Just: a Tool for Computing Justifications w.r.t. ELH Ontologies Michel Ludwig? Theoretical Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany michel@tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de Abstract. We introduce the tool Just for computing justifications for general concept inclusions w.r.t. ontologies formulated in the description logic EL extended with role inclusions. The computation of justifications in Just is based on saturating the input axioms under all possible infer- ences w.r.t. a consequence-based calculus. We give an overview of the im- plemented techniques and we conclude with an experimental evaluation of the performance of Just when applied on several practical ontologies. 1 Introduction Users or authors of ontologies are often interested in understanding why a con- sequence α logically follows from a given ontology T . As the ontologies that are typically used in practice consist of several thousand axioms, it can be helpful to compute a small subset of T which entails the consequence α for analysing why α logically follows from T . A minimal such subset is called a justification of α w.r.t. T . Furthermore, when α represents an erroneous consequence that should be fixed, it becomes necessary to compute all the justifications of α w.r.t. T to ensure that all the relevant axioms of T are taken into account when changing the ontology in such a way that α is no longer entailed. Previous approaches described in the literature for computing all the justi- fications of an ontology w.r.t. a consequence can broadly be classified into the following two categories. “Black-box” algorithms use off-the-shelf reasoners solely to check whether a concept inclusion follows from an ontology while searching for candidate subsets of the ontology that can serve as justifications [4,8,9]. “Glass- box” approaches, on the other hand, typically rely on intricate modifications to a pre-existing reasoner implementation to keep track of which axioms were used during the classification of an ontology. This information can then be used to construct a justification [2, 5, 11]. In this paper we follow such a “glass-box” ap- proach as well. Generally speaking, the transformation of a reasoner into a tool capable of computing all justifications is not an easy task as one goal of efficient reasoners is to avoid generating duplicate inferences for the same consequence. We present the tool Just that is designed from the ground up for computing either one, or all the justifications for general concept inclusions w.r.t. ontolo- gies formulated in the description logic EL extended with role inclusions. We ? The author was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Cluster of Excellence ‘Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden’ (cfAED). first give a brief overview of the implemented techniques, and we conclude the paper with an experimental evaluation of its performance on several practical ontologies. The tool and proofs establishing its correctness and completeness are available from http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/~michel/software/just/ 2 Preliminaries We assume the reader to be familiar with basic notions of description logics [1]. An ELH-ontology, or ELH-TBox T , is a finite set of axioms of the form C v D or r v s, where C, D are EL-concepts and r, s are roles names. An EL-concept C is either a concept name, or a concept that makes use of the concept constructors >, u, ∃r.D only, where r is a role name and D an EL-concept. We assume standard set-theoretic semantics. We now formally introduce the main notion relevant for our tool. Definition 1. Let T be an ELH-TBox and let C, D be EL-concepts. A justifi- cation1 for T |= C v D is a subset M ⊆ T such that M |= C v D, and for every M0 ( M it holds that M0 6|= C v D. The set of all the justifications for T |= C v D will be denoted by JustT (C v D). Example 1. Let T = {A v X, A v Y, X v ∃r.Y, ∃r.Y v B, Y v B, Y v Y 0 , Y 0 v Y }. Then the set JustT (A v B) consists of the two sets {A v X, X v ∃r.Y, ∃r.Y v B} and {A v Y, Y v B}. Note that there can exist exponentially many justifications for a given TBox T and a concept inclusion C v D. Hence, unlike with standard reasoning in ELH, it is not possible to compute all justifications in polynomial time w.r.t. the size of the TBox in every case [2]. It is however still (theoretically) possible to compute one justification in polynomial time. 3 Tool Overview & Computation Techniques Just v 0.1 is implemented in Java and it takes an ELH-TBox T and two EL concepts C, D as input. The default operation mode of Just is then to compute and output the set JustT (C v D). Alternatively, the tool can be instructed to search for one justification for T |= C v D only. We first focus on describing how the computation of justifications for inclu- sions between concept names w.r.t. normalised TBoxes is performed in Just. A TBox Tdis said to be in normal form if every axiom of T is of one of the following n forms: i=1 Ai v B, A v ∃r.X̄, ∃r.X̄ v B, or r v s, where n ≥ 0, A, B are concept names, and an expression of the form X̄ stands either for the concept name X or for the >-concept. The computation of justifications for inclusions between concept names w.r.t. a normalised TBox T is performed by a saturation procedure that computes all the (minimal) derivations for inclusions of the form A v B, > v A, or > v >, for 1 Justifications are also known as MinAs in the literature. (Ax) (AxTop) (RoleAx) Ā v Ā Av> rvr rvs (RoleSucc) rvt if s v t ∈ T X̄ v Ȳ rvs (Ex) Ā v B if Ā v ∃r.X̄ ∈ T and ∃s.Ȳ v B ∈ T Ā v X1 ... Ā v Xn (Conj) Ā v B if X1 u . . . u Xn v B ∈ T with n ≥ 0 Ā v X̄ X̄ v B̄ (Merge) Ā v B̄ Fig. 1. Calculus T concept names A and B, using the calculus T depicted in Fig. 1. The calculus T is related to calculi used for consequence-based reasoning [6]. Note that expressions of the form Ā must be consistently instantiated (either with concept names or >) in the premise and the conclusion of inference rules. The axioms used in the application of the inference rules for generating a derivation for X v Y yield a subset of T from which the consequence X v Y logically follows. The minimal such axiom sets resulting from all the (minimal) derivations for X v Y are therefore the justifications for X v Y w.r.t. T . Example 2. Let T be defined as in Example 1. Then, for instance, the following two derivations ∆1 and ∆2 for the inclusion A v B can be generated w.r.t. T using the calculus T. We associate with each derivation ∆i a set Axioms(∆i ) which consists of the axioms of T that were used in the inference rule applications occurring in ∆i . First, ∆1 is given as follows: (Ax) (Ax) AvA Y vY (Conj) (Conj) AvY Y vB (Merge) AvB We have Axioms(∆1 ) = {A v Y, Y v B}. The derivation ∆2 can be depicted as (Ax) (Ax) Y vY Y0 vY0 (Conj) (Conj) Y vY0 Y0 vY (Ax) (Merge) AvA Y vY (Conj) (Conj) AvY Y vB (Merge) AvB with Axioms(∆2 ) = {A v Y, Y v B, Y v Y 0 , Y 0 v Y } ) Axioms(∆1 ). Following the example of derivation ∆2 , it is possible to construct infinitely many derivations for the inclusion A v B from the TBox T (as defined in Example 1). However, one can prove that for finding all justifications it is suf- ficient to construct so-called admissible derivations ∆ only in which every sub- derivation ∆0 of an inclusion α does not contain an occurrence of α as a premise in ∆0 . It is easy to see that there can only exist finitely many admissible deriva- tions w.r.t. a normalised TBox T for a given inclusion α. To compute justifications w.r.t. general TBoxes, Just keeps track of which original axiom corresponds to which normalised axiom. The justifications for a consequence C v D w.r.t. a general TBox T are then generated from the justifi- cations for C v D w.r.t. the normalisation of T by successively replacing every normalised axiom with all the axioms from which it originates. The minimal sets obtained in that way are the justifications w.r.t. the general TBox. Example 3. Let T = {A v B u ∃r.>, A v B u ∃s.>} and let TN = {A v B, A v ∃r.>, A v ∃s.>} be the normalisation of T . Then JustTN (A v B) = {{A v B}}. As the axiom A v B in TN originates from both axioms in T , we obtain that JustT (A v B) consists of the two sets {A v B u ∃r.>} and {A v B u ∃s.>}. The computation of justifications for inclusions of the form C v D w.r.t. T , where C and D are not necessarily concept names, can be done analogously by computing justifications for AC v AD w.r.t. T ∪ X , where X = {AC v C, D v AD } for fresh concept names AC and AD . The justifications for C v D are then the minimal sets obtained from the justifications for AC v AD after removing the axioms contained in X . Example 4. Let T = {A v B} and let X = {AC v A u Y, B v AD }. Then JustT ∪X (AC v AD ) = {{AC v A u Y, B v AD , A v B}} and JustT (A u Y v B) = {{A v B}}. Similarly to [9], Just extracts a reachability-based module for X v Y first before starting to compute all the (minimal) derivations for X v Y . Moreover, we used techniques from resolution-based theorem provers to obtain an acceptable performance of our tool in practice. In particular, whenever a derivation Γ 0 for an inclusion α was generated, another derivation Γ for α had been obtained previously, and all the axioms associated with Γ were contained in the set of axioms associated with Γ 0 , then Γ 0 was discarded. Such a deletion strategy corresponds to forward subsumption deletion in resolution theorem provers. We also employed a technique equivalent to backward subsumption deletion. The computation of a single justification is currently implemented by stop- ping the saturation process after a derivation for the target inclusion has been found.2 As the axioms occurring in this derivation might not represent a justifi- cation yet, superfluous axioms are identified by checking for each axiom whether the target inclusion still follows (using the reasoner ELK [7]) after the considered axiom has been removed. 2 Note that in Just v 0.1 the saturation step is not guaranteed to finish in polynomial time w.r.t. the size of the input TBox, even when only one justification is computed. Table 1. Metrics of the Ontologies Used in the Experiments Ontology # Axioms # Concept Names # Role Names NCI 117 583 105 105 92 SNOMED CT 354 601 291 144 57 GALEN-OWL 46 457 23 136 949 4 Experimental Evaluation For our experiments we picked three ontologies that are typically considered to pose different challenges to DL reasoners and that are expressed mainly in ELH: version 13.12e of the NCI thesaurus,3 the January 2010 international release of SNOMED CT, and the GALEN-OWL ontology.4 In the case of NCI all the 152 axioms that fell outside the considered ELH fragment were first removed from the ontology. The number of axioms, concept names, and role names in the resulting ontologies is shown in Tbl. 1. For each of the three ontologies T we then randomly selected 1000 inclusions between concept names, A v B, such that T |= A v B holds. In a first set of experiments we used Just and the algo- rithm for computing all justifications implemented in the OWL-API [3,4] (using the reasoner FaCT++5 [10]) to compute all the justifications for each selected inclusion w.r.t. the respective ontology. In a second series of experiments we in- structed Just to only search for one justification for each considered inclusion. All experiments were conducted on a PC equipped with an Intel i5-2500K CPU running at 3.30GHz and with 16 GiB of main memory. An execution timeout of 10 CPU minutes was imposed on each problem. The results obtained for computing all justifications are shown in Tbl. 2. The first column indicates which ontology was used. The next five columns then show the results obtained with Just, whereas the last two columns refer to the OWL-API implementation. More precisely, the second and seventh column indicate the number of successful computations within the given time limit by the respective implementations. The average and the maximal number, as well as the maximal size of the justifications as computed by Just are shown in the next three columns. The sixth and eighth columns contain the average CPU time 3 http://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/NCI_Thesaurus 4 http://owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/research/co-ode/ 5 Note that at the time of writing it was not possible to use the reasoner ELK in combination with the OWL-API implementation for computing justifications. Table 2. Results Obtained for Computing All Justifications Just OWL-API Ontology # Success. Avg. # Max. # Max. Size Time (s) # Success. Time (s) NCI 954/1000 1.165 32 10 34.895 577/1000 231.532 SNOMED CT 876/1000 2.622 127 28 57.405 16/1000 395.882 GALEN-OWL 511/1000 1.315 4 16 8.740 0/1000 - Table 3. Results Obtained for Computing One Justification using Just Ontology # Success. Max. Size Time (s) NCI 972/1000 10 36.827 SNOMED CT 951/1000 28 53.473 GALEN-OWL 978/1000 22 71.759 required by the respective implementations for the successful computations over each considered set of inclusions. Regarding the computation of all justifications with Just, the lowest number of successful computations were observed for GALEN-OWL, despite it being the smallest ontology of the corpus. The largest size, average & maximal number of justifications, as well as the longest average computation times involving Just, were found for SNOMED. No computation succeeded within the allocated time for experiments involving GALEN-OWL using the OWL-API implementation. In general, we observed fewer timeouts and shorter average computation times with Just than with the OWL-API. The results obtained for computing only one justification using Just are given in Tbl. 3. Analogously to Tbl. 2, the number of successful computations and the maximal size of the computed justifications are given in the second and third columns. The last column shows the average CPU time required to compute one justification. One can see that fewer timeouts occurred when only one instead of all jus- tifications were computed with Just. The least number of successful computa- tions was now observed for SNOMED, whereas only 22 computations involving GALEN-OWL did not succeed within the given time limit. The longest average computation times were reported for GALEN-OWL, and the largest justification was again computed for SNOMED CT. In all the successful computations Just required at most 14.13 GiB of main memory. 5 Conclusion We presented the tool Just for computing either one, or all the justifications for general concept inclusions w.r.t. ontologies formulated in ELH. 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