|title=LyS at CLEF RepLab 2014: Creating the State of the Art in Author Influence Ranking and Reputation Classification on Twitter
==LyS at CLEF RepLab 2014: Creating the State of the Art in Author Influence Ranking and Reputation Classification on Twitter==
LyS at CLEF RepLab 2014: Creating the State of the Art in Author Influence Ranking and Reputation Classification on Twitter David Vilares, Miguel Hermo, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodrı́guez and Jesús Vilares Grupo LyS, Departamento de Computación, Universidade da Coruña Campus de A Coruña s/n, 15071, A Coruña, España {david.vilares, miguel.hermo, miguel.alonso, carlos.gomez, jvilares}@udc.es Abstract. This paper describes our participation at RepLab 2014, a competitive evaluation for reputation monitoring on Twitter. The fol- lowing tasks were addressed: (1) categorisation of tweets with respect to standard reputation dimensions and (2) characterisation of Twitter profiles, which includes: (2.1) identifying the type of those profiles, such as journalist or investor, and (2.2) ranking the authors according to their level of influence on this social network. We consider an approach based on the application of natural language processing techniques in order to take into account part-of-speech, syntactic and semantic information. However, each task is addressed independently, since they respond to different requirements. The official results confirm the competitiveness of our approaches, which achieve the 2nd place, tied in practice with the 1st place, at the author ranking task; and 3rd place at the reputation dimensions classification tasks. Keywords: Reputation Monitoring, Author Ranking, Twitter, Natural Lan- guage Processing, Machine Learning 1 Introduction In recent years, Twitter has become a wide information network, where millions of users share their views about products and services. This microblogging social network is an important source of information for companies and organisations, which aim to know what people think about their articles. In this way, identifying how people relate aspects and traits such as performance, services or leadership with their business, is a good starting point for monitoring the perception of the public via sentiment analysis applications. In a similar line, companies are interested in user profiling: identifying the profession, cultural level, age or the level of influence of authors in an specific domain may have potential benefits when making decisions with respect to advertisement policies, for example. 1468 The RepLab 2014 on Twitter [1] focusses on these challenges, providing stan- dard metrics and test collections where both academic and commercial systems can be evaluated. The collections contain tweets written in English and Span- ish. Two main tasks were proposed: (1) categorisation of tweets with respect to standard reputation dimensions and (2) characterisation of Twitter profiles. The first task consisted of classifying tweets into the standard reputation dimen- sions: products&services, innovation, workplace, citizenship, governance, leader- ship, performance and undefined. The characterization of Twitter profiles is com- posed of two subtasks: (2.1) author categorisation and (2.2) author ranking. The author categorisation task covers up to 7 user types: journalist, professional, authority, activist, investor, company or celebrity. With respect to the author ranking task, the goal is to detect influential and non-influential users, rank- ing them according to this aspect (from the most to the least influential). Our approaches achieve state-of-the-art results for the classification on reputation dimensions and author ranking. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the main features of our methods. Sections 3, 4 and 5 show how we tackle the proposed tasks, illustrating and discussing the official results. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 6. 2 System description The major part of our models rely on natural language processing (NLP) ap- proaches which include steps such as: preprocessing, part-of-speech (PoS) tagging and parsing. The obtained syntactic trees act as a starting point for extracting the features which feed the supervised classifier employed for tasks 1 (reputa- tion dimensions classification) and 2.1 (author categorisation). We built different models for each task and for each language considered in the evaluation cam- paign. With respect to task 2.2 (author ranking), a simple but effective method was used. Differences between tasks and languages are explained in the following sections. We describe below the high level architecture of our NLP pipeline. 2.1 NLP for online reputation Preprocessing We carry out an ad-hoc preprocessing to normalise some of the most common features of the Twitter jargon, which may have an influence on the perfomance of the tasks proposed at RepLab 2014: – Replacement of URL’s: References to external links and resources are re- placed by the string ‘URL’. – Hashtags: The use of hashtags may be helpful for classification tasks, since they are often used to label tweets. In this way, we only delete the symbol ‘#’ in order to give to these elements the same treatment as words. – Twitter usernames: In this social network, the usernames are preceded by the symbol ‘@’. In order not to cause confusion at the tokenisation or tagging steps, we delete that symbol, to then capitalise the first character and give these elements the same treatment as actual proper names. 1469 Part-of-speech tagging In order to be able to obtain the syntactic structure of tweets, we first need to label each token of the message with its respective part-of-speech tag. We used the Ancora [2] and the Penn Treebank [3] corpora to train the Spanish and the English taggers, respectively. The Spanish tagger relies on the Brill tagger [4] implementation included with NLTK1 , following the configuration described at [5]. With respect to English we used an averaged per- ceptron discriminative sequence model [6] which presents state-of-the-art results for the Penn Treebank. Specifically, we took the trained model provided with the TextBlob2 framework. During the process of PoS tagging we also obtain the lemma of each word. Dependency parsing Given a sentence S = w1 ...wn , where wi represents the word at the position i in the sentence, a dependency parser returns a depen- dency tree, a set of triplets {(wi , arcij , wj )} where wi is the head term, wj is the dependent and arcij represents the dependency type, which denotes the syn- tactic function that relates the head and the dependent. In this way, the phrase ‘best performance’ could be represented syntactically as (performance, modifier, best). We rely on MaltParser [7], a data-driven dependency parser generator, to build our parsers. We used again the Ancora and the Penn Treebank corpora to train the Spanish and the English parser, respectively. Our aim is to em- ploy dependency parsing to capture the non-local relations between words that lexical-based approaches cannot handle properly. 2.2 Feature extraction Our classifiers are fed with three different types of features: – N-grams: This type of features detect the presence of sequences of contigu- ous words, where n is the number of concatenated terms. In this paper, we consider both 1-grams and 2-grams (which make it possible to capture some contextual information based on word proximity). Simple normalisa- tion techniques such as converting words to their lowercase form are applied. In addition to n-grams of words, we also consider n-grams of lemmas3 . The aim is to reduce sparsity and training more accurate classifiers, specially for Spanish language, where verbs, adjectives and nouns present gender and number declensions. – Psycometric properties: The LIWC [8] is a software that can be used to iden- tify psychometric word properties present in a text. Among other languages, it provides dictionaries for both Spanish and English. We use those dictio- naries in this work to relate words with psychological features such as insight, anger or happiness, but also with topics such as money, sports or religion. 1 http://www.nltk.org/ 2 http://textblob.readthedocs.org/en/dev/ 3 Lemmas are the canonical forms of words. For example, the lemma of ‘walking’ is ‘walk’ 1470 In this way, we match the words of a text, returning all their psychometric dimensions. – Generalised dependency triplets: In this paper, we apply an enriched ap- proach presented at [9] of the initial method described at [10]. Given a de- pendency triplet of the form (wi , arcij , wj ) a generalised triplet has the form (g(wi , x), d(arcij ), g(wj , x)), where g is a generalisation function and x the desired type of generalisation, which can be: the word itself, its lemma, its psychometric properties, its part-of-speech tag or none, if we decide to com- pletely delete the content of the token. On the other hand, the function d can be defined to keep or remove the dependency type of a triplet. For exam- ple, the triplet (performance, modifier, best) can be generalised as (optimism, modifier, adjective) by applying the generalisation functions (g(performance, psychometric properties), modifier, g(best, part-of-speech tag)). The goal is to reduce the sparsity of standard dependency triplets, generalising concepts and ideas in a homogeneous way. In all cases, we use the number of occurrences as the weighting factor for the supervised classifier. 2.3 Classifier We use the WEKA [11] framework for building our classifiers. For each task, we tuned the weights and the kernel of the classifier in order to maximise perfor- mance, as detailed in the following sections. 3 Task 1: Reputation Dimensions Categorisation The task consisted on relating tweets with the standard reputation dimen- sions proposed by the Reputation Institute and the RepTrak model4 : prod- ucts&services, innovation, workplace, citizenship, governance, leadership, per- formance and undefined (if a tweet is no assigned to any of the other dimen- sions). Dataset The RepLab 2014 corpus is composed of English and Spanish tweets extracted from the RepLab 2013 corpus, which contained a collection of tweets referring to up to 61 entities. The RepLab 2014 only takes into account those who refer to banking or automotive entities, where each one is labelled with one of the standard reputation dimensions. To create the collection the canonical name of the entity was used as a query to retrieve the tweets which talk about it. Thus, each tweet contains the name of an entity. In addition, the corpus provides information about the author of each tweet, the content of external links that appear in a message and a flag to know if the tweet is written in English or Spanish. 4 http://www.reputationinstitute.com/about-reputation-institute/the-reptrak- framework 1471 Evaluation metrics This task is evaluated as a multi-class categorisation prob- lem. Thus, precision, recall and accuracy are the official metrics: P recision = T PT+F P P (1) Recall = T PT+F P N (2) Accuracy = T P +TTN P +T N +F P +F N (3) where TP and TN refer to the true positives and negatives and FP and FN indicate the false positives and negatives, respectively. The organisers sorted the official results by accuracy. Runs We sent two runs. For each run, we trained two different LibLinear clas- sifiers [12]: one for English and another one for Spanish language. We tuned the weights for the majority classes (products, citizenship, undefined and gov- ernance) using a value of 0.75, giving the less frequent categories a weight of 1. In both cases, our approaches only handle the content of a tweet, discarding the user information and the content of the external links. In the latter case, we think processing the content of the web pages referred to in a tweet may exces- sively increase the cost of analysing a tweet. In addition, we believe the tweet reputation dimensions are not necessarily to be related with the content of the link, where probably many concepts and ideas appear. The results presented below these lines seem to confirm our hypothesis since we ranked 3rd, very close to the best-performing system. More specifically, our contributions were: – Run 1 : The English model took as features: unigrams of lemmas, bigrams of lemmas, and word psychometric properties. With respect to the Spanish classifier, the experimental setup showed that the best-performing model over Spanish messages was composed of: unigrams of lemmas, bigrams of lemmas and generalised triplets of the form ( , dependency type, lemma), i.e., dependency triplets where the head is omitted. In both cases, we tried to obtain the best sets of features via greedy search on the training corpus and a 5-fold cross-validation. – Run 2 : This model uses the same classifier and the same sets of features as run 1, but excluding those which include the name of any of the entities used to create the train corpus. Our main aim was protecting our model from a possible bias on the training corpus. We observed that many tweets belonging to certain entities were labelled mainly only into a single reputa- tion dimension. We were concerned that this fact could create an overfitted model which would not work properly on the test set. In this respect, this run also allowed us to measure the impact on performance of using the name of entities on the test set. 1472 Results Table 3 shows the ranking of the systems for the reputation dimension task, based on their accuracy. The baseline of the RepLab organisation is a naive bag-of-words approach trained on a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Our run 1 ranked 3rd, confirming the effectiveness of our perspective. The second run also worked acceptably, although performance dropped by almost two percentage points. This confirms a slight bias on the test set, since it contains tweets that refer to the same entities as the training set and they were collected in the same interval of time. Table 3 show the detailed performance for our best run. Our model obtains both an acceptable recall and precision for the most prevalent classes, but the same is not true for minority classes, due to the small number of samples in the training set. The majority of the participants exhibited this same weakness. 4 Task 2.1: Author categorisation The goal of the task was to assign Twitter profiles to one of these categories: journalist, professional, authority, activist, investor, company and celebrity. An additional class undecidable was proposed to place all those users that did not match any of the proposed categories. Dataset The training and the test set are composed of the authors who wrote the automotive and banking tweets that we mentioned previously. In addition to user information, the organizers included the identifiers of the last 600 tweets of each user at the moment of the creation of the corpus. Due to the lack of time, we decided to download only 100 tweets for each author. In order to obtain these tweets faster, we used the capabilities of the Twitter API to download the timeline of an author instead of downloading the tweets one by one. However, that API method only allows the user to obtain the 3 200 most recent tweets of each author, so we were unable to find the tweets included in the corpus for many of them (the most active ones). More specifically, we could retrieve no tweets for around 1 000 authors. Evaluation metrics The official results are the average accuracy between the categories corresponding to automotive and banking. Only the authors cate- gorised as influential in the gold standard of task 2.2 are taken into account. Runs This task is addressed as follows: given a set of tweets for an author, they are collected into a single file, which is used to finally classify the user according to the proposed categories. Since many of the categories in the training corpus only contained a few authors, we discarded those classes in order to avoid confusing machine learning algorithm. We trained two classifiers, one for each language. After, testing different Support Vector Machine implementations, we obtained the best performance on the training set (5-fold cross-validation) using an SMO [13]. 1473 Table 1. Ranking for task 1: Reputation Dimensions Categorisation Team Run Accuracy uogTr 4 0,731 DAE 1 0,723 LyS 1 0,717 SIBtex 1 0,707 CIRGIRDISCO 3 0,707 SIBtex 2 0,705 stavicta 4 0,703 DAE 4 0,703 LyS 2 0,699 stavicta 1 0,695 CIRGIRDISCO 1 0,692 uogTr 5 0,687 stavicta 2 0,685 UvA 4 0,668 stavicta 3 0,662 UvA 5 0,659 UvA 1 0,654 UvA 2 0,647 UvA 3 0,622 baseline-replab 0,622 uogTr 2 0,621 lia 2 0,613 uogTr 3 0,609 lia 5 0,607 CIRGIRDISCO 2 0,607 lia 4 0,596 DAE 2 0,586 DAE 5 0,586 lia 1 0,549 uogTr 1 0,496 lia 3 0,357 Table 2. Detailed performance for our best run on the Reputation Dimensions Cate- gorisation task Category Recall Precision #tweets % tweets Innovation 0.085 0.271 306 1.09 Citizenship 0.732 0.848 5027 17.89 Leadership 0.200 0.484 744 2.65 Workplace 0.274 0.527 1124 4.00 Governance 0.461 0.697 3395 12.08 Performance 0.404 0.499 1598 5.69 Products&Services 0.879 0.702 15903 56.60 1474 To identify which authors are Spanish and which ones are English, for each author we counted the number of his last 600 tweets included at the corpus that are written in each language, assigning the author to the most frequent one. This information is provided by the RepLab 2014 organisation, without any need to download the tweets. More specifically, as we did in task 1, we sent two runs: – Run 1 : Both the Spanish and the English models use unigrams of lemmas and psychometric properties as features. We selected these features via greedy search on our processed training corpus (where all tweets of a user are merged into a single file). Since we did not have any tweet for many authors, we trained a back-off machine learner: a bag-of-words classifier which categorises these authors according to their profile description. – Run 2 : The only difference with respect to run 1 is the back-off classifier. Authors for which we have not downloaded any tweet are always assigned to the majority class in the training corpus: undecidable. Results Table 4 shows the performance of the systems participating in this task. We think that our poor performance is due to the small site of the training corpus that we were able to collect and process. The baseline proposed by the RepLab organisers reinforces our hypothesis, since they used an SVM approach based on a bag-of-words. They also included another baseline which assigns all authors to the majority class in the training corpus. Table 3. Ranking for task 2.1: Author Categorisation Team Run Automotive Banking Miscelaneous Average lia 1 0,445 0,503 0,462 0,474 baseline-replab 0,426 0,495 - 0,461 baseline-most frequent 0,45 0,42 0,51 0,435 UAM-CALYR 2 0,382 0,446 0,392 0,414 UAM-CALYR 1 0,386 0,421 0,415 0,404 ORM UNED 1 0,374 0,41 0,392 0,392 ORM UNED 3 0,389 0,392 0,177 0,391 lia 2 0,357 0,398 0,377 0,377 ORM UNED 2 0,352 0,389 0,300 0,371 lia 3 0,293 0,308 0,369 0,301 LyS 1 0,142 0,153 0,254 0,147 LyS 2 0,131 0,137 0,223 0,134 5 Task 2.2: Author ranking The task focusses on classifying authors a influential and non-influential, as well as ranking them according to that level of influence. 1475 Dataset It is the same that the employed at task 2.1: Author Categorisation. The proportion in the training set is about 30% of influential users, with the remaining 70% being non-influential. Evaluation metrics The organisers address the problem as a traditional rank- ing information problem using the Mean Average Precision (MAP) as standard metric. The experimental results are ordered according to the average of auto- motive and banking MAP measures. Runs Classification of influential and non-influential users is made via a Lib- Linear classifier, following a machine learning perspective. To rank the authors we take as the starting point the confidence factor reported by the classifier for each sample. The confidence is then used to rank the users according to their level of influence. A higher confidence should indicate a higher influence. With respect to non-influential users, we firstly negate that factor, obtaining in this way lower values for the least influential authors. We again sent two models to evaluate this task, although in this case the runs present significant differences: – Run 1 : A bag-of-words model which takes each word of the Twitter profile descriptions to feed the supervised classifier. The weights of the classes were tuned taking 1.8 and 1.3 for influential an non-influential users, respectively. Since the corpus is domain-dependent (automotive and banking tweets) we hypothesise that the brief biography of the user may be an acceptable indica- tor of influence. We observed that words such as ‘car’, ‘business’ or magazine were some of the most relevant tokens in terms of information gain. – Run 2 : This run follows a meta-information perspective, taking the infor- mation provided by the Twitter API for any user. More specifically, we used binary features such as: URL in the Twitter profile, verified account, profile user background image, default profile, geo enabled, default profile image, no- tifications, is translation enabled and contributors enabled. In addition the following numeric features are taken into account: listed count, favourites count, followers count, statuses count, friends count and following. Results Table 5 illustrates the official results for this task. The baseline of the RepLab organisers ranks the authors by their number of followers. Our run 1 achieved the 2nd place, tied in practice with the 1st place, reinforcing the validity of the proposal for a specific domain. On the other hand, our second run did not work as expected, although it outperformed the baseline. 6 Conclusions This paper describes the participation of the LyS research group at RepLab 2014. We sent runs for all tasks proposed. The classification for the reputation dimensions task is addressed from a NLP perspective, including preprocessing, 1476 Table 4. Ranking for task 2.2: Author ranking Team Run MAP UTDBRG 4 0.565 LyS 1 0.563 UTDBRG 1 0.550 UTDBRG 5 0.503 UTDBRG 3 0.499 Lia 1 0.476 UAM-CALYR 5 0.465 UAM-CALYR 1 0.436 UAM-CALYR 2 0.436 UTDBRG 2 0.413 LyS 2 0.403 UAM-CALYR 3 0.381 UAM-CALYR 4 0.381 baseline-replab 0.378 ORM UNED 3 0.349 part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing. We use the output obtained by our NLP pipeline for extracting lexical, psychometric and syntactic-based features, which are used to feed a supervised classifier. We ranked 3rd, very close to the best performing system, confirming the effectiveness of the approach. The author categorisation task is addressed from the same perspective. How- ever, we could not properly exploit the approach due to problems to obtain much of the content of the training corpus. On the other hand, the author ranking challenge was addressed from a differ- ent perspective. We obtained the second best-performing system, tied in practice with the 1st place, by training a bag-of-words classifier which takes the Twit- ter profile description of the users as features. This model clearly outperformed our second run based on metadata such as the number of favourited tweets or followers. Acknowledgements Research reported in this paper has been partially funded by Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad and FEDER (Grant TIN2010-18552-C03-02) and by Xunta de Galicia (Grant CN2012/008). References 1. E. Amigó, J. Carrillo-de-Albornoz, I. Chugur, A. Corujo, J. Gonzalo, E. Meij, M. de Rijke, D. Spina, Overview of RepLab 2014: author profiling and reputa- tion dimensions for Online Reputation Management, in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the CLEF initiative, 2014. 1477 2. M. Taulé, M. A. Martı́, M. 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