OBDA Using RL Reasoners and Repairing? Giorgos Stoilos School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens, Greece 1 Introduction Rewriting the input TBox T (and query Q) into a datalog program, called T - rewriting ((Q,T )-rewriting), is a prominent approach to ontology-based data access [1]. It was used as early as the KAON2 system [5] and it currently con- sists of (perhaps) the standard approach to answering queries over ontologies expressed in the languages DL-Lite [2, 12] and ELHI [8, 16]. Apart from computing a rewriting, a problem that has been proven very diffi- cult is how to subsequently (effectively) evaluate it over the data. In many cases, due to its size and/or complexity, additional techniques need to be devised [11, 9, 10]. Unfortunately, all of them have so far been applied only on DL-Lite while for more expressive languages, apart from the work in [3], to the best of our knowledge, no other integrated query answering system has been reported or evaluated with large and complex ontologies. An interesting observation is that T -rewritings are usually of a particular form—that is, they can be translated back into an RL TBox [14].1 Hence, scal- able RL system, like OWLim, can be used to evaluate them over the data. More precisely, it was shown how, given a SROIQ TBox T and an RL system ans, a rewriting of T can be used to compute a set of axioms R (called repair ) such that for every CQ Q with only distinguished variables (i.e., SPARQL CQs) and every ABox A we have cert(Q, T ∪ A) ⊆ ans(Q, T ∪ R ∪ A). That is, after repairing, ans is indistinguishable from a SROIQ reasoner w.r.t. SPARQL CQs. Although, the experimental results in [14] provided with encouraging results, these were quite preliminary. First, the implementation used an arguably ob- solete system (Requiem) and had no optimisations. Second, the evaluation was based on LUBM (an arguably trivial TBox) and a small fragment of Galen. Hence, it was unclear whether repairing can be applied to large and complex TBoxes. Third, the approach could only handle SPARQL CQs. In the current paper we attempt to extensively study repairing as an approach to OBDA over expressive TBoxes. First, we propose several optimisations and refinements to the first prototype in order to handle large and complex TBoxes. Second, we show how arbitrary queries can be supported. Third, we perform an extensive experimental evaluation which showed that we can handle very large and complex TBoxes (e.g., Galen, GO, Fly) and answer arbitrary CQs over one of them (Fly) within milliseconds. This is an extended abstract of paper [13]. ? Funded by an EU FP7 Marie Curie Career Reintegration Grant (No.: 303914). 1 In OWL and Semantic Web jargon that is an OWL 2 RL TBox [4]. 2 Computing Repairs Efficiently Let T be a TBox and let ans be an RL system. Roughly speaking, a repair R of ans for T is computed by first computing a T -rewriting (Rew) for T , then removing from Rew the parts that ans can already handle, and finally, minimising the resulting set. For example, if T = {A v ∃R, ∃R v B}, then Rew = {A(x) → B(x), R(x, y) → B(x)} is a T -rewriting of T , while R = {A v B} is the desirable repair for ans. We call Repair(T ) the overall procedure. Compared to [14] we have performed two important refinements. First, ac- cording to [14] a repair R can only be computed by T -rewritings Rew such that T |= Rew. This is quite restrictive as it prohibits the use of many efficient rewriting algorithms which normalise the input TBox T into T 0 by introducing fresh symbols. To be able to use such approaches to compute repairs we notice that, for T 0 the normalised TBox used internally by the rewriting system to compute Rew, we have cert(Q, T ∪ A) ⊆ ans(Q, T 0 ∪ Repair(T 0 ) ∪ A). Second, the minimisations steps applied by Repair are based on expensive FOR-loops over the initial T -rewriting in which HermiT is invoked. Despite how optimised a SROIQ reasoner is, in large ontologies, these entailment checks could simply be too many. To improve the behaviour we have interveaned in the internals of HermiT to implement a form of incremental entailment checking. First, we ex- haustively apply the calculus over T to construct an initial model and we mark the completion of the execution. Then, to check T |= α we resume the execution from the previous point and after completion we backtrack to the marked point. 3 Supporting non-SPARQL Queries Let Q be an arbitrary CQ with query predicate Q, let T be a TBox, and let RewD ] RewQ be a (Q, T )-rewriting (RewD is a datalog program not mentioning Q and RewQ a UCQ that mentions Q). Since RewD does not mention Q it captures only ground entialments of T over some A. But, after repairing, ans is complete w.r.t. all ground entailments for any A; hence cert(Q, T ∪ A) ⊆ ans(RewQ , T ∪ Repair(T ) ∪ A). The following summarises our approach: 1. Compute a repair R of T for ans using procedure Repair. 2. Load the dataset A, the input TBox T , and the repair R to ans. 3. For a CQ Q, if Q is SPARQL then evaluated it over ans; otherwise compute a (Q, T )-rewriting RewD ] RewQ and evaluate RewQ over ans. Note that most steps, i.e., steps 1 and 2, can be done only once as a pre-processing (changes in A can be handled incrementally). 4 Implementation and Evaluation We have implemented a prototype ontology repair and query answering tool called Hydrowl.2 The tool uses Rapid [15] to compute T -rewritings and Her- miT [7] and OWLim [6] to minimise it into the final repair. 2 http://www.image.ece.ntua.gr/~gstoil/hydrowl/ Table 1. |T | (|R|): number of axioms of the input TBox (repair), t: time in seconds. T |T | |R| t T |T | |R| t Not-Galen 5471 3015(4153) 298(42) Galen-doc 4229 6051(6176) 1152(28) Fly 19845 10361(12368) 2884(178) Galen 4229 3012(3062) 257(24) Table 2. Loading times for Fly and UOBM for the various ABoxes. Universities A 2×A 3×A 4×A 5×A 1 2 5 10 20 Fly 14.0 21.9 22.7 27.9 31.5 UOBM 4.1 6.8 16.2 31.9 73.2 Fly∪R 31.9 55.1 68.5 93.0 119.3 UOBM∪R 4.4 8.3 24.3 44.9 108.1 Fly∪R− 33.2 62.1 70.1 100.6 118.2 (a) UOBM (b) Fly Using Hydrowl we managed to compute repairs for 151 out of the 152 ontolo- gies of our dataset, which contained some large and highly complex ones. In the vast majority of cases a repair could be computed in less than a second, only a handfull required up to a few minutes, and only the very large ones several min- utes; Table 1 presents results for the latter. Despite their size and complexity we see that we can compute repairs for them in a reasonable amount of time (recall this is usually done only once). Actually, if we discard a very expensive minimisa- tion step, then we can compute some (non-minimal) repair very efficiently while its size is not considerably larger than the minimal one (see Table 1 numbers in parenthesis). The system in [14] could not handle any of these ontologies. Next, Table 2 presents loading experiments to OWLim using UOBM (1 to 20 universities) and Fly (ABox multiplied up to 5 times). As can be seen, the overhead introduced by repairing is significantly noticeable only in Fly, mostly due to the size of the computed repair (R), however, recall that loading is usually performed once. In Fly we have also loaded the non-minimal repair (R− ) and as it turns out there is no significant difference compared to the minimal one. Table 3. Results for Answering the Fly Queries Q1 Q2 Q4 Q5 |RewQ | trew tans |RewQ | trew tans |RewQ | trew tans |RewQ | trew tans 64 0.31 0.31 2880 0.90 1.28 91 0.07 0.04 6 0.05 0.02 The Fly ontology comes with 4 non-SPARQL queries. Table 3 presents the results of our technique from Section 3. As we can see in most cases we were able to compute and evaluate a rewriting almost instantaneously. 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