: subject,
   predicate or argument.
 – a semantic relatedness score.
 – truth value annotations, as annotated by TruthTeller.

2.4   Validation/Invalidation
Algorithm Our goal in this last module is to eliminate as many answer choices
as possible without eliminating the right answer. Let K be the maximum number

of answer choices we are allowed to keep to take the final decision. The following
algorithm computes whether we take a final decision for the current question.
ALL_ANSWERS := all answer choices
AnswersChoices := all answers
Passages := all relevant passages
While (|AnswersChoices| > K && |Passages| > 0) {
  Passage = Passages.pop()
  Validated = {}
  Invalidated = {}
  Foreach (AnswerChoice in AnswerChoices) {
    PASAlignments = align(AnswerChoice, Passage)
    Foreach (PASAlignment in PASAlignments) {
      if (validate(PASAlignment))
      if (invalidate(PASAlignment))
  ToRemove := {}
  if (|Invalidated| < |ALL_ANSWERS|) {
    ToRemove := Invalidated
  if (|Validated| > 0) {
    ToRemove := ToRemove U (ALL_ANSWERS \ Validated)
  AnswersChoices := AnswersChoices \ ToRemove
return |AnswersChoices| <= K
We provide a rough explanation of what goes on in this pre-decision process.
We explore all the ranked relevant passages as long as we have not eliminated
enough answers. When faced with a new passage, we PAS-align each answer
choice with the passage (section 2.3). The ranked alignments go through valida-
tion and invalidation rules and the corresponding answer is invalidated if a PAS
alignment is found invalid.

Final decision If we go through all the passages without invalidating enough
answers, we choose not to answer the question. If we have K or less answers
remaining, we pick the one with the strongest PAS alignment score found in the

The rules We manually built 2 validation rules and 3 invalidation rules. They
operate on PAS alignments.
In the current iteration of our system, the validation rules must be fired simul-
taneously to validate an answer choice, whereas only one invalidation rule fired
is enough to invalidate an answer choice. We consider that it is indeed usually

much more difficult, even for a human, to invalidate a wrong answer than it is
to validate a correct one with accuracy.
In the description of the rules, polarity means the predicate truth value of the
common word found in the semantic relatedness score. Compatible polarities are
P with P, N with N, and U with P,N,U.
Strong alignment means that the word-to-word alignment score is above a thresh-
old, manually set in this system. The validation rules are as follows:
 – Rule 1: Subject and Predicate are strongly aligned in both PAS, and all
   polarities are compatible.
 – Rule 2: Predicate and one Argument are strongly aligned in both PAS, and
   all polarities are compatible.
The invalidation rules are as follows:
 – Rule 1: One polarity mismatch is found in a strong alignment.
 – Rule 2: Predicates are strongly aligned, but their Subjects are not aligned
   at all.
 – Rule 3: The alignment is located at least 2 sentences before the best (ques-
   tion, passage) alignment. We noticed on the trial corpus that the correct
   answer was usually found after the mention of the question in the docu-

3     Data and results
3.1   CLEF 2014 QA Track: Entrance Exams data and evaluation
Our data consist of the trial and test sets at CLEF 2014 Question Answering
Track, Task 3: Entrance Exams. Both trial and test sets feature the same format:
a series of 12 texts, and for each of them, 5 multiple-choice questions to answer: 60
questions in total. There are 4 answer choices possible for each of the questions.
This corpus has been extracted from the Tokyo University Entrance Exam in
English as a foreign language.
Systems are evaluated according to their c@1, defined in equation 1.
                                  1           nR
                             C@1 =  (nR + nU     )                       (1)
                                  n            n
   with n the total number of questions, nR the number of correctly answered
questions, nU the number of unanswered questions.

3.2   Results
In this section, we report the results of our best run on both trial and test
question sets. This system uses K = 2 as the maximum number of answer choices
allowed to make the decision. Passages are 5 sentences long and the algorithm
described in section 2.4 uses a maximum of 10 passages before reaching non-
decision. We tried other values of those parameters, but the corresponding runs

were performing worse on both trial and data sets, so we do not feel the need to
further expose results about them. We focus instead on the differences on trial
and test results for the described run. Both datasets contain 60 questions. Table
1 reports global results of our system on both sets of questions. As we can see,
performance is quite satisfactory on the trial dataset, but really poor –at the
level of the random baseline– on the test dataset.

                        Table 1. Results on trial and test

                                            Trial Test
                          Questions answered 42 36
                          Errors              22 25
                          Accuracy           0.48 0.31
                          c@1                0.43 0.25

    We also analyzed in a fine-grained way the accuracy and efficiency of our
validation and invalidation rules. Table 2 describes the error rate on questions
where invalidation rules ended up eliminating a correct answer choice. In each
cell, we find the number of questions where the particular rule eliminated a
correct answer, and we also find the number of questions it fired on –where
it eliminated at least one answer choice. As we can see, all rules misfire more
on the test dataset, which seems to correlate well with the overall poor test
performance. Validation rules did not fire as often as the invalidation rules (4
times for trial, and 5 times for test).

                   Table 2. Invalidation error on trial and test

                                       Trial Test
                               Rule 1 2 / 21 4 / 13
                               Rule 2 6 / 25 8 / 22
                               Rule 3 8 / 26 10 / 28

    It is possible to frame our rule system as a kind of information retrieval sys-
tem and evaluate it in term of validation precision and recall, and invalidation
precision and recall. For validation, relevant items are the correct answers, and
for invalidation, relevant items are the incorrect answer choices. We compare
our results in both trial and test datasets with a random baseline, which basi-
cally has a 50% chance of validating and invalidating each answer choice and
stops under the same conditions as our system (when K or less answer choices
remain). Results in term of precision and recall are shown in table 3. As we can
see, surprisingly, validation/invalidation does not seem to perform significantly
differently from random guesses on test data, while it is not the case at all on
trial data.

                Table 3. Precision/recall of validation/invalidation

             System                Random Rules (Trial) Rules (Test)
             Validation precision   0.24     0.36           0.25
             Validation recall      0.40     0.57           0.42
             Invalidation precision 0.75     0.83           0.74
             Invalidation recall    0.60     0.66           0.56

    We finally report the performance of our passage retrieval system compared
to several baselines. Prior to this participation, we had annotated the correct
passages on 45 of the 60 questions of the trial dataset, this allows us to compute
the MRR (Mean Reciprocal Rank) of our passage retrieval method. Results are
shown in table 4. Baseline 1 is a simple word-overlap-based measure. Baseline
2 is Baseline 2 with TF-IDF weighting and WordNet keyword expansion. We
then ran our system with and without taking into account the order preserving
property of the reading tests, mentioned at the end of section 2.2. As we can
see, our passage retrieval method vastly outperforms typical baselines, and the
assumption about order of questions being preserved in the order of passages
seems to hold and help quite a bit, at least on trial questions.

                     Table 4. Passage retrieval performance

                           System              MRR
                           Baseline 1           0.36
                           Baseline 2           0.45
                           System without order 0.49
                           System with order    0.58

4   Conclusion

Our system has been developed with the invalidation of wrong answer candi-
dates in mind, specifically to answer multiple-choice questions. In the CLEF
2014 evaluation campaign, Question Answering track, the submitted run per-
formed at the level of the random baseline in the Entrance exams task and thus
did not reproduce satisfactory trial performance.
In further works, we plan to study the reasons behind the differences in perfor-
mance of our system on trial and test results and to better integrate predicate-
arguments structure selection with passage retrieval, the module of our system
which seemed to perform well. Other features considered include a character
name resolver addition to coreference resolution, and analyzing discourse rela-

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