=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-1207/paper_1 |storemode=property |title=Android Went Semantic: Time for Evaluation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1207/paper_1.pdf |volume=Vol-1207 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ore/BobedBYEM14 }} ==Android Went Semantic: Time for Evaluation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1207/paper_1.pdf
    Android Went Semantic: Time for Evaluation

      Carlos Bobed, Fernando Bobillo, Roberto Yus, Guillermo Esteban, and
                               Eduardo Mena

    Dept. of Computer Science & Systems Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Spain

        Abstract. Applications for mobile devices could often show a more in-
        telligent behavior by using a semantic reasoner to discover new knowl-
        edge. Unfortunately, using Description Logic reasoners on Android de-
        vices is not trivial. In this paper we continue our previous work on inves-
        tigating the use of semantic reasoners on mobile devices. In particular,
        we port some new OWL 2 EL reasoners to Android and analyze the re-
        sults of some experiments measuring the performance of several OWL 2
        DL and OWL 2 EL reasoners on Android smartphones and tablets.

1     Introduction
Mobile devices are continuously increasing their importance in our daily lives.
Currently there are lots of interesting applications (or apps) that take advantage
of the context of the user (for instance, the geographical location). The incorpo-
ration of semantic technologies to enhance such applications seems promising,
combining ontological background information with extensional data obtained
from mobile sensors. For example, recommender systems (e.g., SHERLOCK [17])
can use semantic reasoners to infer interesting location-based services for mobile
users. In our previous work [16], we analyzed whether smartphones and tablets
are ready for this challenge. We focused our research on Android [3] devices due
to its diffusion (80% of the smartphones according to a recent estimation1 ), its
openness, and the existence of a native virtual machine that makes it easier to
reuse existing Java applications such as most of the semantic APIs and reasoners.
    While some Description Logic (DL) reasoners have been specially designed
for mobile devices (Mini-ME [12], Delta [11], and Pocket KR Hyper [9]), our
previous work shows that it is often possible to reuse existing semantic APIs
and DL reasoners on Android [16] (the use of ELK on Android has also been
studied [7]). Using semantic reasoners locally installed on the mobile device can
be useful to preserve the privacy of users or minimize network connections.
    This paper continues this line of research. In Section 2 we summarize our
experiences porting semantic APIs and reasoners to Android. In particular, we
consider more recent versions of already considered OWL 2 DL reasoners and
some new reasoners specific for the OWL 2 EL profile. Next, in Section 3 we eval-
uate the performance of these reasoners on Android devices trying to investigate
if there are differences between the behavior for these two OWL 2 fragments.
Finally, Section 4 sets out some conclusions and ideas for future work.
2     Reasoning on Android

Android uses a Java-like virtual machine called Dalvik which runs dex-code
(Dalvik Executable). Java bytecodes can be converted to Dalvik-compatible .dex
files to be executed on Android. However, Dalvik does not align to Java SE and
so it does not support Java ME classes, AWT, or Swing. Thus, although most
of the semantic APIs and DL reasoners are implemented in Java, porting them
into Android requires some human intervention. This section reports our expe-
riences with newer versions of the APIs and reasoners already considered in our
previous work [16], and with two new reasoners.

Using Semantic Web APIs. OWL API [5] 3.4.10 can be imported into and used
in an Android project directly. This is not the case of Jena, but it can be replaced
by Androjena 2 , a port of Jena to the Android platform. The last released version
is version 0.5, which contains all the original code of Jena 2.6.2.

Revisiting already working reasoners. In [16] we presented how to get JFact,
HermiT [13], Pellet [14], and CB [6] working on Android. Since then, new versions
of some of them have been released. We revisited the reasoners to check if it is
still possible to port them to Android. JFact, a port of FaCT++ [15] to Java,
has reached its version 1.2.1, and can still be imported directly into an Android
project. In our previous work, we used version 0.9.1, yet we have experienced
problems using version 1.0.0. In Section 3 we will also describe some problems
when using JFact 1.2.1. Pellet and HermiT reasoners have reached their versions
2.3.1 and 1.3.8, respectively. They can still be ported to Android similarly as we
described in [16] (we omit the details here due to space restrictions). CB [6] has
not received any update, so the approach we adopted is still valid: compiling the
OCaml reasoner code to Android native code, and making it accessible using the
Java Native Interface (JNI) and Android NDK.

Porting new reasoners. JCEL [10] is based on the CEL reasoner [2] and supports
a subset of the OWL 2 EL profile. Indeed, some of the OWL 2 EL ontologies
that we tried are not supported (see Section 3 for details); we used version
0.19.1, which can be imported into an Android project directly. ELK [8] reasoner
supports the OWL EL profile. Version 0.4.0 cannot be directly used in Android
projects: The Log4j library imported by the reasoner is not supported on Android
and has to be replaced by the log4j-over-slf4j 3 library.

3     Experimental Evaluation

In this section we firstly detail our ontology dataset and then we present the
results of our experiments.
3.1   Ontology dataset
To evaluate the performance of the studied reasoners, the first idea was to use
directly the ORE 2013 ontology set [4], with 200 ontologies from the NCBO
BioPortal, the Oxford Ontology Library, and the Manchester Ontology Repos-
itory. Every ontology has at least 100 logical axioms, and 10 named concepts,
and ontologies are grouped, according to the number of logical axioms, as small
(≤ 500), medium (between 500 and 4999), and large ontologies (≥ 5000).
    In our case, we had to take into account the restrictions that mobile devices
suffer from when compared to a desktop computer, specially the limited CPU,
memory, and battery. For this reason, we selected a subset of the ORE 2013
ontology set carrying out the following steps:

1. We order the ontologies according to the size of the file instead of the number
   of logical axioms. We cannot ignore annotation axioms as they are problem-
   atic in our scenario: They also have to be loaded by the OWL API and, thus,
   they consume memory.
2. The maximum heap size per application usually (currently) provided by An-
   droid is 256 MB. This could be the theoretical maximum size of an ontology
   loaded on Android, but we must build instances of the OWL API class OWL-
   Reasoner in the device’s memory. So, we applied a first filter to each ontology
   dataset to take out the ontologies whose files occupied more than 128 MB.
   This resulted in 186 DL ontologies and 193 EL ontologies.
3. To keep the number of tests manageable, we sampled these filtered ontologies
   to get just 10 of each profile OWL 2 DL and OWL 2 EL (the supported
   languages of our ported reasoners). To do so as fair as possible, we ordered
   them by size of their OWL file, and took one ontology every 186/10 or
   193/10, respectively. We did it this way as the number of axioms of the
   ontology and the size of the file are directly related.

Our DL ontology dataset has 3 small (DL1–DL3), 5 medium (DL4–DL8), and 2
large ontologies (D9–D10), whereas our EL ontology dataset has 5 small (EL1–
EL5), 3 medium (EL6–EL8), and 2 large ontologies (E9–E10). The detailed list
of ontologies in our datasets can be found at [1].

3.2   Experiments and discussion
Checking the ported versions. Our first type of experiments was designed to
test if the reasoners produce the same results in Android devices as in desktop
computers. On the one hand, we wanted to check the behavior of the Android-
compatible libraries we used to replace unsupported ones (for HermiT, Pellet,
and ELK). On the other hand, we wanted to check the behavior of the reason-
ers that can be directly imported in Android projects (JFact and JCEL). We
considered three devices: a Galaxy Nexus smartphone (Android 4.2.1, 1.2 GHz
dual-core, 1 GB RAM, denoted A1), a Galaxy Tab 2.7.0 tablet (Android 4.1.2,
1 GHz dual-core, 1 GB RAM, denoted A2), and a desktop computer (PC, Win-
dows 64-bits, i5-2320 3.00 GHz, 16 GB RAM).
    We computed the classification of the 20 ontologies in our dataset checking
if every reasoner obtained the same sets of subsumption relations. All of the
reasoners except one indeed had the expected behavior but, unfortunately, it
turned out that JFact 1.2.1 produced different results in the Android devices and
in the PC, although this does not happen with JFact 0.9.1[16]. Firstly, ontology
DL4 is correctly identified as consistent by the PC version, but is inconsistent
according to the Android version. Secondly, in ontology DL7, the Android version
misses two subclasses of the class http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/DUL.
owl#Role, namely http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/DUL.owl#Entity and

Comparing previous versions. The next step was to check whether the new
versions of HermiT, Pellet, and JFact have a similar performance to the older
ones [16]. To this end, we tested the classification performance (i.e., time needed
to compute the class subsumption hierarchy) for 5 well-known ontologies not
included in our current ontology dataset but tested in [16]: Pizza4 , Wine5 , DBpe-
dia 3.86 , GO7 , and NCI8 . Indeed, different versions of HermiT (1.3.8 and 1.3.6),
Pellet (2.3.0 and 2.3.1), and JFact (1.2.1 and 0.9.1) perform similarly.

Comparing profiles for ontology classification. Finally, we investigated the per-
formance on the different profiles by classifying the ontologies in our dataset for
every reasoner supporting the given profile. We repeated the experiments three
times for every ontology and computed the mean value. We noticed that the
time variance is small except for large ontologies. Some of the reasoners were
not able to classify some ontologies (DL4, DL6, DL7, DL8, DL10, EL6, EL8,
and E10). In these cases, we did not consider that test for any of the devices
where the test was run. Apart from the problems with JFact in ontologies DL4
and DL7, we found the following problems:
 – Loading error in A1, A2, and PC: JCEL (in EL6 and EL8).
 – Stack overflow in A1 and A2: JFact (in EL8) and Pellet (in DL6 and DL7).
 – Out of memory in A1 and A2: Pellet (in E10).
 – Time out (after 30 minutes) in A1 and A2: ELK (in E10), Pellet (in DL8),
   and all the reasoners (Pellet, HermiT, and JFact) in DL10. It is worth noting
   that Pellet also produced a time out (after 10 minutes) in PC.
    The results are summarized in Figures 1 and 2 for OWL DL and OWL EL,
respectively. Note that the scale is logarithmic. Due to space limitations, we
show the mean of the classification times for the groups of small, medium, and
large ontologies, but the results for every single ontology are available online [1].
    The figures indicate, for every reasoner and ontology size, the number of
ontologies that are considered in the displayed chart. Unsurprisingly, we can see

  Classification Time (s)    100







                                                            Pellet -PC





                                     JFac t-PC

                                       3     3     3           4        5       2     1     1      1

                                           Small                     Medium                Large


                                     Fig. 1. Results of the experiments in OWL 2 DL ontologies.

that reasoners are much faster in the PC. Table 1 shows the number of times of
the PC version being faster than the Android ones. It is worth noting that Pellet
seems faster for medium OWL 2 DL ontologies, but it is due to the fact that
the chart is only displaying the data for two ontologies. We can also see that
the smartphone (A1) is a 7-34 % faster than the tablet (A2) in all cases except
one. Furthermore, the larger the ontology and the more expressive profile, the
more significant difference with respect to the PC version. In these cases time
outs and stack overflows are more frequent in Android and we have displayed
less data in the charts (see details it [1]).
    We would like to add some final remarks. We considered measuring memory
and battery usage as well, but we found several difficulties to do that accurately
on Android devices. Moreover, we have not included CB reasoner in the exper-
iments because the comparison with the other reasoners would not be fair: We
have focused on evaluating the reasoners running directly within Dalvik virtual
machine while CB would execute native code through the use of JNI.

  Table 1. Number of times of the PC version being faster than the Android ones.
                                            Reasoner ELK JCEL JFact HermiT Pellet
                                              Device A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2
                                              Small - - - - 3.6 4.3 7.0 8.6 3.4 4.0
                                    OWL 2 DL Medium - - - - 43.0 52.2 32.4 30.3 5.7 6.0
                                              Large - - - - 38.6 51.7 27.0 50.5 27.0 36.0
                                              Small 1.5 2.0 11 11 3.7 4.1 15 22 2.7 3.1
                                    OWL 2 EL Medium 4.4 5.3 16 17 11 12 18 22 15 17.5
                                              Large 11 17 39 79 47 54 102 299 11 22.4
                          1,000                                                                            Small

Classification Time (s)












                                  JCE L-PC



                                  ELK- PC



                                  5     5     5     5   5    3   1      2     3   3    1   2     2     2   1

                                            Small                    Medium                    Large

                                      Fig. 2. Results of the experiments in OWL 2 EL ontologies.

 4                            Conclusions and Future Work
 Our ongoing work shows that using semantic reasoners on mobile devices is far
 from being trivial. We have discussed how to support some reasoners on Android
 devices, being able to port some new ones (JCEL and ELK). Unfortunately, it
 turns out that newer versions of some reasoners (HermiT and Pellet) are not
 easier to port than the older versions we considered one year ago [16]. We have
 also experienced some new errors with the latest version of JFact.
     Our experiments show a worse performance on Android devices, with frequent
 time outs and out of memory errors that are more usual in the OWL 2 DL profile
 and in larger ontologies, where there are less ontologies such that every reasoner
 is able to complete the classification. We also noticed important differences (34 %
 in some cases) in the performance of the two analyzed Android devices.
     The complete results of our experiments can be found at the webpage [1], to-
 gether with a detailed description of all the changes needed to port the semantic
 reasoners and, if the licenses make it possible, a download link.
     Future work will mainly be focused on a more complete evaluation of the
 performance of semantic reasoners on Android devices. We plan to consider more
 semantic reasoners (we are trying to port TReasoner, TrOWL, MORe, Snorocket,
 and Quest), reasoning tasks, and ontologies (those mentioned at Section 3).
 Finally, we would like to understand better the reasons of the differences in the
 performance. To do so, we have designed some experiments to evaluate the role
 of the amount of memory (by restricting the PC to work with the same memory
 as the mobile devices) and the alternative libraries (by testing them in the PC).
 Acknowledgments. This research work has been supported by the CICYT
 project TIN2010-21387-C02-02 and DGA-FSE.
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