=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1193/paper_19 |storemode=property |title=Certain Answers in a Rough World |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1193/paper_19.pdf |volume=Vol-1193 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dlog/PenalozaTT14 }} ==Certain Answers in a Rough World== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1193/paper_19.pdf
            Certain Answers in a Rough World∗

         Rafael Peñaloza1,2 , Veronika Thost1 , and Anni-Yasmin Turhan1
                   Theoretical Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany
                         Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden

     One of the main challenges in knowledge representation and reasoning is
still to cope with vague and imprecise information in an adequate manner. This
imprecision is found in many knowledge domains, particularly medicine and
life sciences. A typical source of imprecision in these domains arises from the
level of detail in which the knowledge is described. For example, a disease is
usually diagnosed through a series of symptoms that a patient presents, but two
individuals, say Ana and Bob, showing the same symptoms might in fact suffer
from different maladies. Thus, while these individuals might be equivalent from a
symptomatic point of view, they might be classified into different illness classes.
     One of the many approaches suggested for handling imprecise knowledge is
based on rough approximations. Generally speaking, the individuals in a domain
are partitioned into equivalence classes, based on their indiscernibility according
to the current level of detail. An individual belongs to the upper approximation
of a class C (denoted C), if it is indiscernible from some element of C. For
instance, Ana and Bob are in the same symptomatic equivalence class. If Bob
is diagnosed with, say the Cooties, then Ana potentially has the Cooties, too.
In rough terminology, Ana is in the upper approximation of Cooties (Cooties).
An analogous lower approximation of a class can be defined, too. Intuitively, C
contains the prototypical elements of the class C: if an element x belongs to C,
then every element indiscernible from x is guaranteed to belong to C.
     Rough extensions of Description Logics (DLs) [1] have been proposed as a
formalism for handling these upper and lower approximations [5]. An important
example is the rough DL ELρ , which extends EL with two new rough construc-
tors. Formally, ELρ concepts are built from concept names A and role names r
through the grammar rule C ::= A | > | C u C | ∃r.C | C | C. The semantics
of this logic is based on interpretations I = (∆I , ·I , ρI ) that extend standard
interpretations by an equivalence relation ρI over the elements of ∆I . The in-
terpretation function is extended to the classical constructors in the usual way,
and to the rough constructors by setting

                     (C)I = {x ∈ ∆I | ∃y ∈ C I .xρI y},
                     (C)I = {x ∈ ∆I | ∀y ∈ ∆I .xρI y ⇒ y ∈ C I }.

While the indiscernibility relation ρ is not used in the TBox directly, it is admited
in role assertions in ELρ -ABoxes and role atoms in conjunctive queries.
    Partially supported by DFG SFB 912 (HAEC) and the Cluster of Excellence ‘cfAED’.
                      B                              r                 [xB ]

               r                             A                     r
                                                     [xA ]
                                r                C
               A, C
                                                                   C, B
          xA                                                                   [xC ]
                           C                                              B

                   (a)                                       (b)

    Fig. 1. (Partial) canonical interpretations for an EL (a) and an ELρ (b) KB.

    It has been shown that standard reasoning, such as subsumption or instance
checking is decidable in this logic in polynomial time [3]. Intuitively, the idea is
to construct a minimal model, called the canonical model, that describes all the
standard relations between named individuals and concept names.
    Interestingly, there is a very tight connection between canonical models for
EL knowledge bases, and those for ELρ knowledge bases. In EL, the canonical
model has a domain element xC for every concept appearing in the KB. This
element xC acts as a representative for the concept C, and every concept con-
taining this element is guaranteed to be a subsumer of C. In the case of ELρ ,
the canonical model can be understood as a more detailed view into the classical
canonical model for EL. While each concept C appearing in the KB still pro-
duces a representative xC , this representative defines a whole equivalence class,
rather than a single domain element. This equivalence class, in turn, provides all
the information regarding the upper and lower approximations of the concept C.
This intuition is depicted in Figure 1. For example, the interpretation in part (b)
of the figure expresses that A v C, through the auxiliary node in the class [xA ],
and that C v B, through the distinguished auxiliary (diamond shaped) element
in the class [xC ]. Notice that this figure does not depict the whole canonical
interpretation; some conclusions are missing from it.
    Canonical interpretations are helpful for answering conjunctive queries w.r.t.
EL knowledge bases [2]. Essentially, the canonical interpretation is extended
with representatives for each individual name in the ABox; one can then use the
information encoded in this interpretation, and answer the queries w.r.t. this
interpretation only. Unfortunately, a naïve application of this idea would provide
erroneous answers to some queries; for example, an interpretation like the one
in Figure 1 (a) could return (xA , xB ) to the query φ(x, y) = ∃z.r(x, z) ∧ r(y, z),
although this is not true in all models of the KB. To avoid this problem, one
can first rewrite the query into a first-order query, which can then be answered
over the canonical interpretation. This is known as the combined approach [2].
                                                        [xA ]

                      Fig. 2. Canonical interpretation of K0 .

We exploit the connection between canonical models, and provide a combined
approach for conjunctive query answering in ELρ .
Answering Rough Queries in ELρ
As mentioned already, the canonical interpretation I of an ELρ KB K provides
a compact representation of all models of K from which all the subsumption and
instance relationships among the individual and concept names that appear in
K can be easily read. While all instance queries can be easily answered from this
interpretation, for conjunctive queries the situation is more complex. The issue
with answering conjunctive queries over the canonical interpretation arises from
the succinctness of this interpretation. Mainly, in this interpretation there is one
domain element xC that represents the whole concept C. Thus, two individual
names a, b that belong to the concept ∃r.C will have the same r-successor xC in
I, although in general these successors need not be the same.
    Clearly, since ELρ is an extension of EL, all the rewriting rules for query
answering in EL are also required in the rough setting. However, the structure
of the canonical model of an ELρ KB is more complex: each symbol gets a repre-
sentative equivalence class, which is needed to convey the rough approximations
of the concepts. Thus, some elements are connected by an equivalence relation,
that can be understood as a symmetric, transitive and reflexive role ρ. This spe-
cial kind of role needs to be treated carefully to avoid erroneous answers to a
query. As a simple example, consider the KB K0 containing the assertion ∃r.A(a)
and the GCI A v ∃r.A. The canonical interpretation of this KB is depicted in
Figure 2. The query φ(x) = ∃y, z.r(x, y)∧ρ(y, z)∧r(z, y) over this interpretation
would return a as an answer, although it is not true that a satisfies this property
in all models of K0 . It is thus important to adapt the rewriting technique to
handle also the equivalence relation that the rough constructors and the role
assertions for ρ yield.
    We give a computation algorithm following the combined approach for an-
swering conjunctive queries in the rough DL ELρ . As in case of EL, the approach
consists in computing the canonical interpretation I that simulates all models
of the input KB K, which can be done in polynomial time. This interpretation is
first used as a guideline for rewriting the conjunctive query φ into a first-order
query φ,b and then as the finite domain over which φb is answered. As a result,
we obtain an effective method for answering conjunctive queries that can handle
imprecision described as rough approximations of a concept or as indiscernibility
information using ρ in role assertions. The full details can be found in [4].
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