=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1195/long18 |storemode=property |title=Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long18.pdf |volume=Vol-1195 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cilc/KakasTM14 }} ==Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long18.pdf
    Argumentation for Propositional Logic and
           Nonmonotonic Reasoning

             Antonis Kakas, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Mancarella
                            University of Cyprus, Cyprus
                            Imperial College London, UK
                                Università di Pisa, Italy

      Abstract. Argumentation has played a significant role in understanding
      and unifying under a common framework di↵erent forms of defeasible
      reasoning in AI. Argumentation is also close to the original inception of
      logic as a framework for formalizing human argumentation and debate.
      In this context, the purpose of this paper is twofold: to draw a formal
      connection between argumentation and classical reasoning (in the form of
      Propositional Logic) and link this to support defeasible, Non-Monotonic
      Reasoning in AI. To this e↵ect, we propose Argumentation Logic and
      show properties and extensions thereof.

1   Introduction
Over the past two decades argumentation has played a significant role in under-
standing and unifying under a common framework defeasible Non-Monotonic
Reasoning (NMR) in AI [16, 10, 3]. Moreover, a foundational role for argumenta-
tion has emerged in the context of problems requiring human-like commonsense
reasoning, e.g. as found in the area of open and dynamic multi-agent systems to
support context-dependent decision making, negotiation and dialogue between
agents (e.g. see [14, 9]). This foundational role of argumentation points back to
the original inception of logic as a framework for formalizing human argumen-
    This paper reexamines the foundations of classical logical reasoning from
an argumentation perspective, by formulating a new logic of arguments, called
Argumentation Logic (AL), and showing how this relates to Propositional Logic.
AL is formulated by bringing together argumentation theory from AI and the
syllogistic view of logic in Natural Deduction (ND). Its definition rests on a re-
interpretation of Reductio ad Absurdum (RA) through a suitable argumentation
semantics. One consequence of this is that in AL the implication connective
behaves like a default rule that still allows a form of contrapositive reasoning.
The reasoning in AL is such that the ex-falso rule where everything can be
derived from an inconsistent theory does not apply and hence an inconsistent
part of a theory does not trivialize the whole reasoning with that theory.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

       The main motivation for studying this argumentation perspective on logical
    reasoning is to examine its use to bring together classical reasoning and non-
    monotonic commonsense reasoning into a single unified framework. The paper
    presents a preliminary investigation into building such a NMR framework based
    on AL that integrates into the single representation framework of AL classical
    reasoning, as in Propositional Logic including forms of Reductio ad Absurdum,
    with defeasible reasoning. In particular, we study, in the context of examples,
    the possible use of preferences over sentences of an AL theory to capture NMR
    defeasible reasoning and naturally combine this with the classical reasoning of
    AL. Our vision is for all forms of reasoning to be captured in the argumentation
    reasoning of AL and its extensions with preferences.
       This paper is an extract of [13].

    2     Preliminaries on Natural Deduction

    Let L be a Propositional Logic language and ` denote the provability relation of
    Natural Deduction (ND) in Propositional Logic.4 Throughout the paper, theories
    and sentences will always refer to theories and sentences wrt L. We assume that
    ? stands for ^ ¬ , for any 2 L.

    Definition 1. Let T be a theory and a sentence. A direct derivation for
    (from T ) is a ND derivation of (from T ) that does not contain any application
    of RA. If there is a direct derivation for (from T ) we say that is directly
    derived (or derived modulo RA) from T , denoted T`M RA .

    Example 1. Let T1 = {↵ ! ( ! )}. The following is a direct derivation for
    ↵ ^ ! (from T1 ):
                          d↵ ^          hypothesis
                          ↵             ^E
                          ↵ ! ( ! ) from T
                            !           !E
                           c            !E
               ↵^ !                     !I
    Thus, T1 `M RA ↵ ^ ! (and, trivially, T1 ` ↵ ^ ! ). Consider now
    T2 = {¬(↵ _ )}. The following
                  d↵        hypothesis
                  ↵_        _I
                  ¬(↵ _ ) from T
                  ?c        ^I
               ¬↵           RA
    is a ND derivation of ¬↵ that is not direct. Since there is no direct derivation of
    ¬↵, T2 ` ¬↵ but T2 6`M RA ¬↵.
        See the appendix for a review of the ND rules that we use.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    Definition 2. A theory T is classically inconsistent i↵ T ` ?. A theory T
    is directly inconsistent i↵ T `M RA ?. A theory T is (classically or directly)
    consistent i↵ it is not (classically or directly, respectively) inconsistent.

    Trivially, if a theory is classically consistent then it is directly consistent. How-
    ever, a directly consistent theory may be classically inconsistent, as the following
    example shows.

    Example 2. Consider T1 = {↵ ! ?, ¬↵ ! ?}. T1 is classically inconsistent,
    since T1 ` ? as follows:
                   d↵        hypothesis
                   ↵ ! ? from T
                   ?c        !E
               ¬↵            RA
                   d¬↵       hypothesis
                   ¬↵ ! ? from T
                   ?c        !E
               ↵             RA
               ?             ^I
    However, T1 is directly consistent, since T1 6`M RA ?. Consider instead T2 =
    {↵, ¬↵}. T2 is classically and directly inconsistent, since T2 `M RA ?, as follows:
               ↵ from T
               ¬↵ from T
               ? ^I
    We will use a special kind of ND derivations, that we call Reduction ad Absur-
    dum Natural Deduction (RAND). These are ND derivations with an outermost
    application of RA:

    Definition 3. A RAND derivation of ¬ 2 L from T is a ND derivation of ¬
    from T of the form
                      d hypothesis
                      .. ..
                       . .
                       ?c ..
                   ¬      RA
    A sub-derivation (of some 2 L) of a derivation d is a RAND sub-derivation
    of d i↵ it is a RAND derivation.

    The ND derivation of ¬↵ given T2 in example 1 is a RAND derivation. Also,
    given T1 in example 2, the sub-derivations5
            d↵                           d¬↵
            ↵!?                          ¬↵ ! ?
            ?c                           ?c
        ¬↵                             ↵
    of the derivation (d) of ? are RAND sub-derivations (of d).
        If clear from the context, we omit to give the ND rules used.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    3     Argumentation Logic Frameworks
    Given a propositional theory we will define a corresponding argumentation frame-
    work as follows.

    Definition 4. The argumentation logic (AL) framework corresponding to a the-
    ory T is the triple hArgsT , AttT , Def T i defined as follows:

     – ArgsT = {T [ ⌃|⌃ ✓ L} is the set of all extensions of T by sets of sentences
       in L;
     – given a, b 2 ArgsT , with a = T [ , b = T [ , such that       6= {}, (b, a) 2
       AttT i↵ a [ b `M RA ?;
     – given a, d 2 ArgsT , with a = T [ , (d, a) 2 Def T i↵
        1. d = T [ {¬ } (d = T [ { }) for some sentence         2      (respectively
           ¬ 2 ), or
        2. d = T [ {} and a `M RA ?.

    In the remainder, b attacks a (wrt T ) stands for (b, a) 2 AttT and d defends or
    is a defence against a (wrt T ) stands for (d, a) 2 Def T .

    Note also that, since T is fixed, we will often equate arguments T [ ⌃ to sets of
    sentences ⌃. So, for example, we will refer to T [ {} = T as the empty argument.
    Similarly, we will often equate a defence to a set of sentences. In particular, when
    d = T [ defends/is a defence against a = T [ we will say that defends/is
    a defence against      (wrt T ).
        The attack relation between arguments is defined in terms of a direct deriva-
    tion of inconsistency. Note that, trivially, for a = T [ , b = T [ , (b, a) 2 AttT
    i↵ T [ [ `M RA ?. The following example illustrates our notion of attack:

    Example 3. Given T1 = {↵ ! ( ! )} in example 1, {↵, } attacks {¬ } (and
    vice-versa), {↵,¬ } attacks { } (and vice-versa), {↵,¬↵} attacks { } (and vice-
    versa) as well as any non-empty set of sentences (and vice-versa).

    Note that the attack relationship is symmetric except for the case of the empty
    argument. Indeed, for a, b both non-empty, it is always the case that a attacks b i↵
    b attacks a. However, the empty argument cannot be attacked by any argument
    (as the attacked argument is required to be non-empty), but the empty argument
    can attack an argument. For example, given T2 = {↵, ¬↵} in example 2, {}
    attacks {↵} and {} attacks { } (for any 2 L), since T `M RA ?. Finally, note
    that our notion of attack includes the special case of attack between a sentence
    and its negation, since, for any theory T , { } attacks {¬ } (and vice-versa), for
    any 2 L.
        The notion of defence is a subset of the attack relation. In the first case of the
    definition we defend against an argument by adopting the complement6 of some
    sentence in the argument, whereas in the second case we defend against any
    directly inconsistent set using the empty argument. Then, in example 3, {¬↵}
        The complement of a sentence       is ¬ and the complement of a sentence ¬ is .

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    defends against the attack {↵, } and {} defends against the (directly inconsis-
    tent) attack {↵, ¬↵}. Note that the empty argument cannot be defended against
    if T is directly consistent. Finally, note that when T is directly inconsistent the
    attack and defence relationships trivialise, in the sense that any two non-empty
    arguments attack each other, the empty argument attacks any argument, and
    any argument can be defended against by the empty argument.

    4     Argumentation Logic

    In this section we assume that T is directly consistent.
        As conventional in argumentation, we define a notion of acceptability of sets
    of arguments to determine which conclusions can be dialectically justified (or
    not) from a given theory. Our definition of acceptability and non-acceptability
    is formalised in terms of the least fix point of (monotonic) operators on the
    cartesian product of the set of arguments/sentences in L, as follows:

    Definition 5. Let hArgsT , AttT , Def T i be the AL framework corresponding to
    a directly consistent theory T , and R the set of binary relations over ArgsT .

     – The acceptability operator AT :R!R is defined as follows: for any acc 2 R
       and a, a0 2 ArgsT :
       (a, a0 ) 2 AT (acc) i↵
         • a ✓ a0 , or
         • for any b 2 ArgsT such that b attacks a wrt T ,
              ⇤ b 6✓ a0 [ a, and
              ⇤ there exists d 2 ArgsT that defends against b wrt T such that (d, a0 [
                 a) 2 acc.
     – The non-acceptability operator NT : R ! R is defined as follows: for any
       nacc 2 R and a, a0 2 ArgsT :
       (a, a0 ) 2 NT (nacc) i↵
         • a 6✓ a0 , and
         • there exists b 2 ArgsT such that b attacks a wrt T and
              ⇤ b ✓ a0 [ a, or
              ⇤ for any d 2 ArgsT that defends against b wrt T , (d, a0 [ a) 2 nacc.

    These AT and NT operators are monotonic wrt set inclusion and hence their
    repeated application starting from the empty binary relation will have a least
    fixed point.

    Definition 6. ACC T and N ACC T denote the least fixed points of AT and NT
    respectively. We say that a is acceptable wrt a0 in T i↵ ACC T (a, a0 ), and a is
    not acceptable wrt a0 in T i↵ N ACC T (a, a0 ).

    Thus, given the AL framework hArgsT , AttT , Def T i (for T directly consistent)
    and a, a0 2 ArgsT :

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

     – ACC T (a, a0 ), i↵
        • a ✓ a0 , or
        • for all b 2 ArgsT such that b attacks a:
            ⇤ b 6✓ a0 [ a, and
            ⇤ there exists d 2 ArgsT such that d defends against b and
              ACC T (d, a0 [ a);
     – N ACC (a, a0 ), i↵
        • a 6✓ a0 and
        • there exists b 2 ArgsT such that b attacks a and
            ⇤ b ✓ a0 [ a, or
            ⇤ for all d 2 ArgsT such that d defends against b it holds that
              N ACC T (d, a0 [ a).
    We will often equate the (non-)acceptability of an argument T [ wrt an argu-
    ment T [ 0 to the (non-)acceptability of the set of sentences         wrt the set of
    sentences 0 .
        Note that non-acceptability, N ACC T (a, a0 ), is the same as the classical nega-
    tion of ACC T (a, a0 ), i.e. N ACC T (a, a0 ) = ¬ACC T (a, a0 ). We choose to give
    the definition of non-acceptability explicitly to aid readibility. We will use these
    two versions of non-acceptability interchangeably.
        Note that the empty argument is always acceptable, wrt any other argument.
    Note also that the “canonical” attack of a sentence on its complement (i.e. of
    T [ { } on T [ {¬ } and vice-versa) does not a↵ect the acceptability relation
    as it can always be defended against by this complement itself.
        The following examples illustrate non-acceptability.

                                        {¬O }         {↵}
                   (since T [{¬ }`M RA ?)                 (since T [{↵}[{ }`M RA ?)

                                         {}           { KS }

                                                     {¬O }
                                                          (since T [{¬ }`M RA ?)


    Fig. 1. Illustration of N ACC T ({¬ }, {}) (left) and N ACC T ({↵}, {}) (right), for ex-
    ample 4.

    Example 4. Let T = {↵ ^ ! ?, ¬ ! ?}. T is classically and directly consis-
    tent, T [ {¬ } is classically and directly inconsistent, and T [ {↵} is classically
    inconsistent but directly consistent. It is easy to see that N ACC T ({¬ }, {})
    holds, as illustrated in figure 1 (left)7 , since {¬ } 6✓ {}, b = {} attacks {¬ }
        Here and throughout the paper we adopt the following graphical convention: " de-
        notes an attack and * denotes a defence.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    and {} ✓ {¬ }. Also, N ACC T ({↵}, {}) holds, as illustrated in figure 1 (right).
     – since {↵} 6✓ {}, b = { } attacks {↵} and {¬ } is the only defence against b,
       to prove that N ACC T ({↵}, {}) it suffices to prove that N ACC T ({¬ }, {↵});
     – since {¬ } 6✓ {↵}, b = {} attacks {¬ } and {} ✓ {↵, ¬ }, it follows that
       N ACC T ({¬ }, {↵}) holds as required.
    Note that if an argument a is attacked by the empty argument, then it is ac-
    ceptable wrt a0 i↵ a ✓ a0 , since there is no defence against the empty argument.
    This observation is used in the following example.
    Example 5. Given T = T1 = {↵ ! ?, ¬↵ ! ?} in example 2, N ACC T ({↵}, {})
    and N ACC T ({¬↵}, {}) both hold. Indeed, for N ACC T ({↵}, {}), {↵} is attacked
    by {}.
    The following example shows a case of non-acceptability making use of a non-
    empty attack for the base case.
    Example 6. Let T = {↵ ^ ¬ ! ?, ^ ! ?, ↵ ^ ^ ¬ ! ?}. T is classically
    (and directly) consistent, and T [ {↵} is classically inconsistent but directly
    consistent. N ACC T ({↵}, {}) holds, as illustrated in figure 2. Indeed:

                                        (since T [{↵}[{¬ }`M RA ?)

                                   {¬KS }

                                        (since T [{ }[{ }`M RA ?)

                                    { KS }

                                   {¬O }
                                        (since T [{↵, }[{¬ }`M RA ?)

                                  {↵, }

                     Fig. 2. Illustration of N ACC T ({↵}, {}) for example 6.

     – since {↵} 6✓ {}, b = {¬ } attacks {↵} and { } is the only defence against b,
       to prove that N ACC T ({↵}, {}) it suffices to prove that N ACC T ({ }, {↵});
     – since { } 6✓ {↵}, b0 = { } attacks { } and {¬ } is the only defence against
       b0 , to prove N ACC T ({ }, {↵}) it suffices to prove N ACC T ({¬ }, {↵, });
     – since {¬ } 6✓ {↵, }, b00 = {↵, } attacks {¬ } and b00 ✓ {↵, , ¬ },
       N ACC T ({¬ }, {↵, }) and so N ACC T ({ }, {↵}) and N ACC T ({↵}, {}) hold.
    The following example illustrates non-acceptability in the case of an empty (and
    thus classically consistent) theory.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    Example 7. For T = {}, N ACC T ({¬( _¬ )}, {}) holds, as illustrated in figure 3.
    Also, trivially, N ACC T ({ ^ ¬ }, {}) holds, since it is attacked by the empty

                                            {¬( _O ¬ )}

                                                {¬KS }


                                            {¬( _ ¬ )}

                Fig. 3. Illustration of N ACC T ({¬( _ ¬ )}, {}) for example 7.

    A novel, alternative notion of entailment can be defined for theories that are
    directly consistent in terms of the (non-) acceptability semantics for AL frame-
    works, as follows:

    Definition 7. Let T be a directly consistent theory and 2 L. Then is AL-
    entailed by T (denoted T |=AL ) i↵ ACC T ({ }, {}) and N ACC T ({¬ }, {}).

    This is motivated by the argumentation perspective, where an argument is held
    if it can be successfully defended and it cannot be successfully objected against.
         In the remainder of the paper we will study properties of |=AL and discuss
    extensions thereof to support NMR.

    5    Basic Properties

    The following result gives a core property of the notion of AL-entailment wrt the
    notion of direct derivation in Propositional Logic, for directly consistent theories.

    Proposition 1. Let T be a directly consistent theory and                       2 L such that
    T `M RA . Then T |=AL .

    Proof: Let a = T [ be any attack against { }, i.e. T [ { } [ `M RA ?. Since
    T `M RA then T [ `M RA ?. Since T is directly consistent,        6= {}. Hence
    any such a can be defended against by the empty argument. Since ACC T ({}, ⌃),
    for any ⌃ ✓ L, then ACC T ({ }, {}) holds. Moreover, since T `M RA , neces-
    sarily T [ {¬ } `M RA ?. Hence the empty argument attacks {¬ } and thus
    N ACC T ({¬ }, {}) holds.                                                QED

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

       The following theorem shows (one half of) the link of AL with Propositional
    Logic by showing how the RA rule, deleted from the ND proof system within
    `M RA , can be recovered back through the notion of non-acceptability.8

    Theorem 1. Let T be a directly consistent theory and 2 L. If N ACC T ({ }, {})
    holds then there exists a RAND derivation of ¬ from T .9

                                   d↵                         d↵
                                         d¬                        d
                                         ?c                        c(↵)
                                   ¬¬                              ↵^
                                   ↵^                         ¬
                                   ?c                         ?c
                              ¬↵                         ¬↵

         Fig. 4. Two RAND derivations of ¬↵ in example 4: d1 (left) and d2 (right).

    For example, the RAND derivation corresponding to the proof of N ACC T ({↵},{})
    in figure 1 is d1 in figure 4.10 Here, the inner RAND derivation in d1 corresponds
    to the non-acceptability of the defence {¬ } against the attack { } against {↵}.
    Derivation d2 in figure 1 is an alternative RAND of ¬↵, but this cannot be ob-
    tained from any proof of N ACC T ({↵}, {}), because there is a defence against
    the attack { } given by the empty set (in other words, d2 does not identify a
    useful attack, that cannot be defenced against, for proving non-acceptability).

    6    AL for Propositional Logic

    The following result gives a core property of the notion of non-acceptability for
    classically consistent theories.

    Proposition 2. Let T be classically consistent and              2 L. If N ACC T ({¬ }, {})
    holds then ACC T ({ }, {}) holds.

    Proof: By theorem 1, since N ACC T ({¬ }, {}), then T ` . Suppose, by con-
    tradiction, that ACC T ({ }, {}) does not hold. Then N ACC T ({ }, {}) holds
    (since N ACC T ({ }, {})=¬ACC T ({ }, {})) and by theorem 1 there is a RAND
    derivation of ¬ from T and thus T ` ¬ . This implies that T is classically
      The other half of this result shows how (under some conditions) a RAND derivation
      of ¬ implies N ACC T ({ }, {}), proven in [12].
      The proof of this theorem is included in [13].
      Here and elsewhere in the paper, c( ), for any 2 L, indicates that is the hypoth-
      esis of an ancestor sub-derivation copied within the current sub-derivation.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    inconsistent: contradiction. Hence ACC T ({ }, {}) holds.                           QED

    Thus, in Propositional Logic, trivially AL-entailment reduces to the notion of

    Corollary 1. Let T be a classically consistent theory and             2 L. Then T |=AL
    i↵ N ACC T ({¬ }, {}).

    The following property sanctions that AL-entailment implies classical derivabil-
    Corollary 2. Let T be a classically consistent theory and                2 L. If T |=AL
    then T ` .
    Proof: If N ACC T ({¬ }, {}), then, by theorem 1, there is a RAND derivation
    of ¬¬ from T and thus T ` .                                            QED

    This corollary gives that consequences of a classically consistent theory under
    |=AL are classical consequences too. Proposition 1 sanctions that direct conse-
    quences are not lost by |=AL . However, in general not all classical consequences
    are retrieved by |=AL , namely the converse of corollary 2 does not hold, as the
    following example shows.

    Example 8. Let T = {¬↵}. We show that T 6|=AL ↵ !             by showing that
    N ACC T ({¬(↵ ! )}, {}) does not hold. A standard ND derivation of ↵ !
    from T is:
                            ¬↵ from T
                       ¬¬        RA
                        c        ¬E
                ↵!               !I
    This does not help with determining N ACC T ({¬(↵ ! )},{}). This is related
    to the fact that the inconsistency in the inner RAND derivation of ¬¬ is de-
    rived without the need of the hypothesis, ¬ , of this RAND derivation. In gen-
    eral, any RAND derivation of ¬¬(↵ ! ) (and hence of ↵ ! ) from this
    theory, T , contains such a RAND sub-derivation relying on the inconsistency
    of the copy of ↵ from a (!I) sub-derivation, with ¬↵ from T . This means that
    N ACC T ({¬(↵ ! )}, {}) cannot hold, since, otherwise, by theorem 1, we would
    have a RAND derivation of ¬¬(↵ ! ) without such a sub-derivation. This is be-
    cause by construction of the corresponding RAND derivation given by theorem 1
    the existence of such a RAND sub-derivation would violate the non-acceptability
    of some defence in the assumed non-acceptability of ¬(↵ ! ).

    This example shows, in particular, that implication is not material implication
    under |=AL .

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    7    AL for Non-Monotonic Reasoning-Discussion

    Here we present a first investigation on how AL can be used as a basis for NMR
    unifying classical and defeasible reasoning, in the context of the well known
    tweety example. Our examination is based on the (expected) need to extend AL
    with preferences and the observation that when a theory is (directly) inconsis-
    tent we have the possibility to reason with its sub-theories, considering these as
    arguments that support their conclusions under AL. For the illustration we use
    the following (abbreviations of) sentences:
         bf = [bird(tweety) ! f ly(tweety)]
         p¬f = [penguin(tweety) ! ¬f ly(tweety)]
         pb = [penguin(tweety) ! bird(tweety)]
         ¬f = [¬f ly(tweety)]        p = [penguin(tweety)]
         ¬b¬p = [¬bird(tweety) ! ¬penguin(tweety)]

    Example 9. Let T = { bf , pb , ¬f } (T is classically consistent). It is easy
    to see that T |=AL ¬bird(tweety) as {} attacks {bird(tweety)} and therefore
    N ACC T ({bird(tweety)}, {}). Similarly, T |=AL ¬penguin(tweety). In absence
    of other information, we believe that these conclusions are legitimate/desirable.

    Note that AL does not distinguish default rules and facts and it supports con-
    trapositive reasoning with the single form of implication it allows. In example 9,
    default logic [19] would derive the same conclusions only by labelling T as facts,
    but would not derive either conclusion if the first sentence were labelled as a
    default rule, as conventional.

    Example 10. Let T = { bf , pb , ¬f , p¬f } (T classically consistent, obtained
    by adding p¬f to T in example 9). As in example 9, T |=AL ¬bird(tweety) and
    T |=AL ¬penguin(tweety). From a commonsense reasoning perspective, this is
    counter-intuitive, as it disregards the newly added sentence and the alternative
    possibility for ¬f ly(tweety) it supports, namely penguin(tweety).

    By comparison, default logic with the first and last sentences in T labelled as
    default rules (as conventional) would (sceptically) derive no conclusion as to
    whether tweety is (or not) a bird or penguin. Arguably, this is too sceptical a
    behaviour. Note that we have the same counter-intuitive behaviour of deriving
    ¬penguin(tweety) when the sentence ¬f ly(tweety) is deleted from the theory of
    example 10. In order to accommodate within AL the intuitive kind of reasoning
    pointed out for these examples, we can extend AL with priorities over sentences,
    so that, in particular, exceptions may override rules, in the spirit of prioritised
    default logic [4, 5] and other approaches to supporting reasoning with priori-
    ties [7]. In our illustration, these priorities may be drawn from the partial order
      ¬f , p , pb , ¬b¬p > p¬f > bf . The challenge is to incorporate these priorities
    without imposing a separation amongst sentences (as done instead in prioritised
    and standard default logic) and without imposing a specific structure on the
    defeasible knowledge (the default rules) so as to achieve, e.g., the behaviour of

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

    AL in example 9. In example 10, the given priorities may be used to identify the
    sub-theory { pb , ¬f , p¬f } as the strongest and thus entail penguin(tweety).
        By introducing priorities we can also use preference-based argumentation,
    as in e.g. [14, 18], to distinguish between strengths of AL-entailment from sub-
    theories, and, in particular, allow for stronger sub-theories to dominate, as
    illustrated by the following example:

    Example 11. Let T ={ bf , p , ¬f , ¬b¬p } (T is directly but not classically con-
    sistent). Then, correctly, in absence of other information, T 6|=AL bird(tweety)
    and T6|=AL¬bird(tweety). The sub-theories T1 = { bf , ¬f } and T2 = { p , ¬b¬p }
    AL-entail ¬bird(tweety) and bird(tweety) respectively and hence dispute each
    other. If we now take into account ¬b¬p > bf , then, under a preference-based
    argumentation approach, T2 would dominate T1 and thus T would correctly
    entail bird(tweety).

         The core technical challenge of using priorities over sentences is to under-
    stand how these could influence the reasoning by contradiction a↵orded by RA
    in AL. In our illustrative setting we want the priorities (especially p¬f >
      bf ) to restrict the application of RA. There are other cases, however, where
    RA gives intuitive results and should not be restricted. For example, from the
    theory {bird(tweety), pb , p¬f , bf } with pb > p¬f > bf we expect that
    ¬penguin(tweety) is entailed since f ly(tweety) is an intuitive default conclusion
    of this theory and then, by RA, penguin(tweety) cannot be entailed (as otherwise
    through the stronger sentence of p¬f , the sentence ¬f ly(tweety) would follow).
    Similarly, given the theory {f ly(tweety), pb , p¬f , bf } with pb > p¬f > bf ,
    we expect that ¬penguin(tweety) is entailed as penguin(tweety) would give
    ¬f ly(tweety) due to the higher strength of p¬f . To accommodate such cases
    it may be necessary to use the priority information more tightly within the
    definition of AL, i.e. within the definition of (non-)acceptability.

    8    Related Work

    AL is based on a notion of acceptability of arguments which is in the same
    spirit as that in [8, 11] for capturing the semantics of negation as failure in
    Logic Programming. These notions of acceptability are global in the sense that
    acceptable and non-acceptable arguments are all defined at the same time. This
    view has also recently been taken in [6, 20] where the argumentation semantics
    is defined through the notion of a global labelling of arguments as IN, OUT or
        The link of argumentation to NMR has been the topic of extensive study for
    many years. Most of these studies either separate in the language the classical
    reasoning from the defeasible part of the theory (e.g. in Default Logic) or restrict
    the classical reasoning (e.g. in LP with NAF) or indeed as in the case of circum-
    scription [17] the theory is that of classical logic but a complex prescription of
    model selection is imposed on top of the classical reasoning.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

        Recently, [2] proposed an argumentation framework based upon classical logic
    with the aim (that we share) to use argumentation to reason with possibly incon-
    sistent classical theories, beyond the realms of classical logic. In their approach,
    arguments are defined in terms of sub-theories of a given (typically inconsistent)
    theory and they have minimal and consistent supports (wrt the full classical con-
    sequence relation). Attacks are defined in terms of a notion of canonical undercut
    that relies on arguments for the negation of the support of attacked argument.
    Further, the evaluation of arguments is given through a related tree structure of
    defeated or undefeated nodes.
        Other works that aim for a tighter link between classical and defeasible rea-
    soning include the work of Amgoud and Vesic [1], studying the problem of han-
    dling inconsistency using argumentation with priorities over sentences, and [21],
    who have adapted the approach of [2] to Description Logic and have proposed
    an argumentation-based operator to repair inconsistencies. Our approach di↵ers
    from these works in that it starts with providing an alternative understanding
    of Propositional Logic in argumentation terms on which to base any further de-
    velopment of reasoning with inconsistent or defeasible theories. In comparison
    with our approach, these other works can be seen more as a form of belief re-
    vision, based on argumentation, for classically inconsistent theories rather than
    a re-examination of classical logic through argumentation to provide a uniform
    basis for classical and defeasible reasoning.

    9    Conclusion and Future Work

    We have presented Argumentation Logic (AL) and shown how it allows us to
    understand classical reasoning in Propositional Logic in terms of argumenta-
    tion. Its definition rests on capturing semantically the Reductio ad Absurdum
    rule through a suitable notion of acceptability of arguments. One property of
    the ensuing AL is that the interpretation of implication is di↵erent from that of
    material implication. Further results on the relationship between AL and Propo-
    sitional Logic including how AL can completely capture the entailment of PL
    are given in [12].
         Given the significant role that argumentation has played in understanding
    under a common framework NMR in AI we have examined the problem of how
    we could unify classical reasoning and NMR within the framework of AL. In this
    context, we have considered the following questions: How could we use AL as
    the underlying logic to build a NMR framework? Can AL with its propositional
    language provide a single representation framework for classical and defeasible
    reasoning without any distinctions on the type of sentences allowed in a given
    theory? In particular, can we understand AL as a NMR framework with sen-
    tences that would behave as default rules but also as classical rules, with a form
    of contrapositive reasoning with these rules allowed? In this paper we have iden-
    tified this problem and the challenges it poses, and studied these questions in
    the context of examples.

A. Kakas et al. Argumentation for Propositional Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

        Our preliminary investigation suggests the need for an extension of AL to ac-
    commodate preferences amongst sentences. Many existing frameworks for NMR
    use, either explicitly or implicitly, preferences to capture defeasible reasoning,
    e.g. [4, 5] for Default Logic [19]. Also many frameworks of argumentation rely on
    some form of preference between arguments, e.g. [14, 15, 18] to capture a notion
    of (relative) strength of arguments through which the attack relation between
    arguments can be realized. One way therefore to study this problem of inte-
    grating classical and defeasible reasoning is to use some form of preference on
    the sentences of AL theories, and adapt existing approaches of reasoning with
    preferences to AL.

    A     Appendix: Natural Deduction
    We use the following rules, for any , , 2 L:
             ,             ^              ^
      ^I :          ^E :           ^E :      _I :
             ^                                       _
                         d ... c         ¬¬      d . . . ?c
      _I :         !I :             ¬E :    ¬I :
             _             !                       ¬
              _ , d . . . c, d . . . c        , !
      _E :                               !E:
    where d⇣, . . .c is a (sub-)derivation with ⇣ referred to as the hypothesis. ¬I is
    also called Reduction ad Absurdum (RA).

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