=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1195/long3 |storemode=property |title=JTabWb: a Java Framework for Implementing Terminating Sequent and Tableau Calculi |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long3.pdf |volume=Vol-1195 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cilc/FerrariFF14 }} ==JTabWb: a Java Framework for Implementing Terminating Sequent and Tableau Calculi== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long3.pdf
    JTabWb: a Java framework for implementing
      terminating sequent and tableau calculi

                Mauro Ferrari1 , Camillo Fiorentini2 , Guido Fiorino3
     DiSTA, Univ. degli Studi dell’Insubria, Via Mazzini, 5, 21100, Varese, Italy
       DI, Univ. degli Studi di Milano, Via Comelico, 39, 20135 Milano, Italy
  DISCO, Univ. degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Viale Sarca, 336, 20126, Milano, Italy

         Abstract. JTabWb is a Java framework for developing provers based
         on terminating sequent or tableau calculi. It provides a generic engine
         which performs proof-search driven by a user-defined specification. The
         user is required to define the components of a prover by implementing
         suitable Java interfaces. The implemented provers can be used as stan-
         dalone applications or embedded in other Java applications. The frame-
         work also supports proof-trace generation, LATEX rendering of proofs and
         counter-model generation.

1       Introduction

JTabWb is a Java framework for developing provers based on terminating se-
quent or tableau calculi. The project originated as a tool for experimenting and
comparing on the same ground di↵erent calculi and proof-search strategies for
intuitionistic propositional logic. Now it is an advanced general framework which
can be used to implement di↵erent logics and calculi. It can be used either to
implement provers as stand-alone Java applications or as APIs to be integrated
in other Java applications. Di↵erently from other frameworks like [1, 4, 5], in
JTabWb the user can specify all the components of a prover including: formu-
las, proof-search nodes, rules and strategies. This allows one to easily implement
provers for di↵erent logics and di↵erent calculi (sequent-style or tableau-style
calculi). Its main limitation is that all the components are provided as Java
classes, hence the user is expected to be experienced with the language. The
object oriented nature of the target language and the compositionality of the
framework supports the reuse of the components of a prover. This allows one to
easily develop di↵erent variants of a prover, so to compare di↵erent implemen-
tations of data structures (formulas, sequents,. . . ) and di↵erent strategies. The
framework also provides support for generation of proof-traces (histories of proof-
search), LATEX rendering of proofs and counter-model generation. JTabWb and
some provers for intuitionistic propositional logic implemented in it are available
at http://www.dista.uninsubria.it/~ferram.

M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

    Concept                            Interface          Main methods
    Formula                             AbstractFormula   String format()
    Node-set                            AbstractNodeSet   String format()
    Strategy                            Strategy          AbstractRule nextRule( AbstractNodeSet,
    Prover                              Prover            Strategy getStrategy()
    Engine                             Engine             Engine( Prover, AbstractNodeSet)
                                                          ProofSearchResult searchProof()
    Rules supertype                     AbstractRule      String name()
    Regular rule                        RegularRule       int numberOfConclusions()
                                                           AbstractFormula mainFormula()
        1| . . . | n                                      Iterator< AbstractNodeSet> iterator()
    Clash-detection rule        ClashDetectionRule ProofSearchResult checkStatus()
    A function associating with                     AbstractNodeSet premise()
    any node-set a value in
    Branch-exists rule          BranchExistsRule   int numberOfBranchExistsConclusions()
                                                    AbstractFormula mainFormula()
        1... n                                     Iterator< AbstractNodeSet> iterator()
    Meta-backtrack rule          MetaBacktrackRule AbstractNodeSet premise()
    A function associating with                    int totalNumberOfRules()
    a node-set an enumeration of                   Iterator< AbstractRule> iterator()
    rule instances

                           Fig. 1. Basic concepts and their implementation

    2       Basic notions and their implementation
    JTabWb provides a generic engine that searches for a proof of a goal driven by
    a user-defined prover. In particular the engine searches for a proof of the goal
    visiting the proof-search space in a depth-first fashion; at any step of the search,
    the engine asks to the strategy component of the prover the next rule to apply.
    The user defines the prover by implementing the interfaces modeling the logical
    components of the proof-search procedure in Fig. 1. For every component we
    indicate the corresponding interface and its main methods.
        Formulas are the basic elements of the formal system at hand; one can define
    formulas of any kind, e.g., propositional, first-order or modal formulas, but also
    “formulas with a sign” or “labelled formulas”. The data structure storing formu-
    las during proof-search is modeled by a node-set. E.g., in the case of a sequent
    calculus, node-sets represent sequents [ ) ] where and are finite sets or
    multisets of formulas. Formulas and node-sets only require the implementation
    of a method format(), which is invoked by the engine to print detailed information
    about the proof-search process.
        JTabWb models four kinds of rules: regular, clash-detection, branch-exists
    and meta-backtrack. Regular and clash-detection rules directly correspond to

M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

    the rules of a calculus; branch-exists and meta-backtrack rules are meta-rules to
    encode the proof-search strategy. All the rules have AbstractRule as a common
         Regular rules directly correspond to the usual formalization of rules in tableau
    calculi. A regular rule has the form displayed in Fig. 1: R is the name of the rule,
       is the premise of R and 1 , . . . , n (n 1) its conclusions. We use a double
    line to represent rules of the framework so to distinguish them from the rules of
    the sequent calculus we use in the examples.
         A rule Rs of a sequent calculus can be mapped to a regular rule R writing
    Rs bottom-up (the conclusion of Rs becomes the premise of R). As an example,
    let us consider the rule for left disjunction of G3i [6]

                                   [A,    ) H]                [B, ) H]
                                          [A _ B,             ) H]
    This rule is represented in our framework by the regular rule:

                                           [A _ B,            ) H]
                                   [A,    ) H]            |   [B,     ) H]
    The main formula of a regular rule is the formula put in evidence in the premise
    of the rule (e.g., A _ B in the above example). An instance of a regular rule is an
    object implementing the RegularRule interface. Conclusions of a regular rule are
    returned as an enumeration of objects of type AbstractNodeSet. To represent an
    enumeration of objects we use the Java Iterator interface: it defines the method
    next() to get the next element in the enumeration and the method hasNext() to
    check whether the enumeration contains more elements or not.
        Clash-detection rules model rules without conclusions corresponding to the
    end-points of a derivation (closure rules of tableau calculi and axiom rules of
    sequent calculi). We represent such a rule by a function CD that, given a node-
    set , returns SUCCESS if is an end-point of the derivation, FAILURE otherwise.
    As an example, the axiom rules of G3i
                                                Ax                            L?
                            [A,     ) A]                        [?,    ) H]

    correspond to the following clash-detection rule:

                                                 SUCCESS if ? 2 or A 2
                       CD([       ) A]) =
                                                 FAILURE otherwise
    An instance of a clash-detection rule is an object that implements the interface
     ClashDetectionRule providing the checkStatus() method encoding the correspond-
    ing CD function.
        The distinction between invertible and non-invertible 1 rules has a crucial role
    in the definition of a proof-search procedure, since non-invertible rules introduce
    backtrack points in proof-search. E.g., the rules of G3i for right disjunction
         We adopt the formalization of invertible rule of [6].

M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

    public class Rule_Right_Or implements _BranchExistsRule {
      private Sequent premise ;
      private Formula or_formula ;
      public Rule_Right_Or ( Sequent sequent , Formula or_formula ) {
        this . premise = sequent ; this . or_formula = or_formula ;
      public Iterator < _AbstractNodeSet > iterator () {
        LinkedList < Sequent > list = new LinkedList < Sequent >();
        Formula [] disjuncts = or_formula . getSubformulas ();
        for ( int i =0 ; i < disjuncts . length ; i ++){
          Sequent conclusion = premise . clone ();
          conclusion . removeRight ( or_formula );
          conclusion . addRight ( disjuncts [ i ]);
          list . add ( conclusion );
        return list . iterator ();

                           Fig. 2. Implementation of the rule _Ri of G3i

                                      [ ) Ai ]
                                                  _Ri     i 2 {1, 2}
                                    [ ) A1 _ A2 ]

    are not invertible. Indeed, it could be the case that [ ) A2 ] is provable while
    [ ) A1 ] is not. Hence, searching for a proof of [ ) A1 _ A2 ], we have to
    try both the rules; if the construction of a proof for [ ) A1 ] fails, we have to
    reconsider the premise (backtrack ) and try the other way. The two rules above
    can be formalized in our framework by means of a branch-exists rule. A branch-
    exists rule R with premise and conclusions 1 , . . . , n (n            1) means that
       is provable i↵ at least one of the i is provable. An instance of a branch-
    exists rule is an object implementing the BranchExistsRule interface. The iterator
    method returns the conclusions of the rule as an enumeration of objects of type
     AbstracNodeSet. As an example, in Fig. 2 we describe an implementation of the
    rules _Ri of G3i.
         A calculus C is a finite set of regular rules, clash-detection rules and branch-
    exists rules. A C-tree ⇡ is a tree of node-sets such that, if is a node of ⇡ with
     1 , . . . , n as children, then either there exists a regular-rule of C having    as
    premise and 1 , . . . , n as conclusions, or n = 1 and there exists a branch-exists
    rule of C having as premise and 1 as one of its conclusions. A C-proof is a
    C-tree ⇡ such that, for every leaf of ⇡, there exists a clash-detection rule CD
    of C such that CD( ) = SUCCESS.
         To define proof-search strategies we need to encode another kind of back-
    tracking arising from the application of non-invertible rules. Let us consider the
    non-invertible rule ! L of G3i

M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

                              [A ! B,       ) A]      [B,   ) H]
                                         [A ! B,     ) H]
    If we are searching for a proof of a sequent containing more than one impli-
    cation in the left-hand side, we must try all the possible instances of the rule
    ! L to assert the provability status of . To express this situation we use a
    meta-backtrack rule, which is a function MB associating with a node-set an
    enumeration of rule instances having as premise (the non-invertible rules ap-
    plicable to ). We remark that a meta-backtrack rule is not a rule of the calculus
    but a meta-rule to encode the proof-search strategy in presence of non-invertible
        The strategy is a function that, taken the current goal of the proof-search (a
    node-set) and the current state, returns the next rule to apply in the proof-search.
    The method nextRule( AbstractNodeSet goal,IterationInfo info) of the Strategy inter-
    face is a callback method invoked by the engine when it needs to determine the
    next rule to apply in the proof-search. The engine invokes this method providing
    as arguments the current goal of the proof-search and a bunch of data describing
    the last move performed by the engine. E.g., the method getAppliedRule() of Iter-
    ationInfo returns the rule applied by the engine in the last move; in many cases
    this is the only data needed to choose the next rule to apply to goal. For instance,
    this is an high-level description of the strategy for a terminating sequent calculus
    for intuitionistic propositional logic (as, e.g., the calculus LSJ described in [2]).

    _AbstractRule nextRule ( _AbstractNodeSet sequent ,
                                  IterationInfo info ) {
      if ( an invertible rule r is applicable to sequent )
        return r ;

        _AbstractRule lastAppliedRule = info . getAppliedRule ();
        if ( lastAppliedRule is not a clash - detection rule )
          return the clash - detection rule for sequent ;

        if ( non invertible rules r1 ... rN are applicable to sequent )
          return the meta - backtrack rule collecting r1 ... rN
        return null

    A prover is an object implementing the Prover interface which provides the
    getStrategy() method and some other methods that are not essential to our dis-

    3     High-level description of the engine

    We give in Fig. 3 an high-level description of the algorithm implemented by the
    engine to perform proof-search. An instance of the engine is built by specifying
    the prover and the goal; searchProof() searches for a proof of the goal driven by

M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

    the strategy specified by the prover. To simplify the presentation we assume
    that the data passed to the strategy only consist of the rule applied in the last
    step. The search space is visited in a depth-first fashion using a stack to store
    the information related to branch points and backtrack points. More precisely,
    the stack contains elements (rule,iterator), where rule is the rule that caused the
    push action, iterator is the associated enumeration. If rule is a regular rule, the
    element of the stack represents a branch point, if rule is a branch-exists or a
    meta-backtrack rule, the element represents a backtrack point.
        The method searchProof() essentially consists of a loop; we call iteration of
    the engine an iteration of such a loop. At every iteration the state of the engine
    is characterized by the current goal of the proof-search (i.e., current goal), the
    rule to apply in the current iteration (i.e., current rule) and the rule selected for
    the next iteration (i.e., next rule). If current rule is a regular rule or a branch-
    exists rule, the engine replaces the goal with the first conclusion of the rule and
    determines the next rule to apply by invoking the strategy. If the applied rule
    has more than one conclusion, then an element e is pushed on the stack by the
    call push(current rule,iterator): if current rule is a regular rule, e is a branch point,
    otherwise e is a backtrack point.
        If current rule is a meta-backtrack rule, the associated enumeration iterator
    collects the rules to be applied to current goal. The first rule in the enumeration
    (returned by the method next()) is applied and, if iterator contains one or more
    rules, the backtrack point (current rule, iterator) is pushed on the stack.
        If current rule is a clash-detection rule, then the engine invokes checkStatus() to
    determine if the current goal is an end-point of the proof-search. If checkStatus()
    returns FAILURE, then the strategy selects the next rule to apply. If it returns
    SUCCESS, then restoreBranchPoint() searches the stack for a branch point. If such
    a point exists, it provides the new goal and the strategy selects the next rule
    to be applied; if the stack does not contain any branch point, the proof-search
    successfully terminates. The method restoreBranchPoint() searches the stack for
    a branch point, namely an element (rule,iterator), where rule is a regular rule. If
    such an element does not exist, it returns null; otherwise, it returns iterator.next(),
    representing the new goal to be proved. If iterator is empty, the branch point is
        If current rule is null, it means that the strategy failed to select a rule for
    current goal in the last iteration of the engine, hence the proof-search for cur-
    rent goal has failed. In this case the engine searches the stack for a backtrack
    point invoking restoreBacktrackPoint(). If a backtrack point exists, the engine ap-
    propriately updates its state and starts a new iteration. Otherwise, it returns
    FAILURE to signal that a proof for the input goal does not exist. The method re-
    storeBacktrackPoint() searches the stack for a backtrack point, that is an element
    (rule,iterator), where rule is a branch-exists rule or a meta-backtrack rule. If such
    an element does not exist, null is returned; otherwise, the pair (rule,iterator.next())
    is returned. In the latter case, if rule is a branch-exists rule, then iterator.next() is
    a node-set (the next goal to be proved); otherwise, rule is a meta-backtrack rule
    and iterator.next() is the next rule to be applied.

M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

        // goal and prover are the arguments of the engine constructor
        current goal = goal
        strategy = prover.getStrategy()
        next rule = strategy.nextRule(current goal,null)
        while true do
            current rule = next rule // the only data about the last iteration
            if current rule is a regular rule then
                iterator = current rule.iterator()
                current goal = iterator.next()
                next rule = strategy.nextRule(current goal,current rule)
                if iterator.hasNext() then push(current rule,iterator)

             else if current rule is a branch-exists rule then
                 iterator = current rule.iterator()
                 current goal = iterator.next()
                 next rule = strategy.nextRule(current goal,current rule)
                 if iterator.hasNext() then push(current rule,iterator)

             else if current rule is a clash-detection rule then
                 if current rule.checkStatus() == SUCCESS then
                     current goal = restoreBranchPoint() // restored is a goal or
                     if current goal == null then return SUCCESS

                      else next rule = strategy.nextRule(current goal,null)

                 else next rule = strategy.nextRule(current goal,current rule)

             else if current rule is a meta-backtrack rule then
                 iterator = current rule.iterator()
                 next rule = iterator.next()
                 if iterator.hasNext() then push(current rule,iterator)

             else if current rule is null then
                 r = restoreBacktrackPoint() // r is a pair
                 if r == null then return FAILURE

              if snd(r ) is a rule then //rule is a meta-backtrack rule
                  next rule = snd(r ) // snd(r ) is the next rule to try
                  current goal = fst(r ).premise() // restore the goal from the
              else //rule is a branch-exists rule
                  current goal = snd(r ) // snd(r ) is the next sub-goal to try
                  next rule = strategy.nextRule(current goal,current rule)
                                        Fig. 3. engine.searchProof()
M. Ferrari, C. Fiorentini, G. Fiorino. JTabWb

    4     Implemented provers and other features

    The engine can be executed in verbose mode to get a detailed description of
    the proof-search or in trace-mode to generate a trace of the proof-search. It
    is possible to generate the LATEX rendering of the C-trees visited during the
    proof-search (this only requires to provide the data rendering for node-sets and
    rule names). The trace of a proof-search can be used to generate the counter-
    model for unprovable goals. JTabWb also provides some useful support APIs
    (jtabwbx.* packages): two implementations of propositional formulas, a parser for
    propositional formulas and a command line launcher for a prover.
        We have implemented several provers for intuitionistic propositional logic in
    the JTabWb framework. g3ibu is a prover based on the sequent calculi Gbu and
    Rbu [3]. lsj is a prover based on the sequent calculi LSJ and RJ [2]. Both these
    provers allow one to generate counter-models for unprovable sequents. Finally,
    jpintp provides the implementation of several well-known tableau and sequent
    calculi for intuitionistic propositional logic.
        As for future work, we are developing a language to specify the components
    of a JTabWb prover and a library of formulas implementations and node-set
    implementations that can be used as building blocks for provers. Finally, we
    remark that the JTabWb can be used also to implement calculi for first-order
    logic and, in general, non terminating calculi. What is missing for fruitfully use
    these kind of calculi is a support which allows the user to directly control the
    engine execution. We are developing it as an interactive version of the engine.

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