=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-eHealth-ClaveauEt2014 |storemode=property |title=RePaLi Participation to CLEF eHealth IR Challenge 2014: Leveraging Term Variation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-eHealth-ClaveauEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/ClaveauHGM14 }} ==RePaLi Participation to CLEF eHealth IR Challenge 2014: Leveraging Term Variation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-eHealth-ClaveauEt2014.pdf
     RePaLi participation to CLEF eHealth IR
     challenge 2014: leveraging term variation

     Vincent Claveau1 , Thierry Hamon2 , Natalia Grabar3 , and Sébastien
                                 Le Maguer4
                             IRISA - CNRS, Rennes, France
                              LIMSI - CNRS, Orsay, France
                   Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France
                    STL UMR8163 CNRS, Université Lille 3, France
                             INRIA - IRISA, Rennes, France

      Abstract. This paper describes the participation of RePaLi, a team
      composed with members of IRISA, LIMSI and STL, to the biomedi-
      cal information retrieval challenge proposed in the framework of CLEF
      eHealth. For this first participation, our approach relies on a state-of-the-
      art IR system called Indri, based on statistical language modeling, and
      on semantic resources. The purpose of semantic resources and methods is
      to manage the term variation such as synonyms, morpho-syntactic vari-
      ants, abbreviation or nested terms. Different combinations of resources
      and Indri settings are explored, mostly based on query expansion. For
      the runs submitted, our system shows up to 67.40 p@10 and up to 67.93

      Keywords: Patient-oriented information retrieval, semantic resources,
      terminological variation, Indri, UMLS

1   Introduction

Since several years, patients have an increasing access to their Electronic Health
Records (EHRs)). However the understanding of clinical texts by laymen is often
difficult although they are concerned with such important topics like the health
condition of patients. The situation leads to an increasing use of the Internet for
searching health information [3, 7], and consequently important changes in the
doctor-patient communication [11, 2].
    In that respect, it becomes crucial that the patients can use information
retrieval systems which are able to make links between the specialized vocabulary
of the physicians and the Web documents understandable by patients (in other
words, to manage specialized queries and provide answers understandable by
patients). Moreover, it is also required that such system provides relevant and

trustworthy information [16]. In the framework of CLEF eHealth 2014 [12], one
of the proposed shared tasks (task 3) addresses this challenge [8]: queries have
been defined from real patient cases issued from the clinical documents provided
by the CLEF eHealth 2014’s task 2. The participating systems have to return
health related web documents previously collected by the KRESMOI project
    Hence, the purpose of this challenge is to find expert documents that contain
answers to non-expert medical users’ questions, such as those that can be sub-
mitted by patients when reading their EHRs. In this context, this paper describes
the participation to this biomedical information retrieval (IR) task of our team
composed of members from three French labs: IRISA, LIMSI and STL. For this
first participation, our team has focused on using a state-of-the-art IR system
and worked on different strategies to expand queries with relevant biomedical
terms. Only the English query set was considered. In particular, the objective of
the participating systems is to guarantee the semantic interoperability and com-
patibility between the expert and non-expert language, as the former is used
in the documents searched while the latter occurs in the questions processed.
The corresponding research topics have been addressed in previous work and
mainly are related to the aligning of expert and non-expert terms and expres-
sions. An important amount of this work has been done within the Consumer
Health Vocabulary [21, 20, 22, 23] or related initiatives [4, 6, 5]. Most of the align-
ments produced within the Consumer Health Vocabulary initiative are included
in the UMLS [15], which motivates its use in our systems.
    The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we present the IR
system at the heart of our participation, which is based on language-modeling
techniques implemented in the Indri search engine [18]. In Section 3, we present
the different resources that are used to process and expand the queries. The
description of the submitted runs is given in Section 4, and their results are
detailed in Section 5. The last section is dedicated to some concluding remarks
and insights about this first participation to this biomedical IR challenge.

2     IR model

The IR system at the heart of our runs is based on statistical language modeling
(LM) as implemented by Indri, a toolkit for LM-based IR [18]. This system has
shown high performance in numerous IR tasks; in our biomedical context, it also
offers interesting capabilities to express complex queries.

2.1   Markov Random Field

Considering a collection of N random variables x = (x1 , . . . , xN ), a Markov
Random Field (MRF) is a graphical probabilistic model which can be represented
by an undirected graph G. This graph is defined by G = (V, E) where nodes
are the random variables (V = x) and edges represent conditional dependencies

between these variables. Therefore a clique c ∈ C(G) represent a set of dependent
variables. Based on this graph, P (x) is defined as follows:

                                       1     Y
                            P (x) =                 ψ(c; Λ)                     (1)

              P Q
where ZΛ = x c∈C(G) ψ(c; Λ) is a normalization coefficient, ψc (c; Λ) the po-
tential functions and Λ the model.
   In order to use MRF to information retrieval problems, [14] proposed to
considered the graph G composed of query nodes Q and a document node D.
Therefore, nodes involved into a clique c, which contains the document node, are
queries for which the document is relevant. As the objective is to rank documents,
the following score (Retrieval status value, RSV, which represents the similarity
between the query and the document considered) is used:

                                                 PΛ (Q, D)    X
      RSV (Q, D) = log(PΛ (D|Q)) = log(                    )=   log(ψ(c; Λ))    (2)
                                                  PΛ (Q)

    The ψ(c; Λ) proposed in [14] is defined as ψ(c; Λ) = exp[λc ∗ f (c)] where f (c)
is a real-valued feature function and λc corresponding to the weight.
    For this challenge task, as a basis for our runs, we used the implementation
proposed in [14] which considers 3 kinds of neighborhood: the unigram neigh-
borhood, the bigram neighborhood and the unordered bigram in a user defined
size window neighborhood.
    First, the unigram neighborhood modeling function fT (t, D) is defined as
                                     nb(t, D) + µ · P (t|C)
                         fT (t, D) =                                            (3)
                                            |D| + µ
where t is the current term index of a query qi and µ the Dirichlet smoothing
     In addition to the unigram t, the bigram (t, t + 1) and the unordered bigram
{t, t + 1} in a user defined window of size w are now considered to get, respec-
tively, fBi ((t, t + 1), D) and fW ({ti , ti+1 }, w, D). Therefore, the implemented
score function is:
                    RSV (Q, D) = λT ∗        fT (t, D)+
                                 λBi ∗            fBi ((ti , ti+1 ), D)+        (4)
                                 λW ∗            fW ({ti , ti+1 }, w, D)

   In a typical setting, these parameters are set to these default values: w = 8,
µ = 2500, λT = 0.85, λBi = 0.1 and λW = 0.05. In our case, the parameters
were adjusted as explained in Section 2.3.

2.2   Preparing the data
For the indexing step, the collection of web pages has been preprocessed in several
ways with Python scripts. First, the HTML formatting marks and scripts were
removed. In order to do that, we have tested existing libraries (e.g. Beautiful
Soup), but finally end up in writing our own HTML-to-text scripts which allow us
to better control the speed vs. quality of this important but time-consuming task.
Thus, it is worth noting that we do not exploit the structure (titles, subtitles)
or the hypertext links in our approach.
    Secondly, the resulting text undergoes several other processing steps. For in-
stance, the most common HTML codes (for example, é) are replaced
by the corresponding UTF-8 character (é). Since the language model takes into
account bigrams of terms in w-sized windows, parts of sentences that were sep-
arated by the previous processing steps are collected together.
    Finally, when building the index with Indri, stemming is performed on the re-
sult text. Porter and Krovetz stemming algorithms were both tested on the 2013
dataset; Krovetz yielded the best results and is thus chosen for every experiment
reported in this paper. Also, stop-words are removed at this step.

2.3   Setting the parameters
To set the smoothing parameter µ and the combination parameters λ, we used
the 2013 query set and the corresponding (binary) relevance judgment. The
objective measure to maximize was the MAP. For µ, we systematically explored
values from 0 up to 30,000 by steps of 500; for λs, we explored from 0 to 1 by
steps of 0.05.
    Table 1 sums up the performance of the system with the default parame-
ters (hereafter default) and those maximizing the MAP on the 2013 query set
(best). The significant differences illustrate the importance of this parameter
optimization step.

Table 1. Performance (%) of the chosen parameter set on CLEF eHealth 2013 dataset

 Parameters   MAP     P@5     P@10    P@100    NDCG@5     NDCG@10      NDCG@100
   default    26.27   39.20   40.40    14.14    39.67       40.75        44.20
    best      30.53   48.95   46.53    15.58    48.95       47.63        49.43

3     Semantic resources for query expansion
The purpose for the generation of the semantic resources is to prepare knowledge
required for the enrichment of the queries. We generate several types of seman-
tically equivalent term sets: known synonyms from the existing resources (e.g.

UMLS, see below) such as {theophyllamine, ammophyllin}, morpho-syntactic
variants such as {stenotic aorta, stenosis of the aorta}, hierarchical relations
through lexical inclusions such as {muscle, muscle pain}, and abbreviations such
as {AHCD, acquired hepatocellular degeneration}. Such resources convey more or
less close semantics of terms and may play an important role for the enrichment
of the queries. Besides, a list of stopwords is used. When needed, the processing
of data for the generation of the resources is performed through the Ogmios NLP
Platform [9].

3.1   Synonyms from the UMLS
The UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) [15] aggregates several biomed-
ical terminologies. In order to align these terminologies, each term is associated
with a CUI (Concept unique identifier). Two terms with a same CUI can then be
considered as synonyms. In our experiments, the synonymy relations collected
in the UMLS are used in different ways to process the queries.
    In Run 5, (simple and multi-word) UMLS terms are searched in the queries,
and UMLS synonyms are used to expand the queries. When dealing with multi-
word terms, it is very common that these terms also contains other terms: for
instance, Crohn’s disease is a multi-word term, but disease also appear as a term
in the UMLS. To expand the query, we choose to only consider the longest term;
so in the previous example, only synonyms of Crohn’s disease will be considered.
Note that overlapping terms are considered independently.
    In Run 6 and 7, only simple (single word) terms are considered. 227,887
synonymy relations between single word terms are extracted from the UMLS,
which are latter processed as described below.

3.2   Morpho-syntactic variants
Morpho-syntactic variants convey very close semantics because the only modi-
fication is related to the word order, syntactic organisation of words and their
morphological modifications. Such variants go beyond the stemming as they take
into account complex terms and consider the semantic relations between mor-
phologically modified words. Working with fastr [10] for the identification of
morpho-syntactic variants between the terms, additional rules and transforma-
tions can be involved. Fastr uses indeed several transformation rules, such as in-
sertion (cardiac disease/cardiac valve disease), morphological derivation (artery
restenosis/arterial restenosis) or permutation (aorta coarctation/coarctation of
the aorta).
    Several steps are applied on the set test1 (other sets have not been processed
because of the time needed):
 – segmentation of the test1 and of queries into words and sentences,
 – their part-of-speech tagging with TreeTagger [17],
 – their syntactic shallow parsing with YATEA [1] for the acquision of noun
   phrases and term candidates,

 – application of fastr for the acquisition of variants of term candidates: terms
   extracted from queries are the reference set of terms, while terms extracted
   from the test1 set are the variations of the queries terms. In this way, we
   perform the controled indexing.

We extract 284 terms from the 50 queries processed. On the whole, we generate
575 morpho-syntactic variants for these terms.

3.3   Lexical inclusion and hierarchical relations

The lexical inclusion hypothesis [13] states that when a given term is lexically
included in another term there is a semantic relation and hierarchical subsump-
tion between them. The semantics of lexical inclusions may be weaker than the
semantic of synonyms. Still, hierarchical subsumption relations may be useful
for the information retrieval, especially in the context of non-expert information
retrieval, during which the non-expert users may submit queries that are less
precise and specific than terms used in the scientific literature.
    The processing is done in two steps:

 – the terms extracted by YATEA are syntactically analyzed into head and ex-
   pansion components. For instance, the syntactic analysis of the term muscle
   pain results in two components: head component pain and expansion com-
   ponent muscle;
 – the semantic relation is then established between a given term and its head
   component. For instance, there is semantic relation between muscle pain
   (the whole term) and pain (the head component of the term). With these
   specifications, the identified relations are hierarchical: the long term muscle
   pain is the hierarchical child of the short term pain. Indeed, muscle pain
   conveys more specific information.

    This process is applied to the whole set of data (part1 to part8). First, we
perform the segmentation into words and sentences. We then apply the part-
of-speech tagging with TreeTagger [17] and the syntactic shallow parsing with
YATEA [1] for the acquision of noun phrases and term candidates. Finally, we
induce the lexical inclusion relations further to the decomposition of complex
terms (containing more than one word) in syntactic head and modifier compo-
nents. As explained earlier, we build pairs {syntactic head, complex term} that
convey hierarchical relations.
    On the whole set of the data, we obtain 1,114,959 such pairs of terms.

3.4   Abbreviations

The abbreviations are very frequent in the biomedical literature, both clinical
and scientific) and we expect that both their short and expanded forms may be
helpful for information retrieval. The resource with 1,897 abbreviations has been
built from information available online.

3.5   English stopwords
We use the list of 627 stopwords in English. These are grammatical words and
also words that are very frequent and common in the biomedical documents
(e.g., accordance, amongst, indicate...).

4     Run description
This section sums up the four runs submitted for the challenge by our team. They
all rely on the same index (as described in Section 2.2) since no modification to
the document representation is performed. As we were instructed, only the 1 000
first results (highest RSV) of each query is kept.

4.1   Run 1
The goal of this run is to measure the performance of our IR system without
any modification or use of biomedical resources. Therefore, it only consists in
running the Indri search engine (cf. Section 2.1), with the parameters estimated
on the 2013 dataset as described in Section 2.3.

4.2   Run 5
For this run, the queries are expanded with synonyms found in the UMLS. As
it was explained in Section 3.1, the expansion is performed as follows:
 1. UMLS terms of maximal length are searched within each query;
 2. synonyms are searched in the UMLS (terms with the same CUI);
 3. synonyms are added to the initial query.
    It is important to note that a term can be ambiguous and thus have several
CUIs. Since we do not perform a sense disambiguation, we may expand the
queries with synonyms that do not correspond to the initial sense of the term.
In order to limit the effect of adding unrelated terms, or more generally in order
to prevent the expanded query to be too far from the initial information need of
the user, the expansion is given a weight much lower than the initial part of the
query. Here again, we rely on the 2013 data to set this weight: we found that
the expansion weight should not exceed 0.1 (considering 1 as the weight of the
initial query).

4.3   Run 6 and 7, and other non submitted runs
Several other runs were prepared, including those submitted as Run 6 and 7.
They follow the same principle than Run 5 but the queries undergo a more
complex processing in order to parse them and to enrich them semantically with
the help of all the semantic resources described in Section 3. As it was previously
explained, for these runs, the processing of queries is performed through the
Ogmios NLP Platform [9].
   More precisely, the following steps are applied to process the queries:

 – segmentation of queries in words and sentences, if relevant,
 – part-of-speech tagging with TreeTagger [17],
 – syntactic shallow parsing with YATEA [1] for the acquision of noun phrases
   and term candidates.

   The queries are then enriched with the resources built and prepared for this
task. The resources are used in combination with each other. In every run, the
stopwords are removed. Several runs have been generated:

 – expanded: expansion with UMLS synonyms,
 – expanded-ab: expansion with UMLS synonyms and abbreviations,
 – expanded-ab-terms: expansion with UMLS synonyms, abbreviations, and the
   complex terms extracted,
 – expanded-ab-fastr: expansion with UMLS synonyms, abbreviations, and
   fastr morpho-syntactic variants,
 – expanded-ab-IL: expansion with the UMLS synonyms, abbreviations, and the
   lexical inclusion relations in the generalization way, such as {crohn disease,
   disease}, where crohn disease is reduced to disease,
 – expanded-ab-IL-r: expansion with the UMLS synonyms, abbreviations, and
   the lexical inclusion relations in the specification way, such as {disease, crohn
   disease}, where disease is specified to crohn disease.

    Due to the limitations imposed by the organizers on the number of runs,
only two of among these runs were actually submitted: expanded as Run 6 and
expanded-ab-IL as Run 7. However, experiments not reported here on the 2013
dataset show only slight differences in terms of global performance between these
runs (except for expanded-ab-IL-r, see below). Yet, it should be also highlighted
that for some particular queries, the differences may be important. Another
lesson learned from the 2013 dataset is that the specification link used in the
expansion strategy expanded-ab-IL-r does not yield good results, as the expanded
may be semantically too far from the original user’s information need.

5     Results

5.1   Run 1

In Figure 1, the IR performance measures provided by the 2014 official evaluation
are displayed. They are compared with the 2013 query set results. Note that the
two systems are identical (in particular, same parameters of the RSV function),
as well as the index. Yet, one can see that the 2014 results are significantly
better than the 2013 ones. Such a difference is difficult to explain; the 2014
query set may be easier than the 2013 one, or the pooling process used to build
the relevance judgment may be more suited this year with more homogeneous
systems provided by the participants.

         Fig. 1. Performance of Run 1 setting on the 2013 and 2014 query sets

5.2     Run 5, 6 and 7

The official results of Run 5, as well as Run 6 and Run 7 are reported in Fig-
ure 2. It appears that all the runs obtain results very similar to those of Run 1.
This is expected since the query expansions is down-weighted compared to the
initial query (as it was explained in Section 4.2, giving more weight to expansion
tends to degrade the results on the 2013 dataset). Yet, Run 5 obtains slightly
better results than our other runs. Moreover, the relative ranking of our ranks
is identical whatever the evaluation measure used.

      Fig. 2. Performance of Run 5, 6 and 7, compared with Run 1 (official results)

    In order to examine the effect of the query expansion strategy used for Run
5, we compare its results to Run 1 in Figure 3. For each query, it represents the
gain or loss compared with the median result from all participants. The effect of

Fig. 3. Query expansion effect of Run 5 (blue) vs. Run 1 (red) vs. best score (white)
as gain or loss of P@10 compared with median result.

the query expansion process varies according to the query. For some queries (7,
11 , 24, 34, 46), it improves the precision. For other queries (21, 25, 32, 33, 39,
47, 50), the expansion degrades the results. More interestingly, expansion does
not affect P@10 for the 38 remaining queries. Among these queries, a few of
them were not expanded (query 2 for example); it means that either no UMLS
term was found in the query, or that no synonyms were found in the UMLS for
the term. Yet, for most of the queries, some terms were actually added to the
initial query, but they do not change the 10 first results.
    Similarly, Figure 4 and 5 respectively present the same query by query anal-
ysis for Run 6 and 7. Compared to Run 5, these runs rely on more complex
processing of the queries. Unfortunately, they perform slightly worse than Run
5. It is difficult to find the precise reasons of this loss of precision. It appears
that this is due to only a subset of queries that perform worse than Run 5. In
most of the cases, this is due to terms used as expansion in addition to those al-
ready used in Run 5. These terms mislead the IR process; for example, for query
48, the term white blood cell was expanded with synonyms of white (caucasoid
caucasian caucasians occidental ) in Run 6 and 7 but not in Run 5.

Fig. 4. Query expansion effect of Run 6 (blue) vs. Run 1 (red) vs. best score (white)
as gain or loss of P@10 compared with median result.

Fig. 5. Query expansion effect of Run 7 (blue) vs. Run 1 (red) vs. best score (white)
as gain or loss of P@10 compared with median result.

6    Conclusive remarks and foreseen work
For our first participation, we have based our work on a state-of-the-art IR
system and simple techniques to incorporate knowledge in the biomedical IR
process. With the help of the 2013 dataset, some important parameters of the
IR systems have been set.
    The overall results of our submitted runs are good, compared with other
IR evaluation campaigns, with P@10 as high as 0.65. Yet, our 3 strategies to
incorporate external knowledge have yielded disappointing results. Indeed, the
global benefits of the three query expansion strategies are limited, even though it
appears as very interesting for particular queries. These mixed results are similar
to existing studies on query expansion for general language [19]. Nonetheless,
we plan to push further our investigation on how to exploit the biomedical
terminologies in IR tasks. A detailed analysis of the results, when the relevance
judgment will be released, may lead to better ways to choose which term to
consider in the queries, and which synonyms of this term to add to the query.
The incorporation of the terminological knowledge during the indexing step is
also a promising avenue but raises computational issues.

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