Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents Stefania Costantini1 and Regis Riveret2 1 Università di L’Aquila, Italy 2 Imperial College London, UK, Abstract. Complex Event Processing (CEP) has emerged as a relevant new field of software engineering and computer science. Many of the current approaches to CEP are declarative and based on rules, and often on logic-programming-like lan- guages and semantics. Some work on CEP is situated within the field of logical agents. Usually, event processing is based upon Event-Condition-Action rules, which are however able to manage only simple events or unstructured sets of events. In this paper, we refine the notion of “complex event”, which is an event that cannot be detected directly, but rather can be identified (not necessarily in a deterministic way) by interrelating sets of simple events. We propose a formal- ization and a possible implementation of such notion, that we extend to complex actions. 1 Introduction “Complex Event Processing” (CEP) has emerged as a relevant new field of software engineering and computer science [1]. In fact, a lot of practical applications have the need to actively monitor vast quantities of event data to make automated decisions and take time-critical actions (the reader may refer, e.g., to the Proceedings of the RuleML Workshop Series). Complex Event Processing is discussed in depth in [2]. With cloud computing, the importance of event processing is even more visible, and a connection of “event pattern languages” with ontologies and with the semantic web is envisaged. Many of the current approaches are declarative and based on rules, and often on logic- programming-like languages and semantics: for instance, [3] is based upon a specifi- cally defined interval-based Event Calculus [4]. Complex Event Processing is particularly important in software agents. Naturally, most agent-oriented languages architectures and frameworks are to some extent event- oriented and are able to perform event-processing. The issue of event processing agents (EPAs) is of growing importance in the industrial field, since agents and multi-agent systems are able to manage rapid change and thus to allow for scalability in applica- tions aimed at supporting the ever-increasing level of interaction. In particular this paper is concerned with logical agents, i.e., agents whose syntax and semantics is rooted in Computational Logic. There are several approaches to logical agents (for a recent sur- vey cf., e.g., [5]). For lack of space, we are not able here to properly discuss and compare their event-processing features. Rather, we recall only the approaches that have more strongly influenced the present work. A recent but well-established and widely used approach to CEP in computational logic is ETALIS [6–8], which is an open source plug-in for Complex Event Processing 256 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents implemented prolog which runs in many prolog systems. ETALIS is in fact based on a declarative semantics, grounded in Logic Programming. Complex events can be de- rived from simpler events by means of deductive rules. ETALIS, in addition, supports reasoning about events, context, and real-time complex situations, and has a nice repre- sentation of time and time intervals aimed at stream reasoning. Relations among events can be expressed via several operators, reminiscent of causal reasoning and Event Cal- culus. In logical agents, some relevant work about CEP is related to DALI, a logic agent- oriented language (first appeared in 1999 [9]) that extends prolog with reactive and proactive features [9–12] and is fully implemented and publicly available [13]. DALI, like virtually all agent-oriented languages, is equipped with “event-condition-action” rules (ECA rules) for defining the behavior of an agent in consequence of perception of external events. The feature that makes DALI proactive and strongly event-oriented is however the internal events construct: i.e., the programmer can indicate internal con- ditions to be interpreted as events, to which a reaction can be defined. Management of events which occur “together” (with the possibility to specify in which time interval), priorities between events, and aggregation of simple events into complex ones via the internal event construct are other useful features. Related to (the pre-existing) DALI approach is for instance the work of [14], also providing ECA rules and a “snapshot” semantics similar to the one already introduced in [12]. Work on CEP in DALI is pre- sented in [15] and [16], which discuss the issue of of selecting different reactive patterns by means of simple preferences, then extended to more complex forms of preferences in [17]. Such preferences can be also defined in terms of “possible worlds” elicited from a declarative description of a current or hypothetical situation, and can depend upon past events, and the specific sequence in which they occurred. [18] and [19, 20] discuss event-based memory-management, and temporal-logic-based constraints for complex dynamic self-checking and reaction. Teleo-Reactive Computing by Kowalski and Sadri [21–23] is an attempt to recon- cile and combine conflicting approaches in logic programming, production systems, active and deductive databases, agent programming languages, and the representation of causal theories in AI. In this approach, enhanced reactive rules determine the inter- action of an agent with the environment in a logical but not necessarily “just” deductive way. The semantics relies upon an infinite Herbrand-like model which is incrementally constructed. The motivation of the present work relies in the observation that a complex event cannot always be defined and recognized from simple deterministic incremental aggre- gation of simple events. Rather, complex events sometimes require a more involved and not necessarily deterministic description. In fact, in order to be flexible and ver- satile instead of brittle and rigid an agent should be able to possibly interpret a set of simple events in different ways, and to assign/learn the plausibility and reliability of each interpretation (for a discussion of brittleness w.r.t. versatility in agents, cf. [24– 26]). For instance, in diagnosis a number of symptoms, if occurring together, might lead to hypothesize the presence of one or more illness/fault, possibly with some cer- tainty/probability. Another reason why event patterns should be carefully described is to 257 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents make an agent able to detect unknown events or wrong patterns, and take the necessary counter-measures (see, e.g., [19, 20]). In this paper, we propose a novel conceptual view of complex events and a possi- ble formalization of the new concepts. In our view, an agent should be able to possibly interpret a set of simple events in different ways, and to assign/learn a plausibility and reliability of each interpretation. We also consider complex actions, which we con- sider as agent-generated events. To this aim, we propose to equip agents with specific modules, that we call Event-Action modules, describing complex events and complex actions. Such modules receives as “input” a set of simple events, either perceived by the agent at its present stage of operation (external events), or generated internally by the agent itself. Each module returns: (i) possible interpretations of a set of simple events in terms of complex events; (ii) an ordering of such interpretations (if more than one is possible) in terms of preferences and/or of certainty factors; (iii) detection of anomalies; (iv) (sets of) actions to perform in response. Modules are (automatically) re-evaluated whevener new instances of the “triggering” events become available. From a practical point of view, for both providing a formal semantics and an imple- mentation of modules we have presently adopted Answer Set Programming (ASP, cf., among many, [27, 28]). ASP is a well-established logic programming paradigm, where a program may have several (rather than just one) “model”, called “answer set”, each one representing a possible interpretation of the situation described by the program. So, in the proposed framework, a logical agents can be seen as composed of a “main program” including event processing, planning, action making, etc. and a set of Event- Action modules (implemented in ASP) for event/action recognition, generation, aggre- gation and management. We propose to exploit, in order to discern among alternatives, both preferences and probabilities, refined via reinforcement learning. The approach is encompassed into the general declarative semantics for logical agents introduced in [12] (and summarized below). This makes our proposal immediately applicable to many agent-oriented logic languages/framework. To define Event-Action modules we presently refer to a quite simple logical setting which can be in fact translated into ASP. However, in principle such modules might be based upon more expressive logics (e.g., modal and/or probabilistic logics which would certainly be suitable to express event recognition/aggregation). The structure of our proposal is such that the basic concept, i.e, modules for (non-deterministic, defea- sible) reasoning about event aggregation, might be easily rephased upon another logic. Clearly, in such case a suitable semantic and execution model (other than ASP) should then be provided. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we provide some background about the building blocks of the proposed apprach. In Section 3 we present the proposal, and in Sections 4 and 5 its formalization, and some considerations about learning. In Section 6 we conclude. This paper is the extended version of [29]. 2 Background In this section, we recall notions that define some basic foundation elements of the proposed approach. 258 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents 2.1 Evolutionary Semantics of Logical Agent-Oriented Languages The Evolutionary semantics (introduced in [12]) is meant to provide a high-level general account of evolving agents, trying to abstract away from the details of specific agent- oriented frameworks. As seen below, the Evolutionary semantics in fact generalizes the specific semantic approaches underlying well-known logical agent-oriented languages. Actually, the Evolutionary semantics can be seen as a meta-semantics, as it accounts for agent evolution in terms of transformation steps. The precise definition of an agent and how a transformation step is determined and described attains to the specific agent- oriented language. We define in fact, in very general terms, an agent as the tuple Ag = < PA , E > where A is the agent name and PA (that we call “agent program”, but can be in turn a tuple) describes the agent according to some agent-oriented formalism L. E is the set of the events that the agent is able to recognize or determine (so, E includes actions that the agent is able to perform), according to the specific agent-oriented framework. Let H be the history of an agent as recorded by the agent itself (in a form that will depend upon the specific agent-oriented framework), i.e., H includes agent’s percep- tions and memories. We assume that events that either happen externally or are gen- erated internally, actions which are performed, and other relevant agent’s activities are recorded in H. We assume that program PA as written by the programmer is in general transformed into an initial agent program P0 by means of an initialization phase (possibly doing nothing). When agent A is activated P0 will go into execution, and will evolve accord- ing to the evolution of H. Evolution is represented via program-transformation steps, each one transforming Pi into Pi+1 according to Hi , which is the partial history up to stage i. The choice of which elements of Hi do actually trigger an evolution step is part of the definition of a specific agent framework. Thus, we obtain a Program Evolution Sequence P E = [P0 , . . . , Pn , . . .]. The pro- gram evolution sequence will imply a corresponding Semantic Evolution Sequence M E = [M0 , . . . , Mn , . . .] where Mi is the semantics of Pi according to L. Notice in fact that the approach is parametric w.r.t L. Definition 1 (Evolutionary semantics). Let Ag be an agent. The evolutionary seman- tics "Ag of Ag is a tuple hH, P E, M Ei, where H is the history of Ag, and P E and M E are respectively its program and semantic evolution sequences. The next definition introduces the notion of instant view of "Ag , at a certain stage of the evolution (which is in principle of unlimited length). Definition 2 (Evolutionary semantics snapshot). Let Ag be an agent, with evolu- tionary semantics "Ag = hH, P E, M Ei. The snaphot at stage i of "Ag i is the tuple hHi , Pi , Mi i, where Hi is the history up to the events that have determined the transi- tion from Pi 1 to Pi . In [12], program transformation steps associated with DALI language constructs [10, 11] are defined in detail. They can easily be adapted to AgentSpeak (cf. [30] and 259 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents the references therein). The evolutionary semantics may also express the notion of trace of a GOAL agent (cf. [31] and the references therein) where agent program Pi en- compasses the agent’s mental state and each evolution step, which in GOAL is called computation step and is determined by a conditional action. For 3APL (cf. [32] and the references therein), agent program Pi encompasses the agent’s initial configuration, and the related sets GR of goal rules, PR of plan rules, IR of interactive rules; the evo- lutionary semantics corresponds to a 3APL agent computation run, and evolution steps are determined by the 3APL transition system. In Section 4.1 we provide an integration of the proposed approach to Complex Event Processing into the Evolutionary semantics, in order to make it applicable to many agent-oriented logic programming languages among which the above-mentioned ones. 2.2 Background on Answer Set Semantics The answer set semantics is used in this paper to provide both a formal semantics and an execution model for the proposed modules. In fact, this logic gives rise to answer set programming (ASP), which is a very well-established and fully logical programming paradigm. Many efficient solvers have become freely available for ASP, [33], each one proposing many extension to aid practical programming. In the answer set semantics (originally named “stable model semantics”), a (logic) program ⇧ (cf., [34]) is a collection of rules of the form H A1 , . . . , An , not B1 , . . . , not Bm where the Ai s (i  n and the Bj s (j  m are atoms, and in literals not Bj not is default negation. A rule with empty body is called a fact. A rule with empty head is a constraint, where a constraint L1 , . . . , Ln . states that literals L1 , . . . , Ln cannot be all true in an answer set. The answer sets semantics is a view of a logic program as a set of inference rules (more precisely, default inference rules), or, equivalently, a set of constraints on the solution of a problem: each answer set represents a solution compatible with the con- straints expressed by the program. In simple program {q not p p not q}, the first rule is read as “assuming that p is false, we can conclude that q is true.” This program has two answer sets. In the first one, q is true while p is false; in the second one, p is true while q is false. Thus, this program represent choice among two alternatives. In the ASP (Answer Set Programming) paradigm, each answer set is seen as a so- lution of given problem, encoded as an ASP program. An ASP program is basically composed by program fragments like the above ones that generate the search space by defining available alternatives, and by constraints which prune the generated space thus selecting solutions. To find these solutions, one employes one of the several existing ASP solvers [33]. The expressive power of ASP and its computational complexity have been deeply investigated (cf., e.g., [35]). 3 Complex Event Processing in Logical Agent Languages In this section we present our approach to advanced Complex Event Processing in log- ical agents. First, we recall how event processing and aggregation can be performed in most existing frameworks. Then, we argue that new methods and tools would be useful, and introduce our proposal. 260 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents 3.1 Complex Events Recognition and Evaluation: Simple Event Aggregation Event processing is traditionally based upon Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules, of the form “IF Event then Reaction” where sometimes reaction is limited to performing a sequence of actions, sometimes is enlarged so as to allow forms of reasoning and various kinds of constraints. Most (virtually all) agent-oriented languages provide ECA rules of some form. For instance, the following sample ECA rules defined in DALI evaluate medical symptoms, stating that to cope with high temperature one should assume an antipyretic, and to cope with cough one should take a syrup (clearly, we do not aim at medical precision). External events are indicated with postfix E, actions with postfix A, and connective :> indicates reaction. I.e., :> is a specific connective used to define ECA rules. Since DALI is an extension of prolog, the comma represents conjunction. high temperatureE :> take antipyreticA. intense coughE :> take cough syrupA. Plain ECA rules can hardly provide more than this kind of simple reaction. Agent languages may offer empowering mechanisms that allow for some form of CEP. In DALI for instance, by means of the “internal event” construct evaluation can become more involved. In the example we may, e.g., consider the possibility that a combi- nation of symptoms suggests the occurrence of a more serious illness. For illustra- tion purposes we assume to hypothesize the presence of either pneumonia, or just flu, or both. In DALI external events are, a short while after perception (that may or may not imply reaction), recorded as past events (postfix P ), with a time-stamp. By high temperatureP : [4days] it is intended that at least two past events of the form high temperatureP : T 1 and high temperatureP : T 2 have been recorded, where T 2 T 1 is no less than four days. By default, the most recent records are considered, so the interval refers to the last and to the immediately previous measures of tempera- ture (if the time-stamp of a past event is omitted, the most recent version is implicitly referred to). The first rule below “reasons” about what has happened: if in fact both high temperature and cough have occurred, and high temperature has lasted for at least four days, one may conclude that occurrence of pneumonia should be suspected. Therefore, from the occurrence of a set of simple events, the occurrence of a com- plex event is inferred, as an internal event suspect pneumoniaI . Once inferred, such an event can be reacted to exactly like external ones by an ECA rule, the one below stating that the patient shoul take an antibiotic and consult a lung doctor. suspect pneumoniaI :- high temperatureP : [4days], intense coughP , compatible(prenumonia, anamnesis). suspect pneumoniaI :> take antibioticA, consult lung doctorA. Internal events are periodically re-evaluated at a certain (customizable) frequency. Between one attempt and the next one, the agent’s belief base will evolve as new events will have happened, reacted to and recorded. Thus, at each attempt an internal event can be either generated (and reacted to) or not, according to the agent’s belief state. In 261 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents the example, the suspect of pneumonia will not raise immediately, but rather after four days of high temperature measurements. Clarly, the proposed example might be formalized also in ETALIS and in many other agent-oriented frameworks, each one offering its own improvements over sim- ple ECAs in view of CEP. In summary, by means of ECA rules little can be done for CEP. By means of suitable empowring mechanisms such as the internal events, complex events can posibly be generated (ad then reacted to) by reasoning on simple external events. We believe however that such a simple pattern is often not sufficient, as there are many cases where the interpretation of sets of simple events is not univocal or straight- forward. Therefore, different hypotheses about the meaning of a situation at hand should be generated and evaluated. We then propose a novel view and a novel formalization of event aggregation. 3.2 Complex Events Recognition and Evaluation: Event-Action Modules Below we introduce the notion of Event and Action modules. For lack of space we il- lustrate these modules by means of two examples that we consider as representatives of significant situations. The first example concerns complex event recognition, the second one concerns complex actions generation. We do not intend to propose here a specific syntax for Event and Action modules: rather, we intend to point out what should be the elements and functions of such modules. In the sample syntax, adopted only for illustration purposes, as before postfix ’P’ indicates past events, i.e., events which have occurred (after the ’:’ there is the time-stamp or the interval of occurrence). Postfix ’A’ indicates actions. Connective :> indicated Event-Condition-Action rules, while :- is the usual prolog if. Event Interpretation The following example illustrates an Event-Action Module that re-elaborates the previosly-introduced example concerning medical diagnosis. This should allow the reader to appreciate the improvements over the simple formulation. An Event-Action Module will be (re-)evaluated whenever the triggering events oc- cur within a certain time interval, and according to specific conditions: in the example, the module is evaluated whenever in the last two days both high temperature and intense cough have been recorded. EVENT-ACTION-MODULE TRIGGER (high temperatureP AND intense coughP ) : [2days] COMPLEX EVENTS suspect flu OR suspect preumonia suspect flu :- high temperatureP . suspect pneumonia :- high temperatureP : [4days], intense coughP . 262 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents PREFERENCES suspect flu :- patient is healthy. suspect pneumonia :- patient is at risk . ACTIONS suspect flu :> stay in bedA. suspect flu, high temperatureP : [4days], not suspect pneumonia :> take antibioticA. suspect preumonia :> take antibioticA, consult lung doctorA. MANDATORY suspect preumonia :- high temperatureP : [4days], suspect fluP , take antibioticP : [2days]. From given symptoms, either a suspect flu or a suspect pneumonia or both can be concluded, though for suspecting pneumonia high temperature should have lasted for at least four days, accompanied by intense cough. This is stated in the COM- PLEX EVENTS section, where each of the listed complex events (in the example, sus- pect flu and suspect pneumonia) can be inferred, though according to the specified con- ditions. Notice that the whole agent’s belief base (including the history) is implicitly in- cluded in the definition of an Event-Action module. Explicit preferences are expressed in the PREFERENCES section, here stating that hypothesizing a flu should be preferred in case the patient is healthy, while pneumonia is more plausible for risky patients. If either none or both options hold, then they are equally preferred. More involved forms of preferences might be specified, that for lack of space we do not discuss here (cf., e.g., [17] and the references therein). Actions to undertake in the two cases are speci- fied. As mentioned, the module is re-evaluated at subsequent new occurrences of high temperature and intense cough. Re-evaluation is performed on the (possibly) updated belief base. Actions will be actually performed depending upon the outcome that the agent will prefer to choose. In particular, if a flu is suspected then the patient should stay in bed, and if the high temperature persists then an antibiotic should also be assumed (even if pneumonia is not suspected). In case of suspect pneumonia, an antibiotic is mandatory, plus a consult with a lung doctor. The MANDATORY section of the module includes constraints, that may be of vari- ous kinds: in this case, it specifies which complex events must be mandatorily inferred in module (re)evaluations if certain conditions occur. Specifically, pneumonia is to be assumed mandatorily whenever flu has been previously assumed, but high temperature persists despite at least two days of antibiotic therapy. Answer set modules for possibility and necessity (cf. [16]) find a fruitful integration in the present approach. In the example, it may be for instance that clinical history and conditions of a patient force to assume a pneumonia. A constraint such as the following might be added: MANDATORY suspect pneumonia :- Necessary(clinical history, suspect pneumonia). 263 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents Generating Complex Actions We have noted before that event interpretation is not necessarily deterministic and straightforward. The same happens for actions: devising which actions and agent should perform can be highly context-dependent, and can be subjected to various kinds of uncertainty. To avoid brittleness, an agent should in our opinion be able to flexibly choose what to do in specific circumstances, and to dynamically adapt to changes of context/role/situation. This is why we propose to adapt previously introduced modules to action generation. We illustrate the approach by means of an example related to what happens when two persons meet. The representation is simplicistic and is meant only to illustration purposes. A “real” encoding of the module below might be much more involved, and imply various kinds of knowledge representation methods, possibly including a theory of emotions. In the sample representation, we assume that the person/agent who first gets sight of a person/agent (s)he knows possibly smiles, and then either simply waves or stops to shake hands. Section RELATED EVENTS specifies, as a boolean combination, events that may occur contextually to the triggering ones. There are some conditions, for in- stance that one may smil and/or waves if (s)he is neither in a bad temper nor angry at the other. Also, one who is in a hurry just waves, while good friends or people who meet each other in a formal setting should shake hands. Actions simply consist in returning what the other one does, and it is anomalous not doing so (e.g., if one smiles and the other does not smile back). In the formalization below, the expression meet friend (A, F ) means that agent A meets agent F : then, each one possibly makes some actions and the other one will normally respond. This module is totally revert- ible, in the sense that it manages both the case where “we” meet a friend and the case where vice versa somebody else meets us. This is the reason why in some module sec- tions events have no postfixes. In fact, meet friend(A,F), smile, wave and shake hands are present events if a friend meets “us”, and are actions if “we” meet a friend. Post- fixes appear in the ACTIONS and ANOMALY sections, where all elements (whatever their origin) have become past events to be coped with. The PRECONDITIONS section expresses action preconditions, via connective :< . Section MANDATORY defines obli- gations, here via a rule stating that it is mandatory to shake hands in a formal situation. The anomaly management section (left undefined here) may include counter-measures to be taken in case of unexpected behavior, that in the example may go from asking for explanation to getting angry, etc. EVENT-ACTION-MODULE TRIGGER meet friend (A, F ), RELATED EVENTS smile(A, F )OR (wave(A, F ) XOR shake hands(A, F )) 264 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents PRECONDITIONS smileA(A, F ) :< not angry(A, F ), not bad temper (A). waveA(A, F ) :< not angry(A, F ). shake handsA(A, F ) :< good friends(A, F ), not angry(A, F ), not in a hurry(A), not in a hurry(F ). MANDATORY shake handsA(A, F ) :- formal situation(A, F ). ACTIONS smiled (A, F ) :- smileP (A, F ). waved (A, F ) :- waveP (A, F ). shaken hands(A, F ) :> shake handsP (F , A). smiled (A, F ) :> smileA(F, A). waved (A, F ) :> waveA(F, A). shaken hands(A, F ) :> shake handsA(F , A). ANOMALY anomaly1 (meet friend (A, F )) :- smileP (A, F ), not smileA(F, A). anomaly2 (meet friend (A, F )) :- waveP (A, F ), not waveA(F, A). anomaly3 (meet friend (A, F )) :- shake handsP (A, F ), not shake handsA(F, A). ANOMALY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS ... 4 Formalization of Event-Action Modules In this section we provide a formalization of Event-Action modules based upon previously-introduced building blocks. To ensure integration of modules within the most common agent-oriented programming languages, we suitably merge them into the Evolutionary semantics. To provide (as a proof of concept) a formal semantics and an execution model, we define a translation of Event-Action modules into ASP modules. 4.1 Evolutionary Semantics Extended We now briefly illustrate how to refine the Evolutionary semantics so as encompass the proposed approach. The agent program PA becomes now a tuple including at least the “main” agent program PM , and the available Event-Action modules EA1 , . . . , EAk . Definition 3 (Evolutionary Semantics). Let Ag be an agent, defined by agent program PA = hPM , hEA1 , . . . , EAk i, . . .i where PM is the main agent program, and EA1 , . . . , EAk , k 0, are the available Event-Action modules. 265 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents Its evolutionary semantics is "Ag = hH, PExt, M Ei. The program evolution se- quence, indicated by PExt, stems from an Extended initial program PExt 0 obtained from PM by means of a a suitable initialization phase. In particular, PExt 0 includes the following elements: – Program P0 , obtained by adding to given main agent program the rules included in sections ACTIONS, ANOMALY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS and PRECON- DITIONS of EA1 , . . . , EAk . – Tuple of ASP modules h⇧1 , . . . , ⇧k i, where each ⇧i is obtained by translating Event-Action module EAi into ASP. At the i-th evolution step, the agent’s history in general evolves, as new events/knowledge items may be recorded/removed. This determines an evolution of both the main agent program Pi and of the ASP modules: in fact, the main program and the modules implicitly encompass the agent’s history as the set of given facts. This implies that both the main program and modules semantics needs to be re-evaluated at each step. Each module will admit none, one or several answer sets, among which just one has to be selected. Such answer set will encompass a number of inferred complex events and actions, as well as possibly a number of anomalies, that have to be added to the agent’s history in order to be respectively reacted to (for events) or executed (for actions) or coped with (for anomalies). Precisely, at each step we have: Definition 4 (Evolutionary Semantics Snapshot). The snaphot at stage i of "Ag i is the tuple hHi , PExt i , Mi i, where Mi is in turn a tuple, i.e., Mi = hFi , S1 , . . . , Sr i where Fi is the semantics of Pi , and Si (i  r  k) is the set composed of the answer sets of each ⇧i which has been (re-)evaluated at stage i. The evolution step to stage i + 1 will imply: (i) the choice of one answer set Ai for each ⇧i (selected among the elements of Si ); (ii) and the addition to Hi+1 of all the complex events and actions and anomalies included in Ai . Therefore, at step i + 1, complex events, actions and anomalies generated at step i by each ASP module will be coped with as specified in the original corresponding Event-Action module, and then recorded as past events in the agent’s history. In summary, the integration of Event-Action modules within a logical agent’s basic functioning can be described as follows. – At every agent’s evolution step, the TRIGGER headline of each Event-Action mod- ule has to be checked, in order to state whether the module is to be re-avaluated. We cannot treat here complexity of this check, that will depend upon complexity of expressions involved. – ASP modules corresponding to Event-Action modules that are to be (re-)evaluated will be fed to an answer set solver. A module will admit as a result of evaluation none, one or more answer sets. 266 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents – If the module admits answer sets, each one will encompass a number of complex events, actions and anomalies. One answer set will be selected, according to prefer- ences (if expressed within the module), or by random choice, or by informed choice deriving from a learning process, as discussed in Section 5. The rules for coping with the inferred complex events, actions and anomalies are defined in sections ACTIONS, ANOMALY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS and PRECONDITIONS, which can be found in the main agent program. 4.2 ASP Representation of Modules Each Event-Action module can be translated in a fully automated way into an ASP module. This except sections ACTIONS, ANOMALY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS and PRECONDITIONS, whose content as seen before has to be added to the main agent program. The answer set program (module) ⇧ corresponding to a given Event-Action module will be obtained by translating into ASP the contents of sections COMPLEX EVENTS, CHECK, RELATED EVENTS, ANOMALIES and MANDATORY. The translation is straightforward and can be fully automated. For the sake of simplicity we outline a translation into basic ASP, thus not consid- ering the various additional useful constructs that have been introduced in the literature and in the implementations. It can be noted that extensions of ASP oriented to stream reasoning have been defined (cf., e.g., [36]). We observe however that we do not per- form stream reasoning, rather we perform periodical re-evaluation of modules, so at present we do not deem it necessary to resort to such approach. For lack of space we cannot properly describe how to cope with time intervals: however, our method consists in representing time-stamps as additional arguments of ASP predicates representing events. Intervals are then computed by trivial arithmetic constraints. The translation of (the relevant sections of) an Event-Action module into ASP can be performed by means of the following guidelines (a formal definition of the transla- tion, including the treatment of time intervals, is deferred to an extended version of this paper). conj In ASP, the conjunction among a number of elements a1 , . . . , an is simply ex- pressed as conj a1 , . . . , a n . or-xor Disjunction among two elements a and b is expressed by the cycle a b b a. This disjunction is not exclusive, since either a or b or both might be derived elsewhere in the program. To obtain exclusive disjunction, a constraint a, b must be added. A constraint in ASP can be read as it cannot be that.... In the case of exclusive disjunction, it cannot be that both a and b belong to the same answer set. Disjunction (also exclusive) can be expressed also on several elements. choice Choice, or possibility, or hypothesis, expressing that some element a may or may not be included in an answer set, can be expressed by means of a cycle involv- ing a fresh atom, say na. The cycle is of the form a na na a. Therefore, an answer set will contain either a or na, the latter signifying the absence of a. 267 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents choyf A choice that can be done (by pattern choice) on element a only if certain condi- tions Conds are satisfied, is expressed by a choice pattern plus a rule c Conds and a constraint a, not c. The constraint states that a cannot be hypothesized in an answer set if c does not hold, i.e., if Conds are not implied by that answer set. mand Mandatory presence in an answer set of atom a defined by rule a Body when- ever Body is implied by that answer set can be obtained as follows. In addition to the defining rule a Body, a constraint must be added of the form not a, Body stating that it cannot be that an answer set implies Body but does not contain a. The constraint is necessary for preventing a to be ruled out by some other condition oc- curring elsewhere in the program. – Events in the RELATED EVENTS section can be expressed by means of the choice pattern, and their combinations via the conj and or-xor patterns. Constraints in the MANDATORY can be expresses by means of the mand pattern. – Section COMPLEX EVENTS is coped with by the choice and choyf patterns. – Sections CHECK and ANOMALIES can be translated by a plain transposition of their rules into ASP, possibly exploiting the conj and or-xor patterns. 5 Evaluating Outcomes and Reinforcement Learning Outcomes of an Event-Action Module are often not univocal: thus, at each stage the agent face a choice among the answer sets of corresponding ASP module ⇧. As we have seen in the example, preferences may help the agent in choosing an outcome rather than another one. However, knowledge can be incomplete or partial about reliability of such preferences, and in general about plausibility of the choice. This choice is akin to the “multi-armed bandit problem” [37], and thus machine learning techniques can be used so that an agent will learn over time to make the ‘best’ choice over the answer sets of each module ⇧ (i.e., over the outcomes of each Event-Action Module). Therefore, a self-improving process is in order, and for this purpose, an agent can be endowed with a simple reinforcement learning mechanism [38]: at each evolution step, occurring at a time t, an agent: (i) senses its environment; (ii) re-evaluates ⇧ obtaining the answer sets A1 , . . . , Ak , k > 0; (iii) adopt one of them, say A, and evaluates its “quality”, denoted with Q(A). In order to evaluate the quality of an answer set, we assume that at stage t, a numerical value denoted V t (A) is associated to it: this value can be either epistemic or practical. Its expression shall be dependent on the application so we leave it unspecified in the description of the present general framework. At time t, the quality of the selected answer A will be computed as a discounted moving average of its value over time: Qt+1 (A) = Qt (A) + ↵.(V t (A) Qt (A)) where ↵ is the discount rate. Then, an agent draws an answer set A amongst all the possible answer sets A1 , . . . , Ak of ⇧ with probability P t (A). This probability can be computed using a Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution: t X t P t (M ) = eQ (A)/⌧ / eQ (Ai )/⌧ i 268 S. Costantini and R. Riveret. Complex Events and Actions in Logical Agents where ⌧ is a ‘learning temperature’ to balance the exploitation and the exploration of possible models. 6 Concluding Remarks In summary, in this paper we have introduced kinds of Event-Action modules that allow an agent to: aggregate simple events into complex ones, also according to constraints; check events that occur w.r.t. expectations; cope with events possibly occurring con- textually to certain other events; detect anomalies; decide actions to be performed in both normal or anomalous cases, according to a number of issues among which we may include context, role, circumstances, past experience, etc. In future work, other event aggregation and recognition patterns might be intro- duced. The approach might be extended to a more involved definition of complex ac- tions, and to the choice among possible action patterns. The proposed simple learning mechanism might be refined based on experimentations on suitable test cases. We may notice that the approach is basically independent of the underlying logic, so that more expressive (e.g., modal) logic might be employed in future extensions. Clearly, a se- mantics and execution model going beyond ASP should then be provided. We intend to introduce forms of ’deep’ learning of Event-Action modules. In our intention, an Event-Action Modules might be initially defined in a tentative or embry- onic form: then, module elements might be learnt via a training phase, and refined via reinforcement learning during the agent’s ’life’ thus adding to agent’s flexibility and adaptability. To this aim, we have been developing suitable argomentation-based learn- ing techniques [39]. We do not intend to claim that all events can be recognized and reacted to, and all actions generated, only in a logic-based way. 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