=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1190/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Towards a Periodic Table of Gestural Interaction |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1190/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-1190 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/eics/KammerKG14 }} ==Towards a Periodic Table of Gestural Interaction== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1190/paper5.pdf
             Towards a Periodic Table of Gestural Interaction
                                        Dietrich Kammer, Mandy Keck, Rainer Groh
                                                Technische Universität Dresden
                                                         01062 Dresden

ABSTRACT                                                                        of natural sciences, cannot be established in applied
The periodic table is the first means of chemists to structure                  sciences such as human-computer interaction. However, it
their field of research. It comprises all chemical elements                     is still an interesting and beneficial endeavor in order to
with their most prominent features. The system is so                            advance and consolidate the field of research. The proposed
important that students of chemistry usually learn it by heart                  periodic table does not claim to have an immediate
during their university education. Scientists in the field of                   application for engineering multimodal gestures. Its value is
human-computer interaction lack such a concise system that                      on a meta-level, in order to identify differences,
covers all aspects of gestural interaction. Although                            commonalities, and requirements for engineering software
considerable research exists, scientists rarely agree on                        that processes gestural input.
common aspects and systems to classify, collect, and share
their research. This position paper attempts to pacify                          The periodic table of gestural interaction requires
rivaling scientific views towards gestural interaction and its                  researchers to think in terms of Semiotics: what are the
properties, benefits, and applications. By collecting meta-                     fundamental syntactic elements that constitute a gestural
properties of multimodal gestures, the proposed periodic                        system and how are they combined, interpreted, and
table tries to provide a common ground for classification                       received by users? We first provide a brief background on
and debate among researchers and practitioners working                          the periodic table of chemical elements and then address
with gestural interfaces.                                                       existing research on gestural interaction, followed by an
                                                                                attempt at constituting a first draft of the periodic table for
Author Keywords                                                                 gestural interaction.
Gestures, Multimodal, Classification, Formalization.                            BACKGROUND
ACM Classification Keywords                                                     The periodic table of the chemical elements is a table that
D.2.2 Software Engineering: Design Tools and Techniques;                        registers elements and their atomic numbers, electron
H.5.2 Information Interfaces & Presentation: User                               configurations, and other chemical properties in a tabular
Interfaces                                                                      manner [17]. It is not only a collection of known elements;
                                                                                due to its layout according to physical and chemical rules, it
INTRODUCTION                                                                    also serves to predict further elements that have not yet
Scientists in the field of human-computer interaction rarely                    been synthesized or discovered.
agree on common aspects of gestural interaction. While this                     Eighteen columns and seven rows constitute the periodic
attitude serves to investigate various routes and illuminates                   table. There is a double row of elements below those
different key aspects, the consolidation of knowledge is                        columns and rows (see Figure 1). Colors signify if the
necessary to advance and consolidate a field of research. In                    elements belong to a metal category or non-metal category.
this position paper, we propose to collect and agree on
certain meta-properties of different gestural interaction                       Rows and columns are called periods and groups,
styles.                                                                         respectively. Some of the groups have special names like
                                                                                halogens or noble gases. Groups show trends with respect
A periodic table of gestural interaction is the main                            to the contained elements, i.e. common properties such as
metaphor, which serves as motivation to classify atomic                         the same electron configuration in the outermost shell of the
gesture building blocks and debate their properties. The                        atom. Periods represent less important trends: atomic
periodic table is the main tool for chemists to structure their                 radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and
field of research. It is so important that undergraduate                        electronegativity.
students are required to learn it by heart. It is clear that such
a profound system, which is grounded in fundamental facts                       There are different layouts of the periodic table of chemical
                                                                                elements, for instance, the lanthanides and actinides can be
EGMI 2014, 1st International Workshop on Engineering Gestures for               integrated, which makes the table considerably broader.
Multimodal Interfaces, June 17 2014, Rome, Italy.
                                                                                Due to different requirements and views, several layouts
Copyright © 2014 for the individual papers by the papers' authors.
Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is        and categorizations are possible with regard to the chemical
published and copyrighted by its editors.                                       elements of the periodic table.

                                                                      RESEARCH ON GESTURAL INTERACTION
                                                                      It is out of the scope of this paper to collect the complete
                                                                      research that exists on gestural interaction. However, in
                                                                      order to setup a first draft of the intended periodic table, it is
                                                                      necessary to address a number of approaches that seek to
                                                                      consolidate knowledge on gestural interaction.
                                                                      Declarative approaches to specify multi-touch gestures can
                                                                      be found in the literature such as GDL [12,13]. Other
                                                                      formalization attempts for multi-touch gestures are
                                                                      GeForMT [9,10] and Proton [14,15]. Wobbrock et al.
                                                                      consider further aspects towards a taxonomy of multi-touch
                                                                      gestures [23]. GISpL [5] and Mudra [8] address
                                                                      multimodal gestures. The Behaviour Markup Language is
Figure 1: Structure of the periodic table of the chemical             an XML dialect to describe multimodal and spatial gestures
elements.                                                             [22]. The Conversational Gesture Transcription system also
The chemical elements themselves are described by their               uses a formal notation to describe spatial human gestures
atomic number, which directly refers to the electron                  [21]. For sketching gestures, a sketch language has been
configuration. The designated name is often in Latin and is           developed by Bimber et al. [2]. Another domain-specific
the foundation for the official symbol, which is an                   language for sketching has been proposed by Hammond
internationally agreed code that consists of one, two, or             and Davis [7]. Spindler et al. propose an interaction
three letters.                                                        vocabulary for spatial interaction using magic lenses
                                                                      [18,19]. Epps et al. investigate different hand shapes,
                                                                      which can be used in spatial gestures [6].
                                                                      All of the declarative approaches to describe gestures aim at
                                                                      facilitating the implementation of gestures used in specific
                                                                      interaction techniques. In the next section, we propose to
                                                                      collect these interaction techniques in a periodic table of
                                                                      gestural interaction.
Figure 2: Chemical element with its configuration and
designation.                                                          PERIODIC TABLE OF GESTURAL INTERACTION
                                                                      Most of the research in gestural interaction addresses the
The periodic table has also been called “nature’s rosetta
                                                                      atomic building blocks of gestures and how they can be
stone” [1]. There are other instances, where the periodic
                                                                      captured and processed. Interaction techniques developed
table of chemical elements serves as a means to structure a
                                                                      by researchers use these building blocks for simple or
field of research, such as the periodic table of visualization
                                                                      compound tasks in an interface. We propose to view these
methods for management [16]. This periodic table uses                 interaction techniques as the elements of our periodic table.
concrete information visualization methods as basic                   The periodic table should reflect some basic distinctions of
elements. Coloring is used for categories, while rows show            the gestural interaction techniques such as:
a basic trend towards more complex visualization
techniques. The categories are data visualization,                    •   Degrees of freedom
information visualization, concept visualization, strategy
                                                                      •   Complexity
visualization, metaphor visualization, and compound
visualization. The columns have no explicit meaning, but              •   Continuous or discrete evaluation
show another trend towards more complex and compound
visualizations. Atomic numbers are omitted and the main               •   Hardware, i.e. enabling technologies
symbol or abbreviation is put in the center of each element.          The complexity used in our periodic table refers to the
Within each element, the coloring of the symbol shows                 subjective intricacy involved in an interaction technique.
whether the visualization method is a process or structure            For instance, a technique involving two hands or multiple
visualization and icons express if the visualization method           fingers can be rated more complex than a simple tap with
is used for overview, detail, divergent thinking, or                  one finger. It is important to note that the intended periodic
convergent thinking. These symbols can be combined and                table makes most of the distinction from the point of view
inspired the icons used in the periodic table of gestural             of the sensing technology. Hence, we will not consider the
interaction.                                                          movement necessary to reach a button on a keyboard. The
                                                                      same goes for reaching out to a multi-touch screen.

  Figure 3: First draft of a periodic table for gestural interaction, the elements correspond with different interaction techniques.

                                                                      line with our work, which focuses on lexicalic and
                            Ta                                        pragmatic aspects of input structures [3,4].
           INTERACTION TECHNIQUE TAP                                  The first draft of our periodic table in Figure 3 groups the
                                                                      interaction techniques according to their enabling
  Information      Position and                                       technologies and complexity, as well as with regard to the
                   mode (number of                                    degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom (DOF) cannot
                   fingers, duration,                                 be expressed with specific numbers and represent a general
                   repetition)                                        tendency in the table: from 2D space to 3D space. It is also
Formalization      1F(POINT) or                                       conceivable to relate input DOF to output DOF in order to
                                                                      achieve a more sophisticated layout.
                                                                      In addition, the complexity of the different interaction
     Use case      Activation,                                        techniques is open to debate. Those techniques of similar
                   selection, context                                 complexity should be found on the same row in the table.
                   menus,                                             The axis for complexity is chosen similarly to the periodic
                   information                                        table of visualization methods for management [16]. Hence,
 Visualization     Short highlighting                                 simple techniques are found in the top rows of the table and
 Feedforward       of interactive                                     more involved interaction techniques are situated at the
                   interface                                          bottom.
                   elements                                           A name, a short symbol, and a number of properties, which
                                                                      are represented by icons, describe each interaction
   Interaction     Manipulation
                                                                      technique. The interaction techniques such as tap, scrolling,
                                                                      and panning are already established quasi-standards. Other
 Restrictions      Size and                                           techniques such “lense tilt” or “lense move” are currently
                   precision of                                       being researched [20]. The properties expressed by icons in
                   fingers                                            each element refer to the use of the technique in a
                                                                      continuous (online) or discrete (offline) manner.
     Table 1: Crib sheet for interaction technique “tap”              Furthermore, a distinction in interaction techniques for
                                                                      navigation and manipulation tasks is made.
There are other frameworks for gesture-based interactions,
which also integrate application domains and concrete
design guidelines [11]. Early work of Buxton is more in

                          Scr                                                                      Pi
      INTERACTION TECHNIQUE SCROLLING                                            INTERACTION TECHNIQUE PINCH
  Information      Direction of                                          Information      Centre of
                   movement                                                               gesture and
                   (horizontal or                                                         relative
                   vertical)                                                              adjustment of
Formalization      1F(LINE)
                                                                                          between both
     Use case      Navigation in                                                          fingers
                   lists, interfaces                                   Formalization      JOIN[1F(LINE)
                   with dynamic                                                           * 1F(LINE)] or
                   dimensions                                                             SPLIT[1F(LINE)
 Visualization     Truncated list                                                         * 1F(LINE)]
 Feedforward       items,                                                   Use case      Zoom in and
                                                                                          zoom out,
                                                                                          Scaling of
   Interaction     Navigation                                                             objects
         goals     (orientation)                                        Visualization     Truncated
 Restrictions      Long                                                 Feedforward       interface, short
                   interfaces or                                                          fade in of scroll
                   texts need                                                             bars
                   optimization                                           Interaction     Manipulation
                                                                                goals     (Scaling) or
   Table 2: Crib sheet for interaction technique “scrolling”
Each interaction technique should be accompanied by a                                     (level of detail)
more detailed crib sheet, which gives a short overview of
                                                                        Restrictions      Used in
the technique, its use cases, and application. Table 1 gives
an example of such a crib sheet, which also uses GeForMT
                                                                                          with panning
to provide a formal expression of the multi-touch gesture
involved in the interaction technique [9].
                                                                           Table 3: Crib sheet for interaction technique “pinch”
GeForMT uses a simple math formula syntax involving
contact functions such as 1F(…) to express that 1 finger               FUTURE WORK
touches the multi-touch surface. Atomic gestures describe              The periodic table can be used to codify knowledge in the
certain movements such as lines (LINE) or circles                      field of gestural interaction. Especially with the advent of
(CIRCLE) or static contacts such as POINT for a simple                 multimodal interfaces, this becomes increasingly important.
touch of the surface or HOLD for a longer contact. Other               An interactive periodic table could be established on the
formalizations or notations are conceivable as well and                internet, which would allow cooperative work on building a
should be provided in order to exchange gestures across                knowledge base on gestural interaction. Furthermore, an
different frameworks.                                                  interactive table allows drilling down on the elements and
Table 2 and 3 show additional examples of crib sheets for              show detailed information, such as the implementation with
multi-touch interaction techniques. The examples show use              various declarative approaches to describe multimodal
cases when these interaction techniques are suitable and               gestures.
how they can be visualized in an interface. Thus, a                    Researchers should try to classify their developed
feedforward is suggested for the developer of a gestural               interaction techniques according to an established set of
interface. The restrictions listed in the crib sheets can alert        concerns as used in the periodic table. In the following, the
the developer if certain problems exist when using an                  table can be adapted and optimized. Especially if the
interaction technique, or if there are interplays with                 classification breaks down or becomes ambiguous,
additional techniques.                                                 additional rules need to be devised in order to achieve a
                                                                       sound assessment of complexity and DOFs used in an
                                                                       interaction technique.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                     14. Kin, K., Hartmann, B., DeRose, T., and Agrawala, M.
The European Union and the Free State Saxony through the                Proton: multitouch gestures as regular expressions.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) supported                     Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference on
this work. Thanks are due to Axel Pötzsch for his support of            Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM (2012),
this research.                                                          2885–2894.
                                                                    15. Kin, K., Hartmann, B., DeRose, T., and Agrawala, M.
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