Measuring Conceptual Similarity in Ontologies: How Bad is a Cheap Measure? Tahani Alsubait, Bijan Parsia, and Uli Sattler School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom {alsubait,bparsia,sattler} Abstract. Several attempts have been made to develop similarity mea- sures for ontologies. Motivated by finding problems in existing measures, we design a new family of measures to address these problems. We carry out an empirical study to explore how good the new measures are and to investigate how likely it is to encounter specific task-oriented problems when using a bad similarity measure. 1 Introduction The process of assigning a numerical value reflecting the degree of resemblance between two ontology concepts or the so called conceptual similarity measure- ment is a core step in many ontology-related applications (e.g., ontology align- ment [7], ontology learning [2]). Several attempts have been made to develop methods for measuring conceptual similarity in ontologies [22, 32, 23, 20, 4]. In addition, the problem of measuring similarity is well-founded in psychology and a number of similarity models have been already developed [6, 30, 26, 19, 29, 8, 12]. Rather than adopting a psychological model for similarity as a foundation, we noticed that some existing similarity measures for ontologies are ad-hoc and unprincipled. This can negatively affect the application in which they are used. However, in some cases, depending on how simple the ontology/task is, using a computationally expensive “good” similarity measure is no better than using a cheap “bad” measure. Thus, we need to understand the computational cost of the similarity measure and the cases in which it succeeds/fails. Unfortunately, to date, there has been no thorough investigation of similarity measures with respect to these issues. For this investigation, we use an independently motivated corpus of ontologies (BioPortal1 library) which contains over 300 ontologies that are used by the biomedical community which is a community that has a high interest in the similarity measurement problem [24, 31]. To understand the major differences between similarity measures w.r.t. the task in which they are involved in, we structure the discussion around the fol- lowing three tasks: – Task1: Given a concept C, retrieve all concepts D s.t. Similarity(C, D) > 0. – Task2: Given a concept C, retrieve the N most similar concepts. 1 – Task3: Given a concept C and some threshold ∆, retrieve all concepts D s.t. Similarity(C, D) > ∆. We expect most similarity measures to behave similarly in the first task be- cause we are not interested in the particular similarity values nor any particular ordering among the similar concepts. However, the second task gets harder as N gets smaller. In this case, a similarity measure that underestimates the similarity of some very similar concepts and overestimates the similarity of others can fail the task. In the third task, the actual similarity values matter. Hence, using the most accurate similarity measure is essential. 2 Preliminaries We assume the reader to be familiar with DL ontologies. In what follows, we briefly introduce the relevant terminology. For a detailed overview, the reader is referred to [1]. The set of terms, i.e., concept, individual and role names, in an ontology O is referred to as its signature, denoted O.e Throughout the paper, we use NC , NR for the sets of concept and role names respectively and CL to denote a set of possibly complex concepts of a concept language L(Σ) over a signature Σ and we use the usual entailment operator |=. 3 Desired properties for similarity measures Various psychological models for similarity have been developed (e.g., Geometric [26, 19], Transformational [17, 8] and Features [29] models). Due to the richness of ontologies, not all models can be adopted when considering conceptual simi- larity in ontologies. This is because many things are associated with a concept in an ontology (e.g., atomic subsumers/subsumees, complex subsumers/subsumees, instances, referencing axioms). Looking at existing approaches for measuring similarity in DL ontologies, one can notice that approaches which aim at pro- viding a numerical value as a result of the similarity measurement process are mainly founded on feature-based models [29], although they might disagree on which features to consider. In what follows, we concentrate on feature-based notions of similarity where the degree of similarity SCD between objects C, D depends on features common to C and D, unique features of C and unique features of D. Considering both common and distinguishing features is a vital property of the features model. Looking at existing approaches for measuring similarity in ontologies, we find that some of these approaches consider common xor unique features (rather than both) and that some approaches consider features that some instances (rather than all) of the compared concepts have. To account for all the features of a concept, we need to look at all (possibly complex) entailed subsumers of that concept. To understand these issues, we present the following example: Example 1 Consider the ontology: {Animal v Organism u ∃eats.>, P lant v Organism, Carnivore v Animal u ∀eats.Animal, Herbivore v Animal u ∀eats.P lant, Omnivore v Animal u ∃eats.Animal u ∃eats.P lant} Please note that our “Carnivore” is also known as obligate carnivore. A good similarity function Sim(·) is expected to derive that Sim(Carnivore, Om- nivore) > Sim(Carnivore, Herbivore) because the first pair share more com- mon subsumers and have fewer distinguishing subsumers. On the one hand Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore are all subsumed by the following com- mon subsumers (abbreviated for readability): {>, Org, A, ∃e.>}. In addition, Carnivore and Omnivore share the following common subsumer: {∃e.A}. On the other hand, they have the following distinguishing subsumer: {∃e.P } while Carnivore and Herbivore have the following distinguishing subsumers: {∃e.P, ∀e.P, ∃e.A, ∀e.A}. Here, we have made a choice to ignore (infinitely) many subsumers and only consider a select few. Clearly, this choice has an impact on Sim(·). Details on such design choices are discussed later. Note also that we only considered subsumers rather than subsumees. This is because common subsumees do not necessarily reflect commonalities. For example, consider the concept ∃digests.Insect which is a subsumee of both Animal and P lant. How- ever, this concept does not reflect commonalities of animals and plants. We refer to the property of accounting for both common and distinguishing features as rationality. In addition, the related literature refer to some other properties for evaluating similarity measures (e.g., equivalence closure, symme- try, triangle inequality, monotonicity, subsumption preservation, structural de- pendence). For a detailed overview, the reader is referred to [4, 16]. 4 Overview of existing approaches We classify existing similarity measures into two dimensions as follows. Taxonomy vs. ontology based measures Taxonomy-based measures [22, 32, 23, 18, 14] only consider the taxonomic representation of the ontology (e.g., for DLs, we could use the inferred class hierarchy); hence only atomic subsumptions are considered (e.g., Carnivore v Animal). In fact, this can be considered an approximated solution to the problem which might be sufficient in some cases. However, the user must be aware of the limitations of such approaches. For example, direct siblings are always considered equi-similar although some siblings might share more features/subsumers than others. Ontology-based measures [4, 13, 16] take into account more of the knowledge in the underlying ontology (e.g., Carnivore v ∀eats.Animal). These measures can be further classified into (a) structural measures, (b) interpretation-based measures or (c) hybrid. Structural measures [13, 16] first transform the compared concepts into a normal form (e.g., EL normal form or ALCN disjunctive nor- mal form) and then compare the syntax of their descriptions. To avoid being purely syntactic, they first unfold the concepts w.r.t. the T Box which limits the applicability of such measures to cyclic terminologies. Some structural measures [16] are applicable only to inexpressive DLs (e.g., EL) and it is unclear how they can be extended to more expressive DLs. Interpretation-based measures mainly depend on the notion of canonical models (e.g., in [4] the canonical model based on the ABox is utilised) which do not always exist (e.g., consider disjunctions). Intensional vs. extensional based measures Intensional-based measures [22, 32, 13, 16] exploit the terminological part of the ontology while extensional- based measures [23, 18, 14, 4] utilise the set of individual names in an ABox or instances in an external corpus. Extensional-based measures are very sensitive to the content under consideration; thus, adding/removing an individual name would change similarity measurements. These measures might be suitable for specific content-based applications but might lead to unintuitive results in other applications because they do not take concept definitions into account. Moreover, extensional-based measures cannot be used with pure terminological ontologies and always require representative data. 5 Detailed inspection of some existing measures After presenting a general overview of existing measures, we examine in detail some measures that can be considered “cheap” options and explore their possible problems. In what follows, we use SAtomic (C) to denote the set of atomic sub- sumers for concept C. We also use ComAtomic (C, D), DiffAtomic (C, D) to denote the sets of common and distingushing atomic subsumers respectively. Rada et al. This measure utilises the length of the shortest path [22] between the compared concepts in the inferred class hierarchy. The essential problem here is that the measure takes only distinguishing features into account and ignores any possible common features. Wu and Palmer. To account for both common and distinguishing features, Wu & Palmer [32] presented a different formula for measuring similarity, as follows: 2·|ComAtomic (C,D)| SWu & Palmer (C, D) = 2·|ComAtomic (C,D)|+|DiffAtomic (C,D)| Although this measure accounts for both common and distinguishing fea- tures, it only considers atomic concepts and it is more sensitive to commonalties. Resnik and other IC measures. In information theoretic notions of simi- larity, the information content ICC = −logPC of a concept C is computed based on the probability (PC ) of encountering an instance of that concept. For exam- ple, P> = 1 and IC> = 0 since > is not informative. Accordingly, Resnik [23] defines similarity SResnik (C, D) as: SResnik (C, D) = ICLCS where LCS is the least common subsumer of C and D (i.e., the most specific concept that subsumes both C and D). IC measures take into account features that some instances of C and D have, which are not necessarily neither common nor distinguishing features of all instances of C and D. In addition, Resnik’s measure in particular does not take into account how far the compared concepts are from their least common subsumer. To overcome this problem, two [18, 14] other IC-measures have been proposed: 2 · ICLCS SLin (C, D) = ICC + ICD SJiang&Conrath (C, D) = 1 − ICC + ICD − 2 · ICLCS 6 A new family of similarity measures Following our exploration of existing measures and their associated problems, we present a new family of similarity measures that addresses these problems. The new measures adopt the features model where the features under consideration are the subsumers of the concepts being compared. The new measures are based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient [11] which has been proved to be a proper metric (i.e., satisfies the properties: equivalence closure, symmetry and triangle inequality). Jaccard’s coefficient, which maps similarity to a value in the range [0,1], is defined as follows (for sets of “features” A0 ,B 0 of A,B, i.e., subsumers of A and B): 0 0 J(A, B) = |(A ∩B )| |(A0 ∪B 0 )| We aim at similarity measures for general OWL ontologies and thus a naive implementation of this approach would be trivialised because a concept has in- finitely many subsumers. To overcome this issue, we present some refinements for the similarity function in which we do not simply count all subsumers but con- sider subsumers from a set of (possibly complex) concepts of a concept language L. More precisely, for concepts C, D an ontology O and a concept language L, we set: S(C, O, L) = {D ∈ L(O) e | O |= C v D} Com(C, D, O, L) = S(C, O, L) ∩ S(D, O, L) Union(C, D, O, L) = S(C, O, L) ∪ S(D, O, L) |Com(C, D, O, L)| Sim(C, D, O, L) = |U nion(C, D, O, L)| To design a new measure, it remains to specify the set L. In what follows, we present some examples: AtomicSim(C, D) = Sim(C, D, O, LAtomic (O)), e and LAtomic (O) e =O e ∩ NC . SubSim(C, D) = Sim(C, D, O, LSub (O)), e and LSub (O) e = Sub(O). GrSim(C, D) = Sim(C, D, O, LG (O)), e and LG (O) e = {E | E ∈ Sub(O) or E = ∃r.F, for some r ∈ Oe ∩ NR and F ∈ Sub(O)}. where Sub(O) is the set of concept expressions in O. AtomicSim(·) captures taxonomy-based measures since it considers atomic concepts only. The rationale of SubSim(·) is that it provides similarity measurements that are sensitive to the modeller’s focus. It also provides a cheap (yet principled) way for measuring similarity in expressive DLs since the number of candidates is linear in the size of the ontology. To capture more possible subsumers, one can use GrSim(·). We have chosen to include only grammar concepts which are subconcepts or which take the form ∃r.F to make experiments in the Empirical inspection Section more manageable. However, the grammar can be extended easily. 7 Approximations of similarity measures Some of the presented examples for similarity measures might be practically inefficient due to the large number of candidate subsumers. For this reason, it would be nice if we can explore and understand whether a “cheap” measure can be a good approximation for a more expensive one. We start by characterising the properties of an approximation in the following definition. Definition 1 Given two similarity functions Sim(·),Sim0 (·), and an ontology O, we say that: – Sim0 (·) preserves the order of Sim(·) if ∀A1 , B1 , A2 , B2 ∈ O: e Sim(A1 , B1 ) ≤ Sim(A2 , B2 ) =⇒ Sim0 (A1 , B1 ) ≤ Sim0 (A2 , B2 ). – Sim0 (·) approximates Sim(·) from above if ∀A, B ∈ O: e Sim(A, B) ≤ Sim0 (A, B). – Sim0 (·) approximates Sim(·) from below if ∀A, B ∈ O: e Sim(A, B) ≥ Sim0 (A, B). Consider AtomicSim(·) and SubSim(·). The first thing to notice is that the set of candidate subsumers for the first measure is actually a subset of the set of candidate subsumers for the second measure (O e ∩ NC ⊆ Sub(O)). However, we need to notice also that the number of entailed subsumers in the two cases need not to be proportionally related. For example, if the number of atomic can- didate subsumers is n and two compared concepts share n2 common subsumers. We cannot conclude that they will also share half of the subconcept subsumers. They could actually share all or none of the complex subsumers. Therefore, the order-preserving property need not be always satisfied. As a concrete example, let the number of common and distinguishing atomic subsumers for C and D to be 2 and 4 respectively (out of 8 atomic concepts) and let the number of their common and distinguishing subsoncept subsumers to be 4 and 6 respec- tively (out of 20 subconcepts). Let the number of common and distinguishing atomic subsumers for C and E to be 4 and 4 respectively and let the number of their common and distinguishing subsoncept subsumers to be 4 and 8 re- spectively. In this case, AtomicSim(C, D) = 62 = 0.33, SubSim(C, D) = 10 4 = 4 4 0.4, AtomicSim(C, E) = 8 = 0.5, SubSim(C, E) = 12 = 0.33. Notice that AtomicSim(C, D) < AtomicSim(C, E) while SubSim(C, D) > SubSim(C, E). Here, AtomicSim(·) is not preserving the order of SubSim(·) andAtomicSim(·) underestimates the similarity of C,D and overestimates the similarity of C,E compared to SubSim(·). A similar argument can be made to show that entailed subconcept subsumers are not necessarily proportionally related to the number of entailed grammar- based subsumers. We conclude that the above examples of similarity measures are, theoretically, none-approximations of each other. In the next section, we are interested in knowing the relation between these measures in practice. 8 Empirical inspection Following our conceptual discussion on similarity measures in the previous sec- tions, we explore the behaviour of some similarity measures in practice. Given a range of similarity measures with different costs, we want to know how good an expensive measure is, its cost and the cases in which we are required to pay that cost to get a reasonable similarity measurement. Also we want to know how bad a cheap measure is, the specific problems associated with it and how likely it is for a cheap measure to be a good substitute for more expensive measures. The empirical inspection constitutes two parts. First, we carry out a compari- son between the three measures GrSim(·), SubSim(·) and AtomicSim(·) against human experts-based similarity judgments. In [21], IC-measures along with Rada measure [22] has been compared against human judgements using the same data set which is used in the current study. The previous study [21] has found that IC-measures are worse than Rada measure so we only include Rada measure in our comparison and exclude IC-measures. We also include another path-based measure with is Wu & Palmer [32]. Secondly, we further study in detail the be- haviour of our new family of measures in practice. GrSim(·) is considered as the expensive and most precise measure in this study. We use AtomicSim(·) as the cheap measure as it only considers atomic concepts as candidate subsumers. Studying this measure can allow us to understand the problems associated with taxonomy-based measures as they all consider atomic subsumers only. Recall that taxonomy-based measures suffer from other problems that were presented in the conceptual inspection section. Hence, AtomicSim(·) can be considered the best candidate in its class since it does not suffer from these problems. We also consider SubSim(·) as a cheaper measure than GrSim(·) and more precise than AtomicSim(·) and we expect it to be a better approximation for GrSim(·) com- pared to AtomicSim(·). We excluded from the study instance-based measures since they require representative data which is not guaranteed to be present in our corpus of ontologies. We have shown in the previous section that the above three measures are not proper approximations of each other. However, this might be not the case in practice as we will explore in the following experiment. To study the relation between the different measures in practice, we examine the following properties: (1) order-preservation, (2) approximation from above (3) approximation from below, (4) correlation and (5) closeness. With respect to these five properties, we study the relation between AtomicSim(·) and SubSim(·) and refer to this as AS, the relation between AtomicSim(·) and GrSim(·) and refer to this as AG, the relation between SubSim(·) and GrSim(·) and refer to this as SG. Properties 1-3 are defined in Definition 1. For correlations, we calculate Pearson’s coefficient for the relation between each pair of measures. Finally, two measures are considered close if the following property holds: |Sim1 (C, D) − Sim2 (C, D)| ≤ ∆ where ∆ = 0.1 in the following experiment. We also compare the measures to human- based similarity judgements to confirm that the expensive measures can be more precise than the cheap ones. 8.1 Infrastructure With respect to hardware, we used the following machine: Intel Quad-core i7 2.4GHz processor, 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM, running Mac OS X 10.7.5. As for the software we use OWL API v3.4.4 [9]. To avoid runtime errors caused by using some reasoners with some ontologies, a stack of freely available reasoners were utilised: FaCT++ [28], HermiT [25], JFact,2 and Pellet [27]. 8.2 Test data The BioPortal corpus: The BioPortal library of biomedical ontologies has been used for evaluating different ontology-related tools such as reasoners [15], module extractors [5], justification extractors [10], to name a few. The corpus contains 365 user contributed ontologies (as in October 2013) with varying char- acteristics such as axiom count, concept name count and expressivity. Ontology selection: A snapshot of the BioPortal corpus from November 2012 was used. It contains a total of 293 ontologies. We excluded 86 ontologies which have only atomic subsumptions as for such ontologies the behaviour of the considered measures will be identical, i.e., we already know that AtomicSim(·) is good and cheap. We also excluded 38 more ontologies due to having no concept names or due to run time errors. This has left us with a total of 169 ontologies. Sampling: Due to the large number of concept names (565,661) and difficulty of spotting interesting patterns by eye, we calculated the pairwise similarity for a sample of concept names from the corpus. The size of the sample is 1,843 concept names with 99% confidence level. To ensure that the sample encompasses concepts with different characteristics, we picked 14 concepts from each ontology. The selection was not purely random. Instead, we picked 2 random concept names and for each random concept name we picked some neighbour concept names (i.e., 3 random siblings, atomic subsumer, atomic subsumee, sibling of direct subsumer). This choice was made to allow us to examine the behaviour of the considered similarity measures even with special cases such as measuring similarity among direct siblings. 8.3 Experiment workflow Module extraction: After classifying the ontology, we pick a sample of 14 concept names. The selected 14 concept names are used as a seed signature for extracting a ⊥-module [3]. For optimisation, rather than working on the whole ontology, the following steps are performed on the extracted module. One of the important properties of ⊥-modules is that they preserve almost all the related subsumptions. There are 3 cases in which a ⊥-module would miss some subsumers. The first case occurs when O |= C v ∀s.X and O |= C v ∀s.⊥ . The second case occurs when O |= C v ∀s.X and O |= ∀s.X ≡ >. The third case occurs when O |= C v ∀s.X and O 6|= C v ∃s.X. Since in all three cases ∀s.X is a vacuous subsumer of C, we chose to ignore these, i.e., use ⊥-modules without taking special measures to account for them. Candidate subsumers extraction: In addition to extracting all atomic concepts in the ⊥-module we recursively use the method getNestedClassExpres- sions() to extract all subconcepts from all axioms in the ⊥-module. The extracted subconcepts are used to generate grammar-based concepts. For practical reasons, 2 we only generate concepts taking the form ∃r.D s.t. D ∈ Sub(O) and r a role name in the signature of the extracted ⊥-module. Focusing on existential re- strictions is justifiable by the fact that they are dominant in our corpus (77.89% of subconcepts) compared to other complex expression types (e.g., universal re- strictions: 2.57%, complements: 0.14%, intersections: 13.89, unions: 2.05%). Testing for subsumption entailments: For each concept Ci in our sample and each candidate subsumer Sj , we test whether the ontology entails that Ci v Sj . If the entailment holds, subsumer Sj is added to the set of Ci ’s subsumers. Calculating pairwise similarities: The similarity of each distinct pair in our sample is calculated using the three measures. Comparison to human judgements: We picked one ontology (SNOMED- CT) from BioPortal corpus to carry out a comparison between the three measures against human experts-based similarity judgments. The reason for choosing this particular ontology is the availability of data showing experts’ judgements for the similarity between some concepts from that ontology. In [21], the similarity of 30 pairs of clinical terms is rated by medical experts. We include in our study 19 pairs out of the 30 pairs after excluding pairs that have at least one concept that has been described as an ambiguous concept in the ontology (i.e., is a subsumee of the concept ambiguous concept). In [21], similarity values for two groups of experts (physicians and coders) are presented. We consider the average of physicians and coders similarity values in the comparison. For details regarding the construction of this dataset, the reader is referred to [21]. 8.4 Results and discussion How good is the expensive measure? Not surprisingly, GrSim and SubSim had the highest correlation values with experts’ similarity (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r = 0.87, p < 0.001). Secondly comes AtomicSim (r = 0.86). Finally comes Wu & Palmer then Rada (r = 0.81, r = 0.64 respectively). Clearly, the new expensive measures are more correlated with human judgements which is ex- pected as they consider more of the information in the ontology. The differences in correlation values might seem to be small but this is expected as SNOMED is an EL ontology and we expect differences to grow as expressivity increases. Cost of the expensive measure: One of the main issues we want to explore in this study is the cost (in terms of time) for similarity measurement in general and the cost of the most expensive similarity measure in particular. The average time per ontology taken to calculate grammar-based pairwise similarities was 2.3 minutes (standard deviation σ = 10.6 minutes, median m = 0.9 seconds) and the maximum time was 93 minutes for the Neglected Trop- ical Disease Ontology which is a SRIQ ontology with 1237 logical axioms, 252 concept names and 99 role names. For this ontology, the cost of AtomicSim(·) was only 15.545 sec and 15.549 sec for SubSim(·). 9 out of 196 ontologies took over 1 hour to be processed. One thing to note about these ontologies is the high number of logical axioms and role names. However, these are not necessary conditions for long processing times. For example, the Family Health History Ontology has 431 role names and 1103 logical axioms and was processed in less than 13 sec. Clearly, GrSim(·) is far more costly than the other two measures. This is why we want to know how good/bad a cheaper measure can be. These reported times include module extraction and ontology classification times. Approximations and correlations: Regarding the relations (AS, AG, SG) between the three measures, we want to find out how frequently can a cheap measure be a good approximation for/have a strong correlation with a more expensive measure. Recall that we have excluded all ontologies with only atomic subsumptions from the study. However, in 12% of the ontologies the three mea- sures were perfectly correlated (r = 1, p < 0.001) mostly due to having only atomic subsumptions in the extracted module (except for three ontologies which have more than atomic subsumptions). In addition to these perfect correlations for all the three measures, in 11 more ontologies the relation SG was a per- fect correlation (r = 1, p < 0.001) and AS and AG were very highly correlated (r ≥ 0.99, p < 0.001). These perfect correlations indicate that, in some cases, the benefit of using an expensive measure is totally neglectable. In about fifth of the ontologies (20.47%), the relation SG was a very high correlation (1 > r ≥ 0.99, p < 0.001) within which 5 ontologies were 100% order- preserving and approximating from below. In this category, in 22 ontologies the relation SG was 100% close. As for the relation AG, in only 8% of the ontologies the correlation was very high. In nearly half of the ontologies (48.54%), the correlation for SG was consid- ered medium (0.99 > r ≥ 0.90, p < 0.001). And in 11% of the ontologies, the correlation for SG was considered low (r < 0.90, p < 0.001) with (r = 0.63) as the lowest correlation value. In comparison, the correlation for AG was consid- ered medium in 38% of the ontologies and low in 32.75% of the ontologies. As for the order-preservations, approximations from above/below and close- ness for the relations AG and SG, we summarise our findings in the following table. Not surprisingly, SubSim(·) is more frequently a better approximation to GrSim(·) compared to AtomicSim(·). Although one would expect that the Order-preservations Approx. from below Approx. from above Closeness AG 32 32 37 28 SG 44 49 42 56 Table 1: Ontologies satisfying properties of approximation properties of an ontology have an impact on the relation between the differ- ent measures used to compute the ontology’s pairwise similarities, we found no indicators. With regard to this, we categorised the ontologies according to the degree of correlation (i.e., perfect, high, medium and low correlations) for the SG relation. For each category, we studied the following properties of the ontolo- gies in that category: expressivity, number of logical axioms, number of concept names, number of role names, length of the longest axiom, number of subconcept expressions. For ontologies in the perfect correlation category, the important fac- tor was having a low number of subconcepts. In this category, the length of the longest axiom was also low (≤ 11, compared to 53 which is the maximum length of the longest axiom in all the extracted modules from all ontologies). In addi- tion, the expressivity of most ontologies in this category was AL. Apart from this category, there were no obvious factors related to the other categories. How bad is a cheap measure? To explore how likely it is for a cheap measure to encounter problems (e.g., fail one of the tasks presented in the intro- duction), we examine the cases in which a cheap measure was not an approxima- tion for the expensive measure. AG and SG were not order-preserving in 80% and 73% of the ontologies respectively. Also, they were not approximations from above nor from below in 72% and 64% of the ontologies respectively and were not close in 83% and 66% of the ontologies respectively. If we take a closer look at the African Traditional Medicine ontology for which the similarity curves are presented in Figure 1, we find that SG is 100% order- preserving while AG is only 99% order-preserving. Note that for presentation purposes, only part of the curve is shown. Both relations were 100% approxi- mations from below. As for closeness, SG was 100% close while AG was only 12% close. In order to determine how bad are AtomicSim(·) and SubSim(·) as cheap approximations for GrSim(·), we study the behaviour of these measures w.r.t. the three tasks presented in the introduction. Both cheap measures would succeed in performing task 1 while only SubSim(·) can succeed in task 2 (1% failure chance for AtomicSim(·)). For task 3, there is a higher failure chance for AtomicSim(·) since closeness is low (12%). Fig. 1: African Traditional Medicine Fig. 2: Platynereis Stage As another example, we examine the Platynereis Stage Ontology for which the similarity curves are presented in Figure 2. In this ontology, both AG and SG are 75% order-preserving. However, AG was 100% approximating from above while SG was 85% approximating from below (note the highlighted red spots). In this case, both AtomicSim(·) and SubSim(·) can succeed in task 1 but not always in tasks 2 & 3 with SubSim(·) being worse as it can be overestimating in some cases and underestimating in other cases. In general, both measures are good cheap alternatives w.r.t. task 1. However, AtomicSim(·) would fail more often than SubSim(·) when performing tasks 2/3. 9 Conclusion and future research directions In conclusion, no obvious indicators were found to inform the decision of choosing between a cheap or expensive measure based on the properties of an ontology. However, the task under consideration and the error rate allowed in the intended application can help. In general, SubSim(·) seems to be a good alternative to the expensive GrSim(·). First, it is restricted in a principled way to the modeller’s focus. Second, it has less failure chance in practise compared to AtomicSim(·). As for our future research directions, we aim to extend the study by looking deeply at the possible causes of failure and run the measures on some ontologies as they are instead of some modules of them to see how well they scale. References 1. F. Baader, D. Calvanese, D. L. McGuinness, D. Nardi, and P. F. (eds.) Patel- Schneider. 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