Describing Movements for Motion Gestures Bashar Altakrouri Andreas Schrader Ambient Computing Group, Institute of Ambient Computing Group, Institute of Telematics Telematics University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany ABSTRACT Principally, gestures describe situations where body move- Gestural interactions will continue to proliferate, enabling a ments are used as a means to communicate to either a ma- wide range of possibilities to interact with mobile, pervasive, chine or a human (revised from Mulder’s definition of hand and ubiquitous environments. Particularly, motion gestures gestures [24]). are getting an increasing attention amongst researchers. Like- Gestures come in different forms such as motion gestures, wise, a large adoption of motion gestures is noticeable on a facial expressions, and bodily expressions [24]. Moreover, commercial level. Motion gestures research strives to utilize they are often discussed, classified, and defined from vari- the human body potential for interaction with interactive eco- ous viewpoints and perspectives. The major part of human systems. Despite the innovation and development in this field, gesture classification research is focused on human discourse we believe that describing motion gestures remains an un- [31], but also extend to human/device dialog approach [29], solved challenge for the community to tackle and the effort input device properties and sensing technology [15], etc. This in this direction is still limited. In our research, we focus on diversity has been reflected on the wide range and diverse describing the human body movements for motion gestures gesture manipulation parameters, taxonomies, design spaces, based on movement description languages (particularly, La- and gesture to command mappings. Hence, the complexity banotation). In this paper, we argue that without adequate to tackle many open questions regarding gestural interaction descriptions of gestural interactions, the engineering of inter- descriptions and languages is inevitably increased. Paradoxi- active systems for large-scale dynamic runtime deployment cally, Scoditti et al. [30] pointed out that whilst sensor-based of existing and future interaction techniques will be greatly interaction research often presents highly satisfactory results, challenged. they often fail to support designers’ decisions and researchers analysis. Bailly et al. [6] proposed a set of guidelines for Author Keywords gesture-aware remote controllers based on a series of stud- Natural User Interfaces (NUI); Gesture Interfaces; Motion ies and five novel interaction techniques, but the scope of Interfaces; HCI modeling; HCI documentation; Description their guidelines remains limited and is not scalable to other Languages. application domains or interaction techniques. Moreover, re- searchers have pointed out that Gestural research still lacks a well defined and clear design space for multitouch gestures ACM Classification Keywords [31] and motion gestures [29]. Furthermore, the bodily pres- H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g., HCI): ence in HCI remains limited due to the subtlety and complex- Miscellaneous; H.5.2 Information interfaces and presentation ity of of human movement, leaving an open space for further (e.g., HCI): User Interfaces investigations [23]. Principally, gestures are described and disseminated in vari- ous forms including written material, visual clues, animated INTRODUCTION clues, and formal description models and languages. In their Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research has continued to work about formal descriptions for multitouch interactions, flourish, with an expanding world of interconnected devices Hamon et al. [11] analyzed the expressiveness of various user and technologies driven by rich interaction capabilities. This interface description languages (an extension to [26]). Princi- innovation is fueled with increasing calls for HCI researchers pally, modeling includes mainly data description, state repre- to investigate new interaction possibilities. This has resulted sentation, event representation, timing, concurrent behavior, into an increasing innovation in Gestural studies. Gestures in and dynamic instantiation. Despite the existence of various the HCI field have been closely related to human gesturing, approaches to describe touch-based interactions, the litera- which is extensively studied in different fields such as linguis- ture lacks a similar coverage for motion gestures. An exten- tics, anthropology, cognitive science, and psychology [20]. sive review on those approaches is out of the scope of this paper. Herein, we target our effort to describe the movement aspects of motion-based gestures, which we believe is not a EGMI 2014, 1st International Workshop on Engineering Gestures for Multimodal In- terfaces, June 17 2014, Rome, Italy. well exploited research direction by the HCI community. Copyright c 2014 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permit- ted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. 1 Gesture description languages are relevant for the correct ble commands for a particular applications. In Bellotti et al.’s execution of interactions by end users, the preservation of framework ”Address” refers to the communication with an technique by designers, the accumulation of knowledge for interactive system, ”Attention” indicates whether the system the community, and the engineering of interactive systems. is attending to the user, ”Action” defines the interaction goal Moreover, we argue that languages for describing various for the system, ”Alignment” refers to monitoring the system movement aspects of gestures are very important resources response, and finally ”Accident” refers to errors avoidance of context information about the gestures, which can be uti- and recovery. lized by interactive systems for various reasons. For instance, filtering and selecting adequate gestural interactions could be The richness of human body movements makes human move- ment an overwhelming subject for designing and engineering based on the user’s physical context. Recently, we have pro- interactions. The hand and its movements, for instance, pro- posed a shift towards completely dynamic on-the-fly ensem- vide an open list of interaction possibilities. In his work, Mul- bles of interaction techniques at runtime [4]. The Interac- der [24] listed just a subset of hand movements that reflects tion Ensembles approach is defined as ”Multiple interaction interaction possibilities, which included: Accusation (index modalities (i.e. interaction plugins) are tailored at runtime to adapt the available interaction resources and possibilities to pointing); moving objects; touching objects; manipulating the user’s physical abilities, needs, and context” [4]. Engi- objects; waving and saluting; pointing to real and abstract neering an interactive system of this kind imposes new dis- objects; and positioning objects. Moreover, he described and semination (especially interaction description and modeling), categorized hand movements into goal directed manipulation, deployment, and adaptation requirements and challenges to empty-handed gestures, and haptic exploration. This clas- sification reveals the potential of one individual part of hu- consider. man body. The goal directed manipulation category includes In this paper, we discuss the use of movement description movement for changing position (e.g., lift and move), chang- languages for describing motion gestures and we present our ing orientation (e.g., revolve, twist), changing shape (e.g., approach of choice to tackle this problem. squeeze and pinch), contact with the object (e.g., snatch and clutch), joining objects (e.g., tie and sew), and indirect ma- BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK nipulation (e.g., set and strop). The empty-handed gestures category included examples such as twiddle and wave. Fi- Research on utilizing movements for interaction is spread nally, the haptic exploration category included touch, stroke, over a wide research landscape. For instance, computer vi- strum, thrum, and twang. In the same work, he also indicated sion studies different approaches to visually analyze and rec- that there are other types of categorization base on communi- ognize human motion on multiple levels (i.e. body parts, cation aspects for example. Yet, this potential grows greatly whole body, and high level human activities) [22]. Other when considering the rich nature of natural interaction tech- research projects involve affective computing to study ex- niques, as in whole body interactions and motion-based inter- pressive movements as in the EMOTE model [9] and Eye- actions for instance. sWeb [8], movements visual analysis [1], and representation of movements [5]. The literature is also rich with examples The notion of movement qualities is another well studied and on utilizing movements for interactions. Rekimoto [28] pre- applied topic in different fields, especially in dance and chore- sented one of the earliest work on mapping motion (e.g., tilt- ography. Despite the importance of movement for interac- ing) to navigate menus, interact with scroll bars, pan, zoom, tion, the HCI field does not yet explore this notion on the and to perform manipulate actions on 3D objects. The re- same scale. In fact, some argue that the primary founda- search effort on tilting was then followed, especially in the tions of movement qualities are very poorly discussed in the mobile interaction area by Harrison et al. [12] and Bartlett HCI literature [2], despite some recent research contributions [7]. Meanwhile, Hinckley et al.’s [16] idea of using tilting as James et al. (interactions technique based on dance per- for controlling the mobile screen orientation is one of the formance) [18], Moen (applying Laban effort dance theory most widely adopted techniques implemented in many mo- for designing of movement-based interaction) [23], Alaoui bile phones currently sold on the market. et al. (movement qualities as interaction modalities) [2], and Hashim et al. (Laban’s movement analysis for graceful inter- In their work on movement-based interactions, Loke et action) [13]. The discussed work in this paper contributes to al. [22] presented an interesting analysis on the design of this area of research. movement-based interactions from four different frameworks and perspectives: Suchman’s framework for covering the To our best knowledge, universal design guidelines for communicative resources for interacting humans and ma- motion-based interactions are not easily found in the liter- chines; Benford et al.’s framework (based on Expected, ature. Nonetheless, efforts to investigate and outline such Sensed and Desired movements) for designing sensing-based guidelines are recently reported for specific application do- Interactions; Bellotti et al.’s framework (Address, Attention, mains. For instance, Gerling et al. [10] proposed seven guide- Action, Alignment, Accident) for sensor-based systems; and lines for whole body interactions created based on gaming Labanotation as one of the most popular systems of analyzing scenarios and focused on elderly population. and recording movement. In Benford et al.’s framework ”Ex- pected” movements are the natural movements that users do, Principally, one of the foundations of the work presented in ”Sensed” movements those which can be sensed by an inter- this paper is to relay on human body movements as the central active system, ”Desired” movements are those which assem- focal point in designing, sharing and executing motion ges- 2 tures. This position puts human body movement at the core of our approach to describe gestures and our implementation of what we call movement profiles. DESCRIBING MOVEMENTS FOR MOTION GESTURES Loke et al. [21] have presented an analysis of people’s move- ments when playing two computer games, which utilize play- ers’ free body movements as input sensed by a basic com- puter vision. Their analysis included various ways to describe movement, ranging from the mechanics of the moving body in space and time, the expressive qualities of movement, the Figure 1. Designer drawing 1: Documenting an arm swipe interaction by drawing paths of movement, the rhythm and timing, and the moving body involved in acts of perception as part of human action and activity. Kahol et al. [19] proposed an intuitive method to understand the creation and performance of gestures by modeling gestures as a sequence of activity events in body segments and joints. Once captured, the sequences can be annotated by several different choreographers, based on their own interpretations and styles. HCI researchers tend to preserve and describe the movement aspects of newly developed gestures using direct personal transmissions, written textual records, still visual records (e.g., images, sketches, drawings), and animated visual records (e.g., videos). Nevertheless, the aforementioned Figure 2. Designer drawing 2: Documenting an arm swipe interaction methods suffer from different drawbacks, which negatively by drawing affect the description quality, e.g., textual records are often too ambiguous, inaccurate, or too complex to comprehend; hence challenging the design and engineering of interactive still visual records fail to convey timing and movement dy- systems that utilize gestural interaction techniques. namics; and animated visual records are affected greatly by the capturing quality. Formal description models and languages are also used to de- scribe or disseminate the developed interaction. In their work, Previously in [3], we have argued that describing movement Hamon et al. [11] analyzed the expressiveness of various mul- as an interaction element for ubiquitous and pervasive envi- titouch user interface description languages. They argued that ronments is a more challenging task because of the hetero- modeling should include data description, state representa- geneity of users’ needs and abilities, heterogeneity of envi- tion, event representation, timing, concurrent behavior, and ronment context, and media renderers availability. We have dynamic instantiation. Nonetheless, modeling and describing also argued that the current documentation practices are not the movement aspects of motion-based gestures, the focus of fully suitable for motion gestures because of the lack of stan- this paper, is not well investigated. dardized and agreed upon description methods for motion gestures. Current practices are too static and fixed to a par- Proper description of movements in motion gestures should ticular media type, which may easily limit the target users therefore ensure a standardized machine readable and of the interaction technique; current methods such as direct parsable language; generation of documentation learning and personal transmissions fail to scale with a massive user popu- presentation material (e.g., visual records, and audio records) lation; and current practices fail to clearly reveal the required based on the context of the user and his environment; and physical abilities to perform the interactions. methods for observing users’ interactions in order to provide suitable feedback and adaptation to depict clearly the required To demonstrate one of the many issues regarding current doc- interaction movements and physical abilities [3]. umentation practices, Figure 1 and Figure 2 show two differ- ent drawings of the same interaction technique. The tech- Labanotation is adopted for our approach due to its flexible nique presented in the drawings is a simple arm swiping ges- expressive power and holistic power to capture movements in ture. This gesture requires the user to position the left arm terms of movement structural description, analysis of patterns to the front parallel position to the ground (as a starting posi- (shapes), and qualities of movement (efforts). Labanotation is tion), and move it to the left side to do a left swipe (for inter- a system of analyzing and recording movement, originally de- action). The two drawings depict the interaction differently vised by Rudolf Laban in the 1920’s. It is then further devel- using different drawing styles, angles, and ways to depict se- oped by Hutchinson and others at the Dance Notation Bureau quencing. Both drawings can be easily differently interpreted [17]. Labanotation is used in fields traditionally associated by users as well as peer-designers. This causes great varia- with the physical body, such as dance choreography, physical tions in interaction understanding and execution. Moreover, therapy, drama, early childhood development, and athletics. this style of interaction description is not machine readable, Additionally, Labanotation fosters great flexibility that em- 3 Figure 3. Labanotation visual notations (staff) Figure 4. Using Labanotation to document 3Gear pinch interaction tech- powers designers to describe all or any part of movements as nique (right hand) required. In this paper, we particularly aim at the structural aspects of the movement. There have been a few previous research attempts to provide In its current form, Labanotation is a visual notation system XML presentation of Labanotation such as MovementXML where symbols for body movements are written on a vertical [14] and LabanXML [25] in the area of dance representation. ”body” staff. Each element in the notation has a dedicated Nonetheless, the efforts were neither aimed at describing ges- Labanotation symbol, which is used to present and document tural interactions nor have they been widely adopted. various movement qualities. Figure 3 illustrates the Laban- otation staff. The staff is used as the layout for all involved This scheme allows translating the notation to a machine movements. Each column, from inside out, presents a differ- readable representation of the motion gesture description. ent body part. Column (1) presents the support (i.e., the dis- Clearly, the representation illustrated in Figure 4 is not tar- tribution of body weight on the ground). Columns (2) to (4) geted at end users due to its speciality. The representation (in present leg, body, and arm movements respectively. Column its visual and XML code) provides an exact description of the (5) and additional columns can be defined by the designers as movement that can be only correctly interpreted by interac- required. The most right column is defined for head move- tion designers and developers, as well as interactive systems. ments. The designer is still able to change this order as re- Nonetheless, user friendly readable descriptions for end users quired by redefining any columns except (1) and (2). The staff are possible to be generated automatically based on the XML is split into different sections. The symbols before the double code by interactive systems (a detailed discussion in this di- lines, indicated by (6), present the start position. Moreover, rection is out of the scope of this paper). the movements components appear after the position lines in Generally, increasing the description details will result into terms of measures (horizontal lines as in (8)) and beats (hor- a fine preservation and execution of movements details. izontal short lines as in (7)). The measures and beats define Nonetheless, this inevitably causes a large movement profile the timing of the movements. The right side and the left sides that results into an increasing complexity of reading and in- of the staff correspond to the two sides of the body involved. terpretation. On contrary, reduced details result into a sim- In Figure 4, a simple 3Gear1 pinching gesture for the right ple movement description that is easy to read and interpret. hand is modeled in Labanotation and its corresponding XML Nonetheless, this leads to losing the details of movements. representation is presented in Listing 5. The Figure 4 is read as follows: (1) The right arm starts at a 90-degree angle to the LABANOTATION XML SCHEME rest of the body pointing forward. (2) The palm of the hand Our approach based on Labanotation aims at a robust and points to the left and should remain so during the interaction. standardized description of movements in motion gestures, (3) The right hand is naturally curved. (4) The right hand is whereby the transmission and preservation of motion gestures curved and the fingers tips touch each other. The position of become possible. Nonetheless, the modeling of Labanotation the fingers should be held for short time. (5) The hand returns is challenging due to the extensibility of the notation, size, to the natural curve quickly with the fingers naturally spread. and variations of symbols. The visual notation aims at a human readable approach for In the scope of this work, a subset of Labanotation is con- describing and reading movements, but is not adequately sidered. Nonetheless, the extensibility of this scheme is machine readable. Therefore, we have designed a compli- still possible. The current scheme mainly targets the fol- ant XML scheme that is both machine and human readable. lowing structural elements: direction symbols, pins and con- tact hooks, space measurement signs, turn symbols, vibra- 1, accessed on 03.04.2014 tion symbols, body hold sign, back-to-normal sign, release- 4 in automated interactive systems, especially processes such as context acquisition, reasoning, interaction filtering, etc. are greatly hindered. Good record-keeping of motion ges- tures should guarantee to preserve and transfer the tech- nique to users and other peer designers without endanger- ing the originality and vital aspects of the technique. • The tension between formal and empirical movement descriptions: Formal interface description languages sup- port interaction at the development as well as the oper- ation phase, while conventional empirical or semiformal techniques lack to provide adequate and sufficient insights about the interaction (e.g., comparing two design options with respect to the reliability of the human-system coop- eration) [26]. Those techniques are more susceptible to losing parts of the movements, overly complicated descrip- tions, losing timing information, etc. Nonetheless, a wide adoption of formalized languages amongst motion interac- tion designers is challenged by the potential complexity of Figure 5. Movement profile: 3Gear right pinch interaction technique language learning and movements description. (excerpt) • Meeting future challenges: New interactive systems are contact sign, path signs, relationship bows, room-direction targeted to achieve ad-hoc composition of multiple inter- pins, joint signs, area signs, limb signs, surface signs, a uni- action techniques; de-couple the close binding between de- versal object pre-sign, dynamic signs, and accent signs. vices, interaction techniques, and applications; and address user physical needs and preferences [4] [27]. This shift im- Figure 6 (left) illustrates an overview over the movement pro- poses new requirements and challenges the current prac- file XML scheme. The original Labanotation naming is pre- tices for describing motion gestures. To meet those chal- served to insure compatibility and readability of the scheme. lenges, gestures should by transparent to reflect their inter- As shown in the figure, the staff is defined in terms of tim- nal functionality and physical requirements for intelligent ing information (measures and timing) and the body parts in- interactive systems. volved (by defining the columns), and movement components are defined in the movements element. The movements ele- • Limited research effort: We argue that this area of re- ment contains a collection of elements to define the individ- search requires a lot of attention for the community in- ual movements, path, the movement directions, relationships, cluding: a better understanding of gestures and their re- and phrasing (connecting individual movements together). quirements; guidelines for describing gestures; new au- thoring and design tools for motion gestures; and better Figure 6 (right) illustrates a close overview on the movement understanding of the users’ learning habits and practices element. In this element, a single individual movement is for learning motion gesture. fully described. The information modeled includes place- ment in the score (defined by the column element), timing CONCLUSION information (beats, measures, and execution duration), the In this paper, we have argued that adequate movements de- body part(s) involved (defined by the preSign), and move- scription of motion gestures is very relevant to the correct ment quality such as direction, space, turn, and vibration. The execution of interactions by end users, the preservation of number and detailed level of movements modeled depend on technique by designers, the accumulation of knowledge for the designer. The design should model just enough informa- the community, and most importantly for the process of de- tion for ideal execution of the movement. signing and engineering interactive systems. Moreover, lan- guages for describing the movement aspects of gestures are DISCUSSION very important resource of context information about the ges- Describing movements for motion gestures is a challenging tures, which can be utilized by interactive systems for interac- process and imposes a number of open issues (only some are tion filtering, adaptation, and dynamic on-the-fly deployment discussed in this paper): at runtime. Herein, Labanotation as a flexible and extensible • Support of dynamic interactive systems: The lack of ad- movement documentation system is adopted for describing equate interaction documentation and dissemination leads the movements aspects of gestural interactions. inevitably to challenge the design and engineering of in- teractive systems. Documentation can be used to extract FUTURE WORK information about the type of movements involved in the We continue our work on an authoring tool called Interaction interaction, involved body parts, adequate interaction exe- Editor [3], which aims to ease the workflow for describing cution, etc. The absence of such information will necessar- the movement aspects of gestural interactions for gesture de- ily lead to burden the deployment of interaction techniques velopers and designers. Moreover, one of our active areas 5 Figure 6. Movement profile scheme - movement element (high-level overview) of research continues to investigate the real practices for de- 5. Badler, N. I., and Smoliar, S. W. Digital representations scribing gestural interactions applied by the HCI community. of human movement. ACM Comput. Surv. 11, 1 (Mar. 1979), 19–38. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was partially supported by the Graduate School 6. 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