=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1195/long6 |storemode=property |title=Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware Multiagent Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long6.pdf |volume=Vol-1195 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cilc/MontaliCG14 }} ==Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware Multiagent Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1195/long6.pdf
Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated
            Data-Aware Multiagent Systems ?

               Marco Montali1 , Diego Calvanese1 , and Giuseppe De Giacomo2
             Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Domenicani 3, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
                   Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Ariosto, 25, 00185 Rome, Italy

         Abstract. In this paper we investigate multiagent systems whose agent interaction
         is based on social commitments that evolve over time, in presence of (possibly
         incomplete) data. In particular, we are interested in modeling and verifying how
         data maintained by the agents impact on the dynamics of such systems, and on
         the evolution of their commitments. This requires to lift the commitment-related
         conditions studied in the literature, which are typically based on propositional
         logics, to a first-order setting. To this purpose, we propose a rich framework for
         modeling data-aware commitment-based multiagent systems. In this framework,
         we study verification of rich temporal properties, establishing its decidability under
         the condition of “state-boundedness”, i.e., data items come from an infinite domain
         but, at every time point, each agent can store only a bounded number of them.

1      Introduction

In this paper we investigate multiagent systems (MASs) whose agent interaction is based
on social commitments that evolve over time, in presence of possibly incomplete data.
MASs based on social commitments have been extensively studied in the literature
[8]. Intuitively, a social commitment CC(d, c, qp , qd ) models a relationship between a
debtor agent d and a creditor agent c, in which d commits towards c that, whenever
condition qp holds in the system, it will bring about condition qd in the following
course of interaction. Commitments provide a semantics for the agent interaction that
abstracts away from the internal agent implementation, and can be thus employed to
specify business protocols and contracts. The establishment of commitments is regulated
by contracts, which depend on domain-specific events and conditions. Established
commitments, in turn, have a lifecycle that is regulated by a so-called commitment
machine [12] on the basis of such contracts. While in the literature, virtually all the work
is based on propositional contents for such commitments [8], here we explicitly manage
data described through first-order formalisms, in line with [7]. In other words, we study
how data maintained by the agents impact on the dynamics of such systems, and on the
evolution of their commitments. Technically, this requires to lift to first-order the notions
related to contracts, commitments, and commitment machines.
    As a result, we obtain a powerful framework of data-aware commitment-based
MASs (DACMASs), which incorporates the typical notions of commitment-based MASs
     This paper is a short version of [10], to be presented at AAMAS 2014.

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

   but in a rich, data-aware context. In our framework, the commitment machine itself
   becomes a special agent, called institutional, which is a agent, in charge of supporting the
   evolution of the system according to the commitments. In addition, this agent manages
   core information about the MAS itself, such as the list of participating agents, which
   changes over time as the system unfolds. In this light, it maintains and manipulates a
   common knowledge base, of interest for all the interacting agents. The data manipulated
   by the agents are described in terms of a domain ontology, expressed in a lightweight
   description logic (DL), tailored towards ontology-based data access. This ontology
   provides a common ground for the agent interaction and commitments, establishing the
   vocabulary that is shared by all of them. In particular, we rely on DLR-Lite [5], which is
   the n-ary version of the DL at the base of the OWL 2 QL profile of the OWL 2 semantic
   web standard. Each agent has its own data about the domain and the contracts it is
   involved in, expressed in terms of such ontology. Such data are manipulated through
   actions, in response to events and according to the commitments in place. At each point
   in time, only a finite number of data is present in the system. However, such data change
   over time: old data are removed by the agents, and new data (coming from a countably
   infinite domain ) are inserted.
        Our main result is that, when a DACMAS is state-bounded, i.e., the number of
   data that are simultaneously present at each moment in time is bounded, verification
   of rich temporal properties becomes decidable. More specifically, we are able to check
   DACMASs against properties expressed in a sophisticated first-order variant of µ-
   calculus with a controlled form of quantification across states. We do this by exploiting
   recent results in [2], and reducing verification of state-bounded DACMASs to finite-state
   model checking through a faithful form of abstraction, essentially obtained by replacing
   real data items with a finite number of symbolic values, while correctly preserving the
   relationships among the real data items themselves.

    2    Preliminaries
    Description Logics (DLs) [1] are logics that represent the domain of interest in terms of
    objects, concepts, denoting sets of objects, and relations between objects. We consider
    here the DL DLR-Lite [5], which is a DL that belongs to the DL-Lite family of lightweight
    DLs and that is equipped with relations of arbitrary arity. In DLR-Lite, concepts C and
    relations R are built from atomic concepts N and atomic relations P (of arity 2):
                   C     ! N | P [i] | C u C                   R     ! P | P [i1 , . . . , ih ]
   where h 2 and for i1 , . . . , ih , which denote pairwise distinct components of relation
   P , we have that {i1 , . . . , ih } ✓ {1, . . . , n}, where n is the arity of P . Similarly, i 2
   {1, . . . , n}. Intuitively, u denotes concept conjunction, while P [i1 , . . . , im ] denotes the
   projection of relation P on its components i1 , . . . , im . This results in a concept if m = 1
   and in a relation otherwise.
       Formally, the semantics of DLs is given in terms of first-order interpretations I =
   ( I , ·I ), where I is a nonempty interpretation domain, and ·I is an interpretation
   function, assigning to each concept C a subset C I of I , and to each n-ary relation R
   an n-ary relation RI over I such that
          (C1 u C2 )I = C1I \ C2I
    (P [i1 , . . . , im ])I = {(o01 , . . . , o0m ) | there is o 2 P I s.t. o[ij ] = o0j , for j 2 {1, . . . , m}}

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

   (Here, o[i] denotes the i-th component of tuple o.) Also, ·I assigns to each constant a an
   object aI of I . We adopt the unique name assumption, i.e., a1 6= a2 implies aI1 6= aI2 .
       In DLs, knowledge about the domain of interest is encoded in an ontology O =
   hT , Ai, which is formed by a TBox T , encoding intensional knowledge, and an ABox A,
   encoding extensional knowledge about individuals objects.
       A DLR-Lite TBox is a finite set of assertions of the form:
                      E1 v E2                    (concept/relation inclusion assertion),
                     E1 v ¬E2                    (concept/relation disjointness assertion),
                  (key i1 , . . . , i` : R)      (key assertion),
   where R has arity n, and 1  i1 < i2 < · · · < i`  n. To ensure decidability of
   inference, and good computational properties, we require that no relation P can appear
   both in a key assertion and in the right hand side of a relation inclusion assertion [11,5].
       A DLR-Lite ABox is a finite set of assertions of the form:
                              N (a1 )              (concept membership assertion),
                          P (a1 , . . . , an )     (relation membership assertion),
   where P has arity n, and a1 , . . . , an denote constants.
         The semantics of an ontology is given by stating when an interpretation I satisfies
   an assertion, where I satisfies: E1 v E2 , if E1I ✓ E2I ; E1 v ¬E2 , if E1I \ E2I = ;;
   (key i1 , . . . , i` : R), if there are no two distinct tuples in RI that agree on all their
   components i1 , . . . , i` ; N (a1 ), if aI1 2 N I ; and P (a1 , . . . , an ), if (aI1 , . . . , aIn ) 2 P I .
   A model of an ontology O = hT , Ai is an interpretation that satisfies all assertions in T
   and A. An ontology O is satisfiable if it has at least one model, and it logically implies
   an assertion ↵, written O |= ↵, if all models of O satisfy ↵.
         Next we introduce queries, whose answers, as usual in ontologies, are formed
   by constants denoting individuals explicitly mentioned in the ABox. A union of con-
   Wn             queries (UCQ) q over an ontology hT , Ai is a FOL formula of the form
      i=1    9y  i .conj i (x, y i ) with free variables x and existentially quantified variables
   y 1 , . . . , y n . Each conj i (x, y i ) in q is a conjunction of atoms of the form N (z), P (z),
   where N and P respectively denote a concept and a role name occurring in T , and z, z
   are constants of A or variables in x, y 1 , . . . , y n . The (certain) answers to q over hT , Ai
   is the set ANS (q, T , A) of substitutions ✓ of the free variables of q with constants in A
   such that q✓ evaluates to true in every model of hT , Ai, denoted hT , Ai |= q✓. DLR-Lite
   enjoys nice computational properties, in particular w.r.t. query evaluation: computing the
   certain answers to a UCQ can be done in polynomial time in the size of hT , Ai, and in
   AC0 in the size of A alone (i.e., in data complexity) [5]. Such result is based on the FOL
   rewritability property of DLR-Lite [5], which states that for every UCQ q and TBox T , we
   can rewrite q into a new UCQ rew T (q) such that ANS (q, T , A) = ANS (rew T (q), ;, A),
   for every ABox A. In other words, the TBox can be “compiled away”.
         We also consider ECQs, which are FOL queries whose atoms are UCQs evaluated
   according to the certain answer semantics above [4]. An ECQ over T and A is a possibly
   open formula of the form (where q is a UCQ):
                                Q      ! [q] | ¬Q | Q1 ^ Q2 | 9x.Q
   The (certain) answers to Q over hT , Ai, is the set of substitutions ✓ of the free variables
   of Q with constants in A defined by composing the certain answers of the UCQs q in Q

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    through first-order constructs, and interpreting existential variables as ranging over the
    constants in A. Hence, the first-order constructs in ECQs are interpreted under a (weaker)
    epistemic semantics. ECQs over DLR-Lite ontologies enjoy the same computational
    properties as UCQs, in particular FOL rewritability of query answering [4].

    3     Framework
   We introduce now our framework for modeling DACMASs. Formally, a DACMAS is
   a tuple hT , E, X , I, C, Bi, where: (i) T is a global DLR-Lite TBox; (ii) E is a set of
   predicates denoting events (where the predicate name is the event type, and the arity
   determines the content/payload of the event); (iii) X is a finite set of agent specifica-
   tions; (iv) I is a (partial) specification for the institutional agent; (v) C is a contractual
   specification; (vi) and B is a Commitment Box (CBox).

    3.1   The Global TBox
   The global TBox represents the key concepts, relations and constraints characterizing
   the domain in which the agents operate, so as to provide a common ground for the agent
   interaction. Part of this TBox is fixed for every agent system, and is used to model core
   notions related to the system itself. The extension of such core notions is maintained
   by a single, special institutional agent, which is also responsible for the manipulation
   of commitments (cf. Section 3.6). The data maintained by such an agent are publicly
   available and can be queried by the other agents, but only modified by the institutional
   agent. Specifically, the institutional agent maintains data about the following relations:
   – Agent denotes the set of (names of) agents that currently participate to the system.
   Since the institutional agent is always part of the system, we fix its name as inst, and
   enforce that inst always belongs to the extension of Agent.
   – Spec, whose extension is immutable, denotes the set of agent specification names
   mentioned in X (cf. Section 3.2).
   – hasSpec connects agents with their current specification(s): hasSpec[1] v Agent,
   hasSpec[2] v Spec.
       Each agent, including the institutional agent, maintains a proprietary DLR-Lite ABox,
   in which it stores its own data. Such data can be queried only by the agent itself and by
   the institutional agent, which exploits the results of such queries to keep track of the
   evolution of commitments. Furthermore, each agent progresses its own ABox during the
   execution in such a way that it is always consistent with the global TBox T . Notice that
   the overall collection of ABoxes is not assumed to be consistent with the TBox, i.e., the
   TBox assertions are only required to be satisfied by each agent individually.
       Since, in general, queries may involve the ABoxes of several agents, to disambiguate
   to which ABox a query atom refers, we augment the vocabulary of the TBox with a
   location argument that points to an agent. We use R@a(x) to denote an atomic query
   returning the extension of R in the ABox of a. If a does not point to an agent currently in
   the system, then R@a(x) evaluates to empty. Beside the special constant inst, we also
   use self to implicitly refer to the agent that is posing the query (similarly to “this” in
   object-oriented programming). When clear from the context, we omit @self and just
   use relations without the location argument. We denote with UCQ ` (resp., ECQ ` ) the
   language obtained from UCQ (resp., ECQ) by extending atoms with a location argument.

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    3.2   Agent Specifications
   In a DACMAS, agents interact by exchanging messages. A message is sent by a sender
   agent to a receiver agent, and is about the occurrence of an event with a payload,
   containing data to be communicated. All agents but the institutional one are only aware
   of the events they send and receive. As for data, the institutional agent has instead
   full visibility of all exchanged messages, so as to properly handle the evolution of
   commitments. Agents determine the events they may send, and also how they react to
   events, through proactive and reactive rules. Such rules are grouped into behavioural
   profiles called agent specifications, and model: (i) the possible, proactive emission of an
   event, directed to another agent (communicative rule); (ii) conditional internal (re)actions,
   which lead to update the agent ABox when sending/receiving an event to/from another
   agent (update rule). The update could result in the insertion of new data items (from the
   countably infinite domain ), not already present in the system.
       The exchange of a message represents a synchronization point among the sender,
   receiver and institutional agent. Hence, the reaction of the three agents is interpreted as
   a sort of transaction, such that each of them effectively enforces the update on its own
   ABox only if each of the three resulting ABoxes is consistent with T . An inconsistency
   could potentially arise when reacting to an event either because the same data item is
   asserted to be member of two disjoint classes, or because a key assertion is violated.
       Formally, an agent specification is a tuple hsn, ⇧i, where sn is the specification
   name, and ⇧ is a set of communicative and update rules. Such rules are defined over the
   vocabulary of T and B, and are applied over the ABoxes of the agent and of inst. This
   allows the agent to query the status of commitments and obtain the names of the other
   participants. A communicative rule has the form

                                    Q(r, x) enables EV(x) to r

   where Q is an ECQ ` , and EV(x) is an event supported by the system, i.e., predicate
   EV /|x| belongs to E. The semantics of a communicative rule is as follows. Whenever
   Q(r, x) evaluates positively, the agent autonomously selects one of the answers ✓
   returned by the query, using it to determine the event receiver and its payload. This states
   that the ground event EV(x)✓ can be sent by the agent to r✓, provided that r✓ points to
   an actual agent name in the system (including the two special names inst and self).

    Example 1. Consider a DACMAS where customers and sellers interact to exchange
    goods. We model the behavioural rules for customers and sellers using two agent
    specifications. To buy from a seller, a customer must register to that seller. A registration
    request is modeled in the customer specification as:

                         Spec@inst(sel, seller) enables REQ REG to sel

   Assuming that each seller maintains its customers and items respectively in relations
   MyCust and Item, the proposal of an item to a customer is modeled in the seller specifi-
   cation as: MyCust(m) ^ Item(i) enables PROPOSE(i) to m.

   Update rules are ECA-like rules of the form:
   – on EV(x) to r if Q(r, x) then ↵(r, x) (on-send)
   – on EV(x) from s if Q(s, x) then ↵(s, x) (on-receive)

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

   where EV/|x| is an event type from E, Q is an ECQ ` , and ↵ is an update action with
   parameters (described below). Each such rule triggers when an event is sent to/received
   from another agent, and Q holds. This results in the application of ↵ using the actual
   event payload and receiver/sender. Action ↵ queries the ABox of the agent and of inst,
   using the answers to add and remove facts to the ABox.
       Formally, an update action is an expression ↵(p) : {e1 , . . . , en }, where ↵(p) is
   the action signature (constituted by the name ↵ and by a list p of parameters), and
   {e1 , . . . , en } are update effects, each of which has the form

                               [q + (p, x)] ^ Q (p, x)      add A, del D

   – q + is an UCQ ` , and Q is an ECQ ` whose free variables occur all among those
   of q + ; intuitively, q + selects a set of tuples from the agent ABox and that of inst,
   while Q filters away some of them.3 During the execution, the effect is applied with
   a ground substitution d for the action parameters, and for every answer ✓ to the query
   [q + (d, x)] ^ Q (d, x).
   – A is a set of facts (over the alphabet of T and B) which include as terms: free variables
   x of q + , action parameters p and/or Skolem terms f (x, p). We use SKOLEM(A) to
   denote all Skolem terms mentioned in A. At runtime, whenever a ground Skolem term is
   produced by applying ✓ to A, the agent autonomously substitutes it with a possibly new
   data item taken from . This mechanism is exploited by the agent to inject new data
   into the system. The ground set of facts so obtained is added by the agent to its ABox.
   – D is a set of facts which include as terms free variables x of q + and action parameters
   p. At runtime, whenever a ground fact in D is obtained by applying ✓, it is removed
   from the agent ABox.
   As in STRIPS, we assume that additions have priority over deletions (i.e., if the same
   fact is asserted to be added and deleted during the same execution step, then the fact is
   added). The “add A” (resp. “del D”) part can be omitted if A = ; (resp., if D = ;).

    Example 2. Consider three possible reaction rules for the seller. The fact that the seller
    makes every agent that sends a request become one of its customers is modeled as:

                           on ASK REG from c if true then makeCust(c)

   where makeCust(x) : {[true]              add{MyCust(x)}}. Assume now that the seller
   maintains the item cart for a customer, using relation InCart(i, c) to model that item i is
   in the cart of c. The seller reaction to an “empty cart” request is modeled as:

                   on EMPTY CART REQ from c if MyCust(c) then doEmpty(c)

   where doEmtpy(c) : {[InCart(i, c)]          del{InCart(i, c)}}. Note that the effect is ap-
   plied to each i in the cart of c. Consider now the case where the seller receives a new
   item i to be sold. It reacts by adding i and deciding its price (denoted with Skolem p(i)):

                         on NEW ITEM(i) from a if true then addItem(i)

   where addItem(i) : {[true]           add{Item(i), Price(i, p(i))}}.
         The distinction between q + and Q is needed for technical reasons, borrowed from [2].

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    3.3   Institutional Agent Specification
   The institutional agent inst manages the core information of the DACMAS. Its behaviour
   is (partially) captured by the institutional agent specification I, which differs from the
   other agent specifications in two respects. First, since inst is aware of all messages
   exchanged by the other agents and can query their ABoxes, its specification is not only
   constituted by communicative rules and on-send/on-receive reactive rules, but also by
   on-exchange rules of the form:

                       on EV(x) from s to r if Q(s, r, x) then ↵(s, r, x)

   where Q and ↵ can query the internal ABox of the institutional agent, and the ABoxes
   of s and r. To conveniently specify reactions of inst that do not depend on a specific
   event, but trigger whenever an event is exchanged, we use:

                        on any event from s to r if Q(s, r) then ↵(s, r)

        Second, I is only a partial specification for inst. In fact, inst is also responsible for
    the manipulation of commitments, which results in a set of additional on-exchange rules
    that, starting from the contractual specification (cf. Section 3.4), encode the commitment
    machines for the commitments involved in the contract. These rules are automatically
    extracted from the contractual specification (cf. Section 3.6).
    Example 3. Consider a portion of institutional agent specification, modeling the creation
    of a new agent whenever inst receives a request (whose payload denotes the specification
    to be initially followed by that agent). To handle this request, inst uses relation NewA to
    store a newly created agent together with is initial specification. The axiom NewA[1] v
    ¬Agent is part of T , and enforces that a new agent has indeed a new name. The behaviour
    is defined in two steps. In the first step, inst reacts to a creation request by choosing an
    agent name (using Skolem term n()). The reaction is applied only if there is no pending
    new agent to be processed.

                on AG REQ(s) from a if ¬(9x9y.NewA(x, y)) then create(s)
                create(s) : { [true] add{NewA(n(), s))} }

    Note that axiom NewA[1] v ¬Agent ensures that the update is blocked if the chosen
    name is already used in the system.
        In the second step, inst informs itself that a new agent has to be processed; the
    corresponding reaction finalizes the insertion of the new agent, moving it to the set of
    participating agents:

          NewA(a, s) enables INSERT AG(a, s) to self
          on INSERT AG(a, s) from self if true then do ins(a, s)
          do ins(a, s) : { [true] add{Agent(a), Spec(a, s)}, del{NewA(a, s)} }

    3.4   Contractual Specification
   The contractual specification C consists of a set of commitment rules, which are reactive
   rules similar to on-exchange rules. The main difference is that, instead of actions, they

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    describe (first-order) conditional commitments and their creation:

                 on EV(x) from s to r if Qc (s, r, x)                                       (⇤)
                 then CCn (s, r, [qp+ (s, r, x, y)] ^ Qp (s, r, x, y), Qd (s, r, x, y))

   where n is the commitment name, the ECQ ` Qc is the condition for the creation of the
   conditional commitment, [qp ]+ ^ Qp (where, as in update effects, qp+ is a UCQ ` , and
   Qp is an ECQ ` whose free variables all occur among those of qp+ ) is the precondition
   determining the generation of a corresponding base-level commitment, and the ECQ `
   Qd is the discharge condition for such base-level commitment. All the aforementioned
   queries can be posed over the ABoxes of s, r, and inst. We use GET- CC(C) to extract the
   set of conditional commitments contained in C.
       According to the literature, commitments are manipulated either explicitly via spe-
   cific events (such as a commitment cancellation or delegation), or implicitly when the
   commitment precondition or discharge condition becomes true. The allowed commit-
   ment manipulations, together with the resulting commitment states, are captured by
   means of a commitment machine [12]. In this work, we consider a simple commitment
   machine, inspired by [12,13], and show how to lift it to a first-order setting, taking into
   account that in our framework the precondition and the discharge condition are specified
   through queries over the data of the involved agents. More elaborated commitment
   machines, in terms of events and states, can be seamlessly incorporated.
       Specifically, every commitment in GET- CC(C) is associated to a specific first-order
   commitment machine, which is activated using the corresponding commitment rule in
   C of the form above, instantiated possibly multiple times, depending on the agent data.
   The machine evolves as follows:
   1. When an event of type EV is sent by agent a to agent b with payload d, if Qc (a, b, d)
   is satisfied, an instance of the conditional commitment n is created. The debtor, creditor,
   and payload of this instance are respectively a, b, and d.
   2. Such instance is explicitly or implicitly manipulated by the involved agents. Explicit
   manipulation is done via specific message exchanges; we consider in particular the case
   of delegation from the debtor a to a new debtor, and the case of cancellation. Implicitly,
   instead, the instance can generate one or more corresponding base-level commitment
   instances: whenever [qp+ (a, b, d, v)] ^ Qp (a, b, d, v) is satisfied with actual values v
   for variables y, the conditional commitment instance creates a base-level commitment
   instance with payload d and v. Such base-level instance is put into the active state. The
   discharge condition for this instance is the instantiation of Qd with the involved agents
   and specific payload, i.e., a is committed to bring about Qd (a, b, d, v).
   3. Also a base-level commitment instance is explicitly and implicitly manipulated by the
   involved agents. Explicit manipulation of an active base-level instance resembles that of
   conditional commitment instances, with the difference that, when canceled, a base-level
   commitment instance enters into the violated state. Implicit manipulation determines
   instead the discharge of the instance as soon as Qd (a, b, d, v) holds, moving the instance
   from active to satisfied.

    Example 4. Consider a commitment rule establishing a conditional commitment that
    the seller takes whenever it accepts the registration of a customer c. The conditional
    commitment is about the delivery of items paid by c. Specifically, for each item sold by
    the seller, if c has paid that item, then the seller commits to ensure that c will hold that

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

   item. Note that the two conditions are correlated by the same item, and that a base-level
   commitment is created for each paid item. This cannot be expressed in propositional logic.
   Assuming that the seller stores a fact Paid(i, c) if c has paid for i, and that the customer
   stores a fact Owned(i) whenever it owns i, the commitment rule can be specified as:
                 on ACCEPT REG from s to c if MyCust@s(c)
                 then CCDelivery (s, c, [Item@s(i) ^ Paid@s(i, c)], Owns@c(i))
   Note the use of location arguments, reflecting that payments are maintained by the seller,
   whereas the items owned by the customer are maintained by the customer itself.

    3.5   Commitment Box
   The commitment box B is a set of relations used by inst to maintain the concrete
   instances of conditional commitments, and the instances of their corresponding base-
   level commitments (with their states). In fact, due to the presence of data, commitments
   do not only require to keep track of the involved agents, but also of the payload associated
   to each of their instances. Such relations are extracted from the contractual specification
   as follows. Each commitment CCn (s, r, [qp+ (s, r, x, y)] ^ Qp (s, r, x, y), Qd (s, r, x, y))
   in GET- CC(C) induces two relations in B, on the basis of the commitment name n and the
   payloads x and y: (i) nCC/ar, where ar = 2 + |x| for debtor, creditor, and conditional
   commitment payload; (ii) nC/ar, where ar = 3 + |x| + |y| for debtor, creditor, state,
   and base-level commitment payload.
    Example 5. The commitment in Example 4 induces the following relations in B:
    DeliveryCC(debtor, creditor) and DeliveryC(debtor, creditor, state, item).

    3.6   Commitment Machine Formalization
   As anticipated in Section 3.3, the specification of inst must be complemented with a set of
   additional on-exchange rules, used to properly manipulate the evolution of commitments
   as the interaction unfolds. Commitment instances are stored by inst using the vocabulary
   of the CBox B, and evolved through the application of these rules. Specifically, these rules
   ground the (first-order) commitment machine described in Section 3.4 to each specific
   commitment of GET- CC(C), according to the “templates” described in the remainder
   of this section. We denote with CC - RULES(C) all the commitment manipulation rules
   produced from C.
       When discussing the templates, we refer to a commitment rule ⇢ 2 C of the form (⇤)
   in Section 3.4. Notice that, when n, x and y are mentioned in the rule templates, they
   are meant to be replaced with the actual commitment name and payload variables.
   CC creation. For each ⇢ 2 C, a corresponding creation rule is obtained, depending on
   n and x. When the rule triggers, a new instance of the conditional commitment nCC is
   created, with the actual agents and payload:
                 on EV(x) from s to r if Qc (s, r, x) then create nCC (s, r, x)
                 create nCC (s, r, x) : { [true]    add{nCC(s, r, x)} }

    CC delegation. The delegation of a conditional commitment instance for commitment
    n is triggered when the old debtor do sends to the new debtor dn a DELEGATE nCC

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    event, specifying in the event payload the creditor and the payload of the instance to be
    delegated. If such an instance exists, the debtor is updated by inst:

    on DELEGATE nCC(c, x) from do to dn if nCC(do , c, x) then changedeb nCC (do , dn , c, x)

    changedeb nCC (do , dn , c, x) : { [true]       add{nCC(dn , c, x)}, del{nCC(do , c, x)}}

    CC cancelation. The cancelation of a conditional commitment instance for commitment
    n is triggered when the debtor sends to the creditor a CANCEL nCC event, providing the
    instance payload. If the instance exists, it is removed:

           on CANCEL CC(x) from d to c if nCC(d, c, x) then delete nCC (d, c, x)
           delete nCC (d, c, x) : { [true] del{nCC(d, c, x)} }

    C creation. Every conditional commitment instance for relation nCC creates a base-level
    commitment instance whenever the precondition (whose variables x are grounded with
    the instance payload) holds with an answer substitution ✓ for variables y. This results in
    the creation of a new tuple for relation nC with the actual, full payload. This does not
    depend on the specific exchanged event, but only on the actual configuration of the data.
    Hence, a single “any-event” rule can be used to manage the creation of all base-level
    instances at once:

                      on any event from d to c if true then createC (d, c)

   where, for each commitment CCn (s, r, [qp+ (s, r, x, y)] ^ Qp (s, r, x, y), Qd (s, r, x, y))
   in GET- CC(C), action createC (d, c) contains the following detachment effect:

       [nCC(d, c, x) ^ qp+ (d, c, x, y)] ^ Qp (d, c, x, y)      add {nC(d, c, active, x, y)}

    Differently from the propositional formalization of a commitment machine, in which
    the conditional commitment detaches to a base-level one, in our setting the conditional
    commitment instance is maintained, and keeps waiting for other situations matching the
    precondition with different data.
    C delegation. It resembles the CC delegation:

            on DELEGATE nC(c, x, y) from do to dn
            if nC(do , c, active, x, y) then changedeb nC (do , dn , c, x)
            changedeb nC (do , dn , c, x, y) :
            {[true]      add{nC(dn , c, active, x, y)}, del{nC(do , c, active, x, y)}}

    C cancelation. It determines a transition for the base-level commitment instance from
    the active to the violated state:
    on CANCEL C(x, y) from d to c if nC(d, c, x, y) then viol nC (d, c, x, y)
    viol nC (d, c, x, y) : {[true] add{nC(d, c, viol, x, y)}, del{nC(d, c, active, x, y)}}

    C discharge. Similarly to the case of C creation, the discharge of base-level commitment
    instances is handled by a single “any-event” rule, which checks the discharge condition

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    for each active commitment instance with the actual payload, evolving the instance to
    the satisfied state if it holds:

                    on any event from d to c if true then dischargeC (d, c)

   where, for each CCn (s, r, [qp+ (s, r, x, y)] ^ Qp (s, r, x, y), Qd (s, r, x, y)) in CC(C), ac-
   tion dischargeC (d, c) contains:

                   [nC(d, c, active, x, y)] ^ Qd (d, c, x, y)
                        add{nC(d, c, sat, x, y)}, del{nC(d, c, active, x, y)}

    C removal. A last “any-event” reactive rule is used by inst to remove those instances of
    base-level commitments that already achieved a final state (sat or viol):

                     on any event from a to b if true then removeFinal ()

   where, for each base-level commitment relation nC in B, action removeFinal () contains:

               [nC(d, c, s, x, y)] ^ (s = sat _ s = viol)      del{nC(d, c, s, x, y)}

    Example 6. Assume that the only rule in C is that of Example 4. The following CC
    creation rule is produced

        on ACCEPT REG from s to c if MyCust@s(c) then create DeliveryCC (s, c)
        create DeliveryCC (s, c) : {[true] add{DeliveryCC(s, c)}}

    Furthermore, the following C creation and C discharge update actions are produced:

               createC (d, c) : {[DeliveryCC(d, c) ^ Item@d(i) ^ Paid@d(i, c)]
                   add{DeliveryC(d, c, active, i)}}
               dischargeC (d, c) : {[DeliveryC(d, c, active, i)] ^ Owns@c(i)
                   add{DeliveryC(d, c, sat, i)}, del{DeliveryC(d, c, active, i)}}

    4   Execution Semantics
   The execution semantics of a DACMAS is defined in terms of a transition system
   that, starting from a given initial state, accounts for all the possible system dynamics,
   considering all the (possibly infinite) sequences of message exchanges, and all the
   possible substitutions that the agents choose during the application of update actions to
   provide concrete values for the Skolem terms. Given a DACMAS S = hT , E, X , I, C, Bi
   and an initial state 0 , the execution semantics of S over 0 is defined by a transition
   system ⌥S 0 = h , T [ B, ⌃, 0 , )i, where:
   – ⌃ is a (possibly infinite) set of states. Each state 2 ⌃ is equipped with a function
   abox that, given the name a of an agent, returns the ABox .abox(a) of a in , if and
   only if a participates to the system in state , i.e., a belongs to the extension Agent in
     .abox(inst). Hence, .abox(inst) is always defined.
   – 0 2 ⌃ is the initial state. We assume that every ABox A in 0 is such that (T , A) is
   satisfiable, and that Spec(sn) 2 0 .abox(inst) if and only if hsn, i 2 X .
   – ) ✓ ⌃ ⇥ ⌃ is a transition relation.

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

       Instrumental to the definition of the transition system is the extension of answering
   ECQ ` queries so as to take into account location arguments. Formally, given a TBox T ,
   we define that R@b(x) holds in state from the perspective of agent a under substitution
   ✓ for x, written T , , a, ✓ |= R@b(x), if:4
                    .abox(a) is defined and (T , .abox(a)) |= R(x)✓, if b✓ = self
                    .abox(b✓) is defined and (T , .abox(b✓)) |= R(x)✓, if b✓ 6= self

    Note that the semantics supports a sort of dynamic binding of location arguments, using
    ✓ to substitute a variable location argument with an agent name. This relation extends
    in the natural way to UCQ ` and ECQ ` , considering that quantification ranges over the
    active domain ADOM( ) of , which is defined as the union of the active domains of
    the ABoxes maintained by the agents present in . This, in turn, allows us to define the
    certain answers to Q obtained by agent a in state , denoted ANS` (Q, T , , a), as the
    set of substitutions ✓ for the free variables in Q such that Q holds in state from the
    perspective of a, i.e., ANS` (Q, T , , a) = {✓ | T , , a, ✓ |= Q}..
        The construction of the transition system ⌥S 0 is given in Figure 1.

    5      Verification of DACMAS
   To specify dynamic properties over DACMASs, we use a first-order variant of µ-calculus
   [14,6]. µ-calculus is virtually the most powerful temporal logic used for model checking
   of finite-state transition systems, and is able to express both linear time logics such as
   LTL and PSL, and branching time logics such as CTL and CTL* [9]. In our variant of
   µ-calculus, local properties are expressed as ECQ ` queries over the current state of the
   DACMAS. We allow for a controlled form of first-order quantification across states,
   inspired by [2], where the quantification ranges over data items across time only as long
   as such items persist in the active domain. Formally, we define the logic µLp ` as:

         ::= Q` | ¬ |      1 ^ 2 | 9x. LIVE (x)^       | LIVE(x)^h i | LIVE(x)^[ ] | Z | µZ.

   where Q is a (possibly open) ECQ ` query, in which the only constants that may appear
   are those in the initial state of the system, Z is a second order predicate variable (of arity
                                             V                             ECQ
   0), and LIVE(x1 , . . . , xn ) abbreviates i2{1,...,n} LIVE(xi ). For µLp ` , the following
   assumption holds: in LIVE(x) ^ h i and LIVE(x) ^ [ ] , the variables x are exactly
   the free variables of , once we substitute to each bounded predicate variable Z in its
   bounding formula µZ. 0 . We adopt the usual abbreviations, including ⌫Z. for greatest
   fixpoints. Intuitively, the use of LIVE(·) in µLp ` ensures that data items are only
   considered if they persist along the system evolution, while the evaluation of a formula
   with data that are not present in the current state trivially leads to false or true. This is
   in line with DACMASs, where the evolution of a commitment instance persists until
   the commitment is discharged or canceled, and where an agent name is meaningful
   only while it persists in the system: when an agent leaves the system and its name a is
   canceled by inst, inst could reuse a in the future to identify another agent.
        The formula µZ. denotes the least fixpoint of the formula . As usual in µ-calculus,
   formulae of the form µZ. must obey to the syntactic monotonicity of w.r.t. Z, which
         We assume that ✓ is the identity on data items (including the special constants self and inst).

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

     1: procedure BUILD - TS
     2: input: DACMAS S = hT , E, X , I, C, Bi and initial state 0
     3: output: Transition system h , T [ B, ⌃, 0 , )i
     4:   ⌃ := { 0 }, ) := ;
     5:   while true do
     6:      pick 2 ⌃ and a 2 {ag | Agent(ag) 2 .abox(inst)}
     7:      Fetch all current behavioural rules for a; Calculate enabled events with receivers for a
     8:      if There exists at least an enabled event then
     9:         pick an enabled event EV(e) for a with receiver b
    10:         Ai := APPLY(S, , inst, a, b, EV(e))                                  . New inst ABox
    11:         ⌃ := ⌃ [ { 0 }                                        . Tentatively add a new state 0
    12:         for all x 2 {ag | Agent(ag) 2 Ai } do
    13:                .abox(x) := APPLY(S, , x, a, b, EV(e))
    14:         if for every x 2 {ag | Agent(ag) 2 Ai }, hT , 0 .abox(x)i is satisfiable then
    15:            ) := ) [ h , 0 i
    16:         else ⌃ := ⌃ \ { 0 }                                      . Inconsistent execution step
    17: function APPLY(S, , x, a, b, EV(e))
    18: output: new ABox for x after reacting to EV(e) from a to b
    19:   if x 62 {inst, a, b} then return .abox(x)
    20:   Fetch all current behavioural rules for x
    21:   if x = a then                                                         . x is the sender agent
    22:      Fetch on-send and “self” on-receive rules and compute actions with actual params
    23:   if x = b then                                                       . x is the receiver agent
    24:      Fetch on-receive and “self” on-send rules and compute actions with actual param
    25:   if x = inst then                                                . x is the institutional agent
    26:      Fetch matching/“any-event” on-exchange rules and compute actions with actual param
    27:   TOADD := ;, TODEL := ;
    28:   for all ↵(v) 2 ACT do                                       . ACT = set of fetched actions
    29:      TOADDSK := ;
    30:      for all effect “[q + (p, x)] ^ Q (p, x)     add A, del D” in the definition of ↵ do
    31:         for all ✓ 2 ANS` ([q + (v, x)] ^ Q (v, x), T , , x) do
    32:            TOADDSK := TOADDSK [ A✓[p/v]
    33:            TODEL := TODEL [ D✓[p/v]
    34:      pick a substitution ✓sk of the Skolem terms with data
    35:      TOADD := TOADD [ TOADDSK ✓sk
    36:   if x = inst then TOADD := TOADD [ {Agent(inst)}
    37:   return ( .abox(x) \ TODEL) [ TOADD
                                  Fig. 1. Transition system construction

    states that every occurrence of the variable Z in must be within the scope of an even
    number of negation symbols. This ensures that the least fixpoint µZ. always exists.
        The semantics of µLp ` formulae is defined over a possibly infinite transition
    system ⌥ = h , T [ B, ⌃, 0 , )i (cf. Section 4), assuming that ECQ ` queries are
    posed from the point of view of inst. This does not prevent the possibility to query
    the ABoxes of the other agents, thanks to the dynamic binding for location arguments.
    Since µLp ` contains formulae with both individual and predicate free variables, we
    introduce an individual variable valuation v, i.e., a mapping from individual variables x
    to , and a predicate variable valuation V , i.e., a mapping from the predicate variables
    Z to subsets of ⌃. With these three notions in place, we assign meaning to formulae by

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

                            (Q` )⌥v,V = { 2 ⌃ | T , , inst, v |= Q` }
                            (¬ )⌥v,V = ⌃ \ ( )⌥v,V
                       ( 1 ^ 2 )⌥v,V = ( 1 )⌥v,V \ ( 2 )⌥v,V
                (9x.LIVE(x) ^ )⌥v,V = { 2 ⌃ | 9d 2 ADOM( ). 2 ( )⌥v[x/d],V }
                (LIVE(x) ^ h i )⌥v,V = { 2 ⌃ | x/d 2 v implies d ✓ ADOM( )
                                        and 9 0 . ) 0 and 0 2 ( )⌥v,V }
                 (LIVE(x) ^ [ ] )⌥v,V = { 2 ⌃ | x/d 2 v implies d ✓ ADOM( )
                                        and 8 0 . ) 0 implies 0 2 ( )⌥v,V }
                              (Z)v,V = VT(Z)
                          (µZ. )⌥v,V = {E ✓ ⌃ | ( )⌥v,V [Z/E] ✓ E}
                                                            ECQ `
                                    Fig. 2. Semantics of µLp

   associating to ⌥ , v, and V an extension function (·)⌥v,V , which maps formulae to subsets
   of ⌃. Formally, the extension function (·)⌥v,V is defined inductively as shown in Figure 2.
   When is a closed formula, ( )⌥v,V does not depend on v or V , and we denote the
   extension of simply by ( )⌥ . A closed formula holds in a state s 2 ⌃ if s 2 ( )⌥ .
   In this case, we write ⌥, s |= . Given DACMAS S, an initial state 0 and a µLp `
   formula , we are interested in the following verification problem: ⌥S , 0 |= .

    Example 7. Consider the contract of Example 4. Assume that T contains that gold
    customers are seller customers: MyGoldCust v MyCust. The µLp ` property
               ⌫Z.(8s, c, i.DeliveryC(s, c, active, i) ^ MyGoldCust@s(c)
                ! µY.(DeliveryC(s, c, sat, i)) _ (LIVE(s, c, i) ^ h iY )) ^ [ ]Z
    models that, for every delivery commitment instance a seller has towards a gold customer,
    there must exist a run where the instance persists in the system until it is satisfied.
        The number of states of ⌥S 0 is in general infinite, and verification of (even proposi-
    tional) temporal properties of simple forms (e.g., reachability) turns out to be undecidable
    [2,6]. This calls for identifying interesting classes of DACMASs for which verification is
    decidable. Recently, the notion of state-bounded system has been proposed in the context
    of both data-aware business processes [2] and MASs [3], as an interesting condition
    that ensures decidability of verification for rich first-order temporal properties, while
    reflecting naturally occurring working assumptions in real-world systems. Intuitively,
    state-boundedness allows for encountering infinitely many different data during the
    evolution of the system, provided that such data do not accumulate in a single state.
        We take this general notion and adapt it to DACMASs. In particular, a DACMAS
    is state-bounded if, for every agent active in the system, there exists a bound on the
    number of data items simultaneously stored in its ABox. Since the ABox of inst stores
    the names of the active agents, this implicitly bounds also the number of simultaneously
    active agents. Observe, however, that the overall number of data items (and hence also
    agents) encountered across and along the runs of the system can still be infinite. With
    this notion in place, we obtain the following fundamental result:
                                                                             ECQ `
    Theorem 1 ([10]). Verifying state-bounded DACMASs against µLp                    properties is
    decidable and reducible to finite-state model checking.
   This means that state-bounded DACMASs can be verified, in principle, using standard
   model checkers for propositional µ-calculus.

M. Montali et al. Specification and Verification of Commitment-Regulated Data-Aware MAS

    6    Conclusion
    DACMASs are readily implementable in standard technologies such as JADE (which
    supports dynamic agent creation) and lightweight ontologies. Observe that a system
    execution requires polynomial time at each step (actually logspace w.r.t. the data, as
    any system based on relational databases). Only offline verification of the system is (as
    usual) exponential in the representation. Our framework complements that of [7], which
    employs data-aware commitments to monitor a system execution and track the state of
    commitment instances, but cannot be exploited for static analysis.
        We consider extending our framework with the possibility of checking epistemic
    properties, in the line of [3]. Notice that, if instead of relying on the µ-calculus, we
    rely on CTL, we can relax the persistence requirement in the logic, as in [3]. We also
    intend to study how to derive skeletons for the local agent specifications from a global,
    choreographic commitment-based protocol.

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