=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1195/long2 |storemode=property |title=Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long2.pdf |volume=Vol-1195 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cilc/AnconaBFMT14 }} ==Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long2.pdf
          Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent
                   Interaction Protocols?

           Davide Ancona, Daniela Briola, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni,
                    Viviana Mascardi, and Patrick Taillibert
                           DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy
                  LIP6, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France

        Abstract. Constrained global types are a powerful means to represent
        agent interaction protocols. In our recent research we demonstrated that
        they can be used to represent complex protocols in a very compact way,
        and we exploited them to dynamically verify correct implementation of a
        protocol in a real MAS framework, Jason. The main drawback of our pre-
        vious approach is the full centralization of the monitoring activity which
        is delegated to a unique monitor agent. This approach works well for
        MASs with few agents, but could become unsuitable in communication-
        intensive and highly-distributed MASs where hundreds of agents should
        be monitored.
        In this paper we define an algorithm for projecting a constrained global
        type onto a set of agents Ags, by restricting it to the interactions in-
        volving agents in Ags, so that the outcome of the algorithm is another
        constrained global type that can be safely used for verifying the compli-
        ance of the sub-system Ags to the protocol specified by the original con-
        strained global type. The projection mechanism is implemented in SWI
        Prolog and is the first step towards distributing the monitoring activity,
        making it safer and more efficient: the compliance of a MAS to a protocol
        could be dynamically verified by suitably partitioning the agents of the
        MAS into small sets of agents, and by assigning to each partition Ags a
        local monitor agent which checks all interactions involving Ags against
        the projected constrained global type. We leave for further investigation
        the problem of finding suitable partitions of agents in a MAS, to guar-
        antee that verification through projected types and distributed agents is
        equivalent to verification performed by a single centralized monitor with
        a unique global type.
        Keywords: Constrained Global Type, Projection, Dynamic Verification,
        Agent Interaction Protocol, SWI Prolog

    The long version of this paper appears in the informal proceedings of the Second
    International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2014) with
    title “Efficient Verification of MASs with Projections”. This is the shortened version
    presented at CILC 2014.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    1      Introduction and Motivation

    Distributed monitoring of agent interaction protocols is interesting for various
    reasons. First, the distribution of monitoring reduces the bottleneck issue due
    to the potentially high number of communications between the central monitor
    and the agents of the system. Consequently, the communications are localized
    according to the distribution topology (how many local monitors are available
    and where they are localized in the system), improving the efficiency of the
    monitoring. As usual, distribution increases the robustness of the whole system
    and prevents for a breakdown, crash or failure of the system. In particular,
    in the context of distributed environments, having a robust monitoring system
    requires to distribute the monitoring on several agents which ensure their prompt
    reaction to events. In addition, the distributed approach is more suitable than
    the centralized one for asynchronous and/or distributed contexts.
        In order to distribute the monitoring activity, the first step to face is to
    distribute the specification of the global interaction protocol in such a way that
    a subset of agents can monitor a subset of the interactions, still respecting the
    constraints stated by the global protocol.
        In this paper, we address this first step by defining and implementing an
    algorithm for projecting the protocol representation onto subsets of agents, and
    then allowing interactions taking place within these subsets to be monitored
    by local monitors. Automatically identifying these subsets of agents in order to
    guarantee that the distributed monitoring behaves like the centralized one goes
    beyond the aims of this paper, but is matter of our current research activity.
        Another interesting issue concerns dynamic redistribution of monitoring agents;
    even if not explored in this work, projected types could be recomputed dynam-
    ically to balance the load among local monitors depending on the currently
    available resources, and according to some “meta-protocol”.
        The formalism that we exploit for representing and dynamically verifying
    agent interaction protocols, is constrained global types [2]. Global types [4] are
    behavioral types for specifying and verifying multiparty interactions between
    distributed components. We took inspiration from global types to propose “con-
    strained global types”, suitable for representing agent interaction protocols. They
    are based on interactions, namely communicative events between two agents; in-
    teraction types, modeling the message pattern expected at a certain point of the
    conversation; producers and consumers which allow us to express constrained
    shu✏e of interaction traces. On top of these components, type constructors are
    used to model sequences, choices, concatenation and shu✏e of protocols.
        In our recent research we demonstrated that constrained global types can be
    used to represent complex protocols in a very compact way, and we exploited
    them to detect deviations from the protocol in a real MAS framework based on
    logic programming, Jason [1], and in the Java-based JADE framework1 , thanks
    to a bidirectional Java-Prolog interface [3]. Extensions of the original formalism
    with attributes have been described [5] and exploited to model a complex, real

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    protocol in the railway domain [6]. The integration of these This paper shows how
    a constrained global type can be projected onto a set of agents Ags, obtaining
    another constrained global type which contains only interactions involving agents
    in Ags. Although the projection is always possible, this does not mean that it
    is always useful: as an example, the Alternating Bit Protocol discussed in this
    paper can be projected onto any individual agent in the MAS, but needs to be
    monitored in a centralized way to verify all its constraints.
        The paper is organized in the following way: Section 2 briefly overviews the
    state of the art in distributing the monitoring activity of complex systems; Sec-
    tion 3 gives the technical background on constrained global types needed for
    presenting the projection algorithm in Section 4, Section 5 describes the imple-
    mentation of the algorithm in SWI Prolog, Section 6 describes the algorithm at
    work, and Section 7 concludes.

    2     State of the art

    Many frameworks and formalism for monitoring the runtime execution of a dis-
    tributed system have been proposed in the last years.
        One of the most recent and relevant works in this area is SPY (Session
    Python) [7], a tool chain for runtime verification of distributed Python programs
    against Scribble (http://www.scribble.org) protocol specifications. Scribble is a
    language to describe application-level protocols among communicating systems
    initially proposed by Kohei Honda. Given a Scribble specification of a global
    protocol, the SPY tool chain validates consistency properties, such as race-free
    branch paths, and generates Scribble (i.e. syntactic) local protocol specifications
    for each participant (role) defined in the protocol. At runtime, an independent
    monitor (internal or external) is assigned to each Python endpoint and veri-
    fies the local trace of communication actions executed during the session. This
    work shares the same motivations and approach with our work, and like our
    work concentrates on the projection of the global type to the local one rather
    than on the criteria for identifying in an automatic way how to distribute the
    monitoring activity. The main di↵erences lie in the expressive power of the two
    languages, which is higher for constrained global types due to the constrained
    shu✏e operator which is missing in Scribble, and in the availability of tools for
    statically verifying properties of Scribble specifications, which are not available
    for constrained global types.
        Many other approaches for runtime monitoring of distributed systems and
    MASs exist, but with no emphasis on the projection from global to local moni-
    tors. This represents the main di↵erence between those proposals and ours; the
    long version of this paper provides a detailed overview of many recent ones.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    3     Background

    This section briefly recaps on constrained global types, omitting their extension
    with attributes [5] because the projection algorithm discussed in Section 4 is
    currently defined on “plain” constrained global types only.
        Constrained global types (also named “types” in the sequel, when no ambi-
    guity arises) are defined starting from the following elements:
        Interactions2 . An interaction a is a communicative event taking place between
    two agents. For example, msg(right robot, right monitor, tell, put sock)
    is an interaction involving the sender right robot and the receiver right monitor,
    with performative tell and content put sock.
        Interaction types. Interaction types model the message pattern expected at a
    certain point of the conversation. An interaction type ↵ is a predicate on inter-
    actions. For example, msg(right robot, right monitor, tell, put sock) 2
    put right sock means that interaction msg(right robot, right monitor, tell,
    put sock) has type put right sock.
        Producers and consumers. In order to model constraints across di↵erent
    branches of a constrained fork, we introduce two di↵erent kinds of interaction
    types, called producers and consumers, respectively. Each occurrence of a pro-
    ducer interaction type must correspond to the occurrence of a new interaction;
    in contrast, consumer interaction types correspond to the same interaction speci-
    fied by a certain producer interaction type. The purpose of consumer interaction
    types is to impose constraints on interaction traces, without introducing new
    events. A consumer is an interaction type, whereas a producer is an interaction
    type ↵ equipped with a natural superscript n specifying the exact number of
    consumer interactions which are expected to coincide with it.
        Constrained global types. A constrained global type ⌧ represents a set of
    possibly infinite traces of interactions, and is a possibly cyclic term defined on
    top of the following type constructors:

      –    (empty trace), representing the singleton set {✏} containing the empty
        trace ✏.
      – ↵n :⌧ (seq-prod ), representing the set of all traces whose first element is an
        interaction a matching type ↵ (a 2 ↵), and the remaining part is a trace
        in the set represented by ⌧ . The superscript3 n specifies the number n of
        corresponding consumers that coincide with the same interaction type ↵;
        hence, n is the least required number of times a 2 ↵ has to be “consumed”
        to allow a transition labeled by a.
      – ↵:⌧ (seq-cons), representing a consumer of interaction a matching type ↵
        (a 2 ↵).
      – ⌧1 + ⌧2 (choice), representing the union of the traces of ⌧1 and ⌧2 .
       “Interactions” were named “sending actions” in our previous work. We changed
       terminology to be consistent with the one used in the choreography community.
       In the examples throughout the paper we use the concrete syntax of Prolog where
       producer interaction types are represented by pairs (↵,n).

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

      – ⌧1 |⌧2 (fork ), representing the set obtained by shu✏ing the traces in ⌧1 with
        the traces in ⌧2 .
      – ⌧1 · ⌧2 (concat), representing the set of traces obtained by concatenating the
        traces of ⌧1 with those of ⌧2 .

        Constrained global types are regular terms, that is, can be cyclic (recursive),
    and they can be represented by a finite set of syntactic equations. We limited
    our investigation to types that have good computational properties, namely con-
    tractiveness and determinism.
        Since constrained global types are interpreted coinductively, it is possible to
    specify protocols that are not allowed to terminate like for example the PingPong
    protocol defined by the equation
                       PingPong = (ping,0):(pong,0):PingPong
    where PingPong is a logical variable which is unified with a recursive (or cyclic,
    or infinite) Prolog term consisting of the producer interaction type ping, followed
    by the producer interaction type pong (both requiring 0 consumers), followed
    by the term itself. The only valid interaction trace respecting this constrained
    global type is the infinite sequence ping pong ping pong ping pong .... The
    valid traces for the type
                 PingPong = ((ping,0):(pong,0):PingPong + lambda)
    instead, are {✏, ping pong, ping pong ping pong, ...}, namley all the traces
    consisting of an arbitrary number (even none or infinite) of ping pong.
        Let us consider the following simple example where there are two robots
    (right and left), two monitors (right and left) associated with each robot, and a
    plan monitor which supervises them (Figure 1). The goal of the MAS is to help

                                 Fig. 1. The “socks and shoes” MAS

    mothers in speeding up dressing their kids by putting their shoes on: robots must
    put a sock and a shoe on the right (resp. left) foot of the kid they help. As robots
    are autonomous, they could perform the two actions in the wrong order, making
    the life of the mothers even more crazy... Monitors are there to ensure that wrong
    actions are immediately rolled back. Robots communicate their actions to their
    corresponding monitors, which, in turn, notify the plan monitor when the robots
    accomplish their goal. Each robot can start by putting the sock, which is the

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    correct action to do, or by putting the shoe, which requires a recovery by the
    (right or left, resp.) robot monitor.
        As we will see, the left and right monitors play two di↵erent roles: they inter-
    act with robots to detect wrong actions and recover them, and they also verify
    part of the protocol, notifying the user of protocol violations. In this MAS, mon-
    itors are part of the protocol itself. In the MASs described in our previous papers,
    monitors performed a runtime verification of all the other agents but themselves,
    and their sole goal was to detect and signal violations. Extending monitors with
    other capabilities (or, taking another perspective, extending “normal” agents
    with the capability to monitor part of the protocol) does not represent an ex-
    tension of the language or framework. The possibility of having agents that can
    monitor, can be monitored, and can perform whatever other action, was already
    there, but we did not exploit it before.
        The interactions involved in the protocol and their types are as follows:
    msg(right robot, right monitor, tell, put sock) 2 put right sock
    msg(right robot, right monitor, tell, put shoe) 2 put right shoe
    msg(right robot, right monitor, tell, removed shoe) 2 rem right shoe
    msg(right monitor, right robot, tell, obl remove shoe) 2 obl rem right shoe
    msg(right monitor, plan monitor, tell, ok) 2 ok right
    msg(left robot, left monitor, tell, put sock) 2 put left sock
    msg(left robot, left monitor, tell, put shoe) 2 put left shoe
    msg(left robot, left monitor, tell, removed shoe) 2 rem left shoe
    msg(left monitor, left robot, tell, obl remove shoe) 2 obl rem left shoe
    msg(left monitor, plan monitor, tell, ok) 2 ok left

       The protocol can be specified by the following types, where SOCKS corre-
    sponds to the whole protocol.
        RIGHT = ((put right sock,0):(put right shoe,0):(ok right,0):lambda) +
        ((put right shoe,0):(obl rem right shoe,0):(rem right shoe,0):RIGHT),
        LEFT = ((put left sock,0):(put left shoe,0):(ok left,0):lambda) +
        ((put left shoe,0):(obl rem left shoe,0):(rem left shoe,0):LEFT),
        SOCKS = (RIGHT | LEFT)

        The type SOCKS specifies the shu✏e (symbol “|”) of two sets of traces of inter-
    actions, corresponding to RIGHT and LEFT, respectively. The shu✏e expresses the
    fact that interactions in RIGHT are independent (no causality) from interactions
    in LEFT, and hence traces can be mixed in any order.
        Types RIGHT and LEFT are defined recursively, that is, they correspond to
    cyclic terms. RIGHT consists of a choice (symbol “+”) between the finite trace
    (the constructor for trace is “:”) of interaction types (put right sock,0), (put-
     right shoe,0), (ok right,0) corresponding to the correct actions of the right
    robot, and the trace of interaction types (put right shoe,0), (obl rem right-
     shoe,0), (rem right shoe,0) corresponding to the wrong initial action of the
    robot, followed by an attempt to perform the RIGHT branch again. Basically,
    either the right robot tells the right monitor that it put the sock on first, and
    then it can go on by putting the shoe, or it tells that it started its execution by

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    putting the shoe on. In this case, the right monitor forces the robot to remove the
    shoe, the robot acknowledges that it removed the shoe, and then starts again.
    The LEFT branch is the same as the RIGHT one, but involves the left robot and
    the left node monitor.
       An example where sets of traces could be expressed with a fork, but are
    not completely independent, is given by the Alternating Bit Protocol ABP. We

                                       Fig. 2. The ABP3 MAS

    consider the instance of ABP where six di↵erent sending actions may occur
    (Figure 2): Bob sends msg1 to Alice (interaction type m1), Alice sends ack1 to
    Bob (sending action type a1), Bob sends msg2 to Carol (interaction type m2),
    Carol sends ack2 to Bob (sending action type a2), Bob sends msg3 to Dave
    (interaction type m3), Dave sends ack3 to Bob (interaction type a3) The ABP
    is an infinite iteration, where the following constraints have to be satisfied for
    all occurrences of the sending actions:
        – The n-th occurrence of an interaction of type m1 must precede the n-th
    occurrence of an interaction of type m2 which in turn must precede the n-th
    occurrence of an interaction of type m3.
        – For k 2 {1, 2, 3}, the n-th occurrence of msgk must precede the n-th oc-
    currence of the acknowledge ackk, which, in turn, must precede the (n + 1)-th
    occurrence of msgk .
        The ABP cannot be specified with forks of independent interactions, hence
    a possible solution requires to take all the combinations of interactions into
    account in an explicit way. However with this solution the size of the type grows
    exponentially with the number of the di↵erent interaction types involved in the
        With producer and consumer interaction types it is possible to express the
    shu✏e of non independent interactions which have to verify certain constraints.
    In this way the ABP can be specified in a very compact and readable way. The
    whole protocol is specified by the following constrained global type ABP3:
        M1M2M3=m1:m2:m3:M1M2M3, M1A1=(m1,1):(a1,0):M1A1,
        M2A2=(m2,1):(a2,0):M2A2, M3A3=(m3,1):(a3,0):M3A3,

    Fork is associative and the way we put brackets in ABP3 does not matter.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    4     Projection Algorithm

    In the “socks and shoes” example the monitors, besides checking that the robots
    accomplish their goal, verify also the compliance of the system to the specifica-
    tion of the protocol, given by the type SOCKS. If we assume that the right robot
    and the right monitor reside on the same node, then it is reasonable that the
    right monitor verifies only the interactions which are local to its node; to do
    that, we must project the type SOCKS onto the agents of the node, that is, the
    right robot and the right monitor.
        What we would like to obtain is the type
        RIGHT P = ((put right sock,0):(put right shoe,0):(ok right,0):lambda) +
        ((put right shoe,0):(obl rem right shoe,0):(rem right shoe,0):RIGHT P),
        SOCKS P = (RIGHT P|lambda)

    which only contains interactions where the right robot and the right monitor are
    involved, either as sender or as receiver.
        We can project any protocol onto any set of agents (although it is not nec-
    essarily meaningful or useful). For example, projecting the ABP3 on Dave should
    result into
        ABP3 P compact = (m3,0):(a3,0):ABP3 P compact

    which just states that Dave must ensure to respect the order between messages
    and acknowledges that involve it (Dave cannot be aware of the order among
    messages coming from other agents). That projected type can be represented in
    an equivalent way, even if less compact, as
        M1M2M3 P = m3:M1M2M3 P,
        M3A3 P = (m3,1):(a3,0):M3A3 P,
        ABP3 P =((M1M2M3 P|lambda)|(lambda|M3A3 P))

        Projecting the ABP3 on Bob, instead, should result into the ABP3 itself as
    Bob is involved in all communications and hence no interaction will be removed
    from the projection.
        In order to allow agents to verify only a sub-protocol of the global interaction
    protocol, we designed a projection algorithm that takes a constrained global type
    and a set of agents Ags as input, and returns a constrained global type which
    contains only interactions involving agents in Ags. The intuition besides the
    algorithm is that interactions that do not involve agents in Ags are removed from
    the projected constrained global type. Given the finite set AGS of all the agents
    that could play a role in the MAS and an interaction type ↵, senders(↵) is the set
    of all the agents in AGS that could play the role of sender in actual interactions
    having type ↵ and receivers(↵) is the set of all the agents in AGS that could play
    the role of receiver in interactions of type ↵. The involves predicate holds on one
    interaction type ↵ and one set of agents Ags, involves(↵, Ags), i↵ senders(↵) ✓
    Ags _ receivers(↵) ✓ Ags.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

         Projection can be described as a function ⇧ : CT ⇥ P(AGS) ! CT where CT
    is the set of constrained global types. ⇧ is driven by the syntax of the type to
    project; as a first attempt, the function could be coinductively defined as follows:
         (i) ⇧( , Ags) =
         (ii) ⇧(↵ : ⌧, Ags) = ↵ : ⇧(⌧, Ags) if involves(↵, Ags)
         (iii) ⇧(↵ : ⌧, Ags) = ⇧(⌧, Ags) if ¬involves(↵, Ags)
         (iv) ⇧(⌧ 0 op ⌧ 00 , Ags) = ⇧(⌧ 0 , Ags) op ⇧(⌧ 00 , Ags), where op 2 {+, |, ·}.
         We have to consider the greatest fixed point (coinductive interpretation) of
    the recursive definition above, since the least fixed point (inductive interpreta-
    tion) would only include non cyclic types (that is, non recursive types).
         Let us consider a simple non recursive term T defined by T = a : b : .
    We want to project T on Ags. Suppose for that involves(a, Ags) holds, whereas
    involves(b, Ags) does not, meaning that interaction type a must be kept in the
    projection and b must be removed. From (ii) we get ⇧(a : b : , Ags) = a : ⇧(b :
      , Ags) (a is kept in the projection), from (iii) we have ⇧(b : , Ags) = ⇧( ) (b
    is discarded from the projection), and finally, from (i) we know that ⇧( ) = ,
    therefore ⇧(T, Ags) = a : .

                                Fig. 3. Projection of recursive types.

          Let us now consider the recursive type T s.t. T = a : T 0 and T 0 = b : T .
    Again, the projection is driven by the syntax of T ; from the definition above we
    have ⇧(a : T 0 , Ags) = a : ⇧(T 0 , Ags) = a : ⇧(b : T, Ags) = a : ⇧(T ) = a : ⇧(a :
    T 0 , Ags); while in the previous case we can conclude by applying the base case
    corresponding to the type, in this case we do not have any basis, but we can
    conclude by coinduction that ⇧(a : T 0 , Ags) has to return the unique recursive
    type T 00 s.t. T 00 = a : T 00 (see lhs picture in Figure 3).
          The definition above however needs to be refined because it does not always
    specify a unique result for ⇧; to see that, let us consider the recursive type
    T s.t. T = a : T 0 and T 0 = b : T 0 . Now from the definitions above we get
    ⇧(a : T 0 , Ags) = a : ⇧(T 0 , Ags), ⇧(T 0 , Ags) = ⇧(b : T 0 , Ags) = ⇧(T 0 , Ags);
    since ⇧(T 0 , Ags) = ⇧(T 0 , Ags) is an identity, ⇧ is allowed to return any type
    when applied to T 0 , while the expected correct type should be , so that ⇧(a :
    T 0 , Ags) = a : (see rhs picture in Figure 3).
          Finally, let us consider the recursive type T s.t. T = (a : T ) + (b : T ); by
    (iv) ⇧(T, Ags) = ⇧(a : T, Ags) + ⇧(b : T, Ags), by (ii) ⇧(a : T, Ags) = a :
    ⇧(T, Ags), and by (iii) ⇧(b : T, Ags) = ⇧(T, Ags), therefore by coinduction the
    returned type is T 0 s.t. T 0 = (a : T 0 ) + T 0 ; although in this case there exists
    a unique type that can returned by ⇧, such a type is not contractive. A type
    is contractive if all possible cycles in it contain an occurrence of the sequence

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    constructor “:”; Figure 4 shows that type T 0 s.t. T 0 = (a : T 0 ) + T 0 is not
    contractive, since the rhs cycle contains only the “+” operator. The notion of

                          Fig. 4. Non-contractive type T 0 = (a : T 0 ) + T 0

    contractive type is crucial for implementing efficient runtime verification.
         To ensure that the projection function always returns a contractive type and
    that the correct coinductive definition is implemented, we need to keep track of
    all types visited along a path; each type is associated with its depth, and with a
    fresh variable which will be unified with the corresponding computed projection.
    During the visit the depth DeepestSeq of the deepest visited sequence operator
    is kept. If a type ⌧ has been already visited, then a cycle is detected: if its depth
    is less then DeepestSeq then the cycle contains an occurrence of the sequence
    constructor, therefore the projected type associated with ⌧ is contractive and,
    hence, is returned; otherwise, the projection would not be contractive, therefore
       is returned.
         Let us consider again the type T = (a : T ) + (b : T ); when computing its
    projection, the depth of T is 0, and initially DeepestSeq contains the value -1.
    When visiting the lhs path starting from the “+” operator, the type a : T is
    visited at depth 1, and DeepestSeq is set to 1, since the root of a : T is the
    sequence constructor. Then T is revisited, and since its depth 0 is less then
    DeepestSeq, the projection of the lhs is T 0 = a : T 0 . When visiting the rhs path
    starting from the “+” operator, DeepestSeq contains again the value -1, and the
    type b : T is visited at depth 1, but because involves(b, Ags) does not hold, b is
    discarded with the corresponding sequence constructor, hence DeepestSeq is not
    updated. Then T is revisited, and since its depth 0 is not less then DeepestSeq,
    the projection of the rhs is .

    5     Implementation
    The projection algorithm has been implemented in SWI Prolog, http://www.swi-
    prolog.org/, which manages infinite (cyclic, recursive) terms in an efficient way.
    Since we need to record the association between any type and its projection in
    order to correctly detect and manage cycles, we exploited the SWI Prolog library
    assoc for association lists, http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=assoc.
    Elements of an association list have 2 components: a (unique) key and a value.
    Keys should be ground, values need not be. An association list can be used to

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    fetch elements via their keys and to enumerate its elements in ascending order
    of their keys. The library(assoc) module uses AVL trees to implement asso-
    ciation lists which makes inserting, changing and fetching a single element an
    O(log(N)) operation. The three predicates of the library assoc that we use for
    our implementation are

      – empty assoc(-Assoc): Assoc is unified with an empty association list.
      – get assoc(+Key, +Assoc, ?Value): Value is the value associated with Key
        in the association list Assoc.
      – put assoc(+Key, +Assoc, +Value, ?NewAssoc): NewAssoc is an association
        list identical to Assoc except that Key is associated with Value. This can be
        used to insert and change associations.

        The projection is implemented by a predicate project(T, ProjAgs, ProjT)
    where T is the constrained global type to be projected, ProjT is the result,
    and ProjAgs is the set of agents onto which the projection is performed. The
    algorithm exploits the predicate involves(IntType, ProjAgs) succeeding if
    IntType may involve one agent, as a sender or a receiver, in ProjAgs.
        Currently involves looks for actual interactions ActInt whose type is IntType
    and assumes that senders and receivers in ActInt are ground terms, but it could
    be extended to take agents’ roles into account or in other more complex ways. It
    uses the “or” Prolog operator ; and the member predicate o↵ered by the library
    lists. It exploits the predicate has type(ActInt, IntType) implementing the
    definition of the type IntType of an actual interaction ActInt.
           involves(IntType, List) :-
           has type(msg(Sender, Receiver, , ), IntType),
           (member(Sender, List);member(Receiver, List)).

       For the implementation of project/3 we use an auxiliary predicate project
    with six arguments, which are the same as those of the main predicate plus

      – an initially empty association A to keep track of cycles;
      – the current depth of the constrained global type under projection, initially
        set to 0;
      – the depth of the deepest sequence operator belonging to the projected type,
        initially set to -1.
           project(T, ProjAgs, ProjT) :-
           empty assoc(A), project(A, 0, -1, T, ProjAgs, ProjT).

        The predicate is defined by cases.

     1. lambda is projected into lambda.
           project( Assoc, Depth, DeepestSeq, lambda, ProjAgs, lambda):- !.

     2. If Type has been already met while projecting the global type (get assoc(Type,
        Assoc, (AssocProjType,LoopDepth)) succeeds), then its projection ProjT
        is AssocProjType if LoopDepth =< DeepestSeq and is lambda otherwise.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

         The “if-then-else” construct is implemented in Prolog as Condition ->
         ThenBranch ; ElseBranch.
           project(Assoc, Depth, DeepestSeq, Type, ProjAgs, ProjT) :-
           get assoc(Type,Assoc,(AssocProjType,LoopDepth)),!,
           (LoopDepth =< DeepestSeq -> ProjT=AssocProjType; ProjT=lambda).

     3. T = (IntType:T1). IntType is a consumer as it has no integer number as-
        sociated with it. ProjT is recorded in the association A along with the current
        depth Depth (put assoc((IntType:T1),Assoc,(ProjT,Depth),NewAssoc)).
        If IntType involves ProjAgs, ProjT=(IntType:ProjT1) where ProjT1 is ob-
        tained by projecting T1 onto ProjAgs, with association NewAssoc, depth of
        the type under projection increased by one, and depth of the deepest se-
        quence operator equal to Depth. If IntType does not involve ProjAgs, then
        the projection on T is the same of T1 with association NewAssoc, depth of
        the type under projection equal to Depth, and depth of the deepest sequence
        operator equal to DeepestSeq.
           project(Assoc, Depth, DeepestSeq, (IntType:T1), ProjAgs, ProjT) :- !,
           put assoc((IntType:T1),Assoc,(ProjT,Depth),NewAssoc),
           (involves(AMsg, ProjAgs) ->
           IncDepth is Depth+1,

     4. T = ((IntType,N):T1). (IntType,N) is a producer as it has an integer
        number N associated with it. The projection is identical to the previous case,
        apart from the fact that ProjT=((IntType,N):ProjT1) in the first branch
        of the condition in the clause’s body.
     5. T = T1 op T2, where op 2 {+, |, *}: the association between T1 op T2
        and the projected type ProjT is recorded in the association Assoc along
        with the current depth Depth, T1 and T2 are projected into ProjT1 and
        ProjT2 respectively, with association equal to NewAssoc, depth of the type
        under projection increased by one and depth of the deepest sequence opera-
        tor equal to DeepestSeq. The result of the projection is ProjT=(ProjT1 op
        ProjT2). For example, if op is +, the Prolog clause is:
           project(Assoc, Depth, DeepestSeq, (T1+T2), ProjAgs, ProjT) :- !,
           put assoc((T1+T2),Assoc,(ProjT,Depth),NewAssoc),
           IncDepth is Depth+1,
           project(NewAssoc, IncDepth, DeepestSeq, T1, ProjAgs, ProjT1),
           project(NewAssoc, IncDepth, DeepestSeq, T2, ProjAgs, ProjT2),

        Types SOCKS P and AP3 P shown at the beginning of Section 4 have been
    obtained by applying the projection algorithm to types SOCKS and ABP3 respec-
    tively. The reason why they are not as compact as possible, which is mainly
    evident in AP3 P, is that the projection algorithm does not implement a further

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

    normalization step and hence some types which have been projected into lambda
    and might be removed, are instead kept.
        The result of the projection may be a type equivalent to lambda. For exam-
    ple, if we project ABP to the set {eric}, no interaction involves it and the result
    is (lambda|lambda)|lambda|lambda. On the other hand, we have already ob-
    served that the projection may be the same as the projected type. This happens
    for example if we project ABP to the set {bob}, which interacts with all the agents
    in the MAS.

    6     Projection at Work

    In SWI Prolog we have implemented a mechanism for generating all the di↵erent
    traces (sequences of interactions) with length N, where N can be set by the
    user, that respect a given protocol. This mechanism is necessary during the
    design of the protocol and allows the protocol designer to make an empirical
    assessment of the conversations that will be recognized as valid ones during the
    runtime verification. We used this mechanism for validating both the complete
    protocols and the projected ones; also with projected types, the generated traces
    are correct w.r.t. the protocol specification.
        For example, Table 1 (top left) shows one of the 16380 di↵erent traces with
    length 12 of the SOCKS protocol and Table 1 (top right) shows one of the 2 di↵er-
    ent traces with length 12 of the SOCKS protocol projected onto {right robot,
    right monitor} (for sake of presentation, we abbreviate right robot in right r,
    right monitor in right m, left robot in left r, left monitor in left m, msg
    in m, and we drop the tell performative from interactions). Both traces corre-
    spond to an execution where the protocol reached a final state and no other
    interactions could be accepted after the last one. In the output produced by the
    SWI Prolog algorithm, this information is given by means of an asterisk after
    the last interaction. Traces that are prefixes of longer (maybe infinite) ones have
    no asterisk at their end.
        Table 1 (bottom left) shows an excerpt of one of the 30713 di↵erent traces
    with length 16 of the ABP3 protocol and Table 1 (bottom right) shows the first
    12 interactions of the only trace with length 16 of the ABP3 protocol projected
    onto {dave}. Since the ABP3 is an infinite protocol, both traces are prefixes of
    infinite ones.
        By generating traces of di↵erent length and inspecting some of them, the pro-
    tocol designer can get a clear picture of whether the protocol he/she designed
    behaves in the expected way. Of course this manual inspection gives no guaran-
    tees of correctness, but in our experience it was enough to early detect flaws in
    the protocol specification.
        We have implemented the “socks and shoes” MAS in Jason. The MAS is
    represented in Figure 1. We projected the SOCKS constrained global type shown
    in Section 3 onto the three sets of agents {left monitor}, {right monitor} and
    {plan monitor}. The three resulting constrained global types are used by agents
    left monitor, right monitor and plan monitor respectively.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

                    SOCKS protocol               SOCKS protocol projected onto
                                                {right robot, right monitor}
     m(right r, right m, put sock)         m(right r, right m, put shoe)
     m(left r, left m, put shoe)           m(right m, right r, oblige remove shoe)
     m(left m, left r, oblige remove shoe) m(right r, right m, removed shoe)
     m(left robot, left m, removed shoe)   m(right r, right m, put shoe)
     m(right r, right m, put shoe)         m(right m, right r, oblige remove shoe)
     m(right m, plan monitor, ok)          m(right r, right m, removed shoe)
     m(left robot, left m, put shoe)       m(right r, right m, put shoe)
     m(left m, left r, oblige remove shoe) m(right m, right r, oblige remove shoe)
     m(left r, left m, removed shoe)       m(right r, right m, removed shoe)
     m(left r, left m, put sock)           m(right r, right m, put sock)
     m(left r, left m, put shoe)           m(right r, right m, put shoe)
     m(left m, plan monitor, ok)           m(right m, plan monitor, ok)

                 ABP3 protocol                            ABP3 protocol projected onto {dave}
     msg(bob, alice, tell, m1)                         msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)
     msg(bob, carol, tell, m2)                         msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)
     msg(carol, bob, tell, a2)                         msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)
     msg(alice, bob, tell, a1)                         msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)
     msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)                          msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)
     msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)                          msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)
     msg(bob, alice, tell, m1)                         msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)
     msg(bob, carol, tell, m2)                         msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)
     msg(alice, bob, tell, a1)                         msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)
     msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)                          msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)
     msg(bob, alice, tell, m1)                         msg(bob, dave, tell, m3)
     msg(carol, bob, tell, a2)                         msg(dave, bob, tell, a3)
        Table 1. Examples of traces compliant with complete and projected protocols.

        Each of these agents monitors all the messages that it either receives or sends,
    using the “message sniffing” mechanism described in [1].
        We run di↵erent experiments by changing the actual messages sent by the
    agents in the MAS, in order to obtain both correct and wrong executions. All
    our experiments gave the expected outcome. As an example, Figure 5 shows an
    interaction where left robot sends a put boot message instead of put shoe,
    which is correctly identified by the left monitor as a violation. The conversation
    between the other agents goes on.

    7     Conclusions and Future Work
    In this paper we have defined an algorithm for projecting a constrained global
    type onto a set of agents Ags, to allow distributed dynamic verification of the
    compliance of a MAS to a protocol. This is important in communication-intensive
    and highly-distributed large MASs, where a centralized approach with a unique
    monitoring agent would be unfeasible.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

                           Fig. 5. The left robot violates the protocol.

        Besides describing the algorithm and its SWI Prolog implementation, we
    have shown some preliminary experiments in Jason with the running example
    “socks and shoes” where two local monitors with projected types are sufficient
    for verifying the whole system.
        For what concerns future work, we are investigating on the possible ways
    to partition the set of agents for projecting types, to minimize the number of
    monitors, while ensuring safety of dynamic verification.
        We are also planning to extend the projection algorithm in order to be able
    to properly deal with a more general form of type: attribute global types.
        Finally, in the examples considered in this paper, types are projected stat-
    ically (that is, before the system is started) because we have assumed that
    agents cannot move between nodes, but monitoring would be also possible in
    the presence of agent mobility. However, in this case the implementation of a
    self-monitoring MAS is more challenging, because monitor agents have to dy-
    namically project the global type in reaction to any change involving the set of
    monitored agents. Tackling scenarios of this kind is the final goal of our research.

D. Ancona et al. Exploiting Prolog for Projecting Agent Interaction Protocols

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