=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-eHealth-MalagonEt2014 |storemode=property |title=LABERINTO at ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2014 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-eHealth-MalagonEt2014.pdf |volume=Vol-1180 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/MalagonL14 }} ==LABERINTO at ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2014== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-eHealth-MalagonEt2014.pdf
        LABERINTO at ShARe/CLEF eHealth
               Evaluation Lab 2014

        Juan Manuel Córdoba Malagón and Manuel Jesús Maña López

      Laboratorio de Recuperación de información y Minería de Texto y Datos
                              Universidad de Huelva
                        Carretera Palos de La Frontera s/n
                    21819 Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), Spain

      Abstract.    This paper describes the participation of LABERINTO team
      at the ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2014 task 3a. We perform
      four dierent experiments which consist of a baseline and three variants
      of the baseline model. The rst was mandatory baseline system with
      only title and description in the query. Our baseline retrieval system
      used a Lucene Index scheme with traditional stopping and stemming, no
      external resources was used. We submitted three additional runs (without
      the discharge summaries), two from a Lucene-based system with MeSH
      query expansion and one of which made use of the National Library of
      Medicine's MetaMap tool to perform term boosting.

      Keywords:    Lucene, Solr, MetaMap, MeSH, query expansion

1    Introduction
ShARe/CLEF (Cross-Language Evaluation Forum) eHealth Evaluation Lab goal
is to evaluate systems that support laypeople in searching for and understanding
their health information [8]. It comprises three tasks: Visual-Interactive Search
and Exploration of eHealth Data (Task 1), Information extraction from clini-
cal text (Task 2) and User-centred health information retrieval (Task 3). Task
3 goal is to develop methods and resources for the evaluation of Information
Retrieval (IR) from patients' perspective. Towards this, ShARe/CLEF eHealth
Evaluation Lab 2014 task 3 is split into two parts: monolingual retrieval (task
3a) and multilingual retrieval (task 3b) [5]. In particular, LABERINTO team
have focused on task 3a.
    The LABERINTO group contributed 4 runs to this year's challenge. Our
methods are based on Lucene retrieval engine. It's the rst time that we are
participating in the ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab and, for a rst ap-
proximation, our baseline submission uses Lucene's default standard analyzer to
process free-text title and description elds. The remaining submissions build
upon this baseline approach. Specically, we consider the contribution to re-
trieval eectiveness using boosting of Metamap identied terms and two versions
of query expansion using MeSH.

     This working notes are organised as follows. In Section 2 we describe some
issues related to document preprocessing and indexing. Section 3 describes our
approaches for task 3a. Section 4 lists the results of our work in comparison to
median and best values obtained across all systems. Finally, we make conclusions
and state the future work in Section 5.

2     Document collection preprocessing and indexing
The goal of the third task is to provide valuable and relevant documents to pa-
tients, so as to satisfy their health-related information needs. To evaluate systems
that tackle this third task, the lab organizers provide potential patient queries
and a document collection containing various health and biomedical documents
for task participants to create their search system. As is common in evaluation
of information retrieval (IR), the test collection consists of documents, queries,
and corresponding relevance judgements [4]. Specically, Task 3a uses an approx-
imately one million medical documents made available by the EU-FP7 Khresmoi
             1 and a set of English general public queries that individuals may re-
alistically pose .

     This collection consists of web pages covering a broad range of health topics,
targeted at both the general public and healthcare professionals. The crawled
documents are provided in the dataset in their raw HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language) format along with their uniform resource locators (URL). In order to
remove html tags ,raw webpages are preprocessed to extract main content by the
Html parser Apache Tika. The Apache Tika toolkit detects and extracts meta-
data and structured text content from various documents using existing parser
libraries including Html. Tika is a project of the Apache Software Foundation
and was formerly a subproject of Apache Lucene.
     After the data has been cleaned, we indexed all the documents. We used
a very traditional IR system based on the Apache Lucene open-source toolkit
that was essentially a successor to the system used by LABERINTO team for
the 2011 TREC medical track [2]. Lucene is a powerful Java library that lets
you easily add document retrieval to any application. In recent years, Lucene
has become exceptionally popular and is now the most widely used information
retrieval library.
     Documents and elds are Lucene's fundamental units of indexing and search-
ing. A document is Lucene's atomic unit of indexing and searching. It is a con-
tainer that holds one or more elds, which in turn contain the  real content.
Each eld has a name to identify it, a text or binary value, and a series of de-
tailed options that describe what Lucene should do with the eld value when you
add the document to the index. To index our collection sources, we must rst
translate it into Lucene's documents and elds. Our indexing module takes every
clean Html le from preprocessed collection into a single Lucene document.


      What we end up after running Lucene is a directory named index, which
contains les used by Lucene to associate terms with documents. To accomplish
this, a Lucene index was created with a specic analyzer model-dependent. An
Analyzer takes a series of terms or tokens and creates the terms to be indexed. A
unique kind of Lucene index has been used for all developed models, or in other
words, all LABERINTO models for ShARe/CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2014
share the same Lucene index.

3      Retrieval approaches

This section presents the dierent models developed for evaluation. Among the
dierent test models developed, four have been selected for submission:

  Mandatory baseline run using only title and description elds3 .
  Model with Metamap boost terms4 .
  Baseline with Query expansion using MeSH5 .
  Baseline with query expansion using MeSH and adding narrative eld6 .

All the proposed models no uses the discharge summaries. The dierences be-
tween models are described in the following sections.

3.1      Baseline

This model has been designed to be the simplest approximation to the task. The
Baseline model is based on the method of bag of words. In this model, topics text
is represented as an unordered collection of words, disregarding grammar and
even word order. Therefore, the model matches the words in the topic with the
words contained in the index. The usefulness of the model is twofold: provides
a basis results for comparing and, on the other hand, its code serves as a basis
for implementing more complex models. In order to maintain the simplicity, the
baseline model makes match the topics words only with the title and description

      To develop this model we used Lucene's default   StandardAnalyzer. The ana-
lyzer takes only the text and provides a set of terms to be searched in the index.
Our base analyzer discards stops words with little semantic value, such as "the",
"a", "an","for",.... Cutting down on the number of terms indexed can save time
and space in an index, but it can also limit accuracy.

  UHU_EN_Run1.dat run submission.
  UHU_EN_Run5.dat run submission.
  UHU_EN_Run6.dat run submission.
  UHU_EN_Run7.dat run submission.

3.2     Metamap terms Boost
Lucene provides the relevance level of matching documents based on the terms
found. The higher the boost factor, the more relevant the term will be. Boosting
allows you to control the relevance of a document by boosting its term .
      In this model, we used medical main concepts identication by Metamap.
Queries was built from the title and description elds. Next, UMLS concepts in
queries are recognized using MetaMap [1].
      Because our method don't need any special score mapping or disambiguation,
Metamap's default options was used. Only medical term identication function-
ality was used. In other words, our method only need medical terms detection in
order to know which topic part needs to be boosted. No overmatches are allowed
and the highers score mappings are selected. For this UMLS detected mappings,
a boost factor hits value is set. In particular, values from 1.25 to 2.25 (carried
out with an interval of 0.25) were applied by an exploratory approach, centred
mainly in the training topics and the ImageCLEFmed 2013 database and topics
[3]. From this experimental test we selected a boost of 1.5 for submission. Since
the set of training topics so small, we believed that no further tuning wasn't

3.3     Query expansion with MeSH
Term expansion is one possible retrieval technique that can benet from public
accessibility of structured medical vocabularies. Applied at query-time usually
it deals with the problem that real-world concepts are referred to using diferent
terms. An information retrieval system can help users and also automatically
rene their queries by exploiting the semantic relationships between terms [7].
      MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is a controlled vocabulary, produced and
maintained by the U. S. National Library of Medicine [9]. There are currently
over 26,000 descriptors or Main Headings and almost 180,000 alternative expres-
sions (ENTRY TERMS), thus, MeSH oers many possibilities for expanding the
query by MeSH tree structure and/or entry terms [10].
      In this model, an open source implementation of SKOS-based
                                                                    8 term expan-
sion for Solr is used. For every term included in both title and description elds,
term expansion through MeSH is performed with SKOS. In this approach, we
expand the query terms with related terms from MeSH, duplicate related terms
are removed. A default expansion terms weighting of 0.7 is used according to
the previous work of Bernhard, Martins and Magalhães [7].

3.4     Query expansión with MeSH adding narrative eld
As in the case mentioned above, this model use query expansion with MeSH with
SKOS. The only dierence lies in the use of the query expansion in addition of


narrative eld terms. In this case, for every term included in title, description
and narrative elds, term expansion through MeSH was performed and terms in
narrative eld were added.
    It is worth mentioning at this point that narrative eld hasn't an important
relevance for query expansion. Major dierences for information retrieval in this
model comes from adding narrative eld terms that MeSH concepts expansion
    In relation to this issue, table 1 shows a summary of MeSH concepts detected
in topics for query expansion and some data for synonyms extracted from MeSH
ontology in the performed expansion. For MeSH concepts, minimum, maximum
and average number of MeSH concepts detected per topic has been collected
(along with the standard deviation). In the same way, data from the synonyms
entries used for expansion are gathered.

    Table 1: Statistics data extracted from the query expansion performed.

                                 Min Max Average Standard deviation
                 MeSH Concepts 1      3          1.45   0.88
                 Synonyms      0      25         3.23   4.24

4    Results
Two main metrics were taken account for Share/CLEF eHealth 2014 task 3:
Precision at 10 (P@10) as primary measure, and Normalised Discounted Cu-
mulative Gain at rank 10 (nDCG@10) as secondary measure. The Share/CLEF
eHealth 2014 task 3 built result pools from participants submissions considering
the top 10 documents ranked by baseline systems (run 1), and the two highest
priority runs that used the discharge summaries (run 2 and 3) and the highest
two priority runs that did not used the discharge summaries (run 5 and 6); thus
runs 4 and 7 were not sampled to form the assessment pool.

 Table 2: Results of the submitted runs to Share/CLEF eHealth 2014 task 3a.

                       Measure     RUN1 RUN5 RUN6 RUN7
                       P@10    0.8000 0.5860 0.5140 0.5100
                       nDCG@10 0.5530 0.5985 0.5163 0.5158
                       map     0.2624 0.3152 0.2588 0.3009

    Table 2 shows the results of our submitted runs. In this table, we have taken
account the two main metrics for 2014 edition and the mean average precision
(MAP), a metric usually used in Information Retrieval, as a reference point.

    First, we nd that two of our submitted runs outperform the baseline model,
one from Metamap boost model (in all metrics) and another one from query
expansion model (taken MAP as reference). This shows that these approaches
could be more eective than a simple baseline model. In contrast, the concept ex-
pansion approach based only in title and description elds decrease the retrieval
performance in all metrics. We think that the improper query expansion settings
may be the reason of this performance. Our query expansion models dier on
elds use, RUN6 model uses the title and description elds, and RUN7 model
uses the title, description and narrative elds to select terms to expand. Results
show that rening the set of terms used for query expansion often prevents the
query drift caused by blind expansion and yields substantial improvements in
retrieval eectiveness. Although RUN7 improves map, and taking into account
the reference values used at 2014 lab, our query expansion runs have proved that
not all query expansion lead to improvements of retrieval.
    By other hand, in RUN5, we consider positive the contribution of increase
weights of query medical concepts for scoring a document. Empirical results show
that considering boost medical concepts along with the original query concepts
can improve retrieval eectiveness; which concepts to consider (with Metamap
or other tool) and how to weight these is however a challenging issue.
    Plots comparing each of our runs against the median and best performance
(p@10) across all systems submitted to CLEF for each query topic are shown in
gure 1. In particular, for each query the height of a bar represents the gain/loss
of our system and the best system (for that query) over the median system.
    Per-topic comparison allows observe how performance varies in a important
manner by model. Thus, we can see in Fig.1a that baseline has 12 queries perform
better than the median, while 26 queries perform worse than the median, and
other 12 queries perform in the median line. In g.1b, Metamap based model
has 14 queries perform better than the median, while 26 queries perform worse
than the median, and other 10 queries perform in the median line. It means that
comparing baseline and our best method, the UMLS concept-based method can
do something better but heavily needs improvement to surpass baseline.
    As regards query expansion models, we can see in Fig.1c that RUN6 has only
8 queries perform better than the median, while 32 queries perform worse than
the median, and other 10 queries perform in the median line. In g.1d, RUN7 has
just 7 queries perform better than the median, while 33 queries perform worse
than the median, and other 10 queries perform in the median line. Though one
of the query expansion system has been better than baseline, per topic analysis
shows a general poor performance for query expansion.

5    Conclusions and future work
We have presented dierents approachs to medical Information Retrieval from
patients' perspective. Our models were based mainly on concept identication
by Metamap and query expansion by MeSH. Both, the concept boosting and
query expansion needs to be improved and rened. Some hints to improve, like

      (a) Baseline model using only title and description elds.               (b) Model with Metamap boost terms.

          (c) Baseline with Query expansion using MeSH.            (d) Baseline with query expansion using MeSH + narrative eld.

                 Fig. 1: Per-topic comparison between submitted runs and the other systems (Best vs Median).
terms selection for expansion or tuning boosting parameters, has been exposed.
Despite the inconspicuous results, we think that this rst participation provides
a platform for further development into medical concept based and query expan-
sion retrieval systems for dealing with medical data from patients' perspective.

This work has been partially funded by the Andalusian Ministry of Economy,
Innovation and Science (Bidamir project, TIC 07629).

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