Complexities of Nominal Schemas Extended Abstract Markus Krötzsch and Sebastian Rudolph Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Abstract. In this extended abstract, we review our recent work “Nominal Schemas in Description Logics: Complexities Clarified” [6], to be presented at KR 2014. The fruitful integration of reasoning on both schema and instance level poses a con- tinued challenge to knowledge representation and reasoning. While description logics (DLs) excel at the former task, rule-based formalisms are often more adequate for the latter. An established and highly productive strand of research therefore continues to investigate ways of reconciling both paradigms. A practical breakthrough in this area was the discovery of DL-safe rules, which ensure decidability of reasoning by restricting the applicability of rules to a finite set of elements that are denoted by an individual name [7]. As of today, DL-safe rules are the most widely used DL-rule extension, supported by several mainstream reasoners [3,8]. More recently, nominal schemas have been proposed as an even tighter integration of “DL-safe” instance reasoning with DL schema reasoning [5]. A nominal is a DL concept expression {a} that represents a singleton set containing only (the individual denoted by) a. Nominal schemas replace a by a variable x that ranges over all individual names, so that it might represent arbitrary nominals {a}, where all occurrences of {x} in one axiom represent the same nominal. For example, ∃hasFather.{x} u ∃hasMother.({y} u ∃married.{x}) represents the set of all individuals whose father (x) and mother (y) are married to each other, where the parents must be represented by individual names. No standard DL can express this in such a concise way. The interplay with other DL features also makes nominal schemas more expressive than the combination of DLs and DL-safe rules. Nominal schemas have thus caused significant research interest, and several reason- ing algorithms that exploit this succinct representation have been proposed [4,10,9,1]. Most recently, it was demonstrated that such algorithms can even outperform other sys- tems for reasoning with DL-safe rules [9]. Surprisingly and in sharp contrast to these successes, many basic questions about the expressivity and complexity of nominal schemas have remained unanswered until recently. A naive reasoning approach is based on grounding, i.e., replacing nominal schemas by nominals in all possible ways, which leads to complexity upper bounds one exponential above the underlying DL. The only tight complexity result so far is that the N2E XP T IME combined complexity of reasoning in the DL SROIQ is not affected by nominal schemas—a result that reveals almost nothing about the computational or expressive impact of nominal schemas in general [5]. Beyond this singular result, it is only known that nominal schemas can simulate Datalog rules of any arity using ∃, u, and the universal role U [2]. In our KR 2014 paper “Nominal Schemas in Description Logics: Complexities Clarified” [6], we give a comprehensive account of the reasoning complexities of a wide range of DLs, considering both combined complexities (w.r.t. the size of the given knowledge base) and data complexities (w.r.t. the size of the ABox only). Figure 1 sum- marizes our results for combined complexities for DLs with nominal schemas (right; marked by the letter V) in comparison with known complexities of DLs with nomi- nals (left). It turns out that SROIQ is an exception, while most other DLs experience exponential complexity increases due to nominal schemas. The effects on the data complexity are even more striking. The data complexity of standard DLs is either in P (for EL and Horn-DLs, which restrict the use of t and ¬) or in NP. In contrast, the data complexities for all nominal-schema DLs in Fig. 1 are only one exponential below their combined complexity, i.e., E XP T IME or NE XP T IME for most cases. SROIF · · · SROIQ SRIFV · · · SROIQV Horn-SROIQ N2E XP ALCIFV · · · SHOIQV .. . Horn-SROIF 2E XP Horn-SROIQV .. . ALCOIF · · · SHOIQ Horn-SRIFV NE XP SHOI SHOQ Horn-SHOIQ SHOIV SHOQV Horn-SHOIQV .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . ALCOI ALCOF Horn-ALCOIF ALCIV ALCFV Horn-ALCIF V Horn-ALCO Horn-ALCV E XP P ELO · · · EL++ ELV · · · ELV ++ Fig. 1. Combined complexities for DLs with nominals compared to DLs with nominal schemas To obtain these results, we identify general modeling techniques that use nomi- nal schemas to express complex schema information very succinctly. Two fundamental techniques provide the basis for most of our hardness proofs: TBox-to-ABox Internalization A TBox is replaced by a small set of “template axioms” with nominal schemas, and the original TBox is expressed with ABox assertions. The underlying transformation is captured by the following definition. Definition 1. Consider a DL L with EL ⊆ L ⊆ SROIQ and an L TBox axiom α = C v D. The template for α, denoted tmpl(α), is defined as follows. Let σ1 , . . . , σn be a list of all individual names and concept names in α. Let Aα be a fresh concept name, and let gci, type, and symbi (1 ≤ i ≤ n) be fresh role names. Then tmpl(α) is the LV axiom ∃gci.(Aα u ∃symb1 .{x1 } u . . . u symbn .{xn }) uC0 v D0 where C0 and D0 are obtained from C and D, respectively, by replacing each concept name σi by ∃type.{xi } and each individual name σ j by x j . The template instance for α, denoted tins(α), is the following set of ABox asser- tions: {Aα (cα ), symb1 (cα , cσ1 ), . . . , symbn (cα , cσn )} where cα and cσ1 , . . . , cσn are fresh individual names. It turns out that this transformation preserves entailments of ground atoms under some additional assumption about the knowledge base (referred to as unboundedness) that is not to hard to impose. TBox-to-ABox internalization explains why the data com- plexity of most DLs with nominal schemas agrees with the combined complexity of their underlying standard DL. SROIQV is a noteworthy exception where the internal- ization is not possible. GCI Iterators Templates of TBox axioms (general concept inclusions, short GCIs) are instantiated by replacing placeholder concepts by concepts from an exponentially long list of “indexed” concept names. Definition 2. Consider a DL signature hNI , NC , NR i. A GCI iterator over this signature is an expression C v D [i = 1, . . . ,n] where n ≥ 1 and C v D is a general concept inclusion over hNI , NC ∪ {A[1], . . . , A[n + 1], A[i], A[i + 1] | A ∈ NC }, NR i. Note that i is a literal part of the syntax, not a placeholder for a specific number. The additional concept names A[. . .] are assumed to be distinct from all concepts in NC . The expansion of a GCI iterator is the set of GCIs over hNI , NC ∪ {A[1], . . . , A[n + 1] | A ∈ NC }, NR i obtained by replacing, for each i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, all concepts A[i] by A[i], and all concepts A[i + 1] by A[i + 1]. For a DL L, we let LGI be L extended by GCI iterators as axioms. The semantics of an LGI knowledge base KB is given by the translation into L through replacing all GCI iterators by their expansions, denoted expand(KB). GCI iterators are a kind of generalized TBox axiom that can be used to encode ex- ponentially large TBoxes polynomially using nominal schemas. This technique can be applied to TBoxes from known hardness proofs to boost complexities by one exponen- tial. Both techniques provide concrete illustrations for the expressive power of nominal schemas and outline ways to obtain results for DLs that we did not consider. After establishing these results, we revisit the formal semantics of nominal schemas. Normally, nominal schemas are considered to represent a finite set of nominals, based on individuals that either occur in the knowledge base or are part of some finite signa- ture. This can lead to unintuitive effects, since entailments may become invalid when adding more individuals. We thus study the semantics obtained when using an infinite set of individual names instead. This makes it impossible to replace nominal schemas by nominals in all possible ways to decide entailment. Surprisingly, reasoning is still de- cidable with the same complexity results. Indeed, the consequences of both approaches turn out to agree under some mild assumptions. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the DFG in project DIAMOND (Emmy Noether grant KR 4381/1-1). References 1. 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