Preface The 29th edition of the Italian Convention of Computational Logic (CILC 2014), the annual meeting organized by GULP (Gruppo ricercatori e Utenti Logic Pro- gramming), was hosted by the University of Turin, from June the 16th to June the 18th 2014. Since the first conference, which took place in Genoa in 1986, the annual conference organized by GULP is the most important occasion for meeting and exchanging ideas and experiences between Italian researchers, working in the field of computational logic. Over the years, CILC has extended its topics of interest, from the traditional logic programming to most general ones, such as the declarative programming and the application of computational logic to Artificial Intelligence and Deductive Databases. The technical program of CILC 2014 included 29 presentations. Di↵erent topics related to computational logic have been addressed, including verification of logic programs, answer set programming, proof theory, computable set the- ory, machine learning, constraint logic programming, description logics, semantic web, inductive logic programming, argumentation. Associated papers (21 full pa- pers, 8 short contributions) have been selected for publication in the proceedings of the event. The 29th edition of CILC included also two invited talks: – “From logic programming to argumentation and back”, given by Francesca Toni from the Department of Computing, Imperial College London; – “Tractable approaches to consistent query answering in ontology-based-data access”, given by Riccardo Rosati from DIAG (Dipartimento di Ingegneria informatica, automatica e gestionale), Sapienza Università di Roma). A selection of the accepted papers will appear in a special issue of a scientific journal. The complete program with links to full papers is available at http: // We have been able to organize CILC 2014 thanks to the support of the: – Department of Computer Science of the University of Turin; – Department of Science and Technological Innovation (DISIT) of the Univer- sity of Piemonte Orientale ÒAmedeo AvogadroÓ – Association for Logic Programming (ALP) – Gruppo ricercatori e Utenti Logic Programming (GULP) – Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico (GNCS) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INDAM) Turismo Torino e Provincia. We would also like to thank all the people who have contributed to the success of CILC 2014, including authors, speakers, reviewers, participants and local or- ganizers, in particular Daniele Theseider Dupré and Matteo Spiotta. A special 3 thanks goes to the President of GULP, Agostino Dovier, and the secretary of GULP, Marco Gavanelli, for their helpful suggestions and support to the orga- nization of the event. June 2014 Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Gian Luca Pozzato 4